WeightNoMore Team Chat - JULY 2023



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,291 Member
    Welcome aboard, @wonderfulbrown79 !!! Happy to have you here with us. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns before your first weigh-in is due next week - I am more than willing to help you find your bearings.
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 302 Member
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 193.6 lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 191.8 lbs

    Glad to finally see a break through on my plateau! If anyone else is facing a plateau, I know they are frustrating, but stick with it! You will get to the other side. Welcome to the new members!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    Cw 193
  • alexhomeandcoffee
    alexhomeandcoffee Posts: 33 Member
    CW: 206.4
  • ssssseika
    ssssseika Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, everyone!
    I unfortunately will not be able to submit my weight for this week since I don't have access to a scale.

    Hope you have a great weekend! =)
  • Marcy2890
    Marcy2890 Posts: 60 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Username: marcy2890
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    PW: 154.2 lbs
    CW: 152.6 lbs
  • rachelrjh
    rachelrjh Posts: 258 Member
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,330 Member
    ~Step Challenge Results ~

    Team Statistics -

    Steppers: 6 (-2 from last week)
    Total Steps: 407,729
    Average Steps Per Stepper: 67,995 (+7.14% from last week)

    The Leaderboard -
    @GarysGirl78 - 95,947 total | 13,707 average
    @JacquelineRochelle - 88,749 total | 12,678 average - Most Steps in One Day!!
    @JessicaVRosati - 70,416 total | 10,059 average
    @BodyTalking - 52,956 total | 7,565average
    @melaniedscott - 52,341 total | 7,477 average
    @9Harvey - 47,320 total | 6,760 average - Most Consistent!!!

    Almost half a million steps while two steppers down from last week... it's really incredible! We started the month with 9 and are now at six.

    An extra congrats to @GarysGirl78 for meeting their average step goal this week! Our other two goal walkers were so close . Well done walkers!!

  • Laurabb99
    Laurabb99 Posts: 75 Member
    user name Laurabb99
    weigh in day Monday
    PW 209.8
    CW 208.4

    Maybe I should move my weigh day because I don't get around to posting in until Thursday typically. I like Mondays because it holds me more accountable over the weekend when I'm off my routine.
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hey all,

    Congrats to all the steppers, some awesome numbers there!

    @BodyTalking - I am hoping to get to Prague this winter, it looks beautiful :) I would say no chippies would help me avoid temptation, but I'm sure I'd just find something else lol!

    @ksludwig - fab loss! I hate plateaus, I get so discouraged, so glad you've broken yours.

    @EDTake2 - welcome back! I'm kinda a new starter as well (last month) but this is going to be the time that sticks :)

    So, outdoor Sense and Sensibility at the zoo was a lot of fun, even if we got rained on a bit by the end. The funniest bit was the lions were apparently restless so it kept being interrupted by background roaring. At one point the actors were saying something like, 'oh no, Marianne is not back yet and it could be dangerous out there.' and there was a huge round of roaring which cracked everyone up - dangerous indeed :D

    Apart from that has been a pretty quiet week. I caved to Indian takeway last night, but just took a small portion and the scales are still down this morning, so quite proud of myself. Just need to resist all the leftovers in the fridge now ;) I'm thinking I might have another small portion for dinner and then throw the rest. It's quite hard for me as I was brought up with a 'do not waste food' mentality, but I am trying to reprogramme myself (easier said than done).

    The weather is looking quite nice here today and tomorrow so might try and get outside and do something. The Edinburgh festival starts next week and while I love it in many ways, it also means everywhere becomes crowded and chaotic so need to enjoy some relative quiet beforehand :)
    Hope everyone has a great weekend x
  • abp1025
    abp1025 Posts: 195 Member
    Friday Weigh in

    PW: 194 lbs.
    CW: 193 lbs.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,321 Member
    Hi WNM...Another new member is joining your wonderful team .... Please welcome @uclaxtina :)
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,962 Member
    @podperson1 this is more like the Czech market food you'll find in winter. ijb1bk6iu6cf.jpg
    That sounds like a good laugh with the lions 🦁 Enjoy the quiet before the festival madness - I've only been once but there is a good atmosphere.
  • uclaxtina
    uclaxtina Posts: 67 Member
    Hi WNM...Another new member is joining your wonderful team .... Please welcome @uclaxtina :)

    Hi Everyone thank you for the welcome! I can’t wait to start this challenge. I’m really looking forward to losing weight but mostly improving my health and fitness. :smile:
  • GarysGirl78
    GarysGirl78 Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome new and returning members! 😊

    Sorry I haven’t been very chatty here lately, it’s been long and stressful hours at work the past couple weeks and will continue to be for the next 2-3 at least. Between trying to get my workouts in, cooking, cleaning and my dog I’ve just not had the time to check in here a lot. 😔
  • trebled_egg
    trebled_egg Posts: 36 Member
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 239.2
    CW (Current Weight): 240.0

    Ugh. I have really been struggling to take care of myself while getting my new business started. There's so much to do before opening day, and almost all of it involves sitting at the computer. And I honestly have so little faith in my ability to change that I have lost touch with my motivation to do so.

    But I can't just say "eh, whatever - I'll just do nothing and stay where I'm at." Because my weight keeps going UP when I don't actively try to lose weight.

    So it's back to the drawing board. This week I will try a variation of something that helped me a long time ago: I'll make one small change I can win at easily. I have a meeting with my dietitian today and will get her help figuring out what do.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    The August Team Chat is open! Please continue to weigh in and post stats for July here. Go to the new month for (re)introductions and to set you goals and actions for August:
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,962 Member
    Starting weight: 81.7 kg/180.12 lb
    Previous weight: 79.6 kg/175.49 lb
    Current weight: 79.6 kg/175.49 lb

    No change for me this week. I went up midweek but came back to the same as last. I guess I know how much to consume and how active to be in order to stay as I am and, at the same time, that I need to increase my activity to make changes. I'm in a good place with what and how much I'm eating, so it's all about the exercising now. Having spent this month really concentrating on caloric deficit, next month will be maintaing that and upping the ante!

    Have a lovely weekend 🤍
  • JacquelineRochelle
    JacquelineRochelle Posts: 31 Member

    PW: 236.6
    CW: 236.8

    Still no gain or loss, but again this is fine for me. This will be my last check in until November. About to embark on a couple of projects that will prevent me from maintaining my usual routine. See you when I return!


    S 11,378
    S 21,299
    M 8,840
    T 16,133
    W 8,428
    T 17,051
    F 11,809
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