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  • suejo2144
    suejo2144 Posts: 38 Member
    Go for it @coderdan82 . Thats your incentive right there
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,188 Member
    Hello @coderdan82

    The whole magic of this group is putting it out there week after week with all the rollercoaster ride along the way. I think you get it, stick with it weekly with a great big picture goal in view. I'm happy you joined.

    Start off in this weeks thread, the first one is free :)

    Weigh yourself, post in the weekly thread, and come back next week and do it again. We all get to share each other's great big picture goals, it keeps the momentum up, and the peer support is invaluable.
  • Sandie2102
    Sandie2102 Posts: 61 Member
    _Crackers_ wrote: »
    So I have been saving quite a few calories all week from my daily allowance and from exercise so I could enjoy a piece of ice-cream cake today.

    Well after all the suspense and build up when I finally got too have some, I feel so let down and very anticlimax.

    Yeah it was nice and I enjoyed it while I was having it. I don't have the guilt of going over my cals as I made adjustments for it. I just don't feel I got good bang for my buck.

    Sort of feel like the kid who spent his hard earnt pocket money on the wrong thing. Anyone else get like that? I know I won't be making that mistake again.

    I remember this feeling with WW. They let you save point for a treat or night out ( love how they LET you) and yet it just never seemed to be worth it. I kind of felt like I wanted something more!!!
  • suejo2144
    suejo2144 Posts: 38 Member
    @Sandie2102 that is so so true. Work hard and then the anticipation builds followed by splat, nada, zilch. I think its the same with most things you deny yourself lol. I had a tiny piece if cheesecake yesterday. Weighed it, worked out the calories, logged it and it was all my exercise for the day and it wasn't even that nice ....such is life 😆
  • shawnstevennelson1988
    I don't think I've introduced myself yet! I'm Shawn and my goal is to lose 100 pounds. The first 15 pounds were easy and now I'm slowing down. Time to go for more walks! I wasn't exercising much during the first 15 pounds but now I'm motivated and just unfroze my gym membership! Feel free to add me as a friend! I need as much support as I can get! I'm hoping to be a success story so I can inspire others to meet their goals!
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 842 Member
    Hi @shawnstevennelson1988! Congratulations on unfreezing your gym membership :) It sounds like you're doing a great job
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,188 Member
    @raenright Here's some info. With sodium, water, traveling, etc. there are a whole bunch of little factors that have a big short-term effects on weigh-ins.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,188 Member
    Hey, @ozdeelite can you write about your program you are doing? What's working, what's a struggle?
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 125 Member
    edited December 2023
    Tinker Bell!!!! I have returned!!!

    I am hoping to join up with the pack and march on down to the new year and beyond.

    LOTS has happened good and bad since I left MFP after over 20 years on Sept 2021 (10th anniversary of 9/11 when I lost my 3,300 plus day consistent logging streak on MFP got pissed off and left)

    Moved NY/Long Island to Osprey FL (South of Sarasota and North of Venice FL on the Gulf) went from 185 July 2021 to 205 a few weeks ago / Thanksgiving (aptly NOT named) . Stress of caring for MIL down here and her home and work etc etc. all kinds of excuses. Some reasonable explanations I suspect???!!!

    MIL is now deceased (July) and we just spent months clearing, cleaning, repairing, selling, giving away, shipping 40 years of 'stuff' and are selling the house.

    Lost my best friend in PA in May to cancer my BF (his wife was my wife's roommate in college and we introduced them) , my 'baby' 2 year old daughter graduated college on May 19th the day after his funeral.

    My wife's sister died the week before my best friend so we flew back up to PA for that funeral as well and my wife had put that all together.

    Fortunately my weight is my biggest concern. Been cycling 50 to 100 miles a week, swimming 1,000 yards to a mile or more a week. Walk at LEAST 5,000 steps a day (yesterday 16,000)

    My diet/nutrition/food is pretty good BUT the quantity and frequency is the challenge. Many of my steps are to and past the refrigerator and kitchen just FEET away from my home office!!!!!

    SOOOO been bantering about with Chris here and while I have seen him over the years on Garmin Connect and Strava........

    I need you guys, and want BACK IN THE GAME!!!!! I am trudging down a bit to 197 lbs today but just like in cycling (I ride with 4 to 10 riders sometimes, and pull the pace line for a mile) I need to draft and take their air and be with the pack to PULL me but also PUSH me to keep up!!!

    Sign me up Coach Tinger Bell Angie 83 > 867 5309 90210 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [edited by MFP staff]
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,188 Member
    all kinds of excuses. Some reasonable explanations I suspect
    Ya think? Wow. Comparatively being upright and breathing is a miracle.

    I'm happy you are here Lynch. This MFP group is tough, because MFP "Groups" are kind of out of the way. But I believe it only take 5 or 6 supportive motivated people to have big group successes. Momentum and peer support are rare, fun, and effective. Let's do it!
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 125 Member
    The MFP moderator folks censored and edited my post, FYI?? Sounds like the woke crowd have arrived at MFP during my absence?? Sad. :-(

    I think to maintain control and keep us on their proprietary messaging system they may have deleted my email and phone number or maybe my personal website. Can't tell and not obvious.

    So if any of you want that just send me private mail here on MFP and I will get that to you!!!

    ~ Thomas ~

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,136 Member
    Sounds like you have had a tough time of it, sorry for your losses.

    MFP always had a rule about not sharing personal contact info on the forums so if you want to share it, best to do in a private message.

    Its a pretty standard rule on most forums to protect people from unwanted contact, after all this is all publicly available.
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 125 Member
    that's why I only put my email in there. I can block or delete anything I don't want. I have been running bulletin boards and my website since the 1980s... I have worked in the computer industry (Computer Associates, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi Data Systems, IBM, and currently Oracle Corporation) in hardware, software and security for 40 years?

    Heck I have trouble accessing MY OWN messages most of the time on MFP on the multiple platforms and sites they bounce us to??? :D

    I don't need some newly minted C student knucklehead deciding that what I post needs not to be seen or they don't like it? If I say it and post it, they should "print it". No profanity, no politics, no religion, no etc etc..... anything outside of that is CENSORSHIP, wokism and discriminates MY rights <smile> as I am being excluded not included???

    I am in a password protected private (i.e. NOT public, they have credentials for you , me, and everybody else.) and they aren't breaking any of my systems???

    Anyway, have a great Holiday and a Merry Christmas!!!!! Good luck on your journey as well in the current and coming weeks, this is a tough time of year for sure!!!!!

    ~ Thomas ~
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,188 Member
    Now now, we're playing nice in the sandbox.
    newly minted C student knucklehead

    I'm a pretty savvy guy, but this eludes me. What's a "newly minted C student"?
    • C-Level job (e.g. CTO, CFO, CEO)
    • A "Computer science" grad
    • Someone with a 2.0 GPA

    What's the scoop?
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 125 Member
    Some kid who failed programming school or got a C at college and now works at MFP moderating content and censoring posts like mine. :-)
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,188 Member
    Hey @bootilicious joined, awesome. I'll send this weeks thread, but look around a little, and maybe write a bit about your plan when you get a chance.
  • bootilicious
    bootilicious Posts: 137 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I'm Rita and I've been on MFP since 2009. Ive lossed and gained but have never been successful at maintenance. When I lose it all again, a goal is to focus on a maintenance program, instead of celebrating every day.
    What's been working is to stay low carb as much as possible. That means I use keto bread and eat alot of greens and low fat cuts of meat.
    I also only eat at 8, 12, and 4pm. Nothing after that. Also, no restaurant food because of the increased amount of sodium. If I don't cook it, I don't eat it. That's a tough regimen but it works. I know how to lose, I just don't know how to stay in maintenance. Please feel free to ask me anything and I will do the same. All the best everyone 💝
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,136 Member
    that's why I only put my email in there. I can block or delete anything I don't want. I have been running bulletin boards and my website since the 1980s... I have worked in the computer industry (Computer Associates, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi Data Systems, IBM, and currently Oracle Corporation) in hardware, software and security for 40 years?

    Heck I have trouble accessing MY OWN messages most of the time on MFP on the multiple platforms and sites they bounce us to??? :D

    I don't need some newly minted C student knucklehead deciding that what I post needs not to be seen or they don't like it? If I say it and post it, they should "print it". No profanity, no politics, no religion, no etc etc..... anything outside of that is CENSORSHIP, wokism and discriminates MY rights <smile> as I am being excluded not included???

    I am in a password protected private (i.e. NOT public, they have credentials for you , me, and everybody else.) and they aren't breaking any of my systems???

    Anyway, have a great Holiday and a Merry Christmas!!!!! Good luck on your journey as well in the current and coming weeks, this is a tough time of year for sure!!!!!

    ~ Thomas ~

    The forum isn't password protected it's publicly available as read only. You just can't respond to posts.
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 125 Member
    Obviously password protected or not its all on a desk of somebody in China or Russia. Google, FB, MFP, Twitter, etc they all have your history and passage on/through their medium ..... and share it amongst themselves. Your phone dutifully reporting movements and surfing. The only way to prevent this is to NOT POST ANYTHING!!!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,188 Member

    Post here Lynch and force them to do something! I got your six.