Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,994 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: What wisdom can you find that us greater than kindness?—Jean-Jaques Rousseau
    I AM: I am very grateful I feel a waterfall of financial energy flow through me.
    Action for Happiness: Thanks someone and tell them how they made a difference for you.
    Happy National Pizza Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.—Confucius
    Day 39 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.05 miles yesterday.
    Work till 1PM today then plan on getting into the gym for a Biceps/Triceps + Core workout before coming home.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,200 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain , Tabatha it's so hard to pretend to be happy. Can you talk to a therapist for help? I used to be severely depressed, but I got help and TADA you see me today. I highly recommend it.
    @Kurtize, LOVE that cup of HC or coffee!! Life for the day!
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 403 Member
    I am late tonight so this well be just a hope you all had a pleasant day, and had some ME TIME.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,200 Member
    @Imustloseit, I hope you sleep well today!! I had much laughter today!! GRAND TIME though my body has been ewwwww! All is very good!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I have skimmed through all the messages. Prayers for those who need them.

    This week has been busy, stressful and ending good.

    To start I worked Sunday morning then in the afternoon had a viewing for an apartment. Buses didn't strike as they came to a tentative agreement. Voting will be this weekend. Worked on Monday. Early Tuesday morning woke up to a fire in a vacant building near us. Had Tuesday off and hung out with friends and filled out the apartment application. Went to TOPS Wednesday morning and was surprised to find I lost half a pound. Worked Wednesday night. Worked Thursday and had today off. I was in contact with the manager of the apartment all week working on trying to get it. Came down to needing a Cosigner which I had on the back burner. Sent the info to them today for the Cosigner and was accepted right away. Moving day is March 1st!!! Ex still has no clue. Also today got a new phone and running shoes. Now for all the packing with out tipping the ex off to much. Also the Boss cut me back to 20 hours next week. This means I only work 3 days next week unless we can get him to give me more time.

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,871 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Saturday and I am hoping for a good day. It is hopefully going to be a good weekend. I think it will be. It is Super Bowl weekend and to be fair I do not care about Super Bowl. However it is meaning things will be super busy and I am probably going to be super busy. I have picked up working DoorDash because Shipt is not working out as it is not giving me enough and to be frank I am tired of shopping other people's food orders and not getting any tips or getting a bad review because they decided not to respond to me so I did not substitute an item that they did not have in stock. So I am good with that.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Oh I did see a therapist and I am going back next week. I think we are starting off twice a month. She went over some things that we will be looking at, ADD, Anxiety, Childhood trauma, Depression, PTSD, Childhood sexual abuse trauma. Those are what she will be looking into as she gets to know me. I was told by one Psychologist that I was most likely Autistic, and so I have no idea what I have. Except I know I have anxiety and I know I have childhood trauma, and I know I have PTSD because several times I have been diagnosed that over the years of therapy. Also weird that when I left her office that night I had a memory pop up from when I was little and I have no memory of my childhood and my memory showed me I was in therapy at an early age like 6 or 7. When I asked my Mom she said she knew I was with my brother, but could not remember why I was in therapy, but remembered my brother was sent to therapy for inappropriate touching of girls at the age of 5 and then also nightmares. So who knows what was going on when we were kids. My sister was raped at the age of 9 by my Dad's best friend who lived with us at the time. So much horrible stuff happened when I was little.
    @imustloseit1 - Enjoy your me time.
    @CSEGUIN2 - Oh Wow. Congrats to getting the apartment. Good luck getting out and packing without the ex finding out. I am glad you had a cosigner in your back pocket.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,994 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate! Wishing you prosperity and abundance.—Insight Timer Team
    I AM: I am learning to create my own happiness, peace, and magic.
    Action for Happiness: Look for good in others, particularly when you feel frustrated with them.
    Happy National Cream Cheese Brownie Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.—Wilbur Wright
    Day 40 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 6.81 miles yesterday.
    Work till 4:30 then home to get ready for church. Dinner after church then mobility.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
    edited February 10
    Happy Saturday. A little over cast and some rain. The contractor finished the ramp and cover over the patio, will take pictures when rai stops. Here is before picture of porch and the stairs going down.

    Have a great rest of the day.
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 403 Member
    @csequin2 I sure hope everything works out with your plan of moving out, it a big step and wish you the best. When I left the X, I left with the clothes on my back and my car. that was it, and was planning to stay in car, but son insisted I stay with them. I did, until I found an apartment. It's a very big step.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today went through some stuff and packed what I am keeping. So much more to do. Signed my part of the lease. Son and Cosigner still have to sign tomorrow. I am working at 4 am tomorrow then coming home and going through more stuff. Still have to get lots of boxes as well as get hydro delt with and getting my moving crew organized. Also today did some laundry, dishes and helped my Son make dinner.

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,200 Member
    @Cseguin2 will ex be violent if he realizes it? Or verbally abusive? I am guessing you'll have someone to help you move? Hey SUPER CONGRATS on having your OWN PLACE!! That is so exciting and you'll finally be able to truly relax for the first time in forever!! I am so happy you get to do this!! Hopefully, work will pick up so you can afford it, but we know you if you have to you'll also find another job if you have to 2 of them you will!! You are a strong woman!! That's for sure!! WTG also on the weight loss!!
    @Tabatha_Cain , I hope today was a good day. I am so sorry hon you went through so much as a kid and also no doubt as an adult. I had gone through some stuff also, it takes a toll until we really address it all. It took me working with a trauma therpist for 10 years and also getting other help through those 10 years before I finally came into a full circle and a true recovery. It's amazing to me, once I started to work hard, how much my life became the life I really wanted. I cherish it now, and BANG than I got sick, but at least now I can easily handle this compared to the other stuff. It helped us to be who we are today, the fighters we are, and Tabatha, you are a fighter!! AND you also awwww have Joe now with life being so much better. It's safe now for you to heal. We are supportive of you!!
    @Kurtize, I LOVE IT!! As on the PS4L team, SEND ME SOME REAL SNOW!! Please? LOLOLOL
    @Imustloseit1 , you are ALSO a strong woman!! SO HAPPY you also out of a bad situation!! When we talk we all realize our lives have much in common though we are all different (I did not marry, no ex but still as a kid and adult the other stuff). GLAD WE ARE ALL SAFE now or almost safe now.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,871 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Sunday and it is going well. Today I am going to breakfast with my mother and things are going to be busy today. I have laundry and I have house cleaning to do. But this morning before going to breakfast with my Mom I am going to be doing some DoorDash. It is going well. I did 8 runs yesterday. I am doing well. I think anyways. I earned $50. Which is like $2.26 per mile. Which is not bad at all. I am glad that things are going so well with it. I know it will slow down, but I just need to get some Dashes under my belt and then I will have some ratings. Things will be alright.

    @Kurtize - So glad you got the ramp done. That will definitely help. I am sure.
    @CSEGUIN2 - I am so glad that so far things are going well. Good luck with work today.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Thank you. Yes I agree. I am finally safe enough to do some healing. I will get through this just like I know you did.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,994 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.—Bertrand Russell
    I AM: I am fine with letting go of anyone who can’t keep up with me.
    Action for Happiness: Send an encouraging note to someone who needs a boost,
    Happy National Get out your guitar day!!
    Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!! Go Chiefs
    Pliability QOTD: Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.—Eric Thomas
    Day 41 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 6.41 miles yesterday.
    Work till 3PM then home for dinner and the big game.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    The ex may get verbally abusive and/mentally. But that's nothing new with what I have been dealing with lately. He may also end up in the hospital due to his heart. I have already decided that if anything gets out of line cops or ambulance will be called. I do plan to have help with the moving. Anyone who helps won't allow anything to get out of line.

    Today is a long day. Got up at 2 am after only sleeping for a couple hours to be at work for 4 am. Had a great work day. Came home and just forced myself to stay awake by playing games on my phone. Once my friend was home my Son and I stopped by so we could get the lease signing finished. That has been completed. Filled out online form for the hydro to be in place for the beginning of the month. Then visited until she left to go to her son's for super bowl. Now just waiting for dinner to arrive. Have to be at work for 9 am tomorrow so not sure if will make it through the whole game. Definitely weird not really having a party this year for super bowl. Talked to the boss on the way to work this morning and he added Tuesday so now I have 4 days this week.

  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
    Just stopping in to say hi, getting ready for super bowl. Go Niners

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,200 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain ,My GD did a little door dash, but she didn't stick with it. She probably would of, but her X is also a dasher, and in a small area, she was running into him though he didn't see her, it scared her endlessly!! He's very abusive to this day. Can we say IDIOT? I CAN!! LOL I just did. Wishing you the best with it!
    @Cseguin2, Connie, I've found most who abuse others are scared of being abused themselves and rarely though it certainly can happen they show their true colors outside of family. Hoping for the best for you!! CONGRATS on getting more hours this week!! Tht's great!! I THOUGHT I was having a super bowl party myself!! I even got stuff (THankfully all decorations no food!) for it, but a friend who was coming her nephew died on Monday, she won't say if she's with her family, but I HOPE SO!! Another friend has a cold and that's not good for me, and I THINK I am also coming down with one (we were together yesterday, but THOUGHT It was safe since we were not in the car to much and it's been 6 days since she got it, but I am thinking that was UNWISE!! We usually keep it to the 4 of us. My friend who's nephew died on Monday has had cancer 5 times (2 breast and 3 kidneys) she's in rough shape and we do NOT want anyone here who could put her at risk. IT's for the BEST No doubt we are not together with V being definetely sick, and likely I am too or I am just bad on fluid overload (heart).
    @Kurtize, AGREE!!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,871 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Monday and I am going back to work. I will be doing well on the memberships this week. I think it is going to be a good week. Joe and I are ready to head back to work. This past weekend was so fun.

    @CSEGUIN2 - That i good that you will be safe. That is pretty awesome that your boss gave you an extra day to work. It is pretty weird not having a super bowl party. We usually go to one also, but this year the family that usually meets up with us decided to go to Texas so they will not be in town.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - That sounds scary constantly running into your ex. I would have stopped also. It is going well for us with DoorDash. I did 14 orders over the weekend and earned $85.00. So not to terribly bad. Joe joined a delivery service called Roadie. He delivers for Walmart, CVS Pharmacy and a couple other places. So he did 6 orders and earned $41.00. Not too terrible for his first day doing it on Sunday. We decided since all our money goes to bills this money that we do after getting some things squared away will be our spending money. We will spend it on whatever we want for ourselves. So that is pretty cool.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,994 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.—George Bernard Shaw
    I AM: I give my soul time to find happiness again.
    Action for Happiness: Focus on being kind rather than being right.
    Happy International Darwin Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.—LeBron James
    Day 42 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 6.70 miles yesterday.
    Working till 6PM so getting my workout in before work.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,200 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain , Did you watch the game last night? That was WILD!! LOL I wasnted the 9ers to win, but I am also okay with the Chiefs because of my brother. GREAT Idea to pay down the bills and earn extra money for extras!!