2023: Envision where you want to be: Focus on health, energy, vitality!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.... omg sending big gentle hugs your way .. you are going thru so much right now, and I know what it's like to have those who AREN'T there doing what needs to be done, offering opinions and unwanted advice... just remember you're the one dealing with everything, so whatever decisions you make about every situation, is the right one. Cause you're the one actually there... hugs my friend!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thank you both! Things have calmed a bit right now. Mom is improving and I’m back to going to visit once a week. Never in a million years did I think she would bounce back from this. You just never know, do you? I’ve also backed off watching the grandkids to only a couple days a week. However my daughter needs to go in to the school for some preplanning and I said I’d watch the baby Thur and Fri and then Mon - Wed next week. I’ll just have the baby though. I’m hoping to bring some normalcy back to my life with meals and I’d really like to try fitting in some walks and stretching. The temps haven’t been as hot here as they are in other parts of the country, thank goodness! I did get on the scale yesterday and was down a few pounds. Meals have been hit or miss so I’m not surprised.

    What are y’all up to this summer? How is the garden coming, Vail. Did you conquer the vines? Snoozie have you been able to play any pickleball? Did you get a garden planted?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That's amazing that your mom is still improving! And that you are hopefully able to step back a bit, both with her and the grandkids. Congratulations on the scale loss!

    The garden is a mess. I have done a LOT of work, but all that digging up of roots I was doing seems to have encouraged them to grow even more than before! I can't believe it! At least I got the exercise! The weather has been a bit variable and it's often been either too hot or to wet to work out there, and it's more hay fevery than earlier in the year, so I've cut back. But need to get on top of it again.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    We had a row of eight evergreens cut down because they were either dead or dying. They were probably about twenty feet tall. Anyway, now that they’re gone the sun is hitting that area and the weeds have taken over. I don’t know what we’re going to do with it. I pulled weeds in another one of our beds and it reminded me how much I hate yard work. Lol. But yes, it is good exercise.

    My husband went for a ten mile hike yesterday but I was on my fifth day of babysitting from 6:30 am to 5:00 pm. I think I was more exhausted than he was. Lol. I wish I was one of those people who just doesn’t want to eat anything when they’re tired. Wouldn’t that be awesome! My daughter goes back to work the first week of October. That’s when the kids will start going to daycare every day so I won’t be babysitting as much….only when they’re sick. Is it wrong that I’m looking forward to October? Lol. I’m ready for some normalcy.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I didn't get an alert that you'd posted, Suzy! No, it's not wrong at all! Five days in a row of ten and a half hour shifts? That sounds completely exhausting! It's one thing in your 30s, but another thing in your 60s! October is quite a few weeks off though. Not my business at all, but it seems like you are doing an awful lot of babysitting while your daughter is off work with the baby. I don't know the reason, but you are such and incredible mother (and grandmother) to do all that for them.

    My life sounds a lot easier! Still working, but part time. I don't know when I'll retire fully. I think I mentioned that our pay was cut a few years ago and reduced in real terms for years before that, so I haven't got what I expected to retire on. But it's OK going to work at the moment when I don't have other responsiblities, apart from the cat!

    I work with a nice bunch of people, and it's kind of nice to be around younger people still sometimes. We all went out paddle boarding together recently! That was definitely a challenge! I managed to stand up on the paddle board and didn't fall in, thank goodness because I don't think I'd have been able to pull myself back out. It was on a big, cold lake in the rain. Don't think I'd do it again, but it was fun, and I was glad that I went along after many doubts!

    I'm struggling a bit with my weight at the moment. I think I've reached one of those, I'll call it a "set point" for lack of a better term, but this has happened before when it seems your body is really fighting against losing any more. My instinct is to eat too much all the time. I haven't regained, thankfully, but those extra bits (meals out and so on) are stopping the loss.

    Fitness, I'm always working on. I had to stop the chin up progression I was doing as I got golfer's elbow, and I can't seem to shake that off. It's really annoying because it affects other exercises as well. And my hip is playing up a bit, so both upper and lower body are limited. I'm doing quite well with pushups though! I don't walk nearly as much as I used to because of my hip, and kind of miss that although have to say it gives me more time for other things!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, you’re absolutely right. I am babysitting quite a bit. It’s my own fault because I want to help and spend time with them. I think I just have a hard time making time for myself without feeling like I’m letting someone down. It’s all in my head. No one expects me to do so much. It’s something I need to work on. Well, I’m sure my mom expects 24/7 attention but that’s not happening. Lol

    I’m sorry to hear about your aches and pains. It seems like it’s always something anymore. Something will improve and then bam! there’s a new one. I am so impressed with you going paddle boarding!!! I want to do that so bad! And you didn’t even fall in!

    I think Snoozie was talking about how our bodies reach a new low weight and they just want to stay there for a bit to see if it was intentional. You’ve been doing so good and are staying on top of it. I think you’ll be fine and see some progress soon. You seem very focused to me.

    I’ve told my husband that I’m not buying sweets anymore. I’m going to take that as my first step. I’ve got to start somewhere. So no more sweets in the house. I’ll figure out my second step later. Lol.

    Snoozie!!!!! Where are you? I hope you’re doing okay.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I meant to tell y’all that I was visiting my parents yesterday and we were sharing a lunch table with another woman, a friend of theirs. They were talking about another woman who is in her 70’s and how youthful she dresses. I said that if I had a cute figure that I would do the same. The friend turned to me and said, “and who’s fault is that?” Wow! I told her that it was all my own fault but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that. It really has made an impact on me.

    (By the way, mom is coming off hospice care and has made an unbelievable recovery. She’s still weak but getting better.)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi ! Sorry I have been MIA - I promise I will do a catch up post long enuf to put u both to sleep this weekend! For now Suzy I’m exhausted just thinking about those long days and I think u should be marking that October date in red on your calendar !
    Vail omg I am so jealous on the paddle boarding well done you !!!! Sorry to hear about the elbow Messing up your abilities but sounds like you are finding ways to move around it Will do more tomorrow but happy to hear from you both - and let’s be kind to ourselves in good ways - it’ ain’t easy being a woman wearing many hats but we do have to try to remember that we deserve to take care of ourselves too - we are just as important as all the other people we take care of and support in various ways 🥰
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited August 2023
    Sorry, I've been MIA too. I got covid and have been pretty ill while I had it, and then only recovering very slowly. Yesterday was the first day I could sit up instead of lying down. I'm definitely on the mend now, but very slow and not thinking clearly. Have lost a load of weight but I'm sure will go back on again now that I can eat again. I feel so weak! But the bedrest has done wonders for my joint pain!

    Hope you are all OK.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    oh no Vail!!!! I am so sorry to hear you were hit with Covid... i am so glad to hear you are on the mend, but it can take a long time to get over the fatigue and fuzzy brain from what i hear.. you poor thing!! were you on your own the whole time you were ill or did you have a friend or family to check in on you? Honestly that is one thing is so hard with living alone.. its always scary when u are sick and don't have anyone nearby to help out.. please keep us updated when you can how you are doing..sending gentle hugs!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    How awful, Vail. I’m glad you’re on the mend but hate that you were down with Covid. I’ve heard from so many people that the recovery can be slow and sometimes you may backslide a bit before you’re completely over it. So don’t overdo it! Take care of yourself!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    My son checked in me a bit. My daughter-in-law wanted to send me to hospital! Yes, it's a bit strange on your own. I was quite confused some of the time, and kind of too ill to be scared even. People from work have messaged me asking if I needed anything, which was nice. But while I was most ill I was on days off so nobody knew. Getting better, but just doing some very simple housework exhausts me, so I don't even feel I can go back to work yet.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I made it in!!! 🤣 I had to go in a different way. Not saying that I might forgot how I got here..
    I miss you gurls!
    I am fine , weight is still about the same...a bit up and down.
    I am fighting my diabeties, it is so important to stay away from sugar. Mine went back to 12.8.
    I know, Snoozie, I think of you every time, telling me about how bad it is.
    I ran out of meds and had to get a new doctor at the same time as I went on a humongous sugar binge....bad idea.
    I sat and drank a pitcher of sweet tea all by myself one night....that's a cup and a half of pure sugar!!.....it was soooo good. I hadn't had any in so long. But it's over now. Learning to drink decaffeinated no sugar tea.. .when I drink it and plenty of water. I just saw a 97 on my meter before dinner, so I am excited! Ate a low 32 carb dinner.
    Enough about me...
    The girls are doing well.
    10 year old- 5th grade
    4 year old - k4
    Oh my,I wish we could have a group chat, cause there aren't enough words to say about the 4 year old
    She may be queen of the mafia, we're not sure!! 😆
    Young son is struggling with his new profession...trying to be his own boss, but it is tough when your work depends on good weather, no rain. Also a good truck that doesn't break down...praying it all comes together.
    Dnl is doing good, stoll teaching.
    They are living at her mom's for now, helping her out. Her mom fell and broke her leg. She is healing great I think.
    Got a long story to tell about Hubby, but it will have to be later if I get back in here. He's doing ok, slow process at his age.
    As usual I haven't read up on anything you all have posted. Maybe on my Stay-cation coming up , I can read up
    I truly hope you are all doing ok. I see the No-vid is coming back strong...funny how it seems to be ramping up so close to election time. Did they slip some out? I pray it does't get out control.
    Be safe, stay well, and be good to yourselves you deserve it! ❤️ ( I hope I caught all the mis-typing. If not you all are smart and will figure it out! 😊
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Vailara, I just spotted your post above me when I was about log out. I am so sorry to hear you already got covid. I was hopping it wouldn't be so severe. Sounds scary for you ,especially being alone. I hope you are mending as quick as possible. Sending prayers and best wishes, and a hugg (((❤️ ))) gail
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lovely to see you Time2... glad you were able to find us lol! Happy to hear things are going ok and glad to hear you are working on controlling your T2; i know what a struggle it can be believe me so kudos to you!

    Vail how are you doing? Please keep us updated when you can... and take as long as you need to fully recover before you think about going back to work k?? sending gentle hugs...

    Suzy i'm so glad to hear your mom is doing better! That's great news... i can't believe the comment your friend made to you... harsh but i kinda get what you mean about it having a big impact on you.. it's sometimes the most off hand things that can kinda strike us rather than big stuff... weird but true! Are you planning to continue your volunteer with the kids at the school once it starts up again?

    I have been pretty busy lately which is kind of a good thing really.. at first i was kinda finding it a little overwhelming with the retiree group trying to plan stuff and of course all the dinners out lol. but with summer we have been trying to get in a lot more group walks which has offset all the darn eating events a bit lol. But its funny how things somtimes turn out.. as you know i never intended to become the leader of the group; i joined to just get out and about and DO things with other retirees but its turned out to be a good thing with organizing stuff, plus i admit it gives me a lot of satisfaction to see the friendships developing among our group. We have about 35 people now .. about 20 of whom come to all the events and others who come to only the coffee meets or walks or whatever.. but they are making friends and getting out.. many of us are on our own so its nice to be able to get out with people you like and enjoy for a drink or a walk or one of our bigger events... it can be really hard for someone on their own to join a group but the rewards can be awesome...

    Other than that, i'm back to playing pickleball thankfully; not as much as i used to but at least once a week.. still doing the Red cross operation but shifts have dropped off a bit and i'm ok with that for now.. my garden went mental this year with tomatos lol.. i am over run and have been pawning off bags and bags of beautiful cherry tomatos on all my friends and the ppl in the retiree group - they all run screaming now when they see me coming loaded down with them HA. i have so many tomatos in my freezer in various ways now lol.. i roasted a bunch and froze them for use in chilis and soups, i froze a bunch whole and of course have been eating them like crazy... i had 5 beautiful green peppers but someone stole them before i could harvest em.. i have my community garden for one more year if i want it but if i do I will definitely only plant 2 tomato plants instead of 6 haha!

    I had to see my doc a few weeks ago; had another kind of gut bug, not the same as the really bad one almost 2 yrs ago now.. but enuf to worry me. Fortunately it seems to be doing better now, but since i was in there anyway she spent a good bit of time going over everything else with me.. and ordered a bunch of blood work (all of which came back ok.. she just suggested perhaps a small B12 supplement.. one that goes under your tongue.. i'm within normal levels but at the low end so she suggested the one she takes (she's exactly the same age as me which helps!) but she did a full work up as well checking kidney/liver/creatin/iron the whole 9 yards...(all good) and has ordered another doppler ultrasound of my carotid which i'll do this week... its just following up because of the blockage so i think she wants it done every year just to keep an eye on it. But i was kinda glad since i was there anyway she did a full review of everything (even if we never did find out what caused the gut thing lol).

    So thats me all caught up in a nutshell and you're probably all asleep now reading it lol. I'll be checking in more frequently too to see how everyone else is doing.. in the interim please take care of yourselves as best as we can!! We are WORTH IT!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Just popping in quickly - so lovely to see you, Gail! I'm glad you found us. It seems harder to navigate here now. Thanks for the update on your family.

    Sorry about the gut thing, Snoozie. Maybe you are just more sensitive after your thing, wow, two years ago already! But glad it's clearing up and everything else seems good.

    I'm still recovering. It's so slow. I am still off work, and gradually rehabilitating myself by doing a bit of housework. I tried gardening today but it was too much. However, it was nice to get outside for a few minutes, as I haven't been outside now for a couple of weeks. I don't feel ready for exercise yet. The weight has gone back on a little and I'm trying not to be too upset about that! I was actually below 120 pounds after covid: didn't think I'd ever see that again! But it's now going back up as my appetite is back and I'm trying to eat lots of healthy food to recover.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Gail! So wonderful to hear from you again! My oldest grandbaby is three and a half and she is so precocious that I can’t wait to see what she will do next. I’ve got a brand new grandson also, so mine are quite a bit younger than yours. I’m sorry to hear about your diabetes struggle. My A1C was at 6.1 at my last test so I’m supposed to be restricting my sugar. I just haven’t been very diligent about it. I am taking supplements that are supposed to help but haven’t been back to the doctor yet to see if it’s been effective. Of course, if I don’t cut out the sugar then it won’t improve

    Snoozie I’m glad to hear your test results were good. I was taking B12 until my last check up when I found out that I didn’t need it anymore. I do think it’s effective. I’m glad you’re enjoying your retiree group and that you’ve got them doing some more activity instead of eating. Lol. I can’t believe someone stole your green peppers! That’s really low. I wish I lived close enough to get some of those tomatoes though! I hope the gut thing is gone. Two years already? Hard to believe how fast time is flying by.

    Vail, I hope you’re feeling better. I hate being sick in the summer. It just always comes as a surprise to me. I expect to be sick in the winter. Lol.

    We leave for a two week driving vacation later this week. We’re going to Kansas City for a wedding and then on to Colorado for a vacation. We’ve never been there before so we’re going to see the sights and do some hikes. I’m looking forward to Rocky Mountain National Park and Royal Gorge.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Have a lovely vacation, Suzy! It does sound quite exciting. I would love to see those places.

    I'm slowly getting better. I even did a little bit of exercise today, although really dialled down from my usual. I'm still a bit unsteady on my feet at times.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy im so happy your doing such a lovey road trip!! Excellent i hope you have a wonderful time!!

    Gut is kinda better.. seems to come and go still but nowhere near as bad as the big one was.. im trying to see if there are any foods that might trigger it.. and im being really careful to wash all my fruit and produce overly well... i did talk my doc out of another colonoscopy for the moment.. but its on standby in case it doesnt clear up soon.. ugh lol..

    I've def been having fun with the retiree group. .they are a great bunch .. and we've been doing lots of walks along the lake and in the parks to keep mobile and add some exercise in between meals lol.. today 3 of them came to pickleball and had a lot of fun.. but its been 35C here for the past few days.. so by noon its too hot to be outside so we keep the outdoors stuff to mornings til this passes.. i aint complaining tho.. its going to be getting cold here soon enuf so i'll take the heat for now!

    Vail.. im glad to hear you are slowly getting better. My 68 yr old cousin has covid again.. she's feeling it a lot harder this time than last time so as frustrating as it is to find yourself maybe taking a bit longer to get back to your regular self, give yourself time this virus still packs a punch on our system.. it took a few of the ones in our group almost 2 months before they started feeling fully human again; the fatigue and brain fog seemed to hold on the longest but they are 100% now.. so hang in there and don't push yourself too hard... a little exercise is a good thing for sure but pace yourself please til u feel 100%!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hope you can find out the issue, Snoozie..
    Vail , hope you are feeling better also.
    Suzy, the trip sounds great, I know you will enjoy.
    Still trying to figure out how to get this sugar back down...trying low ,low carb at least 5 days...under 75 to 50 carbs...with exta fiber .
    I have stuck myself so many times, trying to see what works and where I am.I feel like a pin cushion, but no fashion included.
    We had the 4 year old this weekend. That was a joy. I was feeling so sad after she had to go home. Also because they came and picked up the last bit of furniture..made it so final.
    She is already planning her next 'spinnanight" though
    They decided to stay at her Mom's to help her , she has to have more surgery on her broken leg, it is not healing....she has been through so much chemo through the years,with skin cancers it has caused her system to be in a disarray.
    Best wishes to everyone!