Pre-Challenge Activity #4: Exercise Plan

kaliswalker Posts: 1,316 Member

🗬In thinking about pre-challenge activities for the 2023 Summer 5% Challenge, in the last activity we discussed meal planning. Anytime you think of a healthy lifestyle there are two things that are usually mentioned, healthy eating and exercise. Since healthy eating was already mentioned, this activity will be highlighting the importance of exercise as you plan YOUR journey.🗭

🤔❔I started researching by asking Google:
'What is the best exercise plan for healthy lifestyle at any age?'
Here is the first answer that was received:
Which exercise is best for healthy life? A combination of aerobic (walking, swimming) and strength training (weights) is best. Walking is one of the easiest activities to start. You don't have to do all 30 minutes at once. Try walking for 15 minutes twice each day.

🔍I looked further at the answers and found recommendations - by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and this article has guidelines, no matter what age you are. Here is the link:

📼There are endless videos (many of them are free) on sites like YouTube that deal with almost any type of exercise/physical activity that you can think of from 'Couch to 5K' to Chair Exercises.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle (like almost anything else in life) must have balance. The only one that knows your body is you. The only one that knows how you are feeling is you.

If you are not used to exercise and don't know where to begin - how about just getting up and walking around the house? Once you are comfortable doing that, perhaps walk around outside of your house, down the driveway, to the mailbox, down the block. No matter what you do, getting up to move will be so good for your body and it will help you feel accomplished once you are done.

In addition to planning your personal exercise plan, why don't you take a look for your sneakers? Are they in good shape? Do they need to be replaced so you will be comfortable when walking/moving? Do you have a water bottle handy? Do you own a step tracker? Do you use it? If you like to go outside to walk it's Summer! Do you have the appropriate outerwear that will ensure you aren't too hot/too cold?

> > > > Of course, any and all of these recommendations NEVER EVER supersede recommendations from your healthcare provider. We are all individuals and are all at different stages of life (and health) which sometimes dictate what we can and can't physically do. If you are under a physician's care and are unable to exercise or you must limit your exercise to accommodate your specific needs, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't continue following your doctor's orders! < < < <

📓Your assignment: PRE-CHALLENGE ACTIVITY #4: Exercise Plan - What exercise plan will YOU follow for YOUR healthy lifestyle journey? Think of what you can easily commit to in a day and commit to that. For a few days a week, consider doing ‘just a little more’ if you can to challenge yourself.

Feel free to add your comments below outlining your exercise plan for a successful 2023 Summer 5% Challenge (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

PLEASE NOTE: The Seasonal 5% Challenge Teams are very active. You will be expected to participate to the best of your ability.

ALL challenge weeks run from Saturday through Friday - you will be expected to record your exercise and Living the Good Life points based on weekly Challenge Themes. You are expected to record these points daily or at least as often as you can during the week but no later than 11:59 pm each Friday (your local time). In addition, you are expected to weigh in one time per week by 11:59 pm every Saturday (your local time). Your individual team leaders and/or team mates will help to answer any and all questions about where to record your points.

🔮Our individual Summer 5% Challenge Teams are currently being set up.

✉️You will be invited to your individual team soon, in enough time to get to know your team leaders and team mates. Until then, get to know some of the Challengers that will be participating right along with you.

📢Announcements will be made when invitations to your individual teams are sent. Please visit this team, the 2023 SUMMER 5% COMMUNITY TEAM often as this will be the best source for up-to-date information.

Previous Pre-Challenge Activities (consider reading/participating in one or all of them):

Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT!
Here is the link:ℹ️#latest

Pre-Challenge Activity #2: SET SOME GOALS!
Here is the link:

Pre-Challenge Activity #3: Meal Plan
Heidi (hicim705)
Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)

Heidi (hicim705)
Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)


  • Dgrodis
    Dgrodis Posts: 601 Member
    I am doing 50 pushups a day, 50 squats a day, 5 min. on my bike plus aiming to keep 10k a day or more walking.
    I also do yoga and meditation.
  • joywilson383
    joywilson383 Posts: 1,622 Member
    I walk everyday for at least 4 miles. I also do kickboxing on Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday.
  • Lizmossman
    Lizmossman Posts: 43 Member
    My aim is to follow this plan;
    Monday - Total Body weight resistence 30min / 1 min skipping building up stamina until I can do 10min
    Tuesday - HIIT starting with 20min and building up to 30min
    Wednesday - Lower Body weight resistence 30 min and skipping
    Thursday - HIIT
    Friday - Upper body weight resistence 30 min and skipping
    Sat / Sun staying active in garden. cycling and walking
    Every day aiming for 7500 steps building to 10000
  • nbruns83
    nbruns83 Posts: 2,232 Member
    edited June 2023
    1. Jog/walk 3 or 4 times a week.

    2. Restart Essentrics for flexibility on non-jog days.

    3. Weed, weed, weed!

    4. Jump rope, starting in the in-between challenge.
  • mrsjcw2007
    mrsjcw2007 Posts: 8 Member
    Joining our local YMCA for strength training and group classes at least 3x/week
  • 93Turkey03
    93Turkey03 Posts: 15 Member
    I will be walking each day.
  • Sableness
    Sableness Posts: 1,246 Member
    Walk, stationary bike, pool, PT for neck, seated workouts. I have lots of tools; just need to USE them
  • harvest_fairy
    harvest_fairy Posts: 997 Member
    edited June 2023
    I will be adding more weights and squats into my routine. Along with my regular routine; dance class, Richard Simmons, bike, walking and homesteading/gardening chores.
  • 130StrongerEachYear
    130StrongerEachYear Posts: 420 Member
    Since I have been making the transition from sitting all day and only taking @ 1200 - 1300 steps a day to getting up and moving more. I am building up my activity slowly. I started moving a month ago and my goal for the week starting tomorrow is to walk a minimum of 4600 steps every day. Because for me this is a realistic goal. I am also starting a circuit of floor/body weight exercise. Starting with just a repetition of each exercise of one so my body can get use to the movement and I can get used to the sequence on a realistic basis. I hope to increase the number of repetitions every few days, but I also want to be sure my body adjusts to all these new movements without hurting so much that I stop doing it at all. I believe this is a realistic plan for creating a life long change and not just a short term effort.
  • paceka2
    paceka2 Posts: 1,042 Member
    My exercise plan is already in place. I will be walking Daisy every morning, working up to 1 1/2 miles. I do about 30 minutes of light strength exercises and stretches every evening to relax me before bed. Mondays I meet with my Personal Trainer and work on the equipment at the gym, Tuesday is Mat Pilates, Friday is Pilates Reformer and Sunday is a virtual strength and balance class. I want to add at least one additional class during the week - either live or virtual. I often get on the stationary bike for a few minutes to warm up before my classes.
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 3,329 Member
    For now walking Milo 3x's a day, 30min stretching

    Rejoining Y
    1. Find Silver sneaker plan

    2. Exerswim morning every other Mon, every Wed, Fri
    3. Aqua Zumba morning Tues , Thur
    4. Strength, stretching afternoon Mon-Fri

    5. Walk every morning
  • actualbearsss
    actualbearsss Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2023
    I honestly just wake up and do whatever I feel like. It could be any of this, without limitation:
    • Stretching only
    • Yoga (Yoga with Adrienne is my go-to)
    • Resistance bands
    • Kettlebells (upper or lower body)
    • Going for a walk
    • Going for a hike
    • Bodyweight exercises
    • Boxing/kickboxing

    I work in mental health and am a huge fan of somatic exercises to work grief, trauma, etc through the body. I have a lot of different options because when my body feels a certain way, I move in a way that pushes those feelings through and away. Punching feels good when I'm mad, so I do that. Weight exercises feel good when I'm anxious, so I do that. In the mornings I try to get some kind of movement in, but I also do any of the above randomly throughout the day as needed to feel more mentally "clear".

    Edit: forgot to add my goal for this season: generally "more" overall. I'd like my walks to be longer, the weight I can lift to be higher, etc. I want to be able to comfortably walk a mile, but otherwise general strength improvement will be motivating no matter how small. :)
  • Kristen525c
    Kristen525c Posts: 387 Member
    My activity level is currently very low. Like, nearly zero, and when it's above that it isn't intentional. I work from home, rarely leave my house, and don't get many steps in. I live in a rural area and don't have a safe outdoor area to walk, but I do have a treadmill out in the shed (insulated, air conditioned, and with a TV!) collecting dust. My plan is to start small and spend at least 15 minutes per day, 3 days/week walking on the treadmill. As the weeks progress, I will add a little time, speed, and incline. By the end of the 8 weeks, my goal is to be up to 30 minutes/day, 5 days/week. I really want to be able to walk through a parking lot without losing my breath.
  • melissaaridgeway
    melissaaridgeway Posts: 278 Member
    edited June 2023
    This is going to be my first "Fitness Focused Five-percent" challenge. A triple F. Here's my tentative strength training plan:
    10 squats
    10 lunges
    30 second plank
    10 pushups
    10 situps
    Repeat 3x daily

    At least 2x a week I'll do 30 minutes of circuits instead of # of repeats. So I go for time instead of amount. I might have to edit this as I work out the kinks.

    Wing clippers (with 3lb weights):
    15 overhead tricep extensions
    15 tricep kickbacks
    15 straight arm kickbacks
    15 straight arm/tricep kickback combos
    15 bicep curls (to stretch out those triceps and also make sure I'm not completely neglecting the other side of the equation)

    As I get comfortable with the weight, I'll increase it to 2 circuits a day, then 3 circuits, then I'll up the weight to my 8lb weights go back to once a day and then again up it to 2 and 3 circuits a day. Hopefully my arm flab will be less.... obvious by the time the challenge is over.

    Coupled with my 2x week running as well
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,767 Member
    My exercise goals:

    1. Walk daily - I take Monty (my pup) for a walk every morning (weather permitting). We usually do a 2-3 mile walk
    2. Incorporate some strength training a few days a week
    3. Incorporate some flex training; am not a fan of Yoga - but giving Tai Chi a try
    4. I've been using the Silver Sneakers workouts (from youtube), and they have been fun and just my pace. I don't qualify for the actual classes (only 63), but will try to continue using these weekly.
  • sophiesdnthl
    sophiesdnthl Posts: 6 Member
    I walk between 3.5 and 4.5 miles with my dog everyday. My exercise plan for the week is:
    monday: quads, glutes, hips, abs
    tuesday: triceps, chest, shoulders, abs
    wednesday: calves, glutes, inner thigh, abs
    thursday: biceps, back, forearms, abs
    friday: hamstring, glutes, inner thigh, abs
    I also want to start doing yoga on the weekends.
  • Buckeye5
    Buckeye5 Posts: 219 Member
    I have had a terrible 6 months recovering from Plantar Fasciitis and still have achilles tendinitis. So I haven’t been as active. I need to work my way up.

    I’m starting with walking or Elliptical when it’s too hot. I want to say move every day, even if it’s just 10 min. Then I will keep a routine. I have usually worked out at night, but am thinking of trying first thing in the morning this ho around.

    I have BODi membership so lots of videos. I am going to add weights. Try some programs to find one for me.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    I just ordered some resistance bands that will be here in a few days. My goal is to greatly improve my upper body strength and to tone up my arms a bit. I play golf and am hoping increased upper body strength will improve my game. Good luck everyone!
  • shirleyd155
    shirleyd155 Posts: 9 Member
    My plan is to walk 10 minutes a day, adding 5 minutes more weekly.
    I will find strength training exercises for two times a week.
  • ForeverFitNHealthy
    ForeverFitNHealthy Posts: 1,307 Member
    I still have a slight case of plantar fasciitis, so my plan works around that. I have a home gym with different barbells, 5 pairs of kettlebells, dumbbells, resistance bands, oil up bar, squat rack, bench, plyo boxes,TRX, spin bike, so absolutely NO excuse not to do something daily!!! (I need to drill this in my head and not allow what I have and the time I have to go to waste!)

    - 90 minutes of cardio with walking, spin bike, or kickboxing
    - Alternate anterior and posterior muscle groups 6 days a week.
    - Bodyweight exercise on Sunday or bands for something to help control my blood sugars on my active rest day.