Yes Please INTRODUCE YOURSELF Here! Let's Get to Know You!

kaliswalker Posts: 1,316 Member
How many 5% Challenges have you done?

What do you like to do for fun?

What major city do you live in or near? State?

What are you health/fitness goals for this season?

How would your pet or friend describe you?

What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can.

What is your favorite TV show?

Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?

What always cheers you up?

2 fun things about you?

Anything else you would like to share?


  • kaliswalker
    kaliswalker Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 4
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?

    I started the Challenges in 2010. This is 58 for me.

    What do you like to do for fun? Travel to foreign country, RV travel, dance to live bands, listen to audiobooks, Happy Color app, play cards especially canasta, read online news, dinner parties, watch 90 Day Fiance.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Vancouver Canada

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Be in good shape for travels in 2024.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Pet - affectionate and a little lazy.

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. Audiobook Enough by Cassidy Hutchinson

    What is your favorite TV show? 90 Day Fiance

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Clean house

    What always cheers you up? Playing cards

    2 fun things about you? I like planning things for my friends and I to do. I love to teach other how to play games.

    Anything else you would like to share? I was on a South American cruise in 2020, that became a Covid cruise. I am planning a trip to South America in 2024 to see the countries I missed in 2020.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,988 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Too many to count

    What do you like to do for fun? Read, listen to podcasts and workout

    What major city do you live in or near? State? I'm in Southern Kansas

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Final reach my weight goal and do pull ups

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Focused in the gym.

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. Fall Transformation Challenge inside the 1st Phorm app

    What is your favorite TV show? Anything from Dick Wolfe Productions, The Voice and America's Got Talent franchise.

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Exercise

    What always cheers you up? Classic rock music

    2 fun things about you? I have 2 stray cats I help take care of and I read 10 pages of a personal development book daily

    Anything else you would like to share? I work retail so an entering my busy season and we are short staffed since the store isn't open late or early so no extra hours. I've been going to the same gym for going on 12 yrs this coming May.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    edited November 2023
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? No clue LoL but will be my second one as a support leader.

    What do you like to do for fun? Read, hangout with friends and crafting.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Windsor Ontario Canada across the river from Detroit Michigan.

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Move when I have time and eat in moderation

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Bossy, busy, and a little crazy

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. Christmas diamond art

    What is your favorite TV show? Bones and extreme makeover home edition

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Exercise but unfortunately cleaning house trumps it

    What always cheers you up? My friends and dog

    2 fun things about you? Like to party with friends and play with my young cousins

    Anything else you would like to share? Not at this time
  • cmoak54
    cmoak54 Posts: 1,288 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    Fall was my first one

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Camping, read, gardening, play games on computer

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    North of Green Bay, WI

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    Continue to lose weight, keep blood sugar in control and consistently use my exercise equipment everyday.

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Quiet, helpful, generous

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. Making Christmas gnomes with grandkids

    What is your favorite TV show?
    NCIS's, FBI's

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?
    Clean house or wash car

    What always cheers you up?
    at this time of year - Christmas lights, fresh snowfall, sitting on my back porch when the sun is shining

    2 fun things about you?
    My two favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas, I love to decorate for both.

    Anything else you would like to share?
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,188 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Since the start of 2011.

    What do you like to do for fun? I have a lot of friends we do various things. This past weekend for example at my house we had a football game that we were watching the Patriots versef the team that we're not going to mention lol lol. Though we did not win, There was a lot of laughing and cheering going on here. After that we did games. I do various trips that are somewhat local.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Greater Portland Maine area

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I know I'm going to up my step goal daily but I'm not sure yet what that number is.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? My two cats Will tell you I'm very abusive to them. Izzy kitty who is now 13 years old; has the ASPCA on speed dial. She calls daily usually to let them know that Im a horrible horrible owner because I bought home a 9-month-old kitten last Feb who's now a year and a half old. Course she's friends with him now and she really likes him but she's not going to readily admit that. I am also supposed to give them according to them not according to me, treats whenever when they want. They're extremely spoiled You should see me with my friends I try to give them treats and they don't like them What good are they? Fussy friends!

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. I have been redoing my living room it's coming out nicely.

    What is your favorite TV show? Even though the TV is on a lot I cannot say I have a favorite program It's just on. Sometimes it's entertaining, after time gets informative, sometimes it teaches me something new about cooking. Add out of times I hit the off button it's just not worth it.

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?
    Clean the house. I do not like a disorganized one.
    What always cheers you up? Helping others cheers me up, watching a funny show. Sometimes journaling. Often time being creative. Making others laugh is one of my favorite ways.

    2 fun things about you? I am quick witted. I am a great grandma a two little boys one is six and the other one is 7 months.

    Anything else you would like to share? Best to everybody for the challenge We will have fun!
  • EmPea888
    EmPea888 Posts: 117 Member
    edited December 2023
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? This is my second one this time around & I've just finished the Fall Challenge (I did some back in the day on SparkPeople)

    What do you like to do for fun? Sing, dance, walk in nature, arty mucking around, exploring - I need to do more of all of these things

    What major city do you live in or near? State? London, UK

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? General stamina

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Kind & supportive

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. Breakfast

    What is your favorite TV show? True Detectives I - the best thing I've ever seen on TV & that includes The Wire

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Clean house

    What always cheers you up? This gets me every time:

    2 fun things about you? I can't wear a comedy clown nose - they always just fall off the end. I have written the perfect joke for an episode of Frasier but I have no way of getting it to them: (q) What would you call two existentialist philosophers having an argument in a hot tub? (a) A j'accuzzi.

    Anything else you would like to share? I'm doing this gently this time around - 1lb a week seems to be the way. Also I've been reading The Menopause Reset by Dr Mindy Pelz - very helpful.
  • Yiche912
    Yiche912 Posts: 6,884 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    ~ Too many to count. Joined the 5% challenges around the year 2010, left for a couple of challenges, returned and never left. I need the accountability.

    What do you like to do for fun?
    ~ I love walking outdoors with my dog. At home, I enjoy playing games like Words (online) on my iPad, also like to declutter and clean my house. I have a preference for batch cooking so I don't have to cook every single day. This allows me to have more time for ME. Reading, sewing, let me not forget dancing are things that I enjoy doing but do not seem to have time for these days. The list could go on.

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    ~ We live in the outskirts of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in a place called Almonte.

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    ~ Lose some of the weight I have gained since returning to Canada and continue on my journey. For fitness, I want to work out more at home.

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    ~ Loyal, loving, dependable.

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can.
    ~ I altered a top that I love. In the process of sewing some covers for my porch chairs and altering some trousers for my son and grandson.

    What is your favorite TV show?
    ~ Right now it is FBI. I am in Season 5 but there are tons of other shows that I can take on after.

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?
    ~ I would rather clean the house. Washing the car is fun to do but not in winter. As for exercise, I love it when I do it but find it difficult to do when time runs out.

    What always cheers you up?
    ~ My dog Mimi and grand-puppies. They are all so cute together.

    2 fun things about you?
    ~ I enjoy meeting people and start up conversations. I am young at heart.

    Anything else you would like to share?
    ~ Nothing comes to mind right now.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,334 Member
    edited December 2023
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    27 regular challenges plus IBCs
    What do you like to do for fun?
    Work with my orchids and other gardening joys, I write books, and I do jigsaw puzzles
    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Major city is Honolulu, on another island in Hawaii
    What are your health/fitness goals for this season?
    Maintain weight, strengthen my nerve-damaged legs
    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Loyal, cuddly, reliable
    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can.
    A 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle of Food Trucks on Oahu
    What is your favorite TV show?
    I don’t watch regular TV, but I do catch British mysteries on BritBox or Acorn occasionally
    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?
    Exercise!! I pay to get my car washed and I hire a housekeeper!
    What always cheers you up?
    Good music and seeing friends for breakfast
    2 fun things about you?
    I’m 89-years-old and I just retired as a college prof two years ago. In my 40s, I bought a 37’sailboat and lived on it for 5 years with my youngest child (a teenager).
    Anything else you would like to share?
    I wish everyone success for this challenge, however you define that.
  • davis3222s
    davis3222s Posts: 199 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? First one here. I did a couple on SparkPeople

    What do you like to do for fun? Drive to the lake to visit an old friend, read, jigsaws online, gardening but less each year.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Indianapolis IN USA

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Consistent on 30 minutes a day exercise.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? good baker, going a lot slower these days

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. Overcame hesitancy. Finally made the switch to an auto care real close to home and all went well on winter repairs for our 23 year old car.

    What is your favorite TV show? I don’t watch TV.

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Wash the van

    What always cheers you up? Visiting with friends, the month of December

    2 fun things about you? I like to grow evergreens from cone. We have two. I have given two away. I like to bake cookies, and my sister likes to give them away.

    Anything else you would like to share? Senior, my sister and I share the oldest house in our historic neighborhood
  • deskjockey925
    deskjockey925 Posts: 5,545 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    I am not sure, but I have been here since the challenges were on SparkPeople

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Read, Hike, Travel, Beach, Swim, Play Sports

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Halfway between Philadelphia and Washington DC

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season?
    Tone my arms and abs. Lose 8-10 pounds

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Always there when they need me.

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can.
    Christmas shopping

    What is your favorite TV show?
    I don't watch too much TV, other than an occasional movie

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?

    What always cheers you up?
    Watching the sunrise and the sunset

    2 fun things about you?
    I work with people from all around the world.
    I enjoy canning my own vegetables form the garden.

    Anything else you would like to share?
    Wishing you all much success this round!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,605 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? 1 plus the in between one

    What do you like to do for fun? take my dogs out, read, cook, volunteer at a no kill animal shelter

    What major city do you live in or near? State? central California

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I've been getting back to exercise more after some health/injury issues made me take a break except for walking

    How would your pet or friend describe you? I'm calm & quiet & like to keep busy, keep moving

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. finished cleaning the car, finished reading a book

    What is your favorite TV show? Call the Midwife, Endeavor & more. I love British TV

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? be outside walking, hiking, swimming
  • 130StrongerEachYear
    130StrongerEachYear Posts: 412 Member
    edited December 2023
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I completed 2. Winter will be my 3rd.

    What do you like to do for fun? - I love to read

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Panama City, FL

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    continue losing weight. I really need to get the strength training going. I have been walking pretty consistently. Add more fiber to my diet. There is a possibility I will get to my goal weight in the Winter challenge...but maybe not. It has been a journey beginning in May. The closer one gets to goal weight, the more the weight loss slows down sometimes. If not during Winter Challenge...Definitely during the Spring Challenge.

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Caring, compassionate

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. I think I actually finished 15 tax returns in the final week of the deadline. Crazy busy. I also sorted all my mom's jewelry. She passed away in September and I just could not think about looking through it all until last week. As I pulled items out of her jewelry boxes they reminded me of times I had seen her wearing them. Made me happy and sad at the same time.

    What is your favorite TV show? This time of year is anything Hallmark

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?
    I would rather exercise.

    What always cheers you up? A nice, predictable, happy movie. Spending time with my grandchildren. Seeing a beautiful sunset or sunrise.

    2 fun things about you? I enjoy being around people. I love watching grandkids open presents.

    Anything else you would like to share? I think my husband and I will be moving to be closer to one of our daughters sometime next year. We have a lot of work to get ready. I am already working on my second pile of give aways. Many more to come.
  • missionalman
    missionalman Posts: 409 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?

    I think I've done two - I can't really remember my first one

    What do you like to do for fun? Crochet and write

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? To lose 1% body fat at least

    How would your pet or friend describe you? As someone who needs their morning cup of caffeine

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. My workout two days ago

    What is your favorite TV show? Don't really watch enough tv to have a favourite

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Clean house

    What always cheers you up? Baby Shark

    2 fun things about you? I love skydiving and I play a host of musical instruments!

    Anything else you would like to share? I'm a nonbinary trans man - he/him or they/them pronouns please!
  • Lynne10010
    Lynne10010 Posts: 775 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? 2

    What do you like to do for fun? NY Times games

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Portland, Oregon

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? exercise daily, maintain weight, eat healthy

    How would your pet or friend describe you? quiet

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. heading up food drive

    What is your favorite TV show? All Creatures Great and Small

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? clean house

    What always cheers you up? grandchildren

    2 fun things about you?

    Anything else you would like to share?
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,651 Member
    edited December 2023
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? A lot... losing count

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Cruise... doesn't happen anymore, but soooo much fun

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Tampa Bay area, Florida

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Not Gain ANY MORE and get back on track eating healthy.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Friends think I'm funny and pets think I'm their slave... either way they agree that when I love it's unconditional and for life.

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. Paid all the monthly bills and bought all the cards for bdays and Christmas. Oh yeah, I finished the popcorn too!😉

    What is your favorite TV show? Survivor

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Not really any of these, but if I had to choose one it would be cleaning house because it is FUNctional fitness.

    What always cheers you up? My girls (2 cats), talking on the phone with friends and jumping on my team (PS4L) seeing all the encouraging and funny posts

    2 fun things about you? I hated cats until we got two and they wrapped their paws around my heart. Hubs always thought I had no sense of humor but friends think I'm funny... (hubs is starting to come around).

    Anything else you would like to share? May all that join the 5% Challenge Learn and Achieve
  • Marileighea
    Marileighea Posts: 1,606 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Lots

    What do you like to do for fun? My interests vary…the latest fun thing was putting together a large single-bloom sunflower jigsaw puzzle, ModPodged the fronts and backs, and added deep wine-color felt to the backside. I used it as a trivet for the thanksgiving bouquet #3 son sent. I really like the look. I did the same to large poinsettia puzzle, and will use that as my winter “trivet.” I am considering doing two more: Spring, and Summer.

    What major city do you live in or near? Los Angeles, California.

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season? Lose 10 pounds, and re-establish interrupted exercises.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Dependable.

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. The puzzle trivets.

    What is your favorite TV show? BBC murder mystery shows.

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Exercise while cleaning house while listening to music.

    What always cheers you up? Modern Folk/Bluegrass Music.

    2 fun things about you? I have a good sense of humor, and I am playful.

    Anything else you would like to share? I am looking forward to making this Challenge successful.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,779 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    This will be my 10th challenge.

    What do you like to do for fun?
    I like nature hikes along the beach or in the mountains. I like playing the guitar and listening to music.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? ~90 East of San Francisco, California, USA

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    Get fit enough to go on 10+ mile hikes, run half marathons, and maybe do a sprint triathlon.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? ex-couch potato, a bit obsessed with exercise now.

    What is the last thing you finished? I finished running 50 miles - no, no, not in a day... in a month! 😄

    What is your favorite TV show? Been mostly watching football and The Voice lately

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Exercise!

    What always cheers you up? Being lighter on the scale, earning another Garmin badge

    2 fun things about you? Can't think of one

    Anything else you would like to share?
    I'm 74+ years old now, and I'm 3 ½ years into my fitness journey, having gone from 330 pounds in July of 2020 down to 224 pounds in April 2022 and now back up to ~240 pounds. I want to get down below 220 pounds (100 kg) and stay there.
  • Sableness
    Sableness Posts: 1,209 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Most of them since 2011?

    What do you like to do for fun? I’ve been a read-aholic ever since I learned how.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Florida, Tampa Bay area. One of the things I like about where I live are the plethora of nice parks.

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season? Aiming for One-derland, make a habit of using the two gyms I recently joined, focus on tiny goals

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Pet: chief spoiler. Friend: loyal nonjudgmental listener

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can. A cup of sugar free chocolate pudding

    What is your favorite TV show? Don’t have one; I’m not much of a TV watcher.

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house? Clean house. My grandmother was a hoarder, and I’ve taken up my mom’s habit of watching an episode of Hoarders and immediately go clean out something.

    What always cheers you up? My cat; being outdoors

    2 fun things about you? In preparation for a cruise to Norway this summer, I learned enough tourist Norsk to make a few Norwegians smile. The #1 best thing I did this year was visit my longtime Sparkfriend imustloseit1 to meet her in person in Iowa. It took two flights and a three and a half hour drive to get there, and it was worth every minute.

    Anything else you would like to share? My 70th birthday and 50th anniversary happen later this coming year.
  • sgod50
    sgod50 Posts: 941 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    This will be my 3rd.

    What do you like to do for fun? I like to cycle, take walks/hikes, play with my grandchildren, read & spend time with my book group and learn new things.

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Kansas City, Kansas area

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    I've learned some great new habits in the first two challenges, but have had 0 success with weight loss. So, I'd like to see some movement with that.

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Serious and cerebral. My cats would also say I'm very forgiving ...

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can.
    Watching "Six feet Under" - great series!

    What is your favorite TV show?
    Just one? Schitts Creek

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?

    What always cheers you up?
    My kitties

    2 fun things about you?

    Anything else you would like to share?
  • amberlinamk1
    amberlinamk1 Posts: 371 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    This will be my 3rd one.

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Travel anywhere out of town 😊

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Eugene, OR

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    To lose more weight and hopefully make my 5% while keeping my curves.

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Loving and loyal but not really motivated. Lol

    What is the last thing you finished? Give it a name if you can.
    Christmas shopping! Yay!

    What is your favorite TV show?
    Snapped or Forensic Files 🤭

    Would you rather exercise, wash a car or clean house?
    Wash a car.

    What always cheers you up?
    My son.

    2 fun things about you?
    I’m funny and love my family and friends wholeheartedly.

    Anything else you would like to share? I’m so glad to be back for the Winter Challenge and I hope I don’t let my team down.