Pre-Challenge Activity #3: Meal Plan



  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,763 Member
    i plan to eat something from the five food groups every day, to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. i will vary the foods i eat.
  • paceka2
    paceka2 Posts: 869 Member
    Pre-Challenge Activity #3: Meal Plan

    I don't actually have a "meal plan" as such. I want to eliminate most of the fast food options going forward; incorporate more fruits and veggies into my meals; include a daily protein drink; and be mindful of my eating.

    I do make a weekly meal plan so I have an idea of what I will be making and what I might need to get from the store. I also want to get back to baking my own breads which are so much healthier than what I can buy at the store. Fall is a great time for that!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    Pre-Challenge Activity #3: Meal Plan

    My meal plan is simple:
    1. High protein - aim for 130-150g per day
    2. Choose higher fibre options where possible
    3. Aim for 2 fruit + 5 veg per day
    4. No eating from open containers
    5. Track every bite, lick & sip!
  • nbruns83
    nbruns83 Posts: 2,075 Member
    edited October 2023
    1. Continue to cook meals from scratch.
    2. Limit eating out.
    3. Avoid processed foods.
    4. Give "Sober October" a try, but allow for special occasion wine.
    5. Keep the focus on "real foods" vegetables, fruits, etc. - not calories.