WeightNoMore Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,322 Member
    I really wasn't looking forward to weigh in this week. We had a week off for school holidays (I work in a school) and my parents stayed with us for the week, so I was less active, cooking more and eating more. I tried to stay within my calories but it's hard when there is so much food in the house. I recorded everything though. I managed to get in a few long walks but no run or classes. I will be better next week, it should be easier with a routine

    @Emilienewme -

    Any transition can be tough when you're trying to monitor calorie intake, I think everyone in here can relate! Did you at least enjoy yourself this week?

    SORRY TEAM! Yes, it’s a 5.2 pound gain over two weeks.

    I was on vacation with girlfriends for over a week and complete calorie restriction went out the window. I kept track of all the food that I could remember eating, but I’m sure restaurant foods with all their fancy high calorie sauces and butter and such that I don’t know about added even more calories to my already overloaded calorie meals. I haven’t eaten out in so long that I decided I’d enjoy the fancy prepared stuff and not keep eating diet style foods while at restaurants.
    The restaurant dinners were amazing! When I got back home I couldn’t get back on track. I was so upset with my high weight when I got back and was so sugar addicted my eating habits did not return to normal this week either.

    @daria0919 -

    Well, the good news is that you likely didn't gain 5.2 pounds of fat (that would be over 17,000 EXTRA calories). AND you enjoyed your trip, I'm assuming, so at least some of the calories would be worth it. The best part about a bloat like this is watching it fall away.

    So I've been doing pretty well about eating within my calories during the week, but this past weekend absolutely proved how much difference a day or two of "bad" eating can make. The resulting bloat resulted in a nearly 7 lb difference on the scale between Friday morning and Monday morning, which was so dramatic that the app associated with my scale double checked that I was logged into the correct account.

    Did I consume over 24,000 extra calories over the course of a few days? Absolutely not. This was bloat, through and through. Bloat from drinking alcohol, from eating salt and sugar, from muscle recovery... It already started to disappear, which I greatly appreciate. Even knowing where it came from, seeing a 2lb drop in a day was satisfying.
    @minstrelofsarcasm I’m just now finding time to catch up on posts after being away. I completely understand what happened to you. I can empathize, since I’ve just had a similar experience.
    Hopefully, since it’s been a few more days since Monday, your weight has settled back down. It is crazy as to how long it takes to lose and how quickly it can come back. Please let me know if things are going better for you now that another weekend is upon us. (hugs)

    I still have a little bit of bloat leftover, but my diet has been all over the place, so that's contributing to it for sure. I've had a couple emotional set-backs over the past couple weeks, so seeing my weight get back under control and sticking with my routine has been useful for both my physical and mental health.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,322 Member


    Team Results
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    Team Winners

  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 758 Member
    Way to go @Laurabb99, @Marcy2890 AND @CassieGetsFit2013! You all ROCK!! Way to keep our team in the top 3! πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ‘πŸ»
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 567 Member
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,978 Member
    edited February 19
    Daily Cheers to a BETTER ME!
    πŸŸ₯🟧🟨🟩🟦πŸŸͺ🟫 (Sun-Sat)
    🩷βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 7,000+ Steps
    🐷βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ Caloric deficit
    🩷βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 1.5+ ltr water
    🩷βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 6+ hrs Sleep
    🩷βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ Excs/Meditate
  • Losingweekly
    Losingweekly Posts: 14 Member
    Losingweekly (Sorry I'm late)
    Weigh in Day is Sunday

    Starting Wt: 171.4
    PW: 170.0
    CW: 171.2
    Wt. Loss this week: 0
    MPJDVM Posts: 7 Member
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 167.4
    Current weight: 166.4
    Wt loss this week: 1.0lb
    Highest weight: 171.4
    Goal weight: 120

    OK...so a pound a week is reasonable...but since I am at a "restart" I sort of expected a quick little drop, and then the slow progress. Oh well, progress is progress.

    I started a little more *deliberate* exercise this week. It should help. With my mood if nothing else, haha.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 758 Member
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member

  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,978 Member
    edited February 20
    Daily Cheers to a BETTER ME!
    πŸŸ₯🟧🟨🟩🟦πŸŸͺ🟫 (Sun-Sat)
    🩷🐒βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 7,000+ Steps
    🐷🧑βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ Caloric deficit
    🩷🧑βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 1.5+ ltr water
    🩷🧑βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 6+ hrs Sleep
    🩷🧑βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ Excs/Meditate

    I was 256 steps short of my new goal today, I forgot I had upped it until it was too late. I did exercise, meditate and hit all my other goals though.
  • 9Harvey
    9Harvey Posts: 105 Member
    Weigh In Day: Monday - Feb 19
    Previous - 217.8
    Current - 218.0


    M - 4119
    T - 3237
    W - 3399
    T - 6273
    F - 3267
    S - 3969
    S - 3801

    Total - 28,065 steps
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 584 Member
    Kind of TMI, but if you eat something then throw up 15-20 minutes later at least 5-7 times, but it's all liquid, do you still count those calories for the day, or are you pretty much back at zero?
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,978 Member
    I don't know @CassieGetsFit2013 I would probably still include it. I hope you feel much better after whatever upset your stomach is out now xx
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,978 Member
    Daily Cheers to a BETTER ME!
    πŸŸ₯🟧🟨🟩🟦πŸŸͺ🟫 (Sun-Sat)
    πŸ©·πŸ’πŸ’›βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 7,000+ Steps
    πŸ·πŸ§‘πŸ’›βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ Caloric deficit
    πŸ©·πŸ§‘πŸ’›βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 1.5+ ltr water
    πŸ©·πŸ§‘πŸ¦‰βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ 6+ hrs Sleep
    πŸ©·πŸ§‘πŸ’›βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ Excs/Meditate
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 758 Member
    Kind of TMI, but if you eat something then throw up 15-20 minutes later at least 5-7 times, but it's all liquid, do you still count those calories for the day, or are you pretty much back at zero?
    Back to zero! Sorry you’re not feeling well. Hugs…
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 758 Member
    @BodyTalking and @daria0919 Thanks! I'm feeling much better now! Just a little worried now because I'm going with my Aunt very early in the morning to the Hospital and I'm going to be sitting there all day by myself while she has a complete hysterectomy. Just hope things go well because I'm scared something is going to go wrong and I really don't want to lose her, we've already lost our Grandfather and Mom, really can't lose another family member right now, so if you all can keep her in your thoughts, I'd appreciate it! ❀
    Prayers being sent your way @CassieGetsFit2013. πŸ™ πŸ™πŸ™
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 567 Member
    edited February 21
    Oh my, @CassieGetsFit2013!

    You’ll be in our thoughts tomorrow for sure. Good luck. Hope everything goes smoothly!

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    @BodyTalking and @daria0919 Thanks! I'm feeling much better now! Just a little worried now because I'm going with my Aunt very early in the morning to the Hospital and I'm going to be sitting there all day by myself while she has a complete hysterectomy. Just hope things go well because I'm scared something is going to go wrong and I really don't want to lose her, we've already lost our Grandfather and Mom, really can't lose another family member right now, so if you all can keep her in your thoughts, I'd appreciate it! ❀

    Will definitely keep you and your family in my thoughts. Take some soothing music, something to read (you probably won't see this until after, but still).
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    It has been a crazy busy week. My washing machine started acting weird over the weekend and the dryer had been wacky for several months...so I bought new ones on Monday--not the ones I wanted, but they're fine. We picked them up later in the evening. I'd be okay paying something for delivery/install/haul away but their quoted rate, which didn't include hauling the old and may not have included installing, was more than I was willing to spend...so diy. We got the old ones out Monday. Last night we cleaned up the area they live (you would not believe how filthy it gets behind and under washer/dryers) and moved the new ones in.

    Now we have to figure out what to do with the old ones or my driveway will start looking like...well.

    I've actually walked the past two days! This is a big (ha ha) step. I have trouble getting out and walking because I am tied to my desk and tired and....blah blah blah, many other excuses. I am having lunch with a friend, which requires me to walk some more. She will probably drive me back to the office so we can chat longer but it's something.

    Speaking of walking, it is steps post day! I think everyone has posted so no excuses tonight. But anyone who wants to step in...now is your chance!
This discussion has been closed.