Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail! congrats on the exciting news about a grandchild!! That's awesome!! Woo hoo - any idea when the anticipated arrival date is yet?

    and Suzy I agree with Vail - thats awesome that you are doing the yoga.. and even better is the great news about your muscle mass being higher than you thot!! yippee!!

    As far as the 80% thing... my biggest problem im working on is that i wait too long to eat so i'm starving by the time i do and i end up eating HUGE amount.. i don't even think about whether i'm full i just stuff it in so fast and i overeat a lot!! I've been testing my blood sugars a lot more often because i think i mentioned they've been way too high the past few months and on my last blood tests my endo said if i didn't bring them down would be back on meds.. so i have been "experimenting" with different things to see what will bring it down.... and def eating smaller amounts more often helps, but i've been trying to get back into playing pickleball at least 3x a week.. to up my physical exercise and i do the 20-30 min walk in the halls of my building after dinner ... and i can honestly say the biggest difference in bringing it down is the increase in exercise... i remember one of my classes like 10 yrs go in diabetes and they said the amount you eat also affects it.. so i've been trying to get away from a "big" dinner (i'm still of the generation where dinner is the big meal of the day".. and it seems to be working.. so i just have to keep making sure i have healthy food ready and available so that i will eat when i'm actually hungry.. even if it's just an orange mid afternoon or some veggies and dip to tide me over...

    i also cook extra veggies like carrots and green beans if i'm making them for dinner, and i undercook them slightly so when i nuke them the next day they aren't soggy but they are THERE and available so sometimes i'll just have that for a snack lol.. im using a lot more frozen veg too as they are quick and easy .. i use one pot and just toss in a handful from each bag - like broccoli, cauli and green beans for 3 min and they are good to go... my next blood work isnt til the end of march but the A1C covers the last 3 months so i'm hoping if i keep working hard at it i can stay off the meds...

    other than that i've just been busy with the retiree group; over the winter there isnt a lot of physical acitivty we do its mostly coffee meets and meals but still keeping me busy planning those and our bowling and trivia afternoons.. im still doing 2 shifts a week with the red cross but this op ends March 31st.. it will be extended no doubt but i think i will take a break for a few months.. i've pretty much been on deployment for over 2 yrs straight, either full time or part time and im still waiting for hte insurance company to determine the flooring repairs or replacement from the flood so living with everything stuffed into my living room and bedroom... and i want to get the whole place painted too so i think im gonna take a bit of time off and deal with that.. plus i need to get some dental work done that is gonna take up some time.. just the usual kind of things but i've been putting some of it off because i never seem to have time for it..

    so that's my update lol.. are you asleep yet>
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    The baby is due on July! I'm already trying to find the balance between giving helpful advice and stepping back and letting two very intelligent and capable young people to do their own thing!

    I'm the same with the 80% thing, Snoozie ... I eat too fast, and I'm capable of putting away a huge amount of food without feeling close to full. I think it would work great for some people though! But it's just about knowing our own weaknesses and strengths and what works.

    I love your idea with the slightly undercooked veg and also with the frozen mixed veg. Anything that makes it easier is helpful!

    It does sound a good idea to take some time off to get everything sorted. It will also be easier to fit in the exercise if you have more time and aren't too tired. I'm sorry that your apartment still isn't sorted! It must be unsettling living like that!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh, I meant to say, I read an interview with a British personal trainer called Rosemary Mallace. She's in her 70s and her workouts are aimed at older people. They are a bit easy for me at the moment but I've subscribed for future planning!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Congratulations!!!! How exciting! Being a grandma is awesome! When is your little one expected to arrive? Work on strengthening your back, you’ll thank me later. lol. I’m really happy for you!

    I hope your dad is okay. It’s so hard to see our parents age and their health decline.

    You were so disciplined and successful with your eating last year and I know you can get back to that. Cutting out the snacking between meals would be a huge achievement for me…especially after dinner. Something to work on.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Looks like we have all been busy! I now know my grandbaby is a boy. I had guessed a girl, ha ha!

    We're having a restructure at work which is slightly stressful. I'm glad I only work part-time, at least. It's funny, I remember us talking about retirement years ago. I had the option to retire at 55 and was looking at doing that and thinking about how I was going to spend my time with hobbies, voluntary work, etc., so I didn't get bored. Anyway, finances didn't allow and I can't believe I'm still working all these years later! Almost all my friends did retire, although I do have a couple left who are working in their 60s. Actually, I'm glad I kept in paid work, but I certainly haven't had that problem of not having things to do! Neither have you two ... both of you have been so busy in retirement!

    At the moment, I'm just trying to get a few pounds off. I'm still a little bit heavier than I'd like to be. I haven't gone back up to what I was a year ago, but there has been a slow creep up, despite my continually saying that I'm going to get it right! I know exactly what to do! I've been looking into options for my hip arthritis/pain, and found a very good leaflet on it. And apparently exercise works for 50% of people! Frustrating because we do get told that exercise will help, and when it doesn't it seems like it's our fault. Anyway, it looks like first hip replacements do work well for a lot of people, BUT second hip replacements are a lot more problematic, so the idea seems to be to postpone it as long as possible.

    How are things with you two? Any update on getting the damage to your apartment sorted, Snooozie?

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Yay! A grandson! Of course, I’d be just as happy for you if it was a granddaughter. lol. We just found out that our son and his wife are expecting! Due in September. It’s a shock because we really didn’t think they were going to have kids. Being a grandma is the absolute best!! You’ll love it!

    Retirement can go really bad for some people. My sister in law retired and just sits all day at her computer…even sleeps in her computer chair. Her health has plummeted. She’s in awful shape now and can hardly do anything. She’s turning 70 this year and looks/acts 90. I’m basically a lazy person so all the volunteer work and being a grandma keep me busy and moving. I’m meeting with a personal trainer once a week at the gym. We got a special deal when we signed up so it’s affordable for now. It’s really alarming how out of shape I am. My stamina is nonexistent and my arms are noodles. I guess all my muscle is in my legs. Lol. Anyway, it’s going to be a long road back to where I was before.

    I’ve heard the same thing about a knee replacement. I’m hoping to put it off as long as possible. It’s a fine line though. We don’t want to wait too long so that we can’t do the physical therapy but not so early that we outlive the knee. Tricky. I have noticed that my “weak” knee seems stronger than the other now and I think it’s because of all the physical therapy on that leg. So exercise can definitely help.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - woo hoo on knowing you're going to have a grandson now! how exciting! Sorry about the stress at work hope you are able to get thru it all and that things settle down...

    have you had a hip replacement already? it sounded like you were talking about a 2nd one ... ? i hope the leaflet gives you some hints and ideas to bring some relief

    its funny you mentioned the slow creep up... I still hop on the scale every morning; its honestly just habit now .. i saw a pound or 2 but i know how much it can fluctuate so it was just interesting.. yesterday it was 4 lbs .. im still not worried as such because i honestly think for the first time in my entire life i may have been a little underweight from losing all the weight when i had the gut ick.. BUT.. when i saw the 4 lbs this morning i thought hmm ok... time to pay attention because CREEP up is the right word.... or sneaks up maybe and i don't want to let it get to any more than it has

    Suzy that's great that you are meeting with the personal trainer! im in the same boat as you with no stamina or endurance and on top of it, no muscle!! I really need to figure that part out ... and do something about it!! Ouch on the knee.. we have lots in our group who have had replacement parts.. we joke we should get a group discount rate... all have had full recoveries no bad stories but i can't imagine how hard that decision would be, keeping in mind exactly what u said.. early enuf to do good but not too sooon as u want it to last!

    Nothing new here.. i'm trying to up my physical activity by playing pb at least 3x a week.. we still do our group walks but they are more a stroll so cant really count them... still waiting on the insurance co to decide what to do but i suspect thats gonna be a battle that lasts a while

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    No, I don't already have a hip replacement, it's just that I'm still relatively young, so if I got it now (and live long enough!) there's a good chance I'd need another replacement at some point and it seems there aren't very good results with them .... I suppose obviously most people having them will be quite elderly so that maybe affects things, but it still seems to be worth toughing it out.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    oh ok sorry i misunderstood lol.... and yup i get holding off for sure! suprisingly tho the 2 people i know who have had hip replacements both had them in their 60's... im not sure of the reasons they needed them tho... but i think they are the only ones i know of who were that "young" (what i consider young anyway!) when they got them.. LOL
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Funny how our definition of “young” changes as we age! Lol.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Just checking in here. Hope you are all OK. How is the personal trainer going, Suzy? And the pickleball, Snoozie?

    It feels like it has been a long winter here. Not so much snow and ice any more, but just cold, windy, rainy, etc. It's looking a big brighter today and I'm going out doing voluntary litter picking round my area.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hiya Vail! Actually i just got back from pickleball lol.. we couldnt play all week as it was closed to us during school march break so a lot of kiddie events going on... bad timing as i was trying that experiment before my bloodwork about seeing if increasing my exercise in the weeks before my bloodwork would affect my A1C... so i needed that week of play but alas lol.. i have my appt with the endo on Wed ... praying she won't make me go back on the meds but there may not have been enough time for it have shown up .. the A1C takes a 3 month average and i had about 6 weeks to work on it.. but i'm keeping my fingers crossed!

    I'm still dealing with the insur company on the flood in my condo.. everything is done now but the flooring and honest to god.. im so frustrated at the lack of info from the insur.. i keep getting emails without answers or being able to talk to an actual human... i left ANOTHER message thurs and still no reply so on monday im gonna stop being quite so polite lol

    Been keeping busy with the retiree group now that the nicer weather is starting to come along we have been able to get a few group walks in which is nice... always so much easier to get people out to events in the better weather altho i have to say we had such a mild winter this year we can't really complain... still i'll be happy to see some warmer temps and sunshine coming up hopefully in the next few weeks

    I'm still doing my RC shifts 2x a week.. our current deployment ends March 31st but i just heard the site is going to be extended until August.. however i have decided not to redeploy right now. i'm going to take a couple of months off to deal with the condo stuff and i need to get some dental work done and there just doesnt ever seem to be enuf time (and yet there are some days im bored.. go figure lol)

    oh and my other news. my oven died last week..... i looked up the error codes on a few diff sites and they all said it was the control panel fried which would be about $600 to replace... its not that old maybe 8 yrs if i can remember... but $600 to repair i can get a new one for not much more than that.. but i decided to keep googling the code and i found one comment from a guy who said before you do ANYTHING.. just unplug the stove and plug it back in... sometimes it just needs a reset. i had nothing to lose so i tried it.. i actually left it unplugged for 24 hrs beause at the time i had a bookcase and an armoire stuffed in the kitchen cause they were shampooing the dead carpeting (useless)... and i'll be darned... i plugged it back in the next day and i'll be darned.. it worked!!! I've only used the once since lol... but it heated up fine and kept the temp and no error codes so im hoping thats all it was... and may have saved myself the repair bill or cost of a new one.... im kinda afraid to try it again lol.. but i will tonite

    so that's me updated........
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    The insurance work is really dragging on! That's terrible that they are treating you like that. So frustrating when you can't get hold of people.

    That's so funny about your stove! The wonders of google. It's so satisfying when you find something simple that works!

    Good luck with your blood work. I hope the few weeks has made the difference.

    It sounds like a good idea to have a bit of a break from work, when you have other stuff going on in your life. I hope the dental work goes OK. I'm still going through mine. It was quite interesting, actually, because they did a couple of fancy scans and got really clear pictures of my teeth and also my skull with the teeth in it. It was almost disturbing seeing the pictures! They were in 3D too, and the dentist kept turning them about on the screen. I think one was a CT scan, but I'm not sure what the other one was.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail i hate seeing those xrays on the screen at the dental office lol... but never seen my skull thankfully!

    My eye specialist occasionally does this scan of the optic nerve or something.. first time i saw it i swear i could see my brain and all the things stemming out from it... freaked me right out! (Turns out it wasnt it was blood vessels in the eye or something lol... so i can't imagine seeing your skull and teeth in 3D!

    and yes.. google beats having to go to the library to look up something i will admit ha..

    im keeping my fingers crossed for wed.. and bringing my "paper calendar" i had on the fridge where i marked down my #'s every day for the last 6 weeks.. i figure at least that way i can show her over the last 6 weeks its gone down ... even if the test doesn't show it yet she might agree to another 3 months and test again..

    I wish you luck with your dental work ... mine will just take a bit of coordination for a few days so i'd rather have the time free to book as needed and yep.. getting frustrated with the insurance stuff but keep reminding myself.. perspective... wiht everything going on in the world and in my friend's lives dealing with some major stuff.. big picture its just a pain and an inconvenience.. and it will eventually get done...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hello Hatters! Sorry it’s been so long since I popped in. Things are going okay I still haven’t established a good exercise routine due to illness (mine, grandkids, husband, parents and then my trainer…lol). I’m going again tomorrow and am hoping to do more this week. We walked after dinner tonight. I’m so happy for the time change and that we have daylight so late now. It’s supposed to get cold again starting tomorrow though.

    I’m so sorry you’re still dealing with the insurance and everything Snoozie. Things like that do tend to drag on and cause way too much stress and disruptions. You’ve been putting in a lot of time with the RC for awhile now so a bit of a break will be good for you, I think. It will make you appreciate it more when you go back.

    I guess our teeth are aging right along with us so it makes sense that they’re wearing out a bit. My issue right now is my jaw. I think I must be clenching it when I sleep and now it slips every once in a while. Talk about discomfort! I don’t know if that’s a dentist thing or a doctor thing. Good luck to you both on your dental work. I really hate going to the dentist. lol.

    I hope your numbers are good Snoozie. Surely if you show her that they’ve been steadily down for the past six weeks then she will give you a chance before putting you back on the meds. Maybe they won’t be as bad as you’re expecting. Keep us posted.

    We’ve got seven weeks until our UK trip. I’m almost done with the planning. I’ve really got to work on my stamina for those four days of walking on the Hadrian’s Wall trail. I don’t think I could do a ten mile day right now. I barely did three tonight.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That jaw thing sounds painful, Suzy! Sounds like a dentist thing to me, maybe, but I don't know! I once had problems grinding my teeth in my sleep and that was quite painful, but I think that was more muscle spasms than the jaw slipping. I hope you get it sorted. You need your sleep!

    It's so close to you coming over here. It has been rubbish weather here so I'm hoping it's going to turn around in the spring ... hopefully it will be nice walking weather when you get here. You may need suncream and sun hats by then! I would love to do some of Hadrian's wall, but sadly I don't think I can ever plan to walk far again. I will just live vicariously. Even before my hip got bad I'd have struggled to do ten miles on rough ground: don't think I've done that since my 30s! I'm always so impressed with what you can do.

    Our clocks haven't changed yet, but I'm waking up earlier as it's light, so I'm looking forward to it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.. suzy you must be only about 3 weeks out from your trip by now? Vail hope you are doing ok with the hip lately?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm OK thanks ... have got a cold/flu type virus that's going around at the moment so feeling a bit sorry for myself. My hip is really annoying me but it's better as I'm resting at the moment! How are you doing? Has the work on your house been completed?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I've been laid up for 2 days flat on my back Vail so I get the feeling sorry for yourself - sorry to hear about the virus and hope the hip enjoys its bit of better due to your enforced rest

    all of the work has been done now except the carpet replacement.. i had the whole place painted on my own dime after everything was done; this week all the workers were here for the final logistics of moving me out, removing the old and replacing the new so the guy coordinating it all now will get all the avail dates from everyone and then i have to hope the elevator is avail - one of the joys of living in a condo you are at the mercy of being able to book the elevator.. honestly im exhausted tho.. i've basically been moving for 3 months.. albeit all the same furniture from room to room about 100 times .. plus trying to take the opportunity to do some deep cleaning of stuff before the new carpeting comes in. but anyway.. the end is in sight so hopefully by mid may it should all be done.. and then i can unpack all the stuff i have boxed up and start putting things back to normal.. i think my back just decided it had had enuf of moving stuff ...

    i had my appt with my endo last month.. thankfully she agreed i didnt have to go back on the diabetes meds.. that was my big fear.. my AC had dropped significantly but still not quite low enough so she's given me another 3 months to get it down further and will re evalutate. i havent been eating properly with everything going on; lots of eating out and grabbing something fast rather than healthy at home so i need to get a handle on that asap.. im not gaining any weight but my goal now is not the weight but staying off the meds...

    still busy with the retiree group altho i had to step back a bit this month; we had our trivia and potluck event last week which was a big hit ... seems they want to do a treetop walk this summer among other things so once this is all done i can get back to planning some cool fun stuff.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh poor you! That does sound so exhausting. And your back. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Big congratulations on your appointment! It's good news that you have had those results even when you know you haven't been able to eat as well as normally. So hopefully by the next appointment you will be back on track. I'm sure your endo wouldn't say to stay off the meds if she didn't think it was the right thing and that you could do it.