Accountable August!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,775 Member
    edited August 2023
    Thank you @Carla_wfpb , it is a lovely complex...the grounds are so beautiful...glad to see my outrageous :s HOA fees are going to good use... ;)

    Absolutely happy for you that CT scans came back with something that works in your favor...and how special that the four of you got to spend time together. Any pictures?

    Good going, great day is a total springboard to have another today! I loved your comment about Lulu ... "fine, take the picture" too funny.

    Thursday's Plan F I N A L

    oats and the regulars
    Chompie's Jewish Rye (2 slices with mustard, thinly sliced red onion, lettuce and five slices of tofurky lunch stuff)
    Snacks for work: carrots and celery, one single mashed avocado thing, 2 T Bitchin Sauce
    Dinner: stir fry: tofu, broc, onions (if I stop at the store), yellow squash, jasmine ric
    Dessert: apple and PB2

    making life deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee licious!

    15/17 TM!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi everyone. Last week was a rough week for me. I kept up with my regular exercise but skipped my Gilad workouts. This week started off very emotional but today I am feeling like myself again. I've just completed another round of Gilad. Today is yoga. I still have not found a yoga session that I love. I think my expectations may be too high. Years ago I took a yoga class in college, I also took hot yoga with some friends and several other yoga classes in studios. I am not finding the same outcome at home than I did in class. Eventually I would like to take classes in a studio again. But for now it will have to be in the comfort of my home. I just have to keep searching for the right fit for me.

    We went peach picking over the weekend on a farm that we have never visited before. I envisioned huge peaches that drip down your shirt when you take a bite into them. When we got there we discovered the peach and nectarine trees were mostly picked over. All the fruit was fairly small and very hard. They had rows of trees that were roped off and signs saying not to pick from the roped off areas. However there was nothing good on the trees they had available. I broke the rules, reached over the ropes and picked from the forbidden trees. We paid $45 to pick, there was no way I was not leaving the farm with peaches and nectarines. I've had them ripening on my kitchen counter. A few were ready to eat yesterday. I have to say they were delicious!!! On the way home from the farm we stopped at a vegan bakery that I recently learned about. I have not had baked goods in such a long time. When you open the door the smell hits you and you are instantly drawn in. It is a small bakery but what they had was so good. I was just going to get one piece of carrot cake. My husband kept asking "Anything else?" We ended up leaving with a slice of carrot cake, a mint brownie (my favorite), a slice of fruit tort? ( I don't remember exactly what it was called), an entire crumb cake and my daughter got a donut. Everything was so delicious that we finished it all by mid week. I am very excited about this new discovery. Usually for desert with family gatherings there is nothing ever for me to eat. I usually make a fruit salad which I happily eat with no regrets. But it is nice to know I have options now. I know I could easily bake something myself however cooking is my thing. I don't enjoy baking as much.

    The garden is going great. My tomatoes are starting to come in now. I'm starting to get a few peppers too. I have lots of zucchini and cucumbers. My strawberries are producing berries again. I just harvested a spaghetti squash and I have a butternut squash growing which is no where near ready to be picked. I did have a garden blunder earlier in the week. I was pruning my cucumbers by taking off old leaves. In doing so I accidentally cut the wrong part of the plant and killed half the plant that had lots of flowers and two tiny cucumbers growing. I was really bummed by my error. But the good thing is the plant will continue to grow and not all is lost.

    I read you mentioning the instant pot to someone. I have one and absolute love mine. I make beans in it all the time.

    I am not sure if this was already answered. I am responding as I read. When I cook most beans in the instant pot I do 35 minutes on high then I do quick release. If I want a softer texture I do natural release. I usually cook 1 cup of beans with enough water covering the top. I visualize approximately one knuckle worth of water above the beans. Sometimes I am left with extra liquid, sometimes I am not. You can save the extra liquid and use for dishes such as soups and rice. It's very flavorful!

    I feel your frustration with the weight fluctuations. I experience the same thing even though I am consistent with what I am doing.

    What a beautiful view on your walk!

    Your hummus sounds delicious. I have not tried making hummus yet but I really should! I second using the instant pot for beans. It is a game changer!

    I would love to hear more about your famous lentil soup. I love soup and look forward to fall and winter because I eat a lot more of it.

    Glad to hear your CT scan went well. I am glad you have answers to the issue you are having.
    That is great that you got to hang out with Donna and Brooks! I love that for you both!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,408 Member
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Mammogram done!
    Super quick and easy, no wait. And we went out for breakfast. Win!

    I have a sinus referral on the horizon and need to get my shingles vaccine. Then I'm all caught up. Every time I cross one off, another gets added it seems but I might be finally getting there.

    Not on track with food, and not even keeping up with our walks in this heat - we've been skipping the afternoon one and going early in the morning and just before sunset.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Good morning...and this is a very quick post...some changes (my schedule) may be happening at work for me...actually very good changes...once it's done, I will let you all know.

    menu is exactly like yesterday...

    oats and stuff
    carrot/celery Bitchin Sauce
    Jewish Rye Bread Tofurkey deli slices sandwich
    stir fry broc/summer squash/onions/jasmine rice/tofu
    apple and PB2

    making life deeeeeeeeeeeeee licious!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited August 2023
    Nanc, that lovely walk is actually where you live? How fabulous! It looks like a park.
    We did not take any pictures of the 4 us together. We should have asked someone at the restaurant to do that. I am feeling terrible about myself right now with my weight gain and I was sweaty to boot but it still would have been nice to have that pic! I hope you have some good news to share soon regarding your work schedule.

    @JNettie73 I would be expecting amazing peaches from a peach farm, too. I wonder if you just came on an off day or week. I have a peach tree here but it isn't the right climate for peaches by a long shot. We got one peach this year, the size of a golf ball :D Happy for you that you found an option for when you want to have a treat. Your garden makes me wish we'd have planted one this year. I think it is the first year in the 7 we have lived here that we didn't plant anything. I hope you have a great weekend and are able to start off next week from a good place.

    Mihani, I hope that you are keeping up with work okay and still taking sanity breaks!

    Next week I'm getting together with my cousin Lisa, who is the one that watched our doggos. I also have a friend in the area for work, so I will be seeing her and we haven't had a chance to catch up in person since before covid.

    This weekend I need to do some cleaning and I am going to spend some time sketching with my ipad. I'm starting to get into it. It is odd to draw on a tablet instead of paper at first but it sure is easy to make changes!

    Happy Friday!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited August 2023

    Our one sad peach! (having fun sketching on ipad) Ironically, it is massive on the screen (don't know how to resize) and so small in reality!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,408 Member

    Update on how I am doing.
    As I might have mentioned I am in Stage 4 of Kidney Failure, I have diabetes and IBS to name 3 illnesses. And all 3 have a bit different in what to eat.
    Lately I have been having trouble with edema - my lower legs and feet are swelling especially my left foot. But am unable to take water pills due to my kidney failure.

    At any rate I have relooked at a list of what to eat re kidney failure and am making up some new menus accordingly. Best bet is lots of vegetables and fruit with very low protein as protein is hard for the kidneys to handle especially animal protein. Now that sounds all good but when you have IBS a food plan based mainly on veggs doesn't work as a lot of the veggs will bring on an IBS attack. So am having to go through a long list of food to see what will work without making me sick.

    Speaking of sick - when I do eat something off plan such as hamburger within 2 hours I am horribly sick. So am learning what to avoid.

    I see my doctor the end of the month - 13 days from now - so as of today I am making a plan of what I will eat and sticking with it - would love to lose 7 pounds by then and reduce some of the water retention as that is part of why I am seeing him. So what is this plan of action
    1) no flour whatsoever
    2) no sugar whatsoever
    3) no salt
    4) no processed foods - nothing from a package basically
    5) 72 oz of water daily

    So for today my food plan looks like this
    1 cup oatmeal with 3/4 cup frozen blueberries (no dairy)
    1 hard boiled egg
    strawberries and blueberries - 1 cup possibly 1.5 cup
    cabbage salad which will include cabbage, shredded carrots and granny smith apple
    1/2 cup rice
    2 oz chicken cooked in wok

    Not sure how that works out with respect to the nutrition for the day - have to track the food to get those numbers as it is so important to track sodium, potassium and protein levels rather than calories.

    Now to get going on the treadmill

    Have a good day everyone

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,898 Member
    JNettie, I don't do well with videos of yoga either, but I don't want to go to classes. What I did was buy a book with illustrated descriptions of various positions. I just go through the book and pick a few at random, hold the pose for a while concentrating on breathing, then move on to another one.

    The bakery sounds delightful.

    Lentil soup is very easy! I saute onions in a splash of veggie broth, add garlic, diced celery, carrot and potatoes. Once those get a little softened add a bunch of spices. These vary but pretty much always include cumin, paprika, thyme, no salt seasoning, black pepper, a couple splashes of liquid smoke. Stir it all up, add lentils and broth and let it simmer until the lentils soften up, then wilt in a couple big handfuls of greens. I tend to prefer baby spinach in this soup. I usually make big batches because it freezes well. I have no idea of measurements I just throw stuff in the pot until it looks right.

    Yay for crossing more stuff off your list, Carla. Look at you being all social this month. Love the peach!

    Hope all works out well with the work changes, Nanc. You've got me wanting rye bread.

    Marilyn, good for having a plan ready and getting on the treadmill. Hope the doc can help with the edema.

    B - ezekiel english muffin with a smidge of PB
    L - Dr. McDougall soup, watermelon
    D - hummus veggie pita, more watermelon
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 975 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello all,

    We got back from our trip last night. Today spent the day unpacking, grocery store, laundry, play with dogs, and general catchup! The trip was so fun!

    Highlight of our trip was visiting Carla, Joe, Ruby and Radar. Their farm is so beautiful! Happiest dogs. Amazing fruit trees and blackberries. Carla has me hooked on cashew yogurt! Thank you again for all the gifts. I am a crafter but CARLA is an artist! Her variety of art is amazing!

    Before visiting Carla we spent a couple of days in Seattle visiting Brooks’s new grandson! Visit went well. Brooks has had a stressful relationship with his daughter in the past but this was a good visit and SD referred to me as Grandma Donna! After visiting Carla we went up to Whistler, BC for 3 days. It was warm but not the blow torch SA has been. We had a great hike around Lost Lake (7 miles total for the day) and then 45 min swimming. It was so sad to return back to SA. Pacific NW is high on possible places to retire to.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 975 Member
    edited August 2023
    Well pictures did not post in order.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Nettie, thanks for the 411 on the I just have to do it. This weekend looks packed with stuff, so we'll see if I can get to it.

    Great pictures, Bisky...adorable cute. How special to meet peeps in our group in real life. Love that.

    today's plan...

    oats and stuff
    last Jewish rye Tofurky deli sand
    carrots and celery and Bitchin Sauce
    apple and PB2
    Veggie Burger with LTO, ketchup and Veganaise no bun

    making life deeeeeeeee licious

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,408 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,898 Member
    Love the pics, Donna. Glad you had a nice vacation.

    Home from the office and going to get the lentil soup made. Also baking a few garnet sweet potatoes and roasting some broccoli. That should all get me through Wednesday.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,775 Member
    16 of 19 days in August on the treadmill. I finally bumped it up to 2.5 mph. Man, I used to do 3mph with ease. Sheesh! 2.5 mph 15 incline 20 minutes

    It makes my walks with Lulu and all my walking around during the day so much easier...I can really tell my legs and glutes are getting stronger.

    today's plan

    oats and stuff
    veggie burger with LTO on Ezekiel
    stir fry veg with tofu
    100 cal hippeas

    making life deeeeeeee licious!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Oh my goodness you guys...Ruby was such a butt this morning! She woke Joe up around 5 am to go outside and then she wouldn't come back in. By the time we got up at 6:15 she'd knocked over my huge bag of bird seed and got into the orchard and stuffed herself on fruit. When she came inside, I was coughing which somehow to the dogs has come to mean that we are in danger. If either of us coughs, they get concerned. She went into protective mode acting all bossy with Radar keeping him away from me. And then she just couldn't settle down because she had a major sugar rush going on from the fruit. Cue my 6:30 am walk so she could run off the crazies. (on the plus side, I got in an extra little morning walk)

    I just finished my first digital pattern. It is sketched on the iPad then put together in Illustrator. I was going for something simple but it still took a while. Kind of cool when it all comes together. Once I have a pattern I really like, I'm going to get it printed on wrapping paper.


    We're still taking the easy route of tofu and salad for dinner. That part is to stop with snacking and desserts.

    The rest of my walks today might have to be on the treadmill. I couldn't smell the smoke outside, but it is in the forecast and the sky is hazy.

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Yesterday we went to the beach with my neighbor and had a great day. I've been going to this particular beach my entire life. Yesterday the kids got ice cream from the truck and we went on a walk before returning to our blankets. On our walk we discovered trails that I never knew existed. We turned to check it out and discovered boardwalks that had signs explaining about all the plant life and their benefits to the wild life. The boardwalks led to a nature center. It had 2 outdoor tanks, one of them contained some sea creatures from the harbor and the other one had some plant life. Inside the nature center there were a few tanks with more sea creatures - shrimp, crabs, puffer fish, other fish that we find in our waters. They also had several interactive touch screens throughout the center where you can learn about all the marine life and wild life. I began speaking to one of the workers. She shared that the center was opened sometime in the 80s. Basically this has been there since I was a kid and I had zero idea it was even there. It was an amazing experience.

    I went over my calories yesterday. We have to go food shopping and I didn't have food to pack for the beach. We stopped at Tropical Smoothie Cafe to get wraps. My daughter (vegetarian) and I always order the hummus vegetable wrap. She always gets hers with no hummus and avocado, I always get mine without cheese. At the beach I bit into my wrap and noticed it wasn't that flavorful. I assumed it was a new worker who made it differently. It wasn't until the very end of the wrap that I noticed all the cheese melted in with the rice. :s I double checked the wrappers on our wraps. The one I ate definitely said no cheese and my daughter's wrap said no hummus no avocado. Whoever put the wraps together made them correctly but put the wrong sticker on the wrong wrap. I was upset with the error but thankfully my stomach is not paying the price.

    I love the peach that you drew!

    I am sorry to hear that you struggle with several health issues. Wishing you the best.

    Ohhhh thanks for mentioning it. I have a yoga book. I should take that our and try doing poses on my own. I would love to go to yoga classes but it just is not in the budget at the moment. I did find one yoga workout on Youtube that I enjoyed but oh my goodness was it challenging. I was struggling to move from one pose to another fluidly like the instructor was doing. I took my time and did it at my own pace. But boy was it challenging. Not to mention I was quickly reminded of the one less than desirable aspect of yoga - the gas. Thank goodness I was in the comfort of my own home because the sounds that were coming out of my body would have been horrifically embarrassing if I was not alone in the comforts of my own home. :D

    Thanks for sharing your lentil soup. It sounds similar to how I make mine. I never thought to add potatoes or liquid smoke.

    I love the pictures you shared of the trip. It sounds like you had a wonderful time!

    You're welcome for the bean info. When you try it out please share how it worked for you!
    Congrats on the treadmill increase. That is fantastic. You are doing so well!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,898 Member
    Carla, oh that's maddening when dogs do that. Mine would sometimes get onto a scent of something late at night and refuse to come in, and you can't find them in the dark. Hope she doesn't have a tummy ache today.

    Love that print!

    Cool discovery, JNettie. Sounds like a place you'll be visiting again. Too bad about the cheese on your wrap. That would upset me too.

    I have trouble following videos. I've had a few over the years that I did often enough to pretty well memorize and could do smoothly but not for yoga just for cardio.

    Still haven't worked up the motivation to make soup but I am getting lots of work done this weekend.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,775 Member
    today's plan

    oats or Just Egg frozen
    veg burgers...making lunch for my organizer*
    PB2 with apple

    17/20 TM

    Everyone, make your day deeeeeeelicious!

    Need to get in the kitchen and steam mop the floor...and put a few things away.

    *We are going to attempt to use the second half of the hall closet, which is not very big, for more pantry items from the kitchen. I need more space for kitchen things...easier to find, not to mention put away when washed. Going to see about moving my washer and dryer from the kitchen to the garage. That space would be used as a pantry. Just have to find the right people.

    Enclosed patio plans still to be approved.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 975 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi! Just got caught up on everyone’s posts.

    Mihani - I love your lentil soup recipe. Going to go buy some liquid smoke and try it. In this heat, all I want is fruit and soup.

    Magic - Good job on the treadmill! Have you made beans yet?

    Jnettie - your day at the beach sounds awesome. Pics of the water so I can dream? Sorry about the cucumber plant. There is no better cucumber than home grown.

    Carla - Ruby! I can just picture her getting into all the fruit you have growing! Her carrying around the apples like a ball we found hilarious! The pattern you created is beautiful. Do you print it yourself? You are very creative with the ideas you come up and the art you create. The cough you have, is it related to the smoke?

    Well, I made myself sick again. Saturday I went running around with my friend to estate sales. It was 104*. I forgot to keep up with fluids. Didn’t buy much except a big heavy Lennox crystal vase for $10.00. Crystal is not nearly as popular or expensive. The people running the estate sales say they can’t hardly give it away. Anyways, I did not hydrate enough. Late afternoon Brooks and I drove to Houston where he did a triathalon Sunday a.m. He Came in 3 rd for his age group! I sat in the sun for 2 hours…there was no shade. I did have water but did not drink enough. When we got home yesterday, I drank 100 ounces of fluids over 8 hours. A mixture of Gatorade fit, diluted lemonade and water. Finally started feeling better.

    Feel normal this a.m. Got up at 6:30 to walk dogs. It was already 82*. Going to go swim indoors now. Suppose to be 105* today.

    Made my morning smoothie using Ka’chava protein powder with blueberries and strawberries.

    Have a great Monday!