Pre-Challenge Activity #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating



  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,763 Member
    i find that i am an emotional eater during stressful times. i am working to become a more mindful eater.
  • paceka2
    paceka2 Posts: 869 Member
    PRE-CHALLENGE ACTIVITY #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating

    First, thank you for providing two wonderful sources of information for us to ponder on. I have downloaded the Mindful eating guide - I have also just recently completed a session on Mindful eating.

    I would say that I am more of a mindful eater than an emotional eater. Although I have realized that during these past couple of years while I have been dealing with so much pain I do tend to occasionally want something that feels good - ice cream comes to mind. Now that the pain is subsiding I plan to pay better attention to what I am eating and why.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    PRE-CHALLENGE ACTIVITY #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating

    I am definitely an emotional eater! This is one of my biggest challenges on my health journey. I am particularly bad for it when I'm alone, and I struggle a lot with leaving food unfinished (I'm a member of the clean plate club). Coupled with this, I struggle to identify emotions because I was raised to not show emotions, so I learned to mask and push them down so much that I don't actually know how to identify what I'm feeling (this, I am told, is childhood emotional neglect, and I'm still working through the ramifications of that). I have heard of strategies like HALT before, but they haven't really worked for me because I can ask myself what I'm feeling, but I can't answer it and that frustration just builds more and makes me want to eat more. Vicious circle.

    So what can I do to overcome my emotional eating? I plan to serve myself smaller meals so that it's ok to finish it all, but also I will not be eating from open packets/containers any more. I need to serve myself a satisfying portion and eat that, otherwise I'm likely to eat the whole packet. Meanwhile, I will be looking more into CEN and what I can do to help myself learn to identify and regulate my emotions.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,601 Member
    edited September 2023
    Pre-Challenge #5 Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating

    I've done lots of mindless & emotional eating over the years. We've recently changed to eat low carb. I like to get as much food prep done at a time as possible. One day I'll be cutting up a bunch of fresh veggies, another day I'll be cooking up meats. This gives us more time for the outdoor activities that we like and having food ready to eat at a moments notice. I like that we're both meal planning.
    There's still the urge to snack, especially in the evenings. There are healthier options, now, already prepped. Old habits die hard.
  • nbruns83
    nbruns83 Posts: 2,075 Member
    I'm a mindless eater only in the evenings. I eat a healthful breakfast, cook a healthful meal at mid-day, and only give in to snacking in the evenings when using my computer, watching media, or when socializing. So I really need to engage the LGTL goal of No Evening Eating (NEE).
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    I used to be a mindless eater in the form of potato chips mostly but since I've lost weight I'm very mindful of my snacks & plan them. I also plan my meals. I was a fast eater( mostly because we only had 30min to eat at work) but have slowed down & drink sips of almond milk/water in between bites & try to take my time. I'm not an emotional eater, I drink more coffee when I'm upset & it's hard to eat. I was never much of a snacker (except potato chips) but my problem was I ate large portions till I got full, not full to the point of feeling sick, just full. so now, after I eat my portion I wait 15min then it "hits" my stomach & I'm no longer hungry. My other problem is when I'm out longer than I planned, like today, & didn't have my planned snack, I'm so hungry when I get home I get tempted to wolf it down & over eat. It was hard not to do that today