My own version of 75Hard

KMorasse317 Posts: 14 Member
Today is Day 1 of my own modified version of 75Hard (I am calling it 75Medium LOL)
1. Follow a diet plan - Macro goals of 40% protein, 40% fat, 20% carbs. Clean eating - whole foods, no added sugars, limit dairy.
2. Drink 64+ oz water daily
3. 30+ minutes of outside activity every day.
4. 5 strength workouts each week.
5. Read 10 pages of any book every day.
6. Progress pic everyday.

I weighed in and took measurements this morning as a starting point. I was pleasantly surprised in the progress from my 6 week point. I am excited to see my progress over the next 3 weeks!

Who wants to create their own "75Medium" and be an accountability partner?! Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can help each other!


  • KaibabMoxie
    KaibabMoxie Posts: 9 Member
    I love this! I'm going to have to think a bit about what mine would entail! 75Medium is awesome, lol. Clever and hilarious!