Welcome & Introductions



  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome Barb !
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome @Paula9498 !! I copied your post where people wil find it 😃
    Paula9498 wrote: »
    Hiya, thank you for letting me know about this group. I was vegetarian for 12 years and I've been vegan for 6 years in June. I love being vegan but I have never been happy with my weight. I eat healthily but I also eat the yummy vegan junk food that's out there, especially during January and Veganuary! I'm hoping MFP can help me loose weight!
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hello @Paula9498

    I am vegetarian for 7 years. I have been vegan during covid but otherwise find it too difficult socially. I find vegan people inspiring :)

    I am just above my maintenance range so I aim to lose 1-2kg then maintain.
  • Paula9498
    Paula9498 Posts: 10 Member
    Well done for being vegetarian. I found being vegan hard at first socially as I am the only vegan in my friends and family but now it works really well as if we are eating out for dinner, we will always chose a restaurant with good vegan options! The same happens when I am invited out for dinner, they always make sure I am catered for. I still have a way to go to get to my target weight!
  • Kfhontherttrack
    Kfhontherttrack Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, y’all! I live in Aiken SC and am happy to be here. I’ve been away from MFP for a bit. Just getting started with WFPB no oil due to being in a family with a strong history of heart disease. I look forward to learning with you all.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
  • tofu_ty
    tofu_ty Posts: 1 Member
    Howdy y'all! Joined up a few weeks ago but I always forget about the community section of MFP!

    I've been vegan for ten years but I was definitely a junk food vegan for a long while :") decided to start taking my health seriously last year to lose some weight, get fit and strong and to help deal with my PCOS and mental health struggles! I've been feeling so much better since I've become more health focussed it's lovely!

    Hope everyone is having a good day ❤️
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,113 Member
    @Paula9498 @Kfhontherttrack and @tofu_ty Welcome the group!! :)
  • nita__nitro
    nita__nitro Posts: 8 Member
    I’ve been using MyFitnessPall for a long time on and off to track various nutrition and health aspects. I have been overweight a long time but years of diet industry mentality gave me a terrible relationship with food, so I have spent years unpicking that, and I’m definitely in a better place with it now.

    I’m now peri menopausal (yay….) and after a few very stressful years I want to get my health back, and in all honesty shift some weight. I’ve just tried trials for a couple of weight loss programs that were supposed to be not like the others but TBH, all smoke and mirrors and I was left very disappointed. This app has the best logging and tracking system I’ve used so I’m doubling down here and want to really make the most of it. So I’m going to try and lean in the community.

    I am 45 (going on 25 in my head), vegan nearly 13 years now, I play roller derby, though, I have had to take a long break and just getting back in to it, but also looking to increase strength and fitness overall.

    I work in tech, love rock/metal/electronic music, grow veg and try to live as sustainably as I can. I’ve no kids unless you count my cats and I live with my partner in Bristol, UK. If there is anyone out there who shares some interests with me and would like to buddy up, I would love that so please get in touch!

    Looking forward to exploring the group a bit more and getting to know some of you!
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome @nita__nitro !!! I’ve been a bit quiet here, due to work business, but will try to be a bit more
    active! Sending a friend request too…
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,113 Member
    @nita__nitro Welcome to the group!
  • nita__nitro
    nita__nitro Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you both!
  • chelseynikole9618
    chelseynikole9618 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey everyone I stumbled across this group and I’m excited to be here! I’m a vegan who just started back on a weight loss journey after packing on the pounds since the pandemic. I’m doing intermittent fasting as well, as this helped me lose and maintain weight loss for 4 years before falling off the wagon. Anyway looking forward to connecting and sharing recipes!
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome @chelseynikole9618 !!
  • osmith1999
    osmith1999 Posts: 34 Member
    edited February 24
    Hello I'm returning to MFP after being inactive for some time. I went vegan about a year ago and lost 25 lbs! I am working on improving overall health and fitness and also losing another 15lbs. Also my doctor says I need to lower blood sugar. (I do struggle with resisting goodies ha ha ). I have two adult children and two grandchildren and one barky little dog. I live in West Michigan. I see there are a couple of other new members from my area - yay. I have not been to the gym in the last year because life got really busy but I do plan to return in March. I'm looking forward to being in this group. I also hope to do more of the whole plant food approach to eating
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,113 Member
    Hi to all the newbies!! Welcome to the group.
    We usually all chat in the Chat Room-what's on your mind thread https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10900048/chat-room-whats-on-your-mind#latest.
    Hope to see you all there.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome @theartsycraftsyvegan !

    Please feel free to jump in on any thread! It’s always great to see new faces. :)