Shape Shifters Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 944 Member
    My steps
    3/31 10,428
    4/1 10,515
    A bit lower this week as I've been in pain.
    @frankwbrown I know how you feel about aches & pains.With you it's your knees & with me it's my hips.I don't know if it's the swimming as I've swam twice this week.Or maybe my soon to be a year older bones are saying take it easy.Either way I still plan on moving as much as I can.Like the wonderful singer PINK says in her song "I'm never going to NOT dance again !
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,192 Member
    FWSWCindy wrote: »
    @jessicakrall8 I did report I was going on vacation to the Florida keys and was unsure if a scale would be there. I only expected to miss one weigh in, but our trip was extended due to cancelled flights.

    Thanks for getting me back on the team. I do appreciate it.

    I remember you saying you were going on vacation, but you said you'd let me know if you need an EXC absence...I didn't hear anything back, so I assumed you didn't want to be excused...thought you'd find a scale,'s always best if you're headed out of town to just request the absence.

    In any case, you know now and I'm sure you're just trying to get back into the groove (and probably unpacking still LOL)! I've been to the's so beautiful...that drive all the way down from Miami, is just insanely gorgeous!!
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,699 Member
    @izzyred9400 Thank you for your kind words. :smile: I would still like to be better about sticking around when it is hard. Instead I 'hide' and stop posting. It wasn't very long this time, but it is not the reaction I want to have to bad days. But I am also glad I am back and doing well again. Sorry to hear your hips are bothering you, take it easy!
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,699 Member
    Tuesday ~ April 2
    Good morning Shape Shifters. My body was a bit tired and I had a busy day ahead, so I kept my walk short. I biked to the start of one of my favourite routes and I had a really good time. No people anywhere, just nature sounds. It was very relaxing for my brain and body. I had my dentist appointment at the end of the morning. Thankfully, it didn't take long to fix the issue and it wasn't painful either so I am glad I got that over with and won't have to worry about it for a year. It was still stressful so I had a much needed shower after the dentist. In the afternoon I walked with Tinus in the stroller to the vet. He had to get his painkiller injection again. He got very angry at the vet assistent this time and hissed. She noted it down in his file, but I think she is just not as good at it as some of the other since he is usually pretty unresponsive to the shot. Still very grateful it works so well and keeps him painfree and happy. I did my gym rings workout and worked some on the next puzzle. Just did some sorting and the edges for now. Happy Wednesday everyone <3
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,648 Member
    Good morning and happy hump day!

    My steps for Tuesday 4/2: 11,216

    There won't be a lot today as I'm headed to Virginia, a 5 1/2 hour ride away. :-/
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,965 Member
    edited April 3
    Step Count:
    Tue 4/2: 7664
    Mon 4/1: 9143
    Sun 3/31: 6295

    Tuesday(Wk1; Day 3)
    • Track / Under / 20min Exercise?
      Yes / Yes / Yes-barely
    Monday(Wk1; Day 2)
    • Track / Under / 20min Exercise?
      Yes / Yes / Yes
    Sunday(Wk1; Day 1)
    • Track / Under / 20min Exercise?
      No / No / No
    As of Day 3:
    • Net Calories (4738 / 10500)
      = Daily Avg: 1579(Goal: 1500)
    • Net Carbs (293 / 350)
      = Daily Avg: 97 (Goal: 50)
    • Steps (23102 / 70000)
      = Daily Avg: 7700 (Goal: 10000)
    ~ Been logging and weighing but haven’t popped into the community in a few days. My weight has really been inflated since Sunday’s family gathering. I’ve been working towards getting that back down.
    ~ I hurt my knee ‘somewheres’ (been watching a lot of New Jersey housewives so my grammar might reflect that; might even go make a sang-wich later so I can get an eyeroll from hubby when I make my sang-wich 😂) Anyway, I’ve been circulating hot and cold compress over the last two days so been lacking in the steps arena.
    ~ Speaking of hubby, he has been throwing up since Sunday. We thought food poison originally but it’s lasted too long. Finally he woke up today feeling better. No other symptoms just stomach nauseous and throwing up any time he ate. Strange. But I’m glad it’s over now! **Update: he woke up this morning bragging he lost 7 lbs lol!
    ~ Hope all ‘yous’ been ‘doin-alrigh’! 😀
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 543 Member
    @Krysless2 I hope your hubby and yourself feel better soon.
    @DaffyGirl88 Safe travels
    @izzyred9400 absolutely! keep dancing =) Hope your hips feel better
    @jessicakrall8 How have you been doing?
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 362 Member
    @CasandraW Good luck tomorrow, sending healing vibes your way for a speedy recovery!

    April 2= 11,782
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    I’m sorry to hear about the illnesses, pain, and/ or surgeries our team is experiencing — I hope everyone feels better soon!

    @jessica_krall8 and @Pupowl - I’m traveling the rest of this week through the weekend, and I don’t think there will be a scale at the AirBnB.

    Can I please be excused from my usual Thursday weigh-in?

    I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your help.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,699 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal No problem!
    @CasandraW That's a bummer and such short notice too! Thankfully it is only delayed by a week. I really hope that it will fix the problem and won't be as painful as you are fearing.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,299 Member
    4/2 3,585
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,192 Member
    CasandraW wrote: »
    @Krysless2 I hope your hubby and yourself feel better soon.
    @DaffyGirl88 Safe travels
    @izzyred9400 absolutely! keep dancing =) Hope your hips feel better
    @jessicakrall8 How have you been doing?

    Hi @casandraw I'm dealing with horrible allergies right now...the little flu bug I had two weeks ago left, but with all this crazy pollen, you couldn't tell it...sneezing and coughing like a mad woman...typical for this time of year...let's just say Benadryl is my best friend for now! Still dealing with some swelling but I'm walking 1.5 - 2 miles a day and that's helping...also drinking water regularly. Also, making it a routine to get up every hour or two and walk around...keeps it from settling on the ankles...thank you for asking.

    How are you, dear?
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,192 Member
    Good morning and happy hump day!

    My steps for Tuesday 4/2: 11,216

    There won't be a lot today as I'm headed to Virginia, a 5 1/2 hour ride away. :-/

    @Daffygirl88 I know I asked you before when you mentioned VA, but didn't see a response...what part of VA are you in? I'm in Chesapeake, about 20 min from Virginia Beach oceanfront...just any case, howdy neighbor! LOL! :smile:
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,648 Member
    Good morning and happy hump day!

    My steps for Tuesday 4/2: 11,216

    There won't be a lot today as I'm headed to Virginia, a 5 1/2 hour ride away. :-/

    @Daffygirl88 I know I asked you before when you mentioned VA, but didn't see a response...what part of VA are you in? I'm in Chesapeake, about 20 min from Virginia Beach oceanfront...just any case, howdy neighbor! LOL! :smile:

    @jessicakrall8 Sorry I missed your previous post. I'm at the other side in the mountains. We are in Salem, which is just outside Roanoke.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wednesday ~ April 3
    Good morning Shape Shifters. The day started a bit slow here. The weather wasn't nice so I didn't walk in the morning. I had to go to the grocery store and had a couple of things in mind to buy, but I forgot they were still closed for another day because of a renovation. I went to the other grocery store instead, but they didn't have the same stuff, so I got thrown off and bought things I didn't mean to. My food choices weren't pretty for the day, but I was still under my calorie goal which was a big win! The weather cleared up a bit later in the day, so I went out in the afternoon. It wasn't a very fun walk though; I was way too warm and I carried my coat half of the way. They are also working everywhere around the town, so lots of heavy machines, workpeople and noise. Still glad I got it done though! My current jigsaw puzzle is more challenging than I expected, so I haven't made a lot of progress. Happy Thursday everyone <3
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