Let’s activate this group

I’ve been in TOPS since 2007. I’ve lost 140 with 35# to lose to goal. I have TOPS friends here on MFP this group could be a huge support for all of us.


  • AdnawYots420
    AdnawYots420 Posts: 8 Member
    I wish we could get some conversations going. I am from 0395 GA McDonough and weight recorder. Any other weight recorders here?
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    I’m Bea and I’m the leader of our small chapter in western Montana.

    I’ve been in TOPS for 10 years now. I was KOPS, but lost it during Covid, then Christmas and Christmas and Christmas. Now I’m on the journey to get back to KOPS again. 21 pounds to go!

    I think if MyFitnessPal would send notices every time someone posted that it would increase participation here. I would suggest it, but I can’t use the message boards with my Apple phone. It’s not Apple friendly here.
  • lah1950
    lah1950 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m Louise and I’m the weight recorder of the WA 0342 Olympia TOPS chapter. I use my Apple iPad to log onto MyFitnessPal and used to be able to see comments but about three weeks ago all of my friend notifications disappeared. I was a friend to Bea starting back in Spark People and then started longing on to MyFitnessPal full time. I have now found I can’t use my message board anymore and am feeling isolated on here.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited June 22
    Hi Louise!

    Good to see you again! I never knew your name before. I use iPhone and have the same problem. MyFitnessPal is not apple friendly. I can’t even complain to tech support. I tried.

    I’ve been thinking about abandoning all social here. There is very few that respond here. I was checking daily and respond only a new post. Otherwise, I’m talking to myself. Keep responding and I’ll respond.

    We had SRD earlier this month. My goal for SRD next year is get back to KOPS status. I have 21 pounds to go. I lost my status with Christmas and Christmas and Covid and Christmas and Christmas and Christmas. I’m going in the right direction now.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, I go by JP. I'm in Ohio. I joined TOPS October of 2019. Ironically, I've actually put on more weight than I've of taken off each year. I've had all the excuses (family, school and work, yada blah blah). I think I'm finally in a place where I have found some balance and am actively trying. Summer helps with longer days and outdoor activities.

    I was treasurer for a couple of years. Got tossed that one during covid when many if our pals stopped coming. Recently, I was relieved of that role to become co-leader. I have been a back up minute taker.

    I try to check in once a week, usually after our meeting or the next day.

    Wish you all the best, JP
    Stay TOPS, see you lighter.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon

    I’m the leader of our chapter. Because our chapter is so small, I wear many hats. I also am assistant weight recorder. I also do other things, as needed.

    I was the Loser of the Week at TOPS this week with 1.1 pound loss. We also got a new member!

    We’ve always had some excuse of some kind. I once believed that now that I’m in my 60s, I can’t lose weight. The was a lie that I told myself, then I was proved wrong. I lost a lot of weight. I reached KOPS, but lost it with Christmas and Covid and Christmas and Christmas and…. See the excuse? Now working toward KOPS again! I CAN DO it!