Downsizers Team Chat - SEPTEMBER 2023



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 309.8
    CW: 306

    Fantastic loss!
  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 289 Member

    9/3 7852
    9/4 9369
    9/5 8741
    9/6 10124
    9/7 9117
    9/8 10805
    9/9 7010

    And how is your foot coming along?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    edited September 2023
    RoblinB wrote: »
    PW 186.7
    CW 185.6

    Phew... that was a hard one! To quote the frog, sometimes it's not easy being green!
    Root canal over (still on antibiotics though) and a mountain of work to do. Gotta keep going but will go get some steps first.

    On another note, I was inspired by @aneedlecraft's plan to give herself the gift of a "one way trip to the 200s for Christmas." This made me think about giving myself a gift related to our mini-challenge, too. So, this morning, I found a Christmas gift bag in my wrapping supplies and put a pair of pants from my closet into it that I hope to be able to wear by December 24. I think I will look around for a few more things I already own to add to it - a sweater that is currently a bit too snug, a pair of earrings, etc. Growing up, my mom always made sure my sister and I had a new Christmas dress - I think this is a good gift to myself for several reasons (including the fact that it is fun to get a present! :)) Thanks again, @Slimmersixties, for doing this and the motivation it provides. I'm looking forward to opening my gift on Christmas eve!

    I love this idea. Now to come up with my present.Congrats on the loss!
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    Steps: 5,562
    Swim: 3/3
    Mini Walk: 2/2

    PW 172.2
    CW 173.6

    Ok, I have gained two weeks in a row. There are several culprits with the biggest being my sleep. This has been going on for a few weeks. Poor sleep leads to nighttime eating for me. I have been over calories for quite a bit as a result. I am also going through a medication change which is not helping the sleep.

    I feel this big time. I just ordered a highly rated mattress topper to try and address some of my sleep issues. I wake up multiple times a night with pain. Fingers crossed it works.

    Have you been able to look into possible resolutions for your sleep issues? Curious what you find.

    There are many things that affect my sleep. Stress, pain, overeating at night, not keeping a routine, timing of my medication and a few others I can’t think of right now. I have had sleep issues for years. Sometimes it was too much and others not enough. For the last 6 or 7 years it has been not sleeping enough on and off. The pain is something that really isn’t going to change anytime soon until I get surgery. The overeating is an ongoing battle. I have been struggling with the urge to binge eat again so that also leads to stress. It’s something I continue to work on and have mental health resources to help me in this area. I take a sleeping pill at night. This helps but I have beer playing with the timing to see if I can optimize it. A sleep routine is very key for me. Do some reading on sleep hygiene. Listen to some 432hz music for sleep and relaxation. I know the pain specialist told me not to use a memory foam on the bed. That may not be an issue for you though. Maybe check with a health care professional. Also, exercising regularly helps with sleep. That one is a work in progress for me.
    NouveauRee wrote: »
    PW 172.2
    CW 170.8

    Please add me to the mini challenge! Christmas gift/goal 160.

    Very nice loss.
    Weigh-In Day: Friday 9/8/23
    PW: 189.8
    CW: 189.2

    Lost 0.6 lbs. I’m sorry for weighing in late! I stepped on the scale on Friday morning only to have our batteries die and had to go to the store to get some more and it’s certainly been a busy weekend lol. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

    Nice loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    edited September 2023
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    My weekend was busy and I forgot my weigh in
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    Steps: 4,748
    Swim: 3/3
    Mini Walk: 2/2

    Another week of reaching my exercise goal but gaining weight. I am going to the pool soon.

    Please use 173.6 as my Christmas challenge weight. I am going to lose 11 pounds which will bring me to 100 pounds lost. I will need to adjust my calories for the week so I can lose .75 pounds a week. I can and will do this.

    We will both have lost 100lb by Christmas! Ill be at goal. Will that be goal for you too?
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member


    Sunday 9/3 6231
    Monday 9/4 7551
    Tues 9/5 7838
    Wed 9/6 8570
    Thurs 9/7 9185
    Fri 9/8 8116
    Sat 9/9 7611

    Good to be walking again, although it's still very hot here!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    RoblinB wrote: »

    9/3 7852
    9/4 9369
    9/5 8741
    9/6 10124
    9/7 9117
    9/8 10805
    9/9 7010

    And how is your foot coming along?

    Still very painful ... the rod that goes from my ankle to my knee is extremely painful ..thanks for asking
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    MFP User Name - Learningmoments
    Friday weigh-in
    PW: 186.0
    CW: 187.6
    I don't understand how on Friday was 186.0, Saturday 187.6, Monday 185.0, and now Friday 187.6. That is quite a yoyo. Thanks for any help.

    Commitment for Week - 60,000 steps
    Tracking Type - Miles or Steps: Steps

    Saturday -10299
    Sunday -10328
    Monday -10532
    Tuesday -11601
    Wednesday -10581
    Thursday -12,798
    Friday -10,000+

    Total Steps: 76,345

    Commitment for Week for floors - 100 floors
    Saturday - Floors: 18
    Sunday - Floors: 16
    Monday - Floors: 22
    Tuesday - Floors: 15
    Wednesday - Floors: 15
    Thursday - Floors: 19
    Friday - Floors: 16
    Total floors: 121

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    edited September 2023
    MFP User Name - Learningmoments
    Friday weigh-in
    PW: 186.0
    CW: 187.6
    I don't understand how on Friday was 186.0, Saturday 187.6, Monday 185.0, and now Friday 187.6. That is quite a yoyo. Thanks for any help.

    Commitment for Week - 60,000 steps
    Tracking Type - Miles or Steps: Steps

    Saturday -10299
    Sunday -10328
    Monday -10532
    Tuesday -11601
    Wednesday -10581
    Thursday -12,798
    Friday -10,000+

    Total Steps: 76,345

    Commitment for Week for floors - 100 floors
    Saturday - Floors: 18
    Sunday - Floors: 16
    Monday - Floors: 22
    Tuesday - Floors: 15
    Wednesday - Floors: 15
    Thursday - Floors: 19
    Friday - Floors: 16
    Total floors: 121

    @Learningmoments I am trying to figure out how to add your floors ... on my conversion chart I have stair climbing , moderate... stair climbing slow or stair climbing vigorous ... I would need to know if it was moderate, slow or vigorous and for how long you did it in order for me to convert it ...Thanks

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member

    Here is my friendly Sunday reminder of the people's steps I need for September Week 1 ... Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday evening of the 12th ... Thanks for your cooperation :)

    @aactuallyaash 9/3 - 9/9
    @itladyee 9/8 & 9/9
    @Mama530 9/9
    @tahm42 9/3 - 9/9
    @adianeschu 9/3 - 9/9
    @Hotspur11 9/3 - 9/9
    @laquita606 9/3 - 9/9
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,763 Member
    weigh in day sunday
    pw: 131 pounds
    cw: 131 pounds
  • bamdazo
    bamdazo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Still new to this process so here it goes..

    CW: 128.6
    PW: 129.4
  • Learningmoments
    Learningmoments Posts: 788 Member
    @Slimmersixties Thank you for the article and the idea for averaging. That would give a more realistic value and a lot less stress. I can definitely tell my hard workout days. The next day, my weight usually goes up. I usually try to have a lower-intensity workout the day before. I appreciate your help.

    Do you use an app like happy scale for recording your weights?

    I have an android. Happy scale doesn't show up. Sounds like a fun app.
  • Learningmoments
    Learningmoments Posts: 788 Member
    MFP User Name - Learningmoments
    Friday weigh-in
    PW: 186.0
    CW: 187.6
    I don't understand how on Friday was 186.0, Saturday 187.6, Monday 185.0, and now Friday 187.6. That is quite a yoyo. Thanks for any help.

    Commitment for Week - 60,000 steps
    Tracking Type - Miles or Steps: Steps

    Saturday -10299
    Sunday -10328
    Monday -10532
    Tuesday -11601
    Wednesday -10581
    Thursday -12,798
    Friday -10,000+

    Total Steps: 76,345

    Commitment for Week for floors - 100 floors
    Saturday - Floors: 18
    Sunday - Floors: 16
    Monday - Floors: 22
    Tuesday - Floors: 15
    Wednesday - Floors: 15
    Thursday - Floors: 19
    Friday - Floors: 16
    Total floors: 121

    @Learningmoments I am trying to figure out how to add your floors ... on my conversion chart I have stair climbing , moderate... stair climbing slow or stair climbing vigorous ... I would need to know if it was moderate, slow or vigorous and for how long you did it in order for me to convert it ...Thanks

    Don't worry about converting them to steps. I just want to keep track of how many I do. Climbing stairs is something I want to do when I am old, so I thought this was a good place to keep track. Thank you so much for the offer. I appreciate this challenge.
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    09/09: 3,869
    09/08: 7,932
    09/07: 6,771
    09/06: 7,775
    09/05: 8,953
    09/04: 3,728
    09/03: 11,821
  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 214 Member

    Hi Linda, Here are my unspectacular numbers for the week (yawn!)

    Member: rwillems
    Weigh-in Day: Sunday
    PW: 279.4 lbs
    CW: 279.4 lbs (No Change)

    'till next week, have a great week.

  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member
    Weigh-In Day: Friday 9/8/23
    PW: 189.8
    CW: 189.2

    Lost 0.6 lbs. I’m sorry for weighing in late! I stepped on the scale on Friday morning only to have our batteries die and had to go to the store to get some more and it’s certainly been a busy weekend lol. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

    Awesome work!!
This discussion has been closed.