MaggieGirl135’s Challenges



  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    I just saw a post of how to add pics and thought I’d try. First pic ever posted to mfp or anywhere, for that matter. My profile pic is one of another dog we had from many years ago; added for me by a mfp tech person.
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
    Good job! Such a cute dog.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    Cute, yes, and certainly big!
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    OK, ladies, I thought I would check in, even though I have very little to report.

    I joined a challenge here on mfp. It is less a challenge (and not in the Challenge category) and more of a thread that is reinitiated every month. I have to report in every day on 3 things: 1)Did I exercise at least 20 min? (this is always a yes for me), 2)Did I track/log calories? (far less common for me), and 3)Did I stay in calorie budget? (sometimes yes, if I'm tracking, I figure if I get close, it is good, but I'm sticking to the rules now). Tracking is the kicker for me; I don't like to do it. (Substitute kicker for fatal error) (ok, a little much). I thought that I would try this for a month, especially since I am going on a cruise to Alaska in July. My goal is to be less than when I started the cruise that I went on in Jan. (FYI, we always planned travel when we retire before we get too old/infirm to do it; I do know that the frequency of our vacations sounds a bit excessive, but there it is). I am exactly 1.5 lbs away from that goal. Anything extra is a bonus. One and a half pounds sounds beyond easy and yet, it is not. Without calorie counting, I can't seem to do it. I figure that I can accomplish this and then when I am back home, I'll have to work to drop it again (over and over and over). There is always a debate on which needs to get smaller: my bust or stomach. Only dropping weight will do that. Exercise is good, but the visual results are minimal for me.

    I once signed up for a monthly thread, reporting on weight each day. Even though I weigh (and record in mfp) my weight every day, this really weirded me out. I keep my diary closed for the same reason. I have no rational reason for either. I dropped out of that weight-reporting thread.

    My husband and I have picnicked, but not camped overnight yet this year; it has been atypically cold and rainy here in Colorado. Where we live and camp are no longer in a drought level; this is a first since we moved here four years ago. How wonderful, but the rain is so odd, and this is from someone who has lived in the Midwest for all of my adult life.

    Well, like I said, not too much to say. I hope you all are doing well.
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
    i have only been to Colorado once when I was 8. Don't remember a lot about it.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    Big tall mountains. Sometimes snowy. Truly beyond beautiful here, although there is most definite beauty in newly tilled fields in the Midwest.
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
    I live in southern Illinois and the Shawnee National Forest is beautiful.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello! I thought I would check-in again here. I just finished one project (a quick bit of paperwork related to my volunteering) and will start another. The perfect excuse for a cup of coffee!

    My next project is pulling together documentation of classes and whatnot, inclusive of CO forms, to renew my counseling license. I've done all of the classes and whatnot, but haven't completed the forms for the licensing board. It will probably take an hour. The most time-consuming part of it is figuring out what they want. This is the second time that I'm doing it; so, in theory, it should be easy. I only have to do this every 2 years. The due date is the end of Aug, but I want to get it done and over with. One less things to think about; I'm sure you all can relate.

    So, progress with losing weight before early July...My goal was to be 0.1 lb less than earlier this year. I am now exactly one pound away. My stretch goal is anything more than that. I also have my yearly doctor's appt around the same time and, well, we all know that evil scale in the doctor's office too well. The ultimate 'doctor' goal is to be under 25 BMI; this is right around where my weight fluctuates. I am confident that I will be under 25 (by just a bit), but with clothes, probably not. Why do the nurses not subtract 3 lbs for clothing? They clearly see that we're not naked! And, I am sure they are grateful for that!!!

    Reviewing the enduring question...why is it so easy to gain weight quickly and yet, to lose it, it takes so long? It's the same metabolism, whether it is going up the scale or down. I don't think CICO fully explains it, or at least the rate of change. I don't know what other factors could be involved, so I guess it is just CICO. It must be easier for me to slam down some food than it is to restrict the same amount of calories.

    Coffee is cooling and those forms are calling my name. Enjoy!

  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
    I am having to work harder on my diet. My health is requiring it.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    Nothing of importance to report; my son and I had a funny exchange that sent me squirreling on Wikipedia. I sent him a pic from my dining room this morning, over our neighborhood meadow, including the nearby mountain behind it. It has been weirdly rainy and gloomy/overcast off-and-on for weeks now, seemingly more on than off. (Colorado forgot that it is supposed to be as dry as a desert). My caption said, 'Misty mountain, sort-of Bridge-of-Death-y', referencing the movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. He sent back a pic of the Alps, also foggy/misty stating, 'I call your Rockies and raise you the Alps'.

    I find this funny especially as the WOW! factor of seeing (and living in) the Rockies has yet to wear off, even after four years (I hope it never does). Let's just say the Alps are impressive, too! (He is stationed in Germany).

    I had previously Googled the two mountain ranges before, but forgot all, excluding that the Alps are younger (and thus, more sharply pointed). The range of the Rockies is, on the average, longer and wider than the Alps and has a lot more mountains over 13,000'. The Alps, however, have the highest ones (Rockies highest is over 14,000' and the Alps highest is over 15,000'). Most impressively, though, is that most of the Alp mountain base is notably lower than the Rockies, meaning that they rise a greater distance from their base, looking even higher. The Rocky Mountain base, in general, is already a mile high, so the mountains don't seem as tall. As one very familiar with the Smoky, Allegheny, and Appalachian mountains, I think the Rockies and the Alps are scarily big! (Not meaning to get too technical here).

    Anyway, this is your mountain update for today!

    Btw, I am halfway through my challenge for the month of June. I have exercised, logged my food, and kept within my calorie budget every day, so far. I started at a budget of 1500 cal/day, lowering down to 1465 cal/day, just simply because I can easily eat at the slightly lower budget. I have not had such a high calorie budget before, usually between 1200-1400 calories/day (when I track, of course). Since I don't seem to keep the weight off my usual way, I thought an easier-to-keep approach would be better (yes, which I knew). This has been 16 full days (I actually started on the 31st). Wow! I just figured out how much I lost in this time frame and it is 4.1 lbs. I didn't realize that it was this much. I met my goal of weighing less than earlier in this calendar year, but my stretch goal is anything more than that. If I lose 3 more pounds until my doctor appointment in 3 weeks, I will be at BMI=25, with clothes on. So I may or may not be in the normal range. Such silly goals!

    Ladies, I am hoping all is well with you!
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
    I am also doing well with diet and exercise now.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    @MorticiaAddamsMSFS Great to hear it!
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
    If only I would start losing weight again.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    I hear you! This AM I jumped about 1.5 lbs up! Really? I get the up and down, but I refuse to accept it!
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
    My weight is constantly up and down in the same area.
  • sls631
    sls631 Posts: 89 Member
    Loved your comment about getting outside. I live in a very walkable neighborhood and just being in the yard with folks saying good morning makes me feel more connected.
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,462 Member
    I love to be outside too.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 984 Member
    OK, ladies, I have a status report...

    Today is the day before my summer vacation (I sound like a school kid!). My goal was to be less than I was earlier in the year. I just barely met this goal; I am 1.3 lbs less. My stretch goal was to weigh even less, so although I technically met my stretch goal...well, to say I did would be stretching it!

    I had my yearly doctor appointment yesterday and my goal for that was to be below 25 BMI when weighed by the nurse. I was at 25.27. Sadly, the nurse weighed me with my ankle boots on (a very atypical dark, gloomy, and cold day yesterday). Some good news, though. She measured me at 5'4", so I haven't lost any height (I have mild osteopenia). My total cholesterol dropped from 215 (borderline high) to 181 (good); this was also a goal. The only thing I really changed was eating 1-2 eggs pretty much every morning to rarely. They say diet really doesn't affect cholesterol, but seemingly it did, for me. My 'bad' cholesterol changed from 134 (high) to 103 (good). My weight difference for these two dates of lab testing is only one pound less now, so weight wasn't a factor. I am a yo-yo'r, don't be thinking it has held steady!

    The nurse asked me what is my health goal for the year; I answered, to lose 10 lbs. I think I can do this, but I think it will take close to a year. I have found that eating at 1500 calories per day is so much more doable than anything less than that. I will start back at it upon return from vacation.

    I hope all of you are enjoying your summer!