Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT! ℹ️🔠



  • DeborahAnnCan
    DeborahAnnCan Posts: 56 Member
    My exercise plan for a successful 2023 Summer 5% Challenge is simply to move daily. It will be a mix of elliptical for cardio, strength training and walking. I will set up a flexible schedule for myself. If I'm too sore one day to do strength training, then I will walk that day instead. If it's a walk day and it's raining, I will either do the elliptical that day or maybe dust off my step and find a 90s step video on YouTube :) As long as I commit to moving daily, I will consider this challenge a success.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,590 Member
    I joined SP in 2010 and reached my goal weight+ in 2011, 49# total. Being in maintenance and staying in maintenance has been a challenge. Weight has fluctuated a bit, creeping upward. That's what brought me to the 5% challenges. I participated in my first challenge during the time (right before) the SP website closed.

    5% challenges keep me motivated. Even when/if the scale doesn't budge, I need the team motivation.
    My favorite exercises are: line dance, once or twice a week. Water aerobics, three times a week. Walking when my walking buddy is available (hit & miss, for now.)
    Now that I'm over 60 y/o, extra weight doesn't want to budge. Yes, it's frustrating. Oh, and the aches and pains aren't so nice, either. But, I'm not giving up.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,590 Member
    Sableness wrote: »
    My exercise tends to lag over the summer; it’s just too hot here in Florida. I’ve recently discovered mall walking. I have a Sparkfriend in South Florida who goes all the time who inspired me. I never shop there so it hadn’t crossed my mind. Question: can someone explain in simple terms the easiest way to post pics on MFP?


    Hi :) To answer your question about posting pictures on MFP, I've circled the icon that you need to click whenever posting a picture into a comment. Once you click on the photo icon, it will ask you to "attach a file". Click that and it will proceed to your camera roll (if posting from your phone.) I have better luck with photos if I've previously cropped the photos to more of a square shape...which helps them to post upright and not diagonally. Hope this helps.

  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,217 Member
    Re: pix - if you're accessing MFP via Android app, pix won't load. You can still do it, tho. Just go the the full site, using your browser. Then pix will upload 👏.

    - mk :) (Maine)
  • HealthyBarb1
    HealthyBarb1 Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited June 2023
    I am so thankful for the 5% challenges continuing here on MFP. Miss sparkpeople much less & feel supported by the Shapeshifter team. I have lost close to 20 lbs over the last 2 years & am working on my final 10 lbs. They are very slow in coming off 🙃 I have health issues Thyroid, Fibromyalgia & IBS that add to the challenge. My goal for the summer is to get my weight below 180 & stabilize it there. I am on a low carb, low fodmap & limited calorie plan and try to walk daily & do strength exercise. I weigh myself daily & am learning more and more what my body needs to be healthy. I am a work in progress & am thankful to have friends & support on this journey. Thanks 5% leaders & teammates. I appreciate you & feel blessed to do this life journey with each of you.
    Smiles Barb 😎
  • amberlinamk1
    amberlinamk1 Posts: 371 Member
    My exercise plan for a successful 2023 Summer 5% Challenge will be to move/exercise more and eat healthier. I am reaching perimenopause and find the weight harder to come off as well as my energy level lowering. So that is my main goal and I hope I can not feel so alone and get through this hurdle in my life.
  • sunrisedancer1
    sunrisedancer1 Posts: 1,432 Member
    My plan for the challenge is to keep up with the exercise despite being gone from home a lot (I am even taking my scale with me). I have a list of short workout videos and I plan to walk and hike every day (unless I am on a I love these challenges.
  • Chubbynomore10
    Chubbynomore10 Posts: 1,017 Member
    My plan for the challenge is to be as active as I can in every possible way. I have videos and dvds of everything from tai chi, to yoga, sweating to the oldies, an exercise ball, exercise bands to all kinds of aerobic exercise workouts. I have small free weights, kettlebells, a jump rope, a hula hoop, a total gym, a treadmill, and a good pair of there is no excuse for me not to keep at it, rain or shine, whether or not the power is on.
  • romyvandehei
    romyvandehei Posts: 60 Member
    I just want to stay active during the summer, so getting my 10000 steps every day, going to the crossfit or yoga twice a week and going for a run twice a week. My running is not going that good so far, but I hope that by the end of the summer my running has improved so I can run 10 km.
  • persistant123
    persistant123 Posts: 114 Member
    Our indoor pool is closed for renovations for the next 4-6 weeks. It has also been over 100 since June 11 and the humidity is high. I finally made arrangements to join Planet Fitness on July 1.

    I will be focusing on strength building right now. My cardiologist has put some restrictions on my cardio, but I still plan on walking at least 20 minutes a day. A lady in our resort is leading a yoga class 2X per week so I am going to give that a try.

  • tech_hunter
    tech_hunter Posts: 350 Member
    edited July 2023
    Summer 5% challenge motivation:

    I am back in the 200s again, and I really need help with this. I seem to be having a much harder time losing weight with perimenopause. Loss is slow, even when I exercise and am pretty strict with my logging, so it can be very demotivating. My blood pressure is up, and I do not want to be on any medication if I can help it.

    Summer heat sucks the life out of me and makes any outdoor exercise suck. I need to move early mornings and evenings, outside of my indoor exercise.

    My eating habits tend to be really good for a few weeks, then something will get to me, and I will binge. I need to get that under control.

  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,768 Member