What Kind of Fundraisers / Pal Drive Does Your Chapter Do?

My chapter is looking for ways to do fundraising outside of a 50/50 we do most weeks and increase our pal count. We have had one open house while I was a newer member that was a bust (one current pal brought one friend and they didn't join us).

I'm looking for ideas to share with my leader and group.
I appreciate anything you have to share.

You are TOPStastic! Thanks, JP


  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,119 Member
    We had a table at a couple Christmas bazaars. We did good. Made good contacts, but no new members yet. But the seeds were planted.

    I’m interested in ideas also. We’re a really small chapter now. We were 10 members. A bunch dropped out because of health reasons who have since died.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, I will mention this to my leader and the group. Maybe we can do something similar at a spring or summer farmers market to get something going prior to the holiday season.

    We are a small group too in the single digits.