Let's do this together.

DiamndMnd Posts: 59 Member
Looking for some friends to cheer each other on. I'm not looking to lose a lot of weight, maybe 15-25 pounds. My biggest thing is just having that added layer of motivation and support for keeping my nutrition in check.


  • billieseyelashes
    billieseyelashes Posts: 3 Member
    Ru still looking? Also is your username an Ocean Eyes reference lol
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    I'm looking to lose the same. Have sent a friend request.
  • littlelindz84
    littlelindz84 Posts: 6 Member
    Looking for friends on here to get my bum in gear on those tough days! Feel free to add me
  • RachelleNH
    RachelleNH Posts: 14 Member
    I'm with you there. I had given up and now I'm needing to lose 30 pounds. I'm starting over, my job is a sit down job. So I'm walking on my breaks and lunch. And then at night. I feel like I've failed myself. I'm almost 46 and have never had this much trouble losing weight, and almost never gained before! I'm trying to come here daily and track myself.
  • memeq2
    memeq2 Posts: 69 Member
    I need to lose but can't stick to an eating plan. I'm surrounded by junk food junkies at work and at home. For some reason I just can't stay out of it like I used to. Looking for support and some ideas to get my will power back.
  • Ginharbe
    Ginharbe Posts: 77 Member
    I feel just like everyone the group, it is a hell of a job to stay at the right weight, size and keep it up.
  • Cabrinii
    Cabrinii Posts: 43 Member
    How about doing a mix of cardio and strength training to help you lose pounds.
  • Natalia_A20
    Natalia_A20 Posts: 8 Member
    If anyone is still looking, I'd appreciate new friends from this group ;)