July, wave those pounds to the sky !

Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
Hello ladies, here we are again, new month and new opportunities. It's the time to eat healthy salads and fresh fruits, go out and play ! :sunglasses:


  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My stats from last week:

    * Still low on steps, 56k
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check. I've regained control over that one and it really helps to stay focused
    * 2 fitness sessions / week: I didn't have any opportunity last week as I was mostly abroad for work.
    * Lose a bit: 71,6 moving average. That's a loss, whoohoo! I really am sooooo close to goal.
    * Biking and diving. 1 dive last week, and my biking now amounts to 700 +km.

    Yesterday, we went to have a long bike ride along Flanders Fields. Now, I technically live IN Flanders and on the countryside, so I jokingly sometimes say that I live in FF. But the real Flanders Fields, where thousands of soldiers lost their lives during WW1 is one hour drive away. Yesterday, we drove there and biked around the graveyards of WW1. Around a million soldiers died there and when you see it written, it is just a number. When you see all the graves, it hits home hard as those were mostly young boys (ages start at 16). It was a beautiful ride with lots of nature, but I had underestimated the impact it would have on us. We were both very emotional. I was also surprised to see so many young people around Ypres: Canadians, English and Americans, all there so understand a piece of their families history in that small faraway country.


  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks for starting the July post, Antiopelle. What a solemn place to visit! The photos are beautiful.

    Good job on being so close to goal! I was - days ago - but slight upward trend. Stress and the holidays. Gonna kick it in gear today.

    Continuing with Caroline Girvan - started her Fuel series after finishing Iron last week and I just love her workouts. Body is changing, losing inches, and 30 minutes is all I can commit to with my eldercare duties.

    Here’s to goal-achieving in July!!💪💪🍻
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    It's awfully quiet here... is everyone at the beach? :sunglasses:

    If so, you all enjoy the weekend ladies ! If not, still enjoy it ! :smirk:
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hey @Antiopelle. I was at the beach yesterday! Road trip back home tomorrow so I’m excited to get back to my regular eating habits. I WILL end this summer with reaching my goal!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited July 2023
    My stats from last week:

    * My stepcount is getting lower and lower..., 51k
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check. I've regained control over that one and it really helps to stay focused
    * 2 fitness sessions / week: I've done some heavy yard work, does that count?
    * Lose a bit: 72 moving average. That's a hard gain. I've eaten tons of summer fruit yesterday, so I hope it is just that.
    * Biking and diving. No diving last week, I had to go to a workshop for work on Thursday and I've done yard-work during the weekend. Today, I'm at work by bike, so at least that's going on again !

    I wish you a very pleasant workweek ladies !
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @Antiopelle why is you step count decreasing? And YES! Heavy hard work does count. any hard work counts in my book and my back and legs can attest to it!!😩

    On Day 11 of Caroline Girvan’s Fuel and love that getting stronger feeling. Same weight but losing inches!
  • planperspirepride
    planperspirepride Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there, may I join you? I have been struggling to get back into my routine -injury, hubby’s surgery and lack of training partner are the main obstacles I am planning to overcome.
    Plan this week biking or walking 30min 7x strength and/or mobility 6x.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @planperspirepride: you are very welcome. You can post anything you want, goals and what went well, what went south... you name it. We are usually a bit more active, I guess it is some Summertime Lull.

    @CeeBeeSlim : good question about the stepcount. If I'm completely honest (and if we can't be honest here, then where and when?) I've lost a bit of motivation on that front. I can only find one solid reason: long work meetings and workshops to cover a new field in my job during which I'm sitting in boardrooms for hours at end. But that wouldn't have stopped me before. So I need to think about this - thanks for pointing it out.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Welcome aboard @planperspirepride! The group is usually more active but I think @Antiopelle is right - summertime lull.

    I feel it too - so I have to keep posting to fight it. The lull to post usually spreads - lull to count calories, weigh food, work out etc. @Antiopelle - are you being affected by the dangerously hot weather at all? Wondering if that could be it?
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @ceebeeslim: Luckily, we've had extremely warm weather but nothing like the more southern countries like Italy and Spain where being outside meant it was hard to breathe ! My steps have been affected by the weather, not dangerously hot, but still hot and loads of torrential rains and thunderstorms.

    Anyways, thanks to your nudge, I've raised my steps to 66k, I guess I needed that :blush:

    And then my stats from last week:

    * My stepcount is 66k. Not there yet, but better !
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check.
    * 2 fitness sessions / week: I need to get back to it, no excuses
    * Lose a bit: 71,8 moving average. I'm basically maintaining, instead of losing those last 3 pounds...
    * Biking and diving. One dive last week, and 60km of biking !

    Have a great week in the hopefully not to stressful weather !
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good morning!

    I am new to this forum. I have about 10-12 more pounds to lose and they are definitely the toughest. I had a ridiculously crazy couple of months and got off my routine. I fell off the workout wagon, and I've had a heck of a time climbing back on. But today is a new day. My goals:
    *get back to the gym 3x per week.
    *take additional walks through out the week.
    *rein in my snacking.
    *ensure I get my water intake back up.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @dmsl977: welcome here. Your goals are very close to mine: getting back to more activity and less snacking ! There lies the answer, but it ain't easy !
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    @dmsl977: welcome here. Your goals are very close to mine: getting back to more activity and less snacking ! There lies the answer, but it ain't easy !

    Thank you for the welcome! You are quite correct. Once you get off track, it seems so much harder to get back on. But this week is off to a great start. Hubby and I hit the gym for resistance training last night, and I'm scheduled for zumba at 6:30 this evening. The food seems to be easier to keep on target when I work out.
  • planperspirepride
    planperspirepride Posts: 5 Member
    @antiopelle @dmsl977 hello ! My goals are also very similar. Consistency in strength training and incorporating my stationary bike when unable to run or walk due to wild fire smoke. I have hired a PT to push me once a week and have my strength and bike/run/walk scheduled. I really enjoy working out but I allow hubby’s recovery and declining mom to lead me astray. Now to break the after dinner eating. Have either of you found adding protein reduces snacking?
  • planperspirepride
    planperspirepride Posts: 5 Member
    Love Zumba!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @antiopelle @dmsl977 hello ! My goals are also very similar. Consistency in strength training and incorporating my stationary bike when unable to run or walk due to wild fire smoke. I have hired a PT to push me once a week and have my strength and bike/run/walk scheduled. I really enjoy working out but I allow hubby’s recovery and declining mom to lead me astray. Now to break the after dinner eating. Have either of you found adding protein reduces snacking?

    I'm a carbs girl, can't help it :blush: I've lost all the weight without paying any attention to protein and in my humble opinion it is a bit overrated. I do go for fiber though and I will always choose unrefined if I can. But with everything about weightloss, everyone must do what they find works for them. So many people, so many methods...
    But what I now do since last year is getting a protein shake right after a heavy weight training. Does it help to build muscle? Maybe, I still don't know, but it gives me the feeling it is the right thing to do and they taste really good, like a chocolate milkshake. I consider it more like a reward.
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    @antiopelle @dmsl977 hello ! My goals are also very similar. Consistency in strength training and incorporating my stationary bike when unable to run or walk due to wild fire smoke. I have hired a PT to push me once a week and have my strength and bike/run/walk scheduled. I really enjoy working out but I allow hubby’s recovery and declining mom to lead me astray. Now to break the after dinner eating. Have either of you found adding protein reduces snacking?

    I have started adding in more protein for muscle development moreso than satiety. I love me some carbs though. I have the worst sweet tooth ever. I usually have a string cheese on the commute to work, a protein shake mid morning (I love the Fairlife chocolate ones. So good.) and a lower calorie protein bar in the afternoon (I'm fond of the Built Bar Puffs.) I can't do a protein shake too close to working out because it makes me feel sick.

    I'm also trying to be consistent with my vitamins/supplements. When I'm on track, I take calcium, magnesium glycinate, vitamin D3, and a probiotic with digestive enzymes. I have a really sensitive stomach and will go from one extreme to the other. Keeping the supplements consistent helps make everything else consistent, if you know what I mean.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @Antiopelle Glad to have given you a nudge. Your turn to nudge - well a shove! 🤣. Been off track for the last few days but I don’t care and back at it tomorrow.

    After years of nonstop eldercare giving duties, I finally saw friends I haven’t seen since Covid and kinda indulged. (Take out “kinda”).

    Of course I’m now about 8 pounds from my goal weight instead for 3 - but fingers crossed the gallons of water in drinking today will help me get rid of it!!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Well @CeeBeeSlim : that makes two of us off track ! Yesterday, hubbie discovered the rest of the cookies that I had bought for the family bbq two weeks ago. He took two and left the box in my vicinity. Well... the good news is that I won't be tempted again because now they are all gone !! I logged them and I was 1.400 kcal above target yesterday ... Ow well, back on track today I say.

    And then my stats from last week:

    * My stepcount is 48k. It is low, but I forgot to put on my fitbit after a charge and I went away diving, so I lost a gazillion of steps !
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check.
    * 2 fitness sessions / week: I will get back to it after our holiday
    * Lose a bit: 71,9 moving average. I was doing oh so good for the whole week, but then I blew it this weekend with the cookie jar (and a icecream)
    * Biking and diving. Three strenuous dives last week, and 10km of biking !
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    Is anyone else struggling with this heat? I was supposed to go to the gym after work yesterday and just couldn't drag myself back out of the house. I'm signed up for a zumba class tonight, and I'm hoping to do some weights to make up for last night.

    @Antiopelle I feel you on the cookies. My husband brought home a box of Crumbl cookies on Saturday. OMG Let's just say they didn't make it until Sunday....