Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MARCH 2024



  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    @txcritter69 - Thank you. I enjoy the extra daylight in the evening too.
    @Cornanda - I'm glad you enjoyed your Vegas vacation and Manilow concert.
    @laurelfit57 - Thank you. I've packed up two large bags of my clothes to donate and when I pull my summer clothes out I'll have more. It's a little sad that some of my favorite clothes, no longer fit though. Ty is such a smart dog and sneaky too...lol.
    @micaroo4 - Thank you. You have been so helpful. It's nice to have a plan going into this next stage.
    @TeresaW2024 - I think I'll give turmeric a try. I'm hoping it will help with the pain in my wrist and ankle and the inflammation too. Rock the Vote!
    @trooworld - Thank you. I will be starting my seedlings, in doors, next week. I have a large garden. I plant Big beefy tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, California peppers, brussel sprouts, onion, radishes, cantaloupe, broccoli, zucchini, squash, cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin, strawberries, asparagus, spinach, lettuce, green onion, basil, parley, mint, lavender, marigolds, pansies, cosmos, geraniums.... I do ground crops, hanging baskets, planters, and raised beds. I resubmitted my taxes. Fingers crossed they except them this time.
    @ninyagwa - Thank you, I hope you get your pain issue worked out.

    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Yes! LOL I think he will be able to understand but not speak well. Thank you! I'm glad you had a great day. I've heard turmeric has great health benefits. They have fresh turmeric at the international produce store I go to but I've never bought any. That's good family is coming for Easter.

    @ninyagwa Good job tracking! Oh gosh, that sounds painful and hard to deal with. I hope the holistic guy can help. I hate the time change! Thanks, yes, that was a beautiful view from the museum.

    @Katmary71 Roblox...never heard of that lol.

    @Veta2018 Thank you for the spring countdown, I needed that! Wow, what a great garden! You must have a green thumb. I do not. I am hoping my stuff grows lol. Fingers crossed for your taxes.

    @laurelfit57 Oh man! Yeah, the low here right now is 50F, so it's okay to plant some stuff. Yeah I hate when I have to eat so late grrrh! I had a stomach bug a couple of weeks ago. That's not fun, I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad walking both dogs was better than anticipated! Awww, great pics! <3

    Hi all. I did well yesterday. I'm glad it's Weds already. Have a good day!

    No Zero Days: Pretracked, didn't snack outside of what I planned for.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 233 Member
    Good Morning,

    @micaroo4 Thanks for the advice on calorie intake. I like your ideas about goals and adventures. You are so right about maintenance, once you get there you have to find what keeps you there and live that lifestyle or you become the yo-yo dieter.

    @Cornanda Glad you had a great time in Vegas. We went there for our 10th anniversary (WOW! it has been awhile, 18 yrs ago.) I think that may have to be a plan again.

    @Katmary71 I wish I still had little ones to do things for on the little holidays. All my babies are to old for that stuff. It is crazy I am looking forward to the great grandbabies now.

    @laurelfit57 Thank you, Diesel is very quick to tell me what he thinks. Most of it is just a lot of barking when I do not pay attention to him. Then when I am loving on him, he will do a low growl to tell me to stop when he is done. Ty is so funny and too smart. I love when dog pull off the cutest things. All you can do is sit back and laugh at the way they think.

    @AmbersWay I am sorry you are have such a hard time with your health again. I hope they figure out way your BP is up.

    @trooworld I loved the pic of the ocean. I want to go camping down by our coastline sometime this summer if it is possible.

    @TeresaW2024 While a Walmart yesterday I was in the supplements and saw some soft chews Force Factor BETTER TURMERIC. I pick it up and going to try it out and see if it helps with all aches and pains. I am also considering try a cinnamon supplement for my BP.

    @ninyagwa I hope you are able to get that fine tuning done and it works out. I have been working on decluttering my house since last yr. I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff. I am in the fine tuning stage now. We have been remodeling our home since 2020. Many unexpected things had happened to slow the progress but now I think we are going to be able to get started on it again. I am hoping we will get the office/cat's room floor laid in the next couple of weeks so I can move all that stuff out of my craft room. In the mean time I am going to finish up the breakfast table I started sanding down last fall. So many projects started just not finished.

    @Veta2018 I am counting down the days for spring as well. I like having that extra daylight in the evening to get back outside to take an extra walk, play ball with Diesel or just enjoy watching the sun set. It helps take the time away from TV. Which is my downfall. You sound very busy with your garden. I did try a mini garden last yr. but it got so hot that mine did not produce like it should have. I was planning to do some things different this yr but then John surprised me with a RV for my birthday that I want to spend my time out camping more so the garden has been nixed except for tomatoes and herbs.

    Well I got bumped off the wagon Sunday and Monday I guess I just did too much once we got home that I let myself get overwhelmed, used food to cope but yesterday I started the climb back on. Diesel and I have been going to the dog park at our city park and using the agility course to help work him mentally. We then walk the park stopping at the playgrounds where the kids are playing and watch so he can get used to people being around him. Today I am stay at the house to get some stuff done but will be taking brakes to take him out and work with him on being on a lead ( he hates anything dragging along with him.

    "Today, I Choose To Be HAPPY!"

  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 524 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 11 of 52

    PW: 136.2
    CW: 138.6

    Forgot to post yesterday. I went for my 3rd Hep A&B shot and it was so painful it threw me off for the entire day. I'm over the stomach flu. Seems like that is going around, lots of ppl on my game have it also.
    Hoping to get some yard work in today, but I need to go and pick up some parts for my husband. His helper did not take care of his sugar problem so they had to cut off his big toe, I don't know when he will be returning to work.
    Time is just flying by its already the middle of march and it does not feel like I have accomplished much.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,720 Member
    @ninyagwa Thank you, I'll do some Googling and see what comes up. I may have to rethink things as I'd been planning on putting seeds and pots in her basket. The president said she'd pair me with someone who was a good fit, I've done generic baskets the last couple years that can go to anyone so I'm excited to have stuff to go on. I'm going to see if I can find a pink Roblox shirt and plan on a gift card.What kind of stuff does the holistic guy do?

    @Vita2018 Yay it’s almost spring! Your garden plans sound awesome! That’s a lot of things to plant, I’ve never grown Brussel sprouts or asparagus (or onions). One of my besties keeps telling me about her amazing onions, I may have to try them this year. Did you make your own raised beds? There’s these planting stones you can “slide” wood into, I’ve been watching Facebook marketplace and stalking garden beds on Amazon. I may just go with more grow bags instead as I’d only be able to get 1-2 this year and would like about 8.

    @laurelfit57 Oh no I hope you’re feeling better! Your walk looks fun and the dogs seem like they had a great time. I know this is silly but I love black and white and really like how they match!

    @trooworld Oh I need to send you a turmeric recipe then! It’s like a few other of the Indian spices where it’s different and takes a bit to get used to. If you go to Trader Joe’s soon their turmeric ginger tea is real good and a not-too-strong way to try it. I love it in tea and food but hadn’t had it until about 5 years ago. Here’s skinnytaste’s Shawarma-Spiced Grilled Chicken with Garlic Yogurt Sauce: https://www.yummly.com/recipe/Shawarma-Spiced-Grilled-Chicken-with-Garlic-Yogurt-Sauce-2260145?prm-v1 Speaking of recipes I got everything for the gnocchi soup and will be making it soon, it would’ve been perfect for the weather the last few days!

    @micaroo4 Very good advice I think while losing we think everything will be easy in maintenance and it’s not. Things change a lot too where we need to be adaptable like needing more food after surgery. There’s a reason why you’ve stayed in maintenance so long!

    @txcritter69 I really miss having little ones around, that’s one of the charity pluses is I get to do something nice for other kids and seniors but I’m looking forward to my nephew’s kids though they’re only 13 and 15! Sounds like a great Diesel walk is planned, have fun! Going by the kids is a smart way to really challenge him.

    @FushiaKat I’m glad the flu is behind you, the pain from the shot doesn’t sound fun. Oh no I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s partner, nice of you to help him. I hope you get some yard time in afterward.

    @TeresaW2024 With tumeric or curcumin let us know how it goes! I drink the tea and have had success with it helping pain/inflammation but that was with a supplement from the holistic clinic that had fat and black pepper and couldn't afford to keep taking it. Curcumin is absorbed better with fat and black pepper so I've been trying to take it with my fish pills and Costco curcumin and it's not going as well. For awhile I was making my tumeric tea with pepper and a pat of butter which actually tasted real good with some sweetener.

    Hi team! I went for the charity meeting, we were stuffing envelopes and making Easter baskets. I helped for a few hours then wasn’t feeling good and left early. Jasper can’t resist making muffins on my stomach while I respond on here for some reason, not what I need when I’ve been falling off the wagon lately and feel super pudgy! I moved up my hair appointment so I could get it done before my uncle’s party and have that today. I’ve been going back and forth on getting steroids, I’m trying to make it until my pain clinic appointment but it’s not until next week so we’ll see. I’m way behind on homework but am hoping with staying home this weekend I can catch up and get ahead. Sorry for not catching up with everyone, I did what I could and gotta get moving. Have a great Wednesday!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,720 Member

    How do I make life more complex than it needs to be?

    Sorry this is late! Thought this was an interesting one to think on.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,720 Member
    @19shmoo69 I'm happy to hear the response of your medical team, better to be safe than sorry with something like that and a heart monitor for a month is worth the discomfort to make sure all is good with you. I hope if you do the scan it's nothing to worry about. I'm glad you're out of the hospital and back with us. Are you one of those people who guesses the ending of a movie loudly and ruins it for everyone else? I'm really good at guessing the direction of books and movies so I purposely try NOT to figure out endings.

    For the question I'm pretty good at thinking of all sides of situations which obviously isn't always necessary and often unappreciated when sometimes people are venting and don't want answers for their complaints. If I get wrapped up in learning all I can about things I won't act, perfect example was gardening where I took a crash course on growing tomatoes during winter after tasting a homegrown one and didn't feel prepared yet, taking that step to jump in these days helps a lot to counteract that.

    Need the following weigh-ins: @DebJB30 @Jactop
    Reminder for tomorrow's weigh-in: @askewcr
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member

    How do I make life more complex than it needs to be?

    My biggest problem is wanting to do all the things and please all the people. It's really not an achievable goal. Sometimes I remember to step back and ask myself if I really need to do the thing or help the person, will it serve them and hurt me? Or does it need to be done now, can it wait for another day/place/time when I'm in a better mindset to do it?
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    @Katmary71 I do not say the end out loud. I do however say stuff like HES BEHIND THE DOOR or DONT GO IN THERE.

    The humor in the hospital is all I have. I do not trust doctors or hospitals and I let them all know it. It seems harsh but I need them to know where I'm coming from when I question treatments. Uniquely they all seemed to understand and a couple agreed with me. Now that was a shocker.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    @19shmoo69 prayers for good health and good news on your future scans. I feel you, on the trust thing. Im glad I have found some good doctors, it has helped a lot.

    @laurelfit57 glad you’re feeling better. I imagine walking the dogs can keep you busy. Mine run free on the property, if I had to do walks, I’d run my legs right off. 😂

    @Katmary71 I hope you’re feeling better. I love all the charity work you do. Makes me happy to read it.

    @Cornanda sorry this is long past due. Ive been meaning to cheer for you and you’re miles you’ve been doing in stridekick. Bravo

    @ninyagwa I really felt your answer to the question. I have tried to chill out on trying to do and be everything. You can really burn out.

    @Veta2018 love the garden pics. Something about gardens feel so peaceful.


    Just checking in. Im hoping to get into the cardiologist in the next couple days. My bp just won’t stay down. I did notice that brewed ginger does help. Nothing like a health scare to get you back on track. My food log is doing well.

    Sadly, my eldest and husband are starting some new round of germs. She’s got an irritated throat and runny nose and his throat is bothering him. I am starting to feel like I am running a hospital ward.

    Other than all this, can’t imagine why my bp is up. 😩 😂

    Mentally, feeling good. The birds are chirping, my doggies are supportive, they felt me today and decided I need kisses. Wet ones on my toes. 😂

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    edited March 14
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    Just realized that I forgot to bookmark this discussion. I kept thinking it was awfully quiet! Finally a sunny day today, so I'll take advantage and go for a long walk. I'm postponing much of the household chores until tomorrow, since they are calling for rain.
    I haven't done any back-reading yet to see what I missed. I hope you are all well and working towards your goals. I'll catch-up later. I've got the page bookmarked now!

    I did the same thing just realized it wasn’t bookmarked. SMH 🤦🏼‍♀️ it is now. My brain this month is on vacation I guess.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    edited March 14
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Good morning, Team Mission Slimpossible!!!

    I just noticed I did not get back with the Ice Breaker Question. Zero excuses, I just forgot. Please if it is Thursday and I have not posted it then say something. Saturday and Sunday were extremely busy, and time got away from me. With that said I will share some information with you all as I am not sure who all knows. Monday I was taken to the ER. I had been become dizzy and was having double vision. I spent two days in the hospital having a bunch of scans and tests run. I was admitted and treated as having a possible stroke. The MRI showed that I do have a brain. My wife was surprised but thankful. She said now I have to start learning how to use it. We will just see about that. Long story short there was zero evidence of a stroke. Of course, the doctor said that does not mean you did not have one it just means we found nothing to support it. On a side note, while doing a scan of my head they caught a scan of my chest and found a tiny nodule in my right lung. The doctor and my wife both thought negative. I did not and I am not going to think negative as bumps and lumps come and go in and on the body all the time. I know that GOD is in control. I have read about the future scan they want to do because of this and if I do it, it will because of and for my wife. I am not worried at all about it. I also have a nifty little heart monitor I have to wear for 30 days. Nothing was said about my heart, so I am not sure why I am wearing it. But I now carry two phones, so I look really important.

    Now on to the important stuff.


    How do I make life more complex than it needs to be?

    I think non-stop. I think of every possibility when I am doing stuff or about to do stuff i do not know how to do. When I am watching movies, I think about the actors I recognize, or I try and figure out the next scene or the plots. Many times, I have awakened and said, "boy I did not sleep at all." My wife let me know that I have snored all night long. Unfortunately, my brain never shut off.

    I pray all of you have a blessed rest of the day.

    Glad to hear you are okay. Good luck with the upcoming scan and heart monitor wearing. I had to wear one of those as well in the past. Not the most comfortable and was kinda annoying when I was playing ice hockey.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,249 Member
    How do I make life more complex than it needs to be?
    I don't think I make life more complex anymore. I live a pretty simple life, and I love it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @txcritter69 Thanks. I would love to go camping by the coastline but my husband prefers the mountains so when we go, we go there. Sounds like you are doing good work with Diesel. That's good to work on him on the lead.

    @Katmary71 Oh thanks, yes, send me the recipe and I'll take a look! Or, is it the Skinnytaste one you posted? That recipe looks good and I may make it this weekend or next. Oh I hope you like the gnocchi soup! That's cute about Jasper. I hope you like your haircut. Thanks for posting the question, I'll do it next Tuesday.

    @19shmoo69 Oh Darren, I'm sorry about all the health stuff. I'm glad you are okay. I do hope you get the scan and that it comes out clean. I'm sure it will make your wife feel better if you get it done so she won't worry. Hugs, my friend!

    @Veta2018 Oh no! That's nice that you give away the extras. That's a good idea to use pallets for your garden, they look really nice! Great garden. It looks well taken care of.

    @laurelfit57 Thanks. Ugh, it is so painful, I wake up in pain and have a period where it is LESS painful for a couple of hours and then it becomes excruciating again for the rest of the day. I COULD go to the doctor about it and get a cortisone shot but I believe you can only have one of those in an area, so if I get that, that's the only time I can get it. But I think I need to do something. I've been in this pain for so long now. I don't know how long I've been complaining about it but it seems like forever lol. I'm glad you are feeling better. I hope the headache goes away soon. It's hard to do anything with a headache.

    @AmbersWay I hope you can get into the cardiologist soon. That's interesting about the ginger. Wow, you guys can't catch a break with the sicknesses, huh? Aww, dogs know when we need them! <3

    QUESTION: How do I make life more complex than it needs to be?
    I have anxiety and imposter syndrome that really mess with me. They feed off of each other and can cause depression. I can get in my own head and spin out of control pretty quickly. This mucks up everything, including my relationships.

    Hi all. I had another busy day yesterday. I told @laurelfit57 above that I might make an appointment for my plantar fasciitis and I just went ahead and made one. My foot has been bothering me so much and impeding my efforts. I'm miserable.

    No Zero Days: Pretracked, didn't snack outside of what I planned for.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/
This discussion has been closed.