Weight No More Team Chat - SEPTEMBER 2023



  • GarysGirl78
    GarysGirl78 Posts: 107 Member
    edited September 2023
    GarysGirl78 (Support)

    Weigh-in day: Monday (Yes I'm late with my post... Again o:) )
    SW/HW: 78.83 kg / 173.8 lbs
    PW: 59.28 kg / 130.7 lbs
    CW: 59.78 kg / 131.8 lbs

    Steps last week (27 AUG - 2 SEP):

    Sunday - 10071
    Monday - 10403
    Tuesday - 10480
    Wednesday - 11185
    Thursday - 9680
    Friday - 10137
    Saturday - 14012

    Total steps - 75968
    Daily step goal - 9000
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    edited September 2023

    Thank you very much for sharing!
    I also appreciate the fact that you and the other leaders are doing this program. I was in need of something both motivating and inspiring. I’m glad I came across this group. It was meant to be!
    I’m looking forward to working toward my goals and being a part of this team.

    BTW - I think that Habit spreadsheet is a great idea! I signed up on it and hope others do too.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    I'm Tracy. Im 51, have 2 boys and 3 grandkids. I'm a director in childcare and this is our first week back to school even though we have been working all summer. We just had the new kids starting yesterday and the kids going to their new rooms. It's going to be an exhausting month. We are trying to hire and I don't think anyone wants to work anymore. I have been trying to lose weight for years. I did try nutritionists and weight loss clinics. Even was on ozempic a few months ago but the side effects were so bad I had to stop taking it. This is on top of diet and exercise. They just put me on a new medication to try to help but some days I feel it makes me more hungry. I am hoping to get a new watch to get back to tracking my steps. I find that not having one after all these years is making me lazy.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,130 Member
    Hi WNM ... You have another new member joining your amazing team ..Please welcome @beabenitez1978 :)
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,008 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi all, I'm back from my hols and catching up with everything.

    I come from Scotland but live in the Czech Republic now. I've been on holiday to Poland for the past two weeks and got some great step counts while walking around Gdansk, Warsaw and Krakow...gotta keep up the good work here in Prague every day now!

    I teach English as a second language to adults and children on a one-to-one basis. For a while, I did after-scool classes with groups of kids but, although it was fun to begin with, I just didn't enjoy the classroom style of teaching nor having so many different 45 minute lessons and all the preparation that went with it.

    I've also got a background in design, having graduated in silversmithing & jewellery design, worked as a graphic designer and a stained glass designer. I still have two Etsy shops but, since the mayhem of international postage during the covid years, I've shelved them until I'm ready to face the stress of making and selling again. I'm heading in the direction of design and printed apparel now.

    One of my recent joys is collecting sea glass whenever I get to the beach. Living in a landlocked country is tough when you've discovered a new activity that you love so much. In Gdansk, we only went to the beach once and didn't find a single piece of sea glass. I have loads of pieces from my holidays in Spain and some from Scotland too. Again, the covid years were tough for me not being able to do this relaxing activity.

    As for fitness, health and wellbeing, here it is again - the covid years - I reached my heaviest ever weight, while turning 50 and dealing with all the usual body changes at this age, not staying active and developing terrible eating, drinking and lazy habits. Now, it's an ongoing struggle to reverse the impact. In the past, I never bothered about weight and keeping fit but, at this age, it's like having an extra part-time job with a very reluctant-to-pay client! So, I'm listening to my body, finding time to relax my mind, exercise to build strength, flexibility and balance as I age, and lose the excess weight and flab.

    Let's do this together Weight No More teamies 💪😁🤜
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Cw 191.2
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW: 190.2 (I know I forgot to submit this)
    CW: 191.2

    The past two weeks at work have been absolutely crazy. My stress levels have been through the roof, and my stress eating has followed. I'm sorry I missed last week's weigh-in. I am going to try to get back on the wagon for next week. Did some food prep for lunches today and tomorrow. I know this is just a bump in the road and I can get back into the routine.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,347 Member
    edited September 2023

    Hey folks, I'm missing a couple updated weights from earlier this week. If the following could help a girl out, that would be awesome:


    Our new folks with Monday weigh-days (If you'd like to use your starting weight as your update for this week, that works fine, just let me know!):


    Let me know if you need to be excused for this week, or shifted to the support team (where you can take a temporary break from the weight loss squad while still remaining as part of the Weight No More team). Please remember that providing no updates at all two weeks in a row will result in being dropped from the team.
  • 9Harvey
    9Harvey Posts: 105 Member
    September 3

    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    Previous Weight: August 27 - 207.2
    Current Weight: September 3 - 207.4

    Sunday - 6055
    Monday - 4144
    Tuesday - 6574
    Wednesday - 6374
    Thursday - 5870
    Friday - 5470
    Saturday - 7791

    Total - 42278 steps
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited September 2023
    It's another intro! Three months in a row! I'm stealing Ashley's spoilers idea again, 'cuz I like it and my intro is also a bit long...

    Welcome to all the new ladies & gents! And welcome back to a couple of our returners.

    I'm Melanie and I'm from Kansas. I’m the other team Co-captain. Truly, Ashley does most of the heavy lifting. I generally do the steps post.
    My (short version) story
    When I was young, I was always was skinny. I got away from my nutty family, met my husband, learned to be happy. Then I got fat. I found myself weighing in about 230 and my size sixteens were too small. I bought a couple pairs of 18 pants from the thrift store and joined MFP.
    I lost ~70 pounds in about a year and was pretty pleased. But I wanted another 20 off...and it didn't move. And things got a bit crazy with my husband's family...so I decided to maintain for a bit. Instead of maintaining, I gained a lot of the weight back. Then my MIL died and I've spent more time trying to keep my husband okay than taking care of me. And now I'm actually a bit over my prior highest weight. So...now I'm working on the weight all over.
    My special snowflake challenges
    I'm fairly significantly asthmatic (on meds all the time).
    I have terrible allergies, mostly mold. Which is literally everywhere. And cats. Anything that doesn't have square pupils (but not things with square pupils!?!).
    I have migraines.
    And I have connective tissue issues (not enough collagen, too stretchy, lots of joint slippage).
    August 2020, I acquired some vertigo problems and persistent deafness on one side. Yay.
    What I do about it
    Several years ago, my doctor recommended glucosamine for the connective tissue disorder. I didn't think it helped until I stopped taking it. It helps. But a couple years ago, it wasn't helping as much. So I added collagen supplements. And that helps a lot. When I have bad days, I also drink collagen peptides (but I really dislike them). That helps, too. And I've been supplementing with Vitamin C for decades, not really knowing why. In the past few years, I learned Vit C helps the body produce and process collagen. Suddenly, my obsession with the C makes sense.
    My neurologist recommended I take 500 mg of ginger and 400 mg of Vitamin B2 every day to reduce migraines, it has helped a lot. The migraines are so much better (almost non-existent) and manageable when they happen. The ginger also helps some with the vertigo. I have no excuses for not doing exercise when the vertigo is managed, except for being lazy.
    After adding some nasal sprays and sinus irrigation, adjusting my diet a bit, and stopping coffee (EXTREMELY, TERRIBLY sad), I’ve got the vertigo mostly under control. Again.
    What is the point behind all this?
    The special snowflake stuff is not woe-is-me drama llama. It is that everyone has to do what works for them now. The stuff a lot of people go on about are not good, for me, and are sometimes dangerous, for me. Sometimes people get down on themselves because they don't do the stuff everyone talks about HIIT, Insanity, stair steppers, etc. I not only don't do those things, I shouldn't. But I should exercise.
    My Goals
    My daily goal to get about 30 minutes of walking a day at least during the week. I try to get a walk in otherwise but frequently fail.
    A while back I did some PT for some shoulder issues and that got me into doing some resistance/mild strength training. I did well for a while and ... then I got tired and stopped. And I haven't done well at walking consistently for, well a year. I need to get back to doing that consistently. When I do light strength training/resistance, it helps the connective tissue issues.
    Even when I do well during the week, weekends are a mixed bag, so that's my goal, do better on all days and especially on the weekends...
    I also need to consistently drink at least two liters of water daily.

    Anyway, I've been with WNM for a while now and this month, I am re-committing to getting back to work on losing and more than losing, improving my exercise. July was good and bad. Montana was excellent. August was crazy. Kansas has been sweltering. Not as bad as Phoenix but bad. The past two days have been ridiculously nice. And still, less inclined to walk. I could drive to the rec center and walk on their treadmill but that requires me to go outside. Twice. You can't see my lip curl but it's there. Anyway, lets make Sept awesome!

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    ~Step Challenge FINAL Results ~
    August WEEK FIVE
    Team Statistics -
    Steppers: 6 (+1)
    Total Steps: 343,223 (+.12% from last week)
    Average Steps Per Stepper: 57,204 (up from last week!)

    Total Steps for the month: 1,484,101
    The Leaderboard -

    @BodyTalking - 81,258 total | 11,608 average - Biggest Average Increase!!!
    @GarysGirl78 - 75,968 total | 10,853 average
    @JessicaVRosati - 70,601 total | 10, 086 average - Most Steps in One Day!!!
    @daria0919 - 54,214 total | 7,745 average
    @9Harvey - 42,278 total | 6,040 average - Most Consistent!!!
    @melaniedscott - 18,904 total | 2,701 average

    All of our bolded steppers set a goal and met it, based on their average steps per day! And a new challenger rises! Welcome @daria0919!

    Way to go! We almost broke 1.5 million with only 5 walkers two or three weeks!

    I'm going do do a little plug for the step challenge in Sept for all our new and returning peeps. I think I said this before but I'll say it again....If you would like to join our step challenge, post the previous week's steps before...6 pm CST (11 pm UTC). We track Sun-Sat. So this is August's final post and Sept's first week (Sept 3-9) will get posted Sept 13ish. Some people post by the day, some do weekly total. What ever is most comfortable for you. If you think, oh, I don't do that well...take a look at my steps...it takes work to step less than me...

    As you can see above, we do a shoutout for most steps in a day and most consistent. If you post weekly only, you won't be in the running there. Sometimes, I make other "awards" up. I almost got biggest slacker but I was too tired....

    Can we break 2 million this month?

  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,008 Member
  • Marcy2890
    Marcy2890 Posts: 63 Member
    Username: marcy2890
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    PW: 144.2 lbs
    CW: 144 lbs
  • GinLee61
    GinLee61 Posts: 1,212 Member
    Friday weigh-in

    PW: 158.6
    CW: 157.5
  • Steppin_Kate
    Steppin_Kate Posts: 4 Member
    Username: Steppin_Kate
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    PW: 358
    CW: 358
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,008 Member
    Starting weight: 81.7 kg/180.12 lb
    Previous weight: 80.3 kg/177.03 lb
    Current weight: 81.7 kg/180.12 lb

    Well, that's disappointing! But, it just means I need to work harder at making a difference....today has just begun and this is the day I'll begin again.
  • uclaxtina
    uclaxtina Posts: 67 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 186.6
    CW: 184.4

    Happy Saturday! I’m feeling more motivated today than I have been just seeing the numbers on the scale drop more than before. My weight seemed to be staying consistent but now I’m finally seeing some more progress. I’m still struggling with my water intake. Having a hard time remembering to drink water when I’m working. I hope I can improve my water intake and nutrition.
This discussion has been closed.