Where are you in the program? What else do you do?

I'm still in stage 1, I haven't been able to get in as many workouts per week as I want with everything else I have going on and had to take a break from the weight room last week.

I'm a part time aerobics instructor (Les Mills BodyStep and BodyPump), which some times gets in the way of my NR progress (last week I had to sub BodyPump for a co-worker and participate in a group instructor class on Saturday adding 2 more days of Pumping to my week).

Anyway, I like variety so I also sometimes run, spin, and do anything else that comes my way!


  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm still in stage 1, I haven't been able to get in as many workouts per week as I want with everything else I have going on and had to take a break from the weight room last week.

    I'm a part time aerobics instructor (Les Mills BodyStep and BodyPump), which some times gets in the way of my NR progress (last week I had to sub BodyPump for a co-worker and participate in a group instructor class on Saturday adding 2 more days of Pumping to my week).

    Anyway, I like variety so I also sometimes run, spin, and do anything else that comes my way!

    I just started stage 3 yesterday. So far since starting the program and just eating better in general(lower carb/.restricted sugar/higher protein) I have lost 3 pounds. That might not seem like much but I am 4'10" and weighed 95.5 when I started. So I am not overweight or even fat. I have belly/hip fat thanks to two pregnancies that I am trying to whittle down. I think it's working because I am fitting in jeans I haven't worn since pre-pregnancy almost 4 years ago. I don't love exercise, especially cardio but I enjoy lifting. I am enjoying the challenge of this program to lift heavy. Usually I feel like I don't know what I am doing or if I am doing the right exercises. I love this program because it's all laid out for me and I don't have to think about it. I have heard of body pump and I would probably love it but I don't belong to a gym so I do my workouts at home. I have most of what I need for this program.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i'm in stage 2 work outs #2/#3 this week. I LOVE the program but got kind of screwed up last week. I'm determined to get back on it and continue seeing results.

    I have been lax on my eating lately and need to focus on that because i'm gaining weight (and its not muscle at this rate!)

    i'm excited to have all the NROLFW in one place since the message boards are hard to keep up with!
  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    Read the book, ready to apply the principles after my marathon this Sunday. In the meantime, I have been applying what I could to my existing program. Basically, I began lifting heavier, less reps. Can't wait to get started!

    Curious . . . do you do your workouts at home or in the gym? I have most of the equipment to do at home, but feel I might push myself harder at the gym. Thoughts?
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I will do Stage #3, Workout A for the second time either today or tomorrow. I personally love the program and so far, I think Stage 2 has been my favorite. I have lost about 4 total inches in my hips and waist since starting. I get comments all the time from people (I'm from a small town, so no strangers!). A guy even told my husband, "Wow, your wife looks amazing and strong - what is she doing?" HA - thanks NROLW!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Currently reading the book, I aim to start the plan mid-December, just as I finish my C25k training program.

    I am really excited to start, I have a group of friends that will be beginning with me.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm in Stage 1 now and I'm loving the program. I'm doing my workouts 3 times a week at home, I've got a full home gym set up so I'm set for now, but I'm debating joining a gym in the next few months.

    On my non-lifting days I'm doing Bodyrock HIIT workouts and/or running.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    I have two workouts left for Stage 3 and then onto Stage 4 next week!!! I'm happy to get back to the front squat/push press - want to see how much stronger I've gotten. I hope...

    I read ahead in the book last night and have decided to do two rounds of Stage 7, when I get there. I really really want to be able to do an unassisted pullup by the time this program is over.

    Since I workout at lunch, I don't have time to incorporate the intervals like suggested so I do cardio intervals at least one non-lifting day per week. It's backpacking season now and hopefully most of my weekends will involve at least a few hours of hiking and carrying a 23 lb. pack. Last Saturday we had to ditch our original hike plans due to logistic problems and ended up only hiking two miles. I didn't get the workout I'd planned on, so I sawed a bunch of firewood and did a couple of minutes of squats! I never would have done that before. Sometimes I wonder about myself, but I like this new me!
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I have two workouts left in stage one and then the two bonus workouts. I took last week off as I was just getting too tired with everything going on in my life right now. I will lift twice this week and then twice next week which will totally finish stage 1 and coincide with me moving to a new job, closer to my home and a new gym right beside it. More time for life. Looking forward to Stage 2!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I will do Stage #3, Workout A for the second time either today or tomorrow. I personally love the program and so far, I think Stage 2 has been my favorite. I have lost about 4 total inches in my hips and waist since starting. I get comments all the time from people (I'm from a small town, so no strangers!). A guy even told my husband, "Wow, your wife looks amazing and strong - what is she doing?" HA - thanks NROLW!

    You rock!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    im in stage one..finished B5 last night...i'm excited to continue on as i have been increasing my weight as often as i can....i'm up to squating and deadlifting 80lbs right now and i feel strong doing it......i have my sheet all set up for stage 2 so when i get there in december i'm ready....right now i'm doing new rules 3 days and 1/2 marathon training 3 days following a jeff galloway program...i have one full day of rest on wednesdays....i'm doing the disney princess on feb 26th so each week i'm building up my distance as i get closer to my race....

    ps i do spin on one of my new rules day currently and i also do some sort of cardio on the other new rules days too to help with the calorie burn....
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I'm on Level 2 and really enjoy the program, but I'm struggling to do other things, too. I try to do 3 days of lifting and 1-2 days of additional cardio (zumba at home or the elliptical at the gym).
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'm supposed to be in Stage 4 but I let 1st trimester exhaustion keep me down for a while. My husband and I are doing a NROLFW and Insanity hybrid (link in sig).

    edit to add: Just realized signatures were gone. Added.


    5' 3.75"
    http://healthydoesntmeanboring.blogspot.com/ - Healthy Doesn't Mean Boring
    http://nrowfizs.blogspot.com/ - New Rules Of Working out For Insane Zombie Survival

    Not a fitness/medical professional. Take advice with a grain of salt. Research.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm in Stage 1. Just did workout 5s on both A and B. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Stage 1 and might stay here longer than I am supposed to....

    I generally do 30 minutes on a cardio machine after lifting. And maybe do a longer cardio including HIIT on the weekend.
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm week 5 of Stage 1. I'll really miss the squats and deadlifts when I advance to Stage 2 :( My typical week looks like this:

    M: 10 min on stairmaster, workout A or B of Stage 1-NROLFW, then 20 min HIIT on stair climber

    T: 30 min of cardio

    W: 10 min on stairmaster, workout A or B of Stage 1-NROLFW, then 20 min HIIT on stair climber

    Th: Power Yoga or spinning class

    F: 10 min on stairmaster, workout A or B of Stage 1-NROLFW, then 20 min HIIT on stair climber

    I hope to take up squash soon but don't want it to interfere with my lifting.
  • Janda06
    Janda06 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi! I'm getting near the end of stage 2 and really feel great. I've been lifting MWF with HIIT on some of those days. T and TH Zumba and Weekends off from the Gym at least.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Hi! I'm Denitza. I'm on Stage 2 , workout B1-doing it tomorrow. I do the NROLFW on M,W,F. On non lifting days I do HIIT on treadmill, AMT, Kettlebells, Bodyweight, sometimes combos. Depends how I feel. I'm in love with my Gymboss and Tabata right now! I belong to a gym and do all that there.
  • fitrunnermd
    Hi. I'm Rhandi. I just restarted Stage 1 yesterday at workout 5. I didn't want to start from the beginning again. Felt pretty awesome when I was finished. I'm also running 2 - 3 days a week. I think I have just about convinced myself to sign up for the NJ half marathon. I also think that will attempt my first triathlon. I want to do the Iron Girl Columbia. Sign ups for the triathlon just opened this week but I hear that it fills up fast. With the NJ half being in the beginning od may and the Iron Girl being in the middle of August that gives me a lot of time to train for each. This is good I need all the training I can get. :laugh:
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I'm in Stage 3 and I'll do Workout A for the third time tomorrow. I lift 3 days per week plus a cardio DVD at home usually twice per week. I joined a gym for the first time in my life to help me finish the program. I'll feel a great sense of accomplishment when (not if) I do finish the final stage!
  • missxlaur
    i'm starting stage 1 today! i have to admit i am a little nervous about bulking up (even though the author says not to worry about it or think about it in those terms!). i'm definitely going to push myself to the limit though. can't wait!!
  • skinnyb450
    I only just ordered the book from ebay from America - should be recieving it soon :) Can't wait to start the program :smile: