Weight No More Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 302 Member
    edited January 11
    Thank you for the mason jar salad link @ksludwig Maybe I should make a proper attempt at being prepared this year. It's something I never thought I could be bothered with. I'm surprised that leafy greens can remain fresh and crisp and that it's ok to have cooked meat in the jars for days. Are there any things that you've put in jars that just didn't work?

    I have been very impressed things stay fresh. I have yet to find things that didn't work. My Tips I would share are:
    1. Use the large mason jars.
    2. Use whole grape or cherry tomatoes in the bottom to help keep other items up out of the dressing
    3. Measure your dressing (those can be sneaker calories)
    4. Onions will permeate the dressing with their flavor, so only put them in if you really like them
    5. Don't forget to add more than just meat for protein, things like beans, nuts, chick peas
    6. Pack in the lettuce so things can't move around when you are traveling to work.
    7. Make sure the top is on tight.
    8. Have a big bowl or container to dump the salad into so you can mix it well.
    9. Change it up from week to week so you don't get bored. Get creative! There are lots of recipes out there. I have made Turkey bacon ranch, taco salads, Greek salad, ham swiss and honey mustard, Tai inspired with Peanut dressing, buffalo chicken, even a Mediterranean one I found with pasta in it!

    I hope you like them!!!
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 575 Member
    If you have a few bad days of eating, can you possibly still turn it around for the other few days left until your weigh in and still have a loss or is that whole week already gone and you can't/won't have a loss?
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,276 Member
    If you have a few bad days of eating, can you possibly still turn it around for the other few days left until your weigh in and still have a loss or is that whole week already gone and you can't/won't have a loss?

    @CassieGetsFit2013 -

    It is never too late to make a better choice. Start with one good meal at a time. And while you aren't guaranteed a loss, making the change can only set you up better for the next week. Little things add up!

    If all you do is cut back on 10 calories a day, that adds up to losing a pound in a year (10*365 = 3650, a little more than the 3500 calories per pound). Just 100 calories a day? Almost losing a pound per month. You can do this, Cassie.
  • 9Harvey
    9Harvey Posts: 105 Member
    edited January 11
    Weigh In Day: Sunday - Jan 7
    Previous - 216.4
    Current - 216.2

    Well that didn't go as planned. :(

    M - 6434
    T - 7809
    W - 6332
    T - 2235
    F- 3890
    S - 1914
    S - 2926

    Total - 31540 steps
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 703 Member
    If you have a few bad days of eating, can you possibly still turn it around for the other few days left until your weigh in and still have a loss or is that whole week already gone and you can't/won't have a loss?

    I actually have many weeks like you just described @CassieGetsFit2013. I mess up first few days and 2nd half of the week work hard to get back down to what I weighed the previous week. Overall, I lose, but it’s a very slow process this way.

    Keep at it! You CAN do it!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,325 Member
    edited January 11
    ksludwig wrote: »
    Thank you for the mason jar salad link @ksludwig Maybe I should make a proper attempt at being prepared this year. It's something I never thought I could be bothered with. I'm surprised that leafy greens can remain fresh and crisp and that it's ok to have cooked meat in the jars for days. Are there any things that you've put in jars that just didn't work?

    I have been very impressed things stay fresh. I have yet to find things that didn't work. My Tips I would share are:
    1. Use the large mason jars.
    2. Use whole grape or cherry tomatoes in the bottom to help keep other items up out of the dressing
    3. Measure your dressing (those can be sneaker calories)
    4. Onions will permeate the dressing with their flavor, so only put them in if you really like them
    5. Don't forget to add more than just meat for protein, things like beans, nuts, chick peas
    6. Pack in the lettuce so things can't move around when you are traveling to work.
    7. Make sure the top is on tight.
    8. Have a big bowl or container to dump the salad into so you can mix it well.
    9. Change it up from week to week so you don't get bored. Get creative! There are lots of recipes out there. I have made Turkey bacon ranch, taco salads, Greek salad, ham swiss and honey mustard, Tai inspired with Peanut dressing, buffalo chicken, even a Mediterranean one I found with pasta in it!

    I hope you like them!!!

    I recently got 2 Bentgo salad bowls (came as a set), which is a big bowl with an insert and a little sealed sauce cup that has a lovely snap on lid. Have not used it yet as I came down with covid two days later and forgot it until yesterday.

    Lunch is usually leftovers (I am only cooking for 2 and cannot seem to manage small batches) but I am hoping to sneak in some salad days, uf for no other reason than I have a metric crapton of salad greens from my CSA. Your ideas sound great. I'm less inclined to put in meat but chickpeas are lovely.

    In other news, I'm getting ready to do first week of December steps post, so this is last call. New peeps, I'm looking at you! We'd love to have more walkers on our step challenge!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member

    Sun- 4,621
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    Sorry I forgot to weigh in today. I just realized it Thurs. I had a little cold that has turned into laryngitis. I have been extremely tired so I haven't gotten anything done. I'm sure I don't have a loss this week and would be really surprised if I did. My co worker kept bringing me pretzels that have the chocolate melted on them with the m&m. I caved and ate a ton. It was a stressful week at work. Another one of my girls brought me m&m today. My husband had come to pick up my granddaughter because she wasn't feeling well (I work in childcare) he told me those wouldn't help my diet. He always has something to say now because he just started intermittent fasting, so he has become very annoying.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,325 Member
    edited January 12
    January Week 1

    Team Statistics
    Total Steps: 435,472
    Participants: 8
    Average Steps per Person: 54434 (an awesome 49.35% higher than last week's )

    The Leaderboard

    @andja87 - 91,567 total | 13,081 average Most Steps in One Day
    @BodyTalking - 83,155 total | 11,899 average
    @sydditt - 74,130 total | 10,509 average Most Consistent between Weeks
    @daria0919 - 62,421 total | 8,916 average
    @Losingweekly - 28,828 total | 4,118 average
    @ljdanny - 55,305 total | 7,901 average
    @9Harvey per - 28,614* total | 4,088 average
    @melaniedscott - 11,462 total | 1,637 average Most Consistent!!!

    Welcome to our new and returning walkers, @ljdanny, @9Harvey, and @Losingweekly! This week we had some contenders for most steps in a day!

    I don't really deserve the Most Consistent considering my very low step count, so i have to give @9Harvey an honorable mention -- with far more steps and only slightly lower consistency. I added a special award for this month for @syddit because between the last two weeks, step totals only differed by 39 steps. That's amazing.

    I also want to add @9Harvey reported more steps than are reflected here, some were for this past Sunday, which will be counted in next week's totals, for anyone scrutinizing numbers. Do you have a step goal of 7500/day? Does anyone else have a goal that we don't know about? Bolded walkers met their goal!

    To those who are not currently part of the step team, it's super easy to join and a great way to be more involved with the group if you're looking for something else to hold you accountable. Joining merely involves posting your weekly steps (Sunday - Saturday) either day-by-day or a weekly total. Those posting the weekly totals are not eligible for the Most Steps or Most Consistent awards, but will still be included on the leaderboard.

    We are off to a great start!

  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 546 Member
    edited January 12
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I actually build days like that into my diet and call it calorie cycling. 😭 I do it specifically so my metabolism doesn’t get used to lower calories. The way I do it - I go completely off my diet every weekend. (That’s why my weigh-in day is Friday. 😉) It helps me be super good during the week, because I know the weekend is coming. My weight loss may be a bit slower, but at least it’s a way of eating I can live with long term.
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 172 Member
    If you have a few bad days of eating, can you possibly still turn it around for the other few days left until your weigh in and still have a loss or is that whole week already gone and you can't/won't have a loss?

    @CassieGetsFit2013 Absolutely you can. Like others have said, making small choices adds up. If you’re struggling on the nutrition end, maybe you can make it up to yourself by making an extra trip to mailbox, walk down the driveway, take an extra trip on the steps, walk an extra loop around the store while you’re shopping, park further in the parking lot. Small things that can add up in the long run.

    I weigh in on Fridays because I know the weekends are my weakness and I know during the week I have more discipline.

    Saturdays is usually our grocery shopping/errand day, and by the time we get home I’m too exhausted to cook a meal so it has become our takeout day. Lately we’ve been ordering pizza. And instead of eating 4 slices of a large pizza like I normally would have, I eat a slice, then have a big salad or something else “good” for me. If I’m still hungry, I’ll have one more. Don’t usually need to but I have and it makes me feel better and takes the guilt off after eating knowing I ate the salad instead of an additional 3 or 4 slices.

    You can do this and you have a whole group of people here that believe in you and support you.
  • Kyra_TB97
    Kyra_TB97 Posts: 8 Member
    Kyra_TB97 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I do not know if it is just me, but I am struggling to stay on track. I have done some meal prep for tomorrow, so I hope this works. Does anyone have any tips or tricks how to stay on track?

    @Kyra_TB97 - It's not just you, making changes is difficult, especially early on. Starting small and finding things you like and can stay consistent with is incredibly important. I don't know your strategy of attack, but I know I tend to get more frustrated when I take on too many things at once, because starting one or two new habits is a ton easier than doing ten.

    Is there something in particular that you're struggling with???

    I think I am trying to do too much at once! But yesterday was a good day. I will work on making the right nutrition choices and drinking more water, when I manage to do that I was add in more exercise. One step at a time.

    Thank you for your help!!
  • gillwellow
    gillwellow Posts: 74 Member
    Just a quick FYI - will be late with my weigh in this week as am on holiday (with no scales 😇) so will be Sunday (instead of Friday).
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,276 Member
    @gillwellow - Sunday would put you into next week, so your weight would not count towards the group results. Would you rather just skip this week and weigh in next Friday, or do you want the week to week comparison?
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 685 Member
    Majork29 - Kira
    Weigh-in day: Friday

    Jan 5: 187.0
    Jan 12: 186.0

    Down a pound this week. It might be from all the shivering I was doing.
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 546 Member
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW 182.8
    Jan 5: 184.5
    Jan 12 181.5

    GW (Jan): 178
    Plan: Strength training, daily walk, Protein 100g+, Fiber 25g+
    Age: 48

    🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪⬛️ (Sun - Sat)
    ❤️🧡💛💚💙⚪️⚪️ (Protein/Fiber)
    ❤️🧡💛💚💙⚪️⚪️ (Planned Exercise)
    ❤️🙁💛💚🙁⚪️⚪️ (Steps 5k+)

    It might look like a huge loss, but really I’m finally just below the weight I was before I went on vacation and missed a week of weigh-ins.

    My steps have really suffered this week. It is so cold here in Colorado. 🥶
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 172 Member
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 227.8
    CW (Current Weight): 220.6

    I am stunned. The only thing I can think is that I’ve been very strict with my calories and getting my exercise in this week. And all the extra walking I’ve done thanks to the mystery challenge. I’ve been hovering around 227 since before Christmas so maybe all 3 combined has finally dropped me out of that slump and showed a loss on the scale.
    We’ll see if it holds til next week!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 703 Member
    andja87 wrote: »
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 227.8
    CW (Current Weight): 220.6

    I am stunned. The only thing I can think is that I’ve been very strict with my calories and getting my exercise in this week. And all the extra walking I’ve done thanks to the mystery challenge. I’ve been hovering around 227 since before Christmas so maybe all 3 combined has finally dropped me out of that slump and showed a loss on the scale.
    We’ll see if it holds til next week!

    Way to go @andja87!!!
    You ROCK!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 546 Member
    @andja87 Woah!! That’s awesome!!
  • gillwellow
    gillwellow Posts: 74 Member
    @gillwellow - Sunday would put you into next week, so your weight would not count towards the group results. Would you rather just skip this week and weigh in next Friday, or do you want the week to week comparison?

    Will skip this week officially and do a weight in next Friday.
This discussion has been closed.