Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MARCH 2024



  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Monday Weigh-In

    SW 223.1
    CW: 211.4

    O am going to work really gard this week, and hope to change that second digit soon!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @TeresaW2024: Yes to the time change disorientation! It's always odd.

    @Katmary71 - The juice spill sounds maddening. You acted fast, so hopefully the white snowflake sheets will be fine. I hope the rest is helping and that you are starting to feel a bit better.

    @laurelfit57 - Hurray to the writing everything down!

    @littlebabekitty - I am so sorry you were sick. I hope you are feeling full strength soon!

    @txcritter69 - I loved the camping pictures!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 635 Member
    Congratulation @Jactop @littlebabekitty and @askewcr for being our top losers!
    @Micaroo4 - Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring experience with us. You look great! I'm close to reaching maintenance. I've created some good habits that I can continue for the rest of my life. It will be nice to eat a little more food though. Did you gradually increase your calories to maintenance calories or just go straight to your new calorie allowance? I do a lot of exercise now. I want to cut back after I hit maintenance. I plan to reduce my cardio but will continue to do a lot of strength training to build muscle, tone, and shape. Is there anything I should know about the transition besides a calorie increase? Oh...And do you put the adventure and chores that you don't choose to do back in the jar? I think it's such a great idea and I am considering stealing it from you...hehehe.
    @littlebabekitty - Hold in there. I hope you get over the stomach virus soon.
    @Katmary71 - I’m sorry that you're still flared up. It's good that your making sure you get rest though. It will definitely help when you start the steroids.
    @laurelfit57 - Thank you for the encouragement. I sometimes have a hard time excepting that I will have a setback once in awhile.
    @TeresaW2024 - I'd like to learn some dance routines. I think it would be a fun way to stay active. I listen to music almost all day. It keeps me to moving around the house and dancing more. Except, my current dance moves aren't impressive. Sometimes, I probably look like I'm having a seizure...hehehe.
    @AustinRuadhain - Nice loss! You're doing great! Keep up the great effort.
    @ninyagwa - Stay strong! I hope your able to make a plan to help you reach your goal.
    @trooworld - Thank you for the encouraging words. Sounds like you had a great weekend. You can get back to tracking today. I hope you enjoy your day off doing a little gardening. I bought my soil and seeds and I'm ready to start soon too. Thanks for sharing the beautiful picture of the ocean view.

    My sister has been my tax preparer for the past few years. Last year, she put my taxes off till last minute and did all her other clients first. This year, I decided to do my taxes myself. They were rejected, so now I need to fix the error and resubmit them. My error was incorrect AGI or pin from last years taxes. I don't have this information because I never received a copy of my last years taxes and my sister still hasn't responded to my attempts to get this information from her. Ugh...we could really use the refund. we spent too much on unexpected expenses recently.
    On a positive note, I went to another resale shop this weekend. I had to try on everything because I'm really not sure what size I wear yet. I tried on a pair of jeans size 7. I still can't believe they fit. I haven't wore a size 7 since before I had my children, when I was 20 years old. That means I went from a size 14 to size 7. I'll have to try on a few more pair before I believe it. I don't have any full length mirrors in my house so I was shocked to see how I looked. When I look down I till see a saggy pooch.

    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 233 Member
    Congrats to @Jactop @littlebabekitty and @askewcr great job on the leaderboard!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congrats on Onelander!

    @laurelfit57 Great job on the weight loss! That is good that you are getting better with not using the extra exercise calories. Thank you, I think the same thing about Diesel looking like a German Shepherd but his is a full blooded blue heeler.

    @Veta2018 WTG with the weight loss! It's ok to have a cheat day. Stay strong and get back in the game.

    @Katmary71 Thanks! Diesel did really well when we were out thinking but I really have to work with him on socializing him. With him being a covid pup and then John having cancer and having to take care of him, Diesel did not get the socializing that he needed as a pup. So, this is what I will be working on with him this yr. I am so sorry about the mishap with your bedding. I really hope you get to feeling better with your back.

    @micaroo4 Thank you for your story. Love the pics. I found it to be very inspiring and the advice you give is insightful. I will be taking it to heart. I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately. This is my yr.

    @littlebabekitty I hope you get to feeling better.

    I see the time change is affecting some of y'all as well. I do love the fact though that we get more time into the evening. I am not into the the winter darkness. I always feel more alive during this time of yr.

    I am taking it a little easy today. Just finishing up laundry and getting this week's meal plan shopping list ordered. I had such a busy day yesterday getting the camper cleaned, doing laundry, playing with Diesel and ripping out the mini garden I built last yr. This yr I decided to just do cherry tomatoes and herbs. I already have our next camping trip planned for the first week of May. These next 2 months I will focus on getting my house decluttered and spring cleaning. I am off for now, I hope everyone has a great day.

    "Today, I Choose To Be HAPPY!"

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,247 Member
    @Veta2018 -
    Did you gradually increase your calories to maintenance calories or just go straight to your new calorie allowance?
    I added calories gradually. When I reduce my exercise, which I do every winter, simply because I'm not riding the bicycle to/from work, then I also have to reduce my calories. And it's HARD. If you're planning to reduce your cardio, then I recommend that you make that change before your adjust your food intake.
    Is there anything I should know about the transition besides a calorie increase? All the excitement of losing weight is gone. Weight loss doesn't sound very exciting, but stepping on the scale and seeing a loss - that's a pretty awesome reward. When you go to maintenance, there's no reward on the scale. I needed other rewards. I set goals. Like my "Walk The Year" goal. I also set a bicycling goal for each year. I set goals for "streaks" of strength training workouts. This year, it's my Adventure Every Week goal. And I still step on the scale every day. I'm monitoring trends. Weight does fluctuate from day to day, and I feel that if I only weigh myself once a week, I might miss a trend. If I'm gaining, I want to spot that right away.
    Oh...And do you put the adventure and chores that you don't choose to do back in the jar? Yes - I draw one from each jar each week, and the ones not done go back in their respective jars for another date. And I can't always do an adventure; this week I have appointments scheduled, so I'll do the chore. Ask your friends for ideas on adventures; it's fun to see what other people will suggest. Make sure your adventures are adventurous enough - you want that "Ta Da" feeling when you finish it!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    WEIGH INS Needed Now: @DebJB30 @AmbersWay @Jactop

    Tomorrow Reminder for @FushiaKat
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    @megnolia82 You’re doing great getting that exercise in! I hope you see a whoosh too!

    @TeresaW2024 I’m only into quality reality TV like The Real Housewives and Vanderpump Rules, LOL! It’s more that I can’t believe how other people live that I enjoy reality TV, I find that aspect very fascinating. Deal or No Deal Island sounds interesting, is it a cross of Temptation Island and Deal or No Deal? Hope you get all the errands done, that dance program sounds fun and would give your wrist a break (unless it’s breakdancing no spinning on the ground!). I was watching Peacock and it started a show after the one I was watching, it was called from Couple to Thruple, once I realized what was on I got out of there fast as I don't need to get sucked in to another trashy show!

    @AUstinRuadhain I know you’ll get it down soon, you’re incredible when you set your mind to it!

    @ninyagwa Thanks! I hope this is a better week for you with food.

    @trooworld LOL that’s too funny about learning Spanish, I could see your husband saying a lot of cuss words not realizing he’s being crude though Seinfeld wasn’t that bad with language. Between us I think you’re doing all the right things to learn it. Thanks it’s okay, I have to accept I can’t do as much as I’d like, not sure what to try next to get to a less painful daily level though. Thanks for the recipe! Sounds like you had the perfect day yesterday and the planting today will be a lot of fun and relaxing too. Love the photo!

    @Veta2018 Oh no your taxes sound very frustrating! Congratulations on getting in the 7s, what an amazing differene!

    @txcritter69 Thank you! I think Diesel can come around. My cats were feral kittens and then with Covid not many people came over, once you have some friends around them (bonus points if they bring treats or give them some of your treats for them) he could warm up. I’m mixed on the time change, I love the extra light at night to garden but dislike getting up when it’s dark, can’t have both right?! Cherry tomatoes and herbs sound perfect.

    @micaroo4 I think you said something important with maintenance and that’s keeping it interesting and fun so you still get to achieve goals and finish challenges.

    @Cornanda Barry Manilow would be awesome to see I’m glad you had fun.

    Hi team! Not much to report, had PT and spent some time at the greenhouse thinning everything. I caught up on work then printed out a bunch of letters going to the receiving families of the Easter Baskets, tomorrow we’re stuffing all the envelopes and mailing everything. Have a great Tuesday!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 509 Member
    @katmary71 oh no on that cranberry juice!

    @ micaroo4 thank you so much for sharing your journey! Very inspiring and I really enjoyed your pictures!

    @megnolia82 good for you with all those hikes!!

    @TeresaW2024 I also am into really bad reality TV🤣. Covid definitely changed my TV watching habits, not for the better! Lol. I am right there with you with the time change. I'm going to try to get to bed at a proper time tonight :-).

    @trooworld you always have the coolest things to do there! Enjoy your container gardening, I am going to do tomatoes and container gardens this spring!

    @Veta2018 isn't shopping for new clothes both an adventure and exciting! Good for you!!!!

    @txcritter69 now that I am looking at your dog on my iPad I can see that he is a blue heeler, he is one very handsome man!! I do agility with a couple of blue heelers, does yours talk as much as they do lol?

    @Cornanda glad you had a great vacation with your cousin!

    I had a pretty tired day today, but I've stayed on track and in budget for calories!
    I keep Ty in the kitchen with me, baby gate closed and Vannie on the other side if I am working in the kitchen. I have reinforced the baby gate so Ty cannot slip underneath and neither dog can reach through the railings. All week I have been thinking that Vannie has been stealing Ty's Hello treats somehow, she always ends up with everything on the other side of the baby gate and Ty is crying and barking because she has nothing. I found this little monkey taking her treat, pushing it under the gate so that Vannie can get it. Then she cries and barks like she has lost her best friend🤣 Ha ha

  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    WI Monday
    PW 209
    CW 209

    No changes. 😩

    I caught up on posts, sorry I can’t respond, I’m not feeling well. Im having high blood pressure with is the opposite of my usual. I don’t know how people live with it. I’ll be making an appointment because I feel terrible.

    I may be a bit quiet the days coming. My creatinine has creeped up which isn’t good. My hormone level has skyrocketed again since being off the medication. I really need a Dr. House. I’ll do my WI unless you think it’s better to pause. I hate that my weight is at a stand still but I don’t know where I am headed these days.

    I am logging and getting steps in though.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @Veta2018 I did have a great weekend. Thank you, I appreciate your support. What are you going to plant? I planted the lettuce and beets but I have to start the tomatoes indoors in my Aerogarden and I didn't do that yet. I'm sorry about your tax woes, I do our taxes myself and this year, not only did I mess up and file too soon before I got some forms, but the state of California decided to select us to send in more information before they issue our refund. We could desperately use that money as well. Now, I have no idea when we will get it. I hope your sister responds soon. What an awesome feeling to try on a pair 7 jeans and have them fit! Congrats on your success. <3

    @txcritter69 I like the more daylight aspect of the change but boy, do I hate the change. Spring cleaning is a great idea.

    @Cornanda I'm so glad you had an awesome time in Vegas. Manilow...wow what a classic! I hope Gus does well at the sitter's.

    @Katmary71 Yes, lol that could happen! I think I'm doing it right, too lol. You need to learn grammar to be able to speak fluently. I hope you and the clinic can figure something out. Yes, I had a great weekend and great day off!

    @laurelfit57 I have to say, there is a lot to do here for sure. Thanks, I hope your tomatoes come out well! Good job staying within your cals. HAHAHA Ty don't push your treat under the gate if you don't want to give it up! LOL

    @AmbersWay I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope the doctor can figure it out and help. HUGS.

    Hi all. I planted the lettuce and baby beets but I have to start my tomatoes indoors in my Aerogarden and I didn't set it up yet. I will do that next weekend. We were running around at lunchtime and by the time we got home and I made lunch, we ate at 3 pm. I hate eating that late. I was so hungry before lunch. No dinner.

    No Zero Days: Didn't eat dinner because I ate lunch so late, didn't snack.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 157 Member
    @ninyagwa Yes, flower puzzles are hard! I’m currently doing one that has a huge tree covered in pink flowers. So many shades of pink! :)

    @trooworld Yeah, I think you will be much more articulate than your husband, but it is hilarious that he is learning Spanish with Seinfeld. What a fun way to learn! Will he emulate George, Jerry, or Kramer? :D Good luck with your container gardening! That ocean! <3

    @Veta2018, I hope you get your taxes done soon. We pay a guy way too much money to do our taxes because I would be terrible at figuring it all out. :/

    @Cornanda, I'm Glad you had fun in Vegas, and I would love to see Barry Manilow! What are you and your husband doing for vacation? I need a vacation! :)

    @Katmary71 Ohhh, you are one of those reality TV snobs! I get it now. :D I have never watched Temptation Island or Deal or No Deal before, so I don’t know. Did you ever watch The Amazing Race? Boston Rob is on this show, and he is great. I swear the man needs his reality show. :D

    @laurelfit57 Dogs are so funny! Ty knows how to get attention. Can they not hang out together, or will they fight? :)

    @AmbersWay ((hugs)) I hope you start feeling better soon and that your doctor can find a way to give you some relief.

    Good morning! I had a great day yesterday, staying on my eating plan, and I plan to be just as good today. I watched this video on the power of turmeric. Wow, it’s a mighty little spice! It's good for inflammation, pain, insulin resistance, anxiety, etc. Curcumin is the key ingredient. I bought a good supplement and will see if it helps with many of my issues. I bet Katmary has some stuff to say on the subject. :D It’s primary day here in Georgia, so I will take Joe up so we can vote. Then, I need to start getting my house ready for our family visit on Easter. Yesterday, I got so many things for Joe’s granddaughter’s Easter basket. She is going to be so spoiled. :)
    2024 Word: Strive
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    @laurelfit57 - oh my goodness- dog treat drama! Your pups are so cute!

    @teresaw2024- we have not planned a vacay yet- Gus has been holding us back. This made me realize how important it is.
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    Tracked everything so far today! I have an appt with the holistic guy again, the sharp pain is gone, but now it's this fun radiating ache, I'm hoping that with a little fine tuning we can get this issue ironed out. I also have a strength training session after, and I always throw in a little stairmaster.
    The time change has me all weird, I was soo tired yesterday that I didn't end up going to the kickboxing class I had really hoped to make time for, but I did do the grocery shopping I needed to do in order to do my food prep this evening.
    @trooworld What a pretty view in that photo!
    @Veta2018 Congrats on getting to go shopping and finding yourself a new NSV!
    @txcritter69 Spring Cleaning for the win. I hope I can share some decluttering progress soon too
    @laurelfit57 What a smart pup and such a cute little anecdote.
    @AmbersWay I hope things improve for you soon.
    @TeresaW2024 I love doing Easter Baskets for my kids, I get to buy fun things that suit their individual little personalities.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    WEIGH INS NEEDED BY @DEBJB30 @Jactop @FushiaKat

    Not sure if I'll get on tonight I have a charity Easter meeting and homework to get done. Have a great day and awesome Wednesday! I got my info on the Easter basket I'm donating, she's 7/8 and likes pink and Roblox (huh?). I have some research to do!
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    WEIGH INS NEEDED BY @DEBJB30 @Jactop @FushiaKat

    Not sure if I'll get on tonight I have a charity Easter meeting and homework to get done. Have a great day and awesome Wednesday! I got my info on the Easter basket I'm donating, she's 7/8 and likes pink and Roblox (huh?). I have some research to do!

    My daughter loves Roblox. A 'Robux' gift card works well because they can buy things in the game like outfits and extras. They also have lots of small toys and collectibles that are Roblox themed.
This discussion has been closed.