kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
edited October 2024 in Social Groups
Ok, fess up, who's playing WoW?

Gimme details!!!

Do you raid?


  • leilahh
    leilahh Posts: 50 Member
    I play here and there lately. I used to play much more often, but I've gotten tired of doing the same thing again and again. I do get the WoW itch after a few months of not playing, though. I just dinged 85 again a few days ago, then promptly lost interest because I started playing LotR: War in the North. :p

    What classes do you guys play? I'm a druid, rogue, and hunter, but I have a mage in the works (around lvl 50).
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I was seriously addicted to WoW for a good 3-4 years, I kicked the habit though a little over a year ago.
  • I do! I get to play it two nights a week for a lil bit! :D FOR THE HORDE!
  • shammy 85 shadowmoon... and blackdragonflight havent been on to much tho cause class.... : / really want to start playing again but life first : / i guess sigh
  • jazzdspazz
    jazzdspazz Posts: 137 Member
    85 holly pally uldum
    85 lock uldum
    70-76 like 4 chars stread about
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    jsut recently started playing again

    31 blood elf (only) paladin
    vasj ( or something like that) server

    havent yet but probably will
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I used to play, not any more, to many kids. LOTRO now, much more adult player base, plus it's less laggy.
  • Worgen, Mage (but I'm an alt-aholic), Level 85, Server - Gnomeregan
    Our guild is small but we are trying to recruit some more active members and get into raiding again.

    I started playing with release, but then took about 3 years off. I'm very happy being back, even though my hubby thinks I'm a crackhead.
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    i used to play in college briefly. :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    HMonster, 85 Draenai Mage
    Dogwalker, 85 Draenai Hunter

    Those are my 2 mains, both on Anachronos EU. I also have a lvl 80 druid and warlock, but i havent really used them since Wrath.

    I used to raid, cleared pretty much everything pre cata, but only go as far as downing Maloriak in cata before my interest waned, and now I'm out 5 nights a week doing my sports, so i really can't raid anymore. Got 134k gold, just sitting around with nothing to spend it on!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Area 52 for me. I use to be on Sentinels (RP) and got bored, too many weddings and such.

    I have a 85 hunter, 85 shaman and 85 druid! If you are still playing go and type /played and come back and tell me how many days ti says!

    For me, my hunter has 272 days /played lol.
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I've played since early Vanilla.

    Currently my main is an 85 female Dwarven blood DK - Brunehilda
    Server: Garrosh

    Recently back after a hiatus that lasted most of Cata. So much gear to farm, but gonna keep it casual. No more raiding for me I don't think. It was a big part of what got me fat. :laugh:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    85 holly pally uldum
    85 lock uldum
    70-76 like 4 chars stread about

    wow... I never thought I'd see someone with toons on the server I was on. :laugh: :laugh: Please tell me your Horde.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Stormie - 85 feral druid - Alliance - Alterac Mountains server - guild =Tainted Core

    I don't raid now, although I have in the past. Right now, I'm farming honor and playing alts, including horde alts on Feathermoon.

    I have played wow since closed beta, bought the game on release day.
  • superflyrbi
    superflyrbi Posts: 80 Member
    Been playing since right before BC. So many toons on a couple of servers (I like the leveling and uping professions aspect of the game). But I have to say my main is an 85 NE Druid on Echo Isles.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Played for two years straight when it first came out and only off and on since then. I have it all up to Cata.

    Mostly Kilrogg, Kargath and Azuremyst servers.

    Priesty types being my favorite.
  • WPoppysmith
    WPoppysmith Posts: 33 Member
    Level 85 Worgen
    Level 85 DK
    Level 75 Mage
    Currently 1 month into cold turkey, keep promising myself I can play after New Year
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    jsut recently started playing again

    31 blood elf (only) paladin
    vasj ( or something like that) server

    havent yet but probably will

    by the way her name is savarna.
  • NoPyForYou
    NoPyForYou Posts: 44 Member
    WoWer here! Just got back from cosplaying both days at Blizzcon actually! XD

    Lesse - aside from numerous under 85 alts...

    Belf Holy Pally, Forsaken Arm/Prot Warrior, Forsaken Shadow Priest, Belf Unholy Death Knight. Currently rising in the ranks, Troll Restro/Boomy Drood, Forsaken Arcane Mage and Goblin Combat Rogue.

    Yes, I am an altoholic, nice to meet you!
  • rebel_girl11
    rebel_girl11 Posts: 17 Member
    Just quit wow to start working out. Wow consumed all my time!
    But i will always be...

    85's: DK, Druid, Pally, Hantard, Shaman...
    Server Garithos.

    Blizzcon RULES! I went last year!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Played for a few years. Got bored, dropped off.

    Left a couple of lvl 60 aliance toons and lvl 45 horde.

    It was fun but then it just seemed to be the same thing over and over again. I tried to stay with it but couldn't
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    85 Lock Zinedine Kul Tiras (retired) he loved to do it all. quest, 5 man, raid, battleground.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Ok, fess up, who's playing WoW?

    Gimme details!!!

    Do you raid?

    85 Belf Rogue, Belf Warlock, Belf Hunter, Belf Paladin, Troll Druid
    For the Horde!
    Not since Bc & WotLK...needed a break and to lose weight
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    I've been on a few different servers, but now I've consolidated all my active characters to Quel'dorei. I am co-gm for two guilds - one Horde and one Alliance - The Train (H) and Puppy Train (A). The Horde guild is our primary - Puppy Train is more relaxed (fewer members, lower level guild, less play time). Both are mature, family-oriented guilds. We raid on Horde side (level 25 guild), but inconsistently...still working our way through the original Cataclysm raids, due to inconsistent raiding numbers. I think we spend at least as much time on pre-Cataclysm raids as Cataclysm raids

    I've been playing since beta. Primary characters are:

    Mornal - 85 Undead Priest
    Jeridan - 85 Blood Elf Paladin
    Jeradine - 85 Blood Elf Warlock
    Distract - 85 Troll Rogue
    Gnomilly - 85 Gnome Death Knight

    I have one of each class, but these are the max level ones - most of them geared up to Firelands raids, but no FL raid gear yet. Rest range in level from 20 to 75.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Hey guys! This is AWESOME. I'm a HUUUUUUUGE WoW fan... still need to go to blizzcon but other then that totally have gone all out.

    Class - Holy Priest, Holy Pally, Mage, Resto Shaman, Cat Druid, Hunter
    Level - 85, 85, 82, 50, 44, 55
    Server - Doomhammer and the hunter/mage on Moon Guard
    Do you raid? I WISH! I totally have in the past a bit. LOVE IT! Time is an issue though but I might start back up again sometime super casually. I'm currently in a 25 man guild that I raided the first Cata tier with. I would have to gear up a certain toon though lol! Probably my priest again... I plan on probably raiding the Deathwing stuff!

    My priest is basically the character I've done everything with. Her name is Chateau and she is a Night Elf! Totally rocks. :D You can definitely look her up and are more then welcome to add me. Currently I play on my alts mostly as I'm trying to make more 85s for some reason. I have my cat druid and resto shaman leveling up right now with 45% xp bonus! Not so bad. :)

    Well... fellow geeks! FOR THE ALLIANCE.
  • meeko_meerkat
    meeko_meerkat Posts: 90 Member
    Hey! I was a huge wow fan a few years back (before college study got too hectic). Had a lvl 80 holy priest on the oceanic server and was raiding 2-3 nights a week. Fun times! I love wow :smile:, it was the first game I really stuck to (until then I got kicks out of watching other people play games - weird I know lol).
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    I played for at least 5 years but then I had my son and he took up way too much time (I didn't want to become another news article of a couple who let a baby starve because they were playing video games) BUT... I do miss it. I have been on Frostmane Stonemaul and Hyjal. Main is a Druid but I had a Priest Shaman and DK too.

    What was your favorite expansion? BC was by far my favorite! The new Panda expansion looks horrible, no offense!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Anyone done Ragnaros on heroic mode?! o___o
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Anyone done Ragnaros on heroic mode?! o___o

    a question like that almost makes me want to reactivate my account....almost.
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    I played WoW pretty hardcore up through the beginning of WotLK (raiding, server firsts and all that jazz). The WotLK intro raids (i.e. recycled content) got so boring that I eventually quit. I came back at the end of LK and tried playing more casually for a bit, but I just couldn't get into it as much once I got bored with the new dungeons. I played the trial for Cata and went through the worgen starting area, but that was the last time I played.

    ToR is the next MMO that I will be playing. If it fails to live up to the hype I've created for it, then I might just be done with MMOs in general for a while.
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