Introduction Thread (please tell us who you are:)



  • JP_DAngelo
    JP_DAngelo Posts: 4 Member
    Hey all - New to MFP, looking to connect/chat with other like minded individuals on a similar journey to healthy living
  • CMac06820
    CMac06820 Posts: 12 Member
    Greetings everyone I'm Chris and I live in the Merrimack Valley in Massachusetts more specifically about 30 minutes outside of Boston. I've been trying to get my fitness life plan so to speak back in sync and now I've worked out a way to get my meal plan in sync. I used to be a member of MFP a looooooong time ago and just couldn't make it work for me and now things are looking different My wife thinks this whole get fit go for walks get fit stuff is blah so there's not a lot of support there. Speaking of that. How many of you are in that same boat and how do you cope with that? If needed I can make a separate topic on that. I'm an early riser, well a wicked early riser for my walks on my weekday walks so I'll wrap it up with this. I look forward to getting to know everyone here

  • peterldavey
    peterldavey Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all I am a gay guy, living in south wales
  • AresAntares
    AresAntares Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello all. Eric here (38, gay/queer, he/him). 6’2 , 205lbs.

    Living in middle Tennessee, outside of Nashville.

    Interested in strength training, and bodybuilding, and putting on mass. Outside of the gym I like baking, cooking, gardening, hiking, reading, 80s music, horror movies, and art.

    Open to mutual encouragement, workout pals.

    Feel free to add or message.

  • Hi!
    I'm Charles, and I'm a gay transgender man. I use he/him pronouns, and I am a month and a half on HRT.
  • styefeto
    styefeto Posts: 11 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hi everyone! I’m 40/f/exceptionally queer, living in Boston. I lost 22 lbs in 2022, after losing 25-30 in 2018-2019 and more or less maintaining that for 3 years. I have been on MFP the entire time… and multiple times before that, tracking pregnancy weight gain, postpartum weight loss, and then parenting-a-toddler weight gain times 3 awesome kids… but I digress. But I never did this community discussion thing, and now I would love to find some virtual weight loss support buddies as I gear up to loose a final 20ish lbs in 2023 for a magical muscular goal weight of 168. Also I’m a high school teacher and so any potential New England summer hiking buddies to the front. VT over NH any day, man, but this year I want to climb Katahdin. So please pretty please say hi!!
  • Leolin_Rappana
    Leolin_Rappana Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am 36 non-binary, nerd and furry. I had a heart attack just in September. I had no history of heart problems, I weighed 256 at the time, I had not high blood pressure or high cholesterol. While they are still trying to figure out why, it happened and I know my health needs to improve

    I changed my diet and lifestyle and at the same time I was also required to join a cardio rehabilitation program (pritikin) after 36 sessions I am down to 210 lbs. I still have a ways to go, my diet right now is to help my body reset until I can plateau then maintain from there. I need to also reduce my body fat % to help keep my heart healthy. Everything I do is for heart health and to make sure I can keep going.

    I'm always up to discuss recipes or products you have found to help. It would be also nice to work with someone in the area (Seattle)
  • Emeryson
    Emeryson Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I’m Emerson, I’m a trans bisexual man. I have been on hrt for 2 years and recently had top surgery on November 28th, 2022. I want to get to down to 175 and start trying to build muscle in my upper body once I am given the ok by my doctor.
  • Aaron0746
    Aaron0746 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m a trans man. I’ve been on T for 5 months now. I’ve started to look and feel more like me so now I just need to lose a bit of weight to feel completely at home in my body. I’m aiming to lose 40lbs to look and feel healthier. I’m finding it hard to this since I’ve always been big so I’m looking for a community to keep me on track.
  • nyxxie2509
    nyxxie2509 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I’m Nyx. Totally Pan. Not new to this app but newly “dedicated” and I need friends to motivate and support me so ADD ME! Umm, heaviest weight last year was around 378…changed meds then lost around 100lbs and I’m at 298 now. I just want to live a healthier and fitter lifestyle and maybe get down to 250. Add me and send motivation!
  • krusso_89
    krusso_89 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Kayla, nonbinary/transmasc (microlabels in flux atm), aroace, lesbian. I know, a mouthful! This is my second time trying to get on board with MFP, and this time I have a goal to work towards. I'm sitting at 228 which isn't my heaviest ever but approaching it. I've got an 8 month old niece and hope to start HRT this year, both of which are worthy of trying to get back into shape! I'm not so much worried about losing weight as I am about becoming fit regardless of the number on the scale, and ideally I'm hoping to get a more masculine shape as I go along. A big issue for me has always been accountability and comfort with being queer, so this group seems like the right place for me!
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    I'm Jenni. I am a figure skating competitor and coach in both ice and roller 🥰 I love everyone. Please add me as a friend
  • AmberPhoenixrising
    AmberPhoenixrising Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Jennifer and I am a lesbian who goes by she/her/hers and I am engaged to the love of my life and we met on a dating app and I could not be happier she is amazing and beautiful and sexy loving loyal and honest and tells me like it is when I upset her. I love her to death.
  • twisesq_mfp
    twisesq_mfp Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Travis, in San Jose (San Francisco Bay Area). Rejoining MFP after using a number of other eating / diet programs. Nice to see an LGBT+ group here even if it is a little quiet! :)
  • flare14
    flare14 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Folx!
    I'm Lou -- non-binary, Les Mills Body Pump attendee, rope-flow beginner, lead salsa dancer, and all-round good person. Looking to stay on track with protein intake. Feel free to friend me if you get a second. Very grateful that we are represented here on MFP.
  • AndyB1386
    AndyB1386 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all I’m Andy, I’m 36. I am gay, nerdy,dorky, and I have one son. I would love some more support and looking forward to being friends
  • PeteGurd23
    PeteGurd23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys and gals. I’m Pete, 53 years young, type2 diabetic (hereditary), happily married gay man from the UK. Always up for friends on this journey x
  • matrixdriver
    matrixdriver Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all. I'm Jim. Been on MFP for a long time, but just joined this community group. Live north of Seattle. Resigned myself to thinking I could never get back to where I was, but just trying to get part way there. Now I'm all in. I will get back to where I was. 50 down, 100 to go. Looking for friends to support each other along the ride.
  • Hi, I'm Grey! I'm at 39 year old trans man living in the greater ATX area. I've been on and off MFP for the better part of a decade, if not more. I'll do really well at tracking my foods and exercise for a month or so, and then I'll drop off because I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. It's hard to talk about with my IRL friends and my family because none of them have the same weight issues that I do. I have 110lbs to lose after losing 40lbs in the last 18 months. I'm looking for friends who can help me be accountable, cheer me on, and that I can do the same for. Thanks for reading! <3
  • lairson4
    lairson4 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm Travis. I am gay, been with my husband for 15 years, we just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. I grew up in Ohio on a farm, but have lived in New Jersey, New York, Southern California, Chicago, Atlanta and now live in Houston, TX.

    I am trying to use MyFitnessPal to keep myself on track. I have been a "big guy" my entire adult life. I realize that at 6'5", I am tall... but when people see me and say, oh your a big guy... they aren't referring to my height... and my pants are on, so they aren't referring to anything else either. I would like to get closer to being the tall guy.

    I am currently 370 and would love to get to 250 (without death or the removal of a limb).

    Feel free to reach out and kick my *kitten* a bit to keep me in check.