New Group to inspire, help people using tirzepatide or semaglutide & other soon to be released

mrrick51 Posts: 18 Member
edited March 15 in Social Groups
Join today! Lets have this group for our own unique issues ( actually the same weight loss issue) while getting the help of the newer weight loss drugs. Don't be "Ozempic shamed" just because you are availing your self of a little or ALOT of Medical help!


  • mrrick51
    mrrick51 Posts: 18 Member
    Eli Lilly just got a new tirzepatide drug, Zepbound, approved for weightloss use. It is apparently the same or similar to Mounjaro which was approved for Diabetes use, but has excellant weight loss effects. This should help alleviate the Mounjaro shortages.
  • ESL2009
    ESL2009 Posts: 2 Member
    I just got approved for Zepbound, though I haven't started yet. I spent the last holiday week closely looking at foods to determine new meal combos that amp up my protein intake, but keep me in my ultimate calorie goal range 1200-1300. I've also added in a protein drink recommended by my practioner. Holiday week calorie ranges were much better than in the past, but above where I need to be. I'm hoping to drop 25 lbs to my initial GW. When successful, UGW is another 10 after that if that seems wise.
  • Patricehm16
    Patricehm16 Posts: 65 Member
    Is this group still active? Is there an active group for MJ or Zepbound users? Thanks
  • spacedog715
    spacedog715 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started looking, but not so familiar with the community stuff yet. Been on Zep since beginning of January, and down 21 lbs as of today.
  • jas0441
    jas0441 Posts: 13 Member
    There is another group here for glp1 users, search for it in Groups. I just started yesterday
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,361 Member
    mrrick51 wrote: »
    Join today! Lets have this group for our own unique issues ( actually the same weight loss issue) while getting the help of the newer weight loss drugs. Don't be "Ozempic shamed" just because you are availing your self of a little or ALOT of Medical help!
    Rick, are you still posting here?