Welcome & Introductions



  • jfp420
    jfp420 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi all. I'm Jodi. I have been vegetarian (aspiring vegan) for over a decade. I'm back to MFP after regaining all the weight I lost :'( . Need to get back to focusing on healthy food and finding time to exercise. I'm so excited to find an active community and hope to connect with all of you for motivation , support and sharing recipes.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    yay! Welcome, Jodi @jfp420 , sending a friend request as well…
  • Curvykinkycurls
    Curvykinkycurls Posts: 429 Member
    Hi all! So glad to find this group, I'm re-connecting with MFP again after a bit of a break. I started a vegan diet in January this year and have been trying to find my way via online recipes since then, but a group like this is fantastic!

    I'm a 45yr old, happily married, work at home mum in the UK...but seem to have lost my exercise mojo somewhere in the last few years!!

    Just updated my 'about you' section for those who'd like to be friends. I've got an open diary and would love to connect with other WFPB/Vegans, particularly with open diaries too for inspiration.
  • Red_B1rd
    Red_B1rd Posts: 64 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hello to everyone--I've found most of the Veg groups on MFP are inactive and then I saw this link and was stoked! I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian most days of the week, looking to transition to full vegetarian then vegan. It's been slow for me as hubs is a meat-eater--but I actually have him trying a few veg dishes now, lol. I work a few days a week at a farm animal sanctuary (the owners are complete vegan) and it has really made me question my eating choices this past year.

    Anyway, it's been a while since I've been on MFP, and I'm looking to lose weight in the most vegetarian way possible. It's crazy and I never understood it until lately, but you can be vegetarian or vegan and still junk out. The clue bird has landed. I live in NC with Mr. Red_B1rd and one very spoiled hound.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    @Red_B1rd, yeah, I've been vegetarian since 1974, and mostly overweight/obese until 2015. In my case, not so much junk as portion control issues, and too many calorie-dense treats. But 100%, vegetarianism is no guarantee of weight management!

    I was married to an omnivore - a hunter, even - for 20+ years (happily married - widowed, not divorced). I was lucky, though: He was not only willing to eat vegetarian meals, he was happy to cook them once we started alternating who cooked dinner. He did eat meat, but usually at other meals when we weren't together, or when we ate in restaurants. When we first started living together, he wasn't a very adventurous eater, but evolved to the point where he loved to try new things . . . even scary meat-type things: Tripe, chicken feet, various seafood with tentacles, etc. :D Veg stuff too, though!
  • Red_B1rd
    Red_B1rd Posts: 64 Member
    @AnnPT77 : We're both retired (I don't consider my work at the sanctuary a job, just fun and sweaty), so I have a ton more time to experiment in the kitchen, but some days it's hard to break out of the "meat and potatoes" sentiment, lol. I will give him credit--he's come a very long way since we've been married. I'm sorry to hear about your spouse by the way--he sounds like he was a lovely man--I hope you're doing okay. <3
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Red_B1rd wrote: »
    @AnnPT77 : We're both retired (I don't consider my work at the sanctuary a job, just fun and sweaty), so I have a ton more time to experiment in the kitchen, but some days it's hard to break out of the "meat and potatoes" sentiment, lol. I will give him credit--he's come a very long way since we've been married. I'm sorry to hear about your spouse by the way--he sounds like he was a lovely man--I hope you're doing okay. <3

    @Red_B1rd, thank you. I'm fine . . . it's been a long time: He died at 45 when I was 43, so back in 1998. I still miss him, but life has reshaped itself, and things are good for me now. I'm lucky in so many ways.

    There are so many delicious plant based meals! I'll bet your husband will come around. If he's open to adventure, there are so many international cuisines with a strong vegetarian/vegan tradition one can draw on: Various Asian cuisines, African ones, Indian, South/Central American, and more. I love trying new-to-me veggies and fruits, too.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • hyper__heart
    hyper__heart Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, I'm Liv! I've been vegetarian most of my life, and vegan for almost a year now. I love running, recently got into swimming (as a consequence of getting a running injury, yay) and want to get into strength workouts. My diet is on the healthy-ish side, but I've been struggling to stay on track with cooking my own meals lately, and my snacking has been kinda out of control (especially crisps, omg), so I'm hopeful that joining MFP will help me become more deliberate with my food choices.

    Looking forward to getting to know you guys and exchanging tips on how to be healthier on a day to day basis! :)
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi Liv !

    Quite the same as you. Running, swimming, doing strength training. I just also do biking in addition 🤪
    Love eating healthy but sometimes snacks get in the way.

    I hope this small community will help you reach your goals 😊
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome @hyper__heart Liv!

    Hope you enjoy our little group :) and that it will help you build habits and stick to your plans. 🥬🥳
  • hyper__heart
    hyper__heart Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome, @Maya440 and @henridw2095 ! To be honest, I didn't really want to start calorie counting because I felt it would be too much of a hassle - but so far I get the impression that it at least keeps you more accountable, and that the moment you track what you eat you are more deliberate about your choices. Let's just hope things stay that way in the mid to long term :D

    @Maya440 Wow, that's a lot of sports! Impressive. Do you cycle outdoors or indoors, or both? I would kind of like to get into biking - ever since I started swimming, friends have been joking that it's only a matter of time before I catch the triathlon bug - but I'm very hesitant about biking on roads.

    @henridw2095 What kind of activity do you like to get up to? :)
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well I did catch the triathlon bug. It is now 9 years that I do triathlon. Mainly sprint and olympic distance but next year in June I am subscribed to a half ironman ( :# )
    I cycle outdoors when it is not rainy and above 3°C. Otherwise I cycle indoor (meaning mainly January - February)
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • TrueBlueVegan
    TrueBlueVegan Posts: 3 Member
    I’ve been following a WFPB lifestyle since 2012. I’ve lost 140# with 35# to lose to goal. I’ve been a member of TOPS(take pounds off sensibly) since 2007. I love playing pickleball and knitting.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome @TrueBlueVegan ! I‘m also a knitter 🤩…
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome @TrueBlueVegan !
    Is TOPS another group on this forum ? Or what is it ? I like the name in any case :)
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hello @MKWXIII

    Welcome to the group. I hope we can achieve our respective goals thanks to this community support :)

    Do you have a nick name we can use ? Or real name ?
    That pseudo name is quite difficult to remember ahah