Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • chansen_2000
    chansen_2000 Posts: 278 Member
    @hicim705 Thanks for the information.
  • vexedangel678
    vexedangel678 Posts: 263 Member
    Hi, group. Checking in, it’s a new week! My weekends are always a but off but my weeks go pretty well. I did something to my ankle today, so did 10 minutes of chair aerobics instead of my lunchtime walk.

    Tabitha, I’m glad you will get to talk to a doctor soon. I have went through a lot of women’s health issues too, very similar to yours. It is very common to have cysts in and around/on the ovaries. It’s so hard to wait, but try not to assume the worst. (((Hugs)))
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 7,106 Member
    edited January 8
    Good afternoon all, happy Monday. It is quite cold and very windy, 33 and the wind makes it feel colder.
    I made a milestone on my Jesus walk so planted a tree and also got another post card. Attached is link to the 5% blog area. Not much new here. Hugs and blessings.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @kaliswalker , Lynn, I I use Google photo to store my pictures on my devices. The reason why I like it the best it because if something happened to one device it doesn't matter because it's in my Google account. And I have never lost any pictures Even when my phone fell down five stories and broke. Because it was in my Google account. I did pay a flat fee to be able to store a lot of them I can't remember how much but it's not even a quarter of the way full and I have 6,000 pictures on my phone. Lololol It's easy to see I like pictures. I can also sort them into files if I choose to. Everyday it gives me the opportunity to look at pictures taken at various times. That's kind of fun. And no I do not work for Google lol lol. Sound thank you all had a great time last night That's awesome. And you helped other people smile I'm not surprised. I'm sure they helped you smile too. Like the snowman so easy true for them If only it was that easy.
    @Tabatha_Cain, did either the OB or your general doctor agree to set up an MRI? I hope it's able to be done. The anxiety is just too much when it comes to something like that. Were you able to concentrate at work? Sometime to distraction is the best way to get through stuff like this. Since you attend church the description Psalms chapter 55:22 you may find helpful and also one and first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 where God promises us He will not give us more to bear than what we can carry. You're reliant on prayer will help you out a lot. Don't be afraid to speak up to Manny and any around you including us we are here for you. You and I go back away you know I care As we all do.
    @Macrat12, I agree It's important that when we help others we do not neglect ourselves. People who were givers and many of us are can be taken advantage of. It's important to know our boundaries for them and for us. Thank you Nice quote.
    @Chansen_2000 , Carol MyFitnessPal it's very different than was on Sparks you can see. We all happy to help you navigate around. It took me a few challenges in order to really understand it. You're very smart your catch on. Ask any question you have here and also on your team and also to you leaders. We all remember what it would like when we came over. There's some really cool features here too! We can put a GIF into the chat and many other places. I'm on my phone so I won't right now It's difficult on my app for some reason most people have no problem but for some reason my phone does. But using GIF is a whole lot of fun. To use a GIF All you have to do It's find one that you like, click on it if you using a computer right click and hit save as. At that point before you go any further make sure in the box that popped up it says GIF. If it says anything else it will not be saved correctly. The majority will come up as a GIF and you'll be fine. And then get download it like you normally would. Then to put it on to MyFitnessPal up above the post Right on the top of the post you will see what looks like a picture aka the picture icon click on that then locate the GIF you just downloaded. Mine usually go into My downloads. Click on it and it will be put right into the post you are working on. This is a lot of fun. You can also put in pictures by opening it and then clicking on your picture and select copy and then come back to your post click in the pose and click paste. All of us can do this or about it to reading it and we're not sure how that's how you do it. We did not happen on Sparks. So happy to see you back.
    @Vexedangel678, So sorry to hear about your ankle. Do you know if you may have sprained it or broken out or even a muscular type thing? Hopefully you need to have it looked at you will do that soon. Please let your captain know what's going on. Very likely to suggestions will be along the line of what you already doing today and that's chair exercises, stretches and if you're up to it sit down weights. Please never injure yourself from doing too much to "help the team." That will only delay any progress later on. Some of were stubborn, as I raised my hand and had to learn this the hard way.
    @Kurtize, Joyce, you are an inspiration!! It's been fun watching you over time as you try new things and as you work within what your body will allow and you make progress. You help so many of us.
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 403 Member
    Good evening to everyone. Wish I knew how to highlight some of you for a more personal note, but haven't figured it out yet. But today I acutally am feeling so much better, and actually got some exercise in by seriously doing some vigorous clean and the family room, that is the only room that isn't a mess because of the new flooring, that isn't down yet. It was driving me crazy that I didn't and couldn't do it because of this darn gunk that is going around. And I actually got up at my usual time and not anywhere close to sleeping almost around the clock, which I had been doing. But there is a couple things I can't do without hubby's help and he was busy building the shelf over the planter at the front door. I is to dark for real plants and I just can't handly fake one so I have been using the dining room table extension leave for the planter, and everytime that we use the rable in there I have to tear it all apart to get the leaf back. So he decided it was time to just make a real shelf for it. And he is not one that skimps so it willbe build to hold a pick up truck. lol Everryone kids him about his work, yeap it will be" Larry Built. " and that is a good thing. Well, hope you all are having a great evening. Linda
  • kaliswalker
    kaliswalker Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 9
    Quick hello.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 How much does it cost to store pictures on Google?

    Last night my daughter and her family came over for dinner. Hubby did most of the cooking and they did most of the clean up so it was very nice.

    Tonight I cleaned up the medicine cabinet. I emptied it out, wiped it down, sorted everything and put it all back nicely organized.

    Tada! I found a way to permanently save a few calories. I switched from 2% milk in my tea to almond milk. One cup of 2% milk has 122 calories. One cup of almond milk 30 calories. It may not save a lot of calories in one day or month, but in a year it could equals 3,500 calories = 1 pound lost (or maybe more).

    I had a nice surprise, a call from an old friend. We will be getting together to play cards regularly.

    Today I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat till dinner... just to see how I would feel. It was ok.

    I wish you all a happy week.

    Here is a picture of 4 generations of Rebel's American Water Spaniel family - her mother, grandmother, great grandmother and great grandmother.

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @imustloseit1, To "Tag" a name someone please put a @ just before their name. Such as @Dianedoessmiles1 . Glad to hear you are feeling better. WOW you got A LOT accomplished!
    @Kalisalker Here's by what I Googled (I paid for a year, but it was a special offer) $1.99 per month for 100GB of storage, $2.99 per month for 200GB, or. $99.99 per year for 2TB. I use Almond milk since the regular bothers me. NICE Savings Rebels family Awwwww that's so cool!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,087 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday and it is going to be a good day. I am seeing the OB tomorrow at 2 pm. I will be changing my lunch so that I go see him over lunch. I am gathering as much information as I can about ovarian cysts, PCOS, and ovarian cancer. Just so I can know what my chances are and all that stuff. I need to be prepared for what may happen.

    @vexedangel678 - Sorry about your ankle. Remember to ice and elevate as often as you can to let it heal. I am doing well. I am again arming myself with knowledge since I don't see my OB until tomorrow.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Thank you. I see the OB tomorrow as he is out of the office until then and has yet to even view the ultrasound. I also reached out to my regular doctor who sent me to the OB and they had not read the results yet either so I sent her a message asking her opinion on what course of action I should take since she has been helping me manage my PCOS for the last 4 years. I have been praying a lot and I have decided that whatever happens is in God's plan. That is just how it is.
    @imustloseit1 - So glad you seem to be feeling better. That is great that hubby is building a shelf for your plants. It is also good that you can trust it won't break.
    @kaliswalker - That is pretty neat that you are able to switch between regular milk and almond milk. I am not sure I could do that. I have never tried any of that other type of milk, but I just get yucked out by even the thought of it. Not sure why either. Other than the fact that I do not like almonds. That may be the issue. Those are some cute dogs. I have always loved the spaniels.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,327 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: We cannot selectively numb emotions. When we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.—Brene Brown
    I AM: I look back at my many accomplishments with awe and pride.
    Action for Happiness: Get moving. Do something active (ideally outdoors)
    Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you implement that effort into life…every single day, that’s when transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.—Jillian Michaels
    Day 8 of 75 Hard Complete and began day 9 with a 16OZ bottle of water before going to get my protein coffee and filling my 64OZ bottle of water. Day 8 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.90 miles yesterday.

  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 7,106 Member
    Good late afternoon, hope your day is going well. A little busy this morning, Don is doing a drivers defense course on the computer, It helps with car insurance especially at our age, of course, he doesn't do the computer, so it has been a challenge, mostly not wanting to sit in front and listen the the instructor. But with my determination he will see it through. LOL. Have a great rest of the evening, hugs and blessings.

    Today's Inspiration:
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 403 Member
    Going to try this,
    @Donnadoessmile1, Thanks, and I hope this works. I an still trying to find all the things in MFP every once in awhile I descover something new.
    @katiswalker, I love the 4 genations, and they are a beautiful breed, do you take them to the lake or river in the summer? I bet they would love it.

    I got the rest of the family room all cleaned, pictures moved around the sofa moved, my chair, and some plants and such, all vacuumed, and dusted, and it is now my little haven. I love it all cleaned and shiny; The Kats of course had another day of total delight with new places to attack, and Shortey thought my sheep skin duster was just the Cat's Meow, and I don't know how many time he killed it for me. It seemed like everytime I sat it down it wasn't where I left it when I needed it again. What really surprised me the most was the few cob-web I had to wipe down. Usually if hubby see one he is right on it. But with the extra tall ceiling they are a little harder to see and reach.

    Well, going to enjoy my clean little area and watch a little TV with the Kats. Good Evening, Linda
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    edited January 10
    @Tabatha_Cain , by this time tomorrow night you will have an answer. Hopefully it one of reassurance. Most likely is probably going to be more test unless they're positive that it's fine as it is and you're okay. Rely on God if you said you are, no matter what he helps us. We are here for you too either way.
    @Kurtize, is the 1 offered by AAA for drivers 55 and over? I had taken it before the pandangitall, It was offered in person. I wish it still was because there was an 88-year-old man who as we talked knew the answer but was quickly realized that he had a lot of dementia. It was a police officer in my city who was doing the course. He immediately took his license. It was sad And reassuring. He also helped the gentleman and us to realize that there's so much that we can do when we cannot drive to get our needs met. There are many resources and he let us know some of them and how to find out more. This is a city and I think it's the six biggest one in the state of me but I'm not sure it's something like that. It's also close to Portland. So there are many option if you do not drive. And as you know Joyce I've given up driving. I did take that course again during the pangdangitall. I think I have to be taken every two or three years in order to keep the insurance discount. I found it much harder to do it online. And we know I know the stuff inside out with computers devices etc It was still harder. I wish Jack well!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,087 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Wednesday and it is going to be a good day. I am thinking if the weather cooperates I may get another walk in at lunch time. I am not sure yet though. I am really excited to get my review back. My boss told me yesterday she is just waiting to get mine back from her boss and then she can review it and go over it with me. I am hoping I did well. I really am hoping I did. I think I did. We will see. The OB called me yesterday and said repeat ultrasound in 6 months. So I am not going to stress about it, but when I asked him about pain cause I am in almost constant pain on my left side and sometimes sharp pains, he said my cysts are to small to be causing pain it must be a GI issues. Well my regular doc ruled out GI issues that is why she ordered an ultrasound and found the cysts and sent me to an OB. So I am not sure what to do. My left ovary measures 5.4cmx3.8cmx5xcm I have 2 cysts that measure 4.5cmx2.6cm. So I have 2 of my cysts are almost as big as my ovary. Then there are several smaller other ones. I am not sure why he would think that having all those combined there would not be some pain.

    @Kurtize - That is great. It is good to get any discounts you can get for auto insurance.
    @imustloseit1 - Tall ceilings are so hard to get cobwebs from. I have a duster with an extender bar. I have 10ft ceilings. It is so nice having a clean house. I am sure my cats would do the same thing.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - So I guess I would like your opinion on the ovary issue. I had one friend on another group who is a nurse even tell my that my left ovary is larger than normal and could be uncomfortable. So what do you think? I know you seem to know a lot about stuff. I did put a message into my regular doctor. I am not concerned anymore about cancer, just really the pain. I am tired of taking tylenol or Aleve every day. That stinks having to do that every day.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,327 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.—Knalil Gibran
    I AM: I am proud of all I have accomplished.
    Action for Happiness: Thank someone you’re grateful to and tell them why.
    Happy National Peculiar People Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.—Winston Churchill
    Day 9 of 75 Hard complete and beginning Day 10 with 16OZ of water before going to get my protein coffee and fill my 64OZ bottle of water. Day 9 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.59 miles yesterday.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 7,106 Member
    Happy Wednesday, it is a little warmer low 50's although the temperature is starting to drop. We did some more busy work. Other than that nothing much new. Hugs and blessings all.

    Today's Inspiration: You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future. - Anonymous
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 403 Member

    Snow'in again here, started this afternoon and is snowing yet this evening, so I can't hardly wait to see the beautiful outside in the morning. Did get a phone call about my specially appt. and all the records have been sent again and I do have a chart and they will be notifying me about an appointment soon. Hope it will be a clearer day, as I really don't want to travel 3 1/2 hours away in the middle of a snow storm, it just ain't going to happen. Still having the earthquakes in my head so am so ready after years of suffering to find out what is going on up there. MRI that was done here in Aug. didn't show anything wrong, but I know something is wrong so it is somewhere between the eyes and the brain, they don't seem to be on the same page. lol Maybe just a little tweet here and there and they will start to work together. lol,,Linda
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    edited January 11
    @Tabatha_Cain , If you'd like a second opinion that is a fairly common request. Sometimes I am sensitive to pain, feeling stuff whereas others may not feel things, I may. Is your regular Dr a female? Is the OB Female? LOL We both know a man may have "knowledge" but. Of course, I know to trust most of my Drs. The endo and I are a standstill, but I need to know more and it's okay for us to ask.
    @Kurtize, HI!! We also hit 50 today it's MAINE!! The night was WILD with wind (hit 63 MPH at 4:30 AM) with heavy rain flooding. I like that quote it's so true!!
    @Imustloseit1, Where are you that there's SNOW!!??? We had some on Sunday, but as above grrrr the foolish weather had to take it away. Wahhhhh!! You see I ADORE SNOW!! So much. I hope you get an appointment soon. I'm not sure if you can get a cancellation or not, but I do that as I can. I call and am always so polite, I start by asking the person who answers the pone how are they? It floors them, and I make a comment in regard to their answer. From there they bend over backwards to help me out. Hope for the best.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,087 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Thursday and it is going to be a great day. I am sure of it. I am feeling weird this morning. So I am not sure what that is about. I am sure I will figure it out sometime today. We are expecting a snow storm tomorrow up at least 8 inches of snow, wind and artic cold. Oh joy. That should be fun. I may not be able to do any outside walking tomorrow if it is super cold. We will see how it goes. We are hoping it slows down and burns out before it gets to us.

    @imustloseit1 - The snow is here a lot also. All this week we have gotten snow or rain/snow mix. Tomorrow we are looking at at least 8 inches of snow. It is going to be yucky. I hope they get you in soon, but not during a snow storm.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - My regular doctor is a female and my OB is a male. I trust my regular doctor. I used to trust my OB. He delivered my son so I thought he was a good doc. He also did my tubal ligation. So I did not thing he would dismiss my pain.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,327 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life.—Frederico Fellini
    I AM: I work on improving my natural-born talents.
    Action for Happiness: Switch off all your tech at least an hour before bedtime.
    Happy National Stomp in a puddle and splash your friends day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.—Derek Jeter
    Day 10 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.93 miles yesterday. Day 10 of 75 Hard Complete now starting my day with 16OZ of water before going to fix my protein coffee and fill my 64OZ bottle for the day.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 7,106 Member
    Howdy all happy Thursday. It's 55 windy, winds at 25 mph, supposed to get down to 18 tonight. I have reached a new local spot in my Virtual Conqueror Jesus Walk Trail, its a wild life spot.
    Here is map where I am at, JK is me

  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 403 Member
    Good evening eveeryone, another cold day her, hubby woke up to 3 degrees, and when I got up it was up to 6. Was a sunny day but cold, and we are to get another 7 to 11 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow. Not the most pleasant weather, but I still prefer it over the summer heat, humidity and bugs.

    @donnadoessmiles1, I live in NW Iowa, and dearly love it here. I only moved 45 miles from my birth town, where my brother still lives. It's the next generation that are scattered hither and yon.

    I basic took today off and very little today, so I didn't get very many points for the team, but I just wasnt feeling it today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Had a few things I did want to do today, but the body said, nope. So here to a better tomorrow. Linda
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    edited January 12
    @Tabatha_Cain, SEND THE SNOW HERE!! That storm will be here late Friday night through early afternoon on Caturday, but as RAIN along the coast. SIGH SIGH SIGH!!! However the waves are impressive!! And many areas just sadly beaten up by the ocean. Even here where I am. The local beach is such a mess!! Have you asked the OB why he feels the way he does? It'd be kinda fun to ask that question.
    @Kurtize that is so neat!! It'd be amazing to walk that in person, but virutual is nice too! I was walking one in Colorado and loved it!! Nice job!
    @Imustloseit1 , Hey if you are on Fit Force hehehehe take ALL the DAYS OFF!! LOLOL Okay, well maybe not??? I'm the Captain on PS4L. YO our teams are so close. I can't keep all the teams straight and sure I could go and check which team you are on, but this is kinda fun too!! BUT in all seriousness, sometimes we need a day of rest our muscles and it helps in the long run to burn more calories overall for the week. I've not been to Iowa before though I've been to many states.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,087 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Friday and we are expecting a snow storm today. Starting at 10 am this morning and going until sometime tomorrow we are expecting 8+ inches of snow. They have already shut down schools, and closed government offices, and declared a snow emergency. Which is basically stating that plows will be coming through neighborhoods and your car will be towed if they cannot reach you to move it before the plows get there. So people are going to be so mad. Realistically though they never tow anyone they just plow around their car and then they are stuck unless they shovel themselves out. I am lucky enough to have a driveway for both our cars. We can actually fit 3 cars into our little driveway if we have to.

    @macrat12 - I love when I switch off my tech. It is nice. I pull out a book and actually read.
    @Kurtize - That is amazing. Joe and I cannot wait until the storm is gone and we can sign up for the Jesus trail.
    @imustloseit1 - I hope your weather improves a little bit. I totally get the not feeling it today feeling. Just try again.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - No I did not ask the OB. He just kept pressing that I could not possibly be having pain from my several cysts because they were too small. I would love to send you some snow.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Friday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,327 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: If it is not right, do not do it, if it is not true, do not say it.—Marcus Aurelius
    I AM: I welcome challenges in my life and allow them to make me stronger.
    Action for Happiness: Connect with someone near you- share a smile or chat.
    Happy National Kiss a Ginger (redhead) Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Successful people di what unsuccessful people are nor willing to do.—Eric Thomas
    Day 11 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 6.11 miles yesterday. Day 11 of 75 Hard complete and beginning Day 12 with 16OZ of water before going to get my protein coffee and fill my 64 OZ bottle.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 7,106 Member
    edited January 12
    Happy Friday, and wishing you all a great weigh in tomorrow. It's 44 outside, supposed to get down to 20's. Not really sure how cold it got last night, the weather next week is terrible. Hope weatherman is wrong. Like your quote @macrat12. Have a great rest of the day. Hugs and blessings.

    I got this article from Today's Inspiration, thought it very good and wanted to share.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain, They threaten here to tow also, every now and then they actually do. Sadly when they do it is usually someone who we all like and wish it hadn't happened to them. SEND SNOW PLEASE!!! My kidney Dr was so surprised I was feeling a stone it was tiny. But as I described things he changed his mind, but he ALLOWED me to say it.
    @Kurtize, Love that posting. TY TY TY TY!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I have done my best to skim through the many posts from everyone. I think there was like 30. I appreciate all your continuous feedback and support.

    Now to get on with catching you all up on what is going on in my life..... Monday was a busy pack day at work as always, Tuesday was even busier with prep for Wednesday cook day and ended up working over 9 hours, Wednesday was TOPS and lost three lbs although I have no clue how and worked over 9 hours, and Thursday got up and shoveled snow and worked only an hour over my shift and then got to visit my BFF for a couple hours before going home. That brings us to Today lol. Today I have off from work and slept in then ran some errands in the morning. Got to my sister's to spend the weekend with my son while there out of town around 1pm. We spent the afternoon just chilling and hanging out then made dinner together. So nice to have normalcy and peace back in my life for a couple days. It started raining after I arrived then switched to snow definitely more than yesterday but they say it's supposed to switch back to rain and all be gone again.

    Here's a pic of the snow on my way to work yesterday. Granted by 2pm when I took my first break it was gone. Not sure why I bothered shoveling LoL.


    Next Sunday my schedule is changing. Sundays we start at 4am and Wednesdays we start at 6 pm. This is due to the availability of our temporary kitchen for about 3 weeks while we wait for our kitchen to be completed at work. Our company is growing faster that the boss expected and we don't have enough employees either. On top of everything else our city's bus service is possibly striking starting on Monday at 12:01 am.

  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 403 Member
    I very blustery day here, as Pooh would say. Just a good old fashioned blizzard. So I stay in and hubby took care of the outside animal, and let them enjoy staying in the barn, if they wanted. I didn't even venture out and feed the birds, as I could see that the big feeder still had seed, and Duke bowl was over half filled so that ment that there was about 8 cups of kibbles in it, so I didn't peek my head off. When I just came in here it was 1 degree, 29 mph wind, and a wind chill of -20 some. So it is even a little chilly in the house, so put on a sheat shirt this morning and it was fine. Not suppose to much better tomorrow.

    @donnadoessmiles1-I in on the Gr8team. lol So I got to get on the ball. lol
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
    @CSEGUIN2 , Sounds like a good week!! Next week, YO! That's quite a swing in hours, hopefully it all works out including the bus service. LOL I do not think our bus drivers would ever strike, not many ride the bus to begin with LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture!!
    @imustloseit1, JEALOUS (I ADORE SNOW!) and blizzards are even MORE FUN!! Brr on the temp!!! Tomorrow our high tide will be possibly be the highest on record. I WAS going out, but today we are sort of guessing LOL if that's wise. Ahhhh you are with the Gr8ters!! NICE TEAM!! I am on Positively Strong 4 Life.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,087 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Saturday and Joe has an eye doctor appointment at 9 this morning. After that we will be going grocery shopping. After that we are home for the weekend. I have Monday off as well for a Federal Holiday. So I have 3 days this weekend. I have to shovel snow when I get home after grocery shopping so that will be fun. Joe has something going on with his upper back on the right side. Not sure what it is. He is mostly fine all day just achy and then when he lays down in bed he tosses and turns all night because there seems to be a knot in his back. I try massaging it out, but it doesn't really work. So I have recommended he see the doctor. He won't. He doesn't like going to the doc. So we will just deal with it.

    @Kurtize - I was hoping the weatherman was wrong as well. We did get some snow, just not as much as they said. However our next system has not arrived yet.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Yeah my OB shut me down as soon as I said I was having pain on my left side. He even tried to play it off like I said the other side cause his response was well the cysts are on your left side. Then I said year that is where I said the pain was. The he was like well the cysts are too small for causing any pain. That is a GI issue. Go see your regular doctor. I would love to send you some snow.
    @CSEGUIN2 - That is great that you are down 3 lbs. I think because you are moving a lot at work you are losing weight. I am sure your diet is good also cause you cannot out move a bad diet. That is also great that you got to spend the weekend with your son. Sorry you shoveled for nothing, but again more exercise. I love the snow. Wow that is a drastic time difference. That is good that the company is growing. The stinker of it is that due to growth you now do not have enough staff. If you use the city bus I do hope you are able to work out transportation to and from work. I would hate for this to be why you lose this amazing job.
    @imustloseit1 - I am so sorry it is so cold there. I think we will be getting that colder air and temps starting tomorrow. I would definitely stay inside where it is warm.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.
