Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    Forgot to mention that I got a new ‘exercise’ device that was recommended by one of our cousins who also went through cancer treatments. It was recommended by one of his doctors. It is called a vibration plate and you can use it to help strengthen muscles and balance and it helps with keeping your bones stronger. I did some research to see if it was something ‘real’ and not just a gimmick and was surprised to find actual studies and articles in NIH. We’ll see if it actually helps. I am hoping I can get DH to just stand on it a bit. Figure it can’t hurt 😊 even though the idea is you do actual exercises on it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @shanaber I'm happy to see that you are doing as well as you are. I can understand being worn out after dealing with computer issues in a crowded store. I don't deal with crowds very well myself. I'm glad that the doctor changed your meds and you are feeling better. Hang in there. Interesting about the exercise device. I hope it helps too.

    I got a new computer yesterday..well, bought it last week, but brought it home yesterday after they transferred all of my data from the old computer. It's a Lenovo Yoga. I really like it so far. It's so much faster than my older one.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    edited October 2023
    Good morning!

    @shanaber Isn't medicine fascinating! Kudos to your doctor for knowing their stuff and just a "simple" tweak can make such a difference! So happy to hear you are up and moving and getting your chores done LOL. Apple stores are always such a cluster for sure no matter where you go. Ha ha...That machine made me laugh...I instantly had visions of those old 1950s? belt shaker machines. I see those plates you are talking about at the fairs a lot...seems to be a distributor type of company.

    So what has been going on. Oof did we get hit with that heat! It got up to 90 in the house and it was so ick that when I went to open a door, the paint stuck to itself and it ripped the paint off the door jam. Thankfully that only lasted 3 days and now we are back to comfy.

    I let the property manager (former owner of the house) know about the paint. We got to talking and she mentioned that the owner is going on (special assignment) for 9 months. I have no idea what that means, he is DoD but not active duty. His wife is looking to convert the separate garage into an ADU and live there while he is gone and then they both move here...she said POTENTIALLY we could work out a month to month lease depending on timelines for when our house will be ready.

    I think the Life Insurance may have been fixed, I won't know for sure till next month. I called the rep and he was already tracking it and had put in a ticket for me. He said he watches all people he helps b/c the process is so f'd up. Heros do exist.

    Black cat is doing well. He came in at 11lbs on his last chemo. He is feeling kinda meh after this dose which is a bit unusual so I am going to fry up some chicken thighs for him.

    Trial: Oof...this was a punch is the gut. I got an email from the courts last Thursday that the defense was asking if we would offer the plea deal again of 1st Degree Murder, 25 to life. After all this POS has put me through to get his "sweetheart deal"...I was against it. But then I talked with the Prosecutor. She is the 3rd one assigned to this case. The first 2 you could tell loved going toe to toe in the ring and had said that if they declined the plea deal (we had offered it 2 years ago) we were going to trial and no second chances. This prosecutor is on loan from sex crimes and I can tell she is not too keen to go toe to toe. I think the issues are 1) she is not familiar with the case and evidence (even though she has had it for over 6 months). 2) Because she is not as comfortable she does not seem as confident in arguing the technicalites (example would be the legal definition of kidnaping is move someone min 10 ft to conceal a crime or prevent help or premeditation of the crime) and without hard evidence it is up to her to convince a jury that was his intent 3) Evidently when she did go through the evidence she found several pieces of "discovery" that had not been filed/shared correctly (the last trial cancellation) and claims it could have caused issues 4) She was not forthcoming with information for me and was vague so IDK it is obvious she is very in favor of the deal which she does not feel is a sweetheart deal. I see her is hard to be sold on it though when I don't know how persuasive the arguments are and we all know the defense lawyer is good at what he does. I have a week to decide. Oh a one other tidbit - the old Lead Detective who still looks out for me called me on Monday to let me know that the defense lawyer had already told LS we had accepted the deal. Disgusting creature.

    If we go to trial it will probably be another year. Or it could be done and possibly with the same outcome (or even better depending on the prosecutor) with the plea deal.

    I haven't been walking or tracking calories. We did break out our Home Chef binder (we did that for almost 3 years) and have been using those recipes. It is nice b/c the have all the nutrition. Only issue is I was eating a lot more calories back then LOL

    Well, about time to get on the road to mail sales and find cheap gas LOL

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @CMorning99 You do have a lot going on. I'm glad the insurance is getting straightened out and that black cat is doing okay. That heat sounds awful. I hope your housing situation works out so that you don't have to move again until your house is ready to move into. When will you start building? I don't even have words about the trial. I do hope you are able to be at peace with whatever call you make regarding LS. I can't believe the prosecutor told him you had already accepted the deal. That's NOT right. Have to talked to the lead detective about the situation? I would think he would be valuable in making your decision. Good luck with the cooking. Even if the calories are a bit much, at least you know what you are eating. I really felt so much better when I was able to cook for myself most days and was doing a lot more of the less processed foods. Maybe I can figure out how to do that again soon. Good luck on finding cheap gas too. :lol:
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Wow, time is flying! Yet it has only been 7 weeks since retirement. Odd feeling.

    Still been busy.

    Trial: I did talk to the lead detective and he confirmed that the prosecutor accepted the plea deal without talking to me. He said it was bull$hit and that he didn't feel comfortable with LS being up for parole at 38 y/o. I told him the prosecution never told me that the deal was done before talking to me...he said it was "wrong". I think I am understanding why he moved to a different department...there were feelings about the DAs office between the lines when we talked. So I guess that is it...there will be sentencing but IDK.

    Black Cat: His eating has dropped to about a 1/4 of what he was eating. He is still alert and active but eats about 3 bites and walks away. He has an appt with internal medicine tomorrow...I can't believe how much money we are spending on this cat LOL. But dang he is so cute and such a part of the daily life. The oncologist thinks it is either his new (he has been on it since Feb) chemo may be slowly not working again or he has mild pancreatitis. He is on 2 nausea meds and Prilosec and that isn't doing it is hard to say what it is.

    House: We are still waiting on the bleeping surveyors to file the final map. Then I can fix the driveway and probably sell the half in Jan. And hopefully break ground in Feb. I am reluctant to put dates on things b/c I thought I would have been done by retirement LOL. The joke has been on me for 3 years!

    Been feeling pretty tired lately. Not sure why, kinda like that I didn't sleep great tired but I can't fall asleep if I try to take a nap. Weighed myself again and I seem to have hit maintenance. I haven't gained over a month.

    This week is busy with reselling, 2 vet appts, and housewifery stuff LOL. I never noticed how much my DH splatters water on the bathroom mirror! Best get to it, had a slow morning.

    Till next time!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    Good to hear from you @CMorning99 . I guess you don't have anything you can do about the deal being made with LS is there? That just doesn't seem kosher at all! Maybe he will mess up while in jail and won't be put up for parole - or you can help keep him locked up longer when it does come up. That just has to be so hard.

    I'm glad the house seems to be coming along, even though it is at a slow California snail's pace. :lol:

    I hope Black cat gets to where he can eat and be a bit more active. It's so hard when they are sick and they can't tell you what is wrong or what they want.

    I hope you can get rested. All of these changes are stressful. Congrats on hitting a maintenance level for a month. That's awesome.

    Sounds like a busy week. Hope you can find some time for yourself and exercise. Keep checking in to let us know how things are going.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    Hey There!
    @CMorning99 - I suppose the agreements are between the defendant and the DA so approval by family of the victim isn't required but common courtesy would seem to dictate that they at least let you know. Pretty crappy actually the way they handled it. LS won't have the opportunity to get any earlier would he? I too hope when he does come up for parole you can make a statement and have it put aside.
    I am sorry black cat is failing again. They are such a part of our lives that we would literally do almost anything for them. I know I feel that way for Hobbes.
    Your husband and mine sound similar - we have separate bathrooms so I don't pay too much attention but when I do see it - it is like OMG! I can't imagine not just wiping it off when it happens. I mean how difficult can it be.

    I am feeling better this week finally and we are in Pismo with a room looking right out at the ocean. The hotel isn't as great from a dog friendly perspective as they made it seem. To take them potty you have to go out and all the way around the hotel to a dirt area over on one side. The restaurant menu online was pretty extensive and the actual menu is very limited and very expensive. I brought snacks, cheese and crackers and the like so we had that for dinner while watching the football game. Tomorrow we will go to the grocery store and check out more of the local restaurants. The beach itself is pretty muddy but we are going to go down and take a walk on it to check it out. Not sure how they manage it but they do yoga on the beach and I thought it would be fun but I don't want to do it in the mud. We will make it all work just a little disappointing.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @shanaber I'm glad you are feeling better. Sorry the hotel is a disappointment. I hate it when I am expecting something great and get mediocre. It would probably actually be okay had they not hyped it up so much. At least you have a room overlooking the beach, which is great! I hope you enjoy your stay anyway.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    Ok - I need to fess up and admit I was wrong. The beach was muddy last night but when Hobbes and I went out to walk today I was delighted to discover the beach was mostly packed sand (and some avoidable) muddy spots. We took a lovely walk as far as we could go in one direction before the water blocked us at the cliffs. Then we came back around and walked back and past the hotel. There was a group doing some kind of water rescue training (FD I believe) and they looked like they were having a great time. We stopped and watched them for a while. Hobbes met so many people who loved up on him as well as playful pups.
    Then we drove to find a grocery store and went to check out the butterfly grove. We will go back to the grove in the morning which we have been told is the best time to see them. We saw quite a few this afternoon but they were not where we could take any pictures of them.
    I posted pictures from my walk on Strava but here are a couple and also from the butterfly grove
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    I'm so glad the beach was better yesterday morning. It looks like and sounds like you and Hobbes had a great walk! I hope you see lots of Monarchs today. They are so pretty.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning Folks!

    @shanaber I am glad that Pismo didn't let you down (too much). I have never stayed down in any of the hotels on the beach and honestly I don't think I have even eaten down there. Mom had an oyster bar she liked to go to but I don't remember where. We don't even go to the beach usually b/c the parking is so bad (ongoing drama about that). Our vet is in Pismo and that is about as far as week go. Love all the pictures...looks like home LOL.

    So what has been going on...

    House/Property: I think all I did was write checks the past 2 weeks. We did learn we have to do another soils test for the driveway improvements...what do they think is going to change 900 ft from the last one? We did get the "official" signed letter saying they accepted our permit request for SB-9... no idea why that needed to happen.

    Mom: Court happened on the 24th and LS plead guilty as planned. I don't think he will change it again, but I think he can. The DAs office is not responding to emails - I suspect they know they pissed me off. Yes it was a deal between the DA and LS but most people feel they took the easy way out vs doing the right thing. The Detective has access to all the mental health reports (4 Doctors) from when he plead insanity initially and there must be something in there that makes him nervous. Sentencing is in early Jan. The local news reported on the guilty plea so I have been getting a lot of texts from mom's friends who are not happy.

    Black Cat: So we spent about $3K on that damn cat last month. The ultrasound showed his intestines and pancreas were quiet. He did test positive for a bacterial URI culture which I think he has had for awhile - the vet kept saying it was viral for the last 3 months. He is on 2 weeks of antibiotics and we upped his prednisone and we are now about 4 days in and he ate a bit more last night so hopefully it is working and that was the only issue. Hopefully this is just a flare and we can reduce the prednisone so we don't trigger his diabetes and make his kidneys work harder (he had significant kidney disease on ultrasound). He has definitely lost weight but hopefully we can reverse that soon.

    Retirement: Reselling is moving. I didn't grow from Sep to Oct but all the youtuber resellers I watch say that there are platform issues. But I was able to pay myself what I wanted for the month. No word from the VA yet on a rating, I called the company that is putting together the claim for the VA and they have not even submitted it yet; so much for benefits delivered on discharge (their new moto) LOL. I got charged again for the life! I called but no one has called me back.

    Health: Still maintaining. I have developed some breast pain on the side near my ribs, I think I have outgrown all my bras and need something a bit more supportive to carry the added weight. I was going to start walking again but brrrrrr! LOL. DH is also developing a bit of a gut so I guess now that I am home, I need to start thinking about healthier meals for us. I miss Home Chef LOL

    Well, it is an inventory shopping day so best be moving!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    Thanks for checking in and updating @CMorning99 . I'm glad things are moving along on the house. I can't believe how expensive it is to build out there and all the hoops you have to jump through just to get it started. Any idea as to when you will break ground?

    I'm so sorry that the trial/DA took it upon themselves to take the easy way out. That has to be so frustrating for you.

    I'm glad black cat seems to be holding his own and that the reselling seems to be going well.

    Hopefully you can figure out some healthier menus that you both love and get the mojo to start exercising consistently. I know it's hard and doesn't it feel like you don't have quite enough time for things, even though you don't have to get up and go to work anymore? Retirement is weird that way.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning and happy monday!

    @quilteryoyo It is crazy expensive and complicated for sure! So much hurry up and wait. I was talking to a neighbor this past weekend at the property and about the same time I started with the building, they bought property in Sisters Oregon and planned to build. I asked how it was going and he said that Oregon is just as bad and after 2 years, they ended up just selling the land and buying another lot in Idaho. He said even there, he didn't expect to have a house for at least a year.

    I would like to say we break ground in Feb but IDK...I think we have been waiting 2? 3? weeks for the new soils test for the driveway? Bah humbug. The house plans are about done and should go up to the county early Dec maybe. Hopefully they will be done by Feb...but not likely. Double bah humbug.

    Black cat is hanging in there...he is losing weight but slowly. We are out of ideas :(. He has extreme IBS right now...we can hear him in the box from across the house with gas and poos. But if we give him pumpkin he gets constipated...there is no "normal" for him. He does feel a bit better after week of antibiotics but obv the URI was not the full cause of his ick.

    Still no desire to fix myself yet. I have had some more energy lately though. I think I am bored. I don't know what I want though LOL. I had to have a profile picture taken for an appt a week back and I saw it and was horrified. I need a workout partner for sure.

    I have a lots of errands today and then the rest of the week is pretty calm. Gotta keep working on reselling...sales are down so far for Nov.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @CMorning99 I think I would be tempted to sale and start somewhere else, but you have already spent so much money getting to this point, that would be lost. I hope it all works out and gets going soon! You'll have to post update pictures. I'm sorry Black Cat isn't doing as well as you had hoped, but sounds like he is hanging in there. It's funny that pumpkin makes him constipated, as my vet had me give it to Tippy when she is constipated to loosen her up. As for yourself goes, I think you just have to decide when it is right to do it for yourself. It helped me to reward myself. I used to give myself like $2 for every day I exercised and save up for something I really wanted, but didn't need - like a nice camera or clothes that cost more than I would normally spend for something. It was motivating, at least in the beginning. Maybe start with trying to get out for a nice mile walk 3 times a week. It doesn't have to be fast, just to get out and get yourself moving. I hope you find what works for you. I also hope your reselling picks up for the holidays. Please keep in touch, even though right now it seems to be mostly the three of us on this thread. I wish some of the others would come back.

    I have actually finally lost a little bit of weight. I have been below 150 for about a week. I'm not real sure I will stay there, but am trying. This month is the start of overeating for the holidays though. I've already had one traditional Thanksgiving meal. LOL I know I have at least 3 more.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    @CMorning99 - I think anywhere you go (not just in CA) they have so many regulations, state, county, city, etc... that it takes forever to work through and even just to figure out who needs what and what needs to be done. It is no wonder that there is a housing shortage pretty much everywhere and especially affordable housing. The upfront cost to just get started and approved to build is overwhelming not even considering the actual building costs. I guess that is why building companies now have teams of lawyers to work through it all. I hope you can get started in February.

    I did find it difficult to get into a regular routine after I retired. It was just so easy to put things off. It took a little while but I started basically doing what @quilteryoyo is suggesting, setting up small simple goals for each week like going for a short walk or doing a short strength workout (which I found so easy to not do...). I made myself dress for my walks as if I was going for a run and often times once I was out there I did go for a run and then I just built on it. Also I put everything on our shared calendar so I got reminders to go for my walk and my DH would say oh I see you are going for a walk today or something like that when he was figuring out what our day looked like. It made me feel like I was committed to getting out there - he knew, I knew and there it was reminding me.

    I suspect people are waiting to buy and looking for deals. I was surprised to start getting emails for Black Friday sales, in October. It made me think some retailer was making up their own Black Friday date or something. Nope they were just starting early.

    @quilteryoyo - with as active was you are, especially lately, I am amazed that you haven't lost weight. I do think you look great and fit just the way you are and I suspect most of that is muscle. It is always nice though to see it dip down below whatever baseline we have set.

    I haven't been hungry much but I am trying to eat more and keep it mostly healthy. Having ice cream every night probably isn't the best. I am not even a huge fan of it but when my calories are so low I figure I need to eat something. Now that we have a working kitchen again I am also trying to cook more. I had found some recipes over the last couple of months that I want to try so I am planning to try making a pot roast in the IP this week and next week I am going to make a mushroom stroganoff. I love mushrooms and I love stroganoff so hopefully this will be a good veggie dinner.

    I found out the other day that our DD is coming with her partner for Thanksgiving. I honestly don't remember the last time she was here for Thanksgiving and they are going to do the cooking or at least most of it. Our SIL and niece will also be over so it will be a nice little family gathering.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @shanaber Thank you so much for the kind words. If I ate better food, it would be easier to lose. It's just hard when I don't have time to cook and eat whatever I can find. 🤣.

    You are doing great and I'm sure ice cream every night isn't going to hurt anything right now. Getting enough calories to fuel your body while you are healing is probably the most important thing right now. Pot roast sounds good.

    I'm glad DD, her partner, and other family is coming for Thanksgiving and, more importantly that you don't have to worry about doing the cooking. 🤣. I'm sure you'll have a great time.

    Mom and I will be going to my neighbor's for a neighborhood Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day and then probably to my nephew's for our family get together the next day. My SIL usually works holidays so she can get time and a half. She's all about money. 😳
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Glad to hear from folks and how you are doing!

    Things are chugging along here.

    House: Wrote more checks LOL. We did get the soils report and I have a meeting with Public Works to discuss the driveway with the contractor. He should be able to get the work done quickly, it is a small project. Then we just wait for the paperwork to catch up with the new parcel number. Even if it comes early, I am not going to sell till Jan so I don't have to worry about sorting all the paperwork for taxes yet LOL. The house plans are done but on hold until the driveway is done. If we had submitted them at the same time, they would have combined the "dirt moving" and we would have had to get a grading permit. If we do it separately, we don't. Go figure.

    Black Cat: He is doing much better. He had chemo this week again and they did so much blood work and his weight is stable. The vet thought it was hilarious that I was cooking chicken thighs for him when he didn't feel like eating...really? Is that so strange? My Mom would buy turkeys when they went on super cheap sales, have them quartered and then put them in the pressure cooker till they dissolved (bones and all) and then put it in the blender quickly and freeze the "broth" for the dogs.

    Retirement: I started taking my vitamins again, Iron and D and a multivitamin. IDK if it was placebo but I feel so much better. I wonder if my iron and D went down again and it is going to be a chronic thing. I haven't started walking or anything but I make myself get ready every day. I feel like I am pretty busy all day, I barely sit down. According to my business software, sales are up 11% so far this month. It was pretty rough the first 2 weeks and then I ran a small sale on eBay over Vets day and holy heck it was crazy!

    Our landlord told us that they will be in fact moving back in in May so we will be homeless. I have been researching storage units and figuring out costs. We plan to just put everything in storage and then rent a small apt since their leasing is more flexible. I am dreading moving again..oof. I am going to have to figure out how to run my business too. I suspect we will need at least a 2 bed apt and one be my office and then rent ANOTHER storage unit near where we live for my inventory...ouch.

    No movement on my VA claim. We resubmitted the paperwork to cancel the life insurance with a pen and ink change...I have to wait till my next check to see if they took it. If not, I am SOL for 1 year of premiums.

    Health: I started tracking calories again, what a PITA. I weighed myself again and I am still maintaining. My body is very happy at 185 [insert horror face]. I honestly can't believe I am that heavy. I don't think I am eating poorly, but I was probably having a few too many snacks...and a lot of carbs LOL.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    edited November 2023
    Good to hear from you @CMorning99 . I'm glad the house is coming along. Rules are so silly sometimes...they just make no sense. I hope you are able to find an apartment that you like to move into until the house is built. I know it is probably not an option for you with all of the rules and things in CA, but my husband and I bought a 2 bedroom mobile home and set it up on my brother's property while we built. Then, we sold it and they had it moved. That way we were close by and could supervise and got some of our money back from it. I'm glad Black Cat is doing some better and I don't think it weird that you cook chicken for him. You want him to eat. Also glad that the reselling is going well right now. I hope you get that insurance worked out and don't have to pay a year's premium. So stupid. I bet you did have low iron and D if taking them makes you feel better. My weight got to around where you are now when I decided that I really needed to do something to get it at least stable and then going in the other direction. You can do it! I know it is hard with all of the stress and unknowns right now (housing, insurance, cat, etc.) At least you are getting dressed for it. Next is to step out the door and get some of that intentional exercise going! Think of it as your health is worth 15 min a day and then go for a 15 min walk.

    I've been super busy this week with work and other obligations. The last three days I have only managed one mile walks/wuns, but at least I did something. That is why I am streaking. If I wasn't, I could very easily not do anything some days.

    This upcoming week is going to be bad food wise, but I'm going to enjoy it. We have Thanksgiving with my neighbor on Thursday and then with the family on Friday. We just had one this past Thursday with my cousin in assisted living and had dinner with a good friend of mine last night. And then Christmas is coming and it will be the same. I just try to maintain as much as I can during the holidays and start again after they are over. I have been hovering around 150 pounds for about a year. In a year I'd like to be able to say I was hovering around 145. LOL

    I am still planning to go to FL and do the 10 mile race on Cape Canaveral, but haven't made hotel reservations yet. I'm procrastinating so bad and not sure why.

    Hope you all have a great day and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Hope no one overate too terribly. My DD made a wonderful dinner and I had a little bit of everything. It was all delicious and of course we have leftovers 😁
    Today we are going up to apple country. It is a quirky little area we used to go every year when DD was growing up. We aren't going for it but there is an Apple Butter Festival this weekend. I am just hoping the crowds aren't crazy. We need to get a piece of apple pie to share and some apple cider and of course some apple butter.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @shanaber Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving and I hope you enjoy the apple festival. I had two Thanksgiving feasts and overate a bit too much at both. LOL I have lots of leftovers too. So, probably another week of bad food choices here. I'm just going to enjoy and not feel guilty about it and then get back to better eating for a couple of weeks before the Christmas dinners start! :lol: