1st Post!!

amybell68 Posts: 275 Member
I know weight loss and exercise is different for me now that I'm in my 40's compared to my 30's or even 20's. It's harder to loose weight, and exercise, for me anyway, I have been overweight since my mid 20's and I am finally ready to make a life change!! I have lost 6 pounds in one week and I do feel Fabulous!!! I can only imagine what I will feel like when I hit my goal weight!!!

I do have to say, even though its harder for me to loose weight and exercise I intend to make "40 And Fabulous" a reality for me in my life!!!


  • goateelocks
    Thank you for setting up this group. It is more challenging to be healthy now. my goal is to be in better shape when i am 50 than when i was 45.

  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    It does seem like we have to work harder for every pound lost, doesn't it? :) I just want to feel good again, get off the BP meds, and enjoy life! My weight gets in the way of too many things that I want to enjoy.

  • LuLuRunner1
    LuLuRunner1 Posts: 329 Member
    I turned 40 in July and it seems within one month had put on almost 10 pounds and now, it's being pretty resistant to departure. I had heard about metabolism stopping over night, but really!!??
  • lannlynn
    lannlynn Posts: 72 Member
    42 here and well on my way to being fabulous......:laugh:

    I've found the 40s easier on me than my 30s, probably because I had 2 boys in my 30s!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello everyone. . I am so glad to have this room formed. I turned 40 in March. And do find that I would love to be one of those women that turns out to be more fit at 40 than when I was younger. . I have allowed myself to get overweight. . and really want to get it back under control. . I love that we can all be here to support and encourage each other. .

    Also I am a single SAHM of an 11 year old, with my own business and I am currently going to school to be a trainer. . So what do you all do?:smile:
  • AccordingtoTodd
    AccordingtoTodd Posts: 197 Member
    Hello to everyone! I am 46 and loving life! I just joined this group, I hope everyone has a fabulous day
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    43 has been my best year, physically, and 44 will be even better. It feels great to finally reclaim my life.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Hello!! I will be 41 in a few weeks and yes I agree I think overnight it became a bit harder to drop the lbs....doing the same thing I did at 25 and lost 45 lbs...a few babies and a few years later its a bit harder!! Great idea to start this group!!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I will be 42 next month!! I have a son in college and there's NO WAY I'm giving up on myself. I'm enjoying my 40s and enjoying (this time around) losing weight on MFP because of the fabulous support! I don't believe in letting my kids look better than me (as in, "I give up, no make up, polytail & frumpy clothes") , letting my kids sit around the house & eat junk food OR letting my dog lay around! We are ALL in this together!!
  • UphillBattleAxe
    UphillBattleAxe Posts: 57 Member
    Hi all, Jo here 42 SAHM to 3 girls 13, 10 & 6, I'm from Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, but have been living in Co. Limerick, Ireland for the past four years. My husband works away during the week, most weeks, so my girls and their hectic schedules keep me more than busy! Really need to keep my fitness and energy levels up just to be able to keep up with them, never mind the vanity aspect!!

    Definitely finding my 40's challenging weight wise, it's so much harder to shift the lbs now than in my 20's & 30's, but sitting around complaining about it just isn't going to help....exercise and keeping my over eating in check will that's why I'm loving MFP it gives me the focus I need and my lovely friends provide the support : )

    Good luck to you all....

  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    I just turned 48 a couple weeks ago. Most days I don't feel my age. Sometimes I feel like I'm 25 but sometimes I feel like I'm 70! Since I started MFP I'm down 14 pounds but I still have so far to go. I want fewer and fewer of the feel like 70 days!
  • rhonda999
    rhonda999 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 46 and fighting getting old with everything in me!! I love being outdoors, walking, hiking. I also do Zumba and Curves. Learning to eat right.
  • LucieBear
    LucieBear Posts: 117 Member
    Hi everyone, well I am 45 and just lost 45 pounds..lol I have been yoyoing since I was a teenager, this time I am focused and never want to go back in the 200.. still have about 30 pounds to go... Some days I feel in my 20s and some morning due to arthritis I feel like I am in my 70s..lol

    Great to meet you all ... lets do this.. have to be fit and trim for our 50s..
  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey all you Fab 40's! 44 here, and ready to get in the best shape of my life. Been with MFP since mid-June and have lost 40 pounds and over 20 inches. Love MFP for the support of other MFP'ers, so glad to have this group to turn to!
  • Irish2002
    Irish2002 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone, i am so glad this group was formed. I workout 5 to 6 days a week and most of the people I am around are in thier 20' and 30's. So it seems like the harder I work the less happens.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Hey~ I'm Patti. I am 44 and have 5 children. I'm loving my 40's!!!
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    So glad to see this group. Before I turned 40 I was in such good shape - ran two half-marathons when I was 39. Since then I just seem to be going downhill. I do spin class 3 times a week, get on the treadmill and run or walk 3 times a week, strength training twice a week, and eat reasonably - only eat out about once a month! And still I weigh more now than I ever did. When I first joined mfp I lost 7 pounds, but now I'm stuck. Hopefully y'all have some ideas that I haven't thought of! :drinker:
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm 47 in 2 weeks. I feel better now than I did in my 30's although I do feel the effects of my age on my workouts (dodgy knees, aches and pains etc) but am fitter now than I have been for 25 years! I am maintaining my weight and trying to achieve a 6 pack for Christmas. I am an overachiever and thoroughly enjoy the military workouts I go to 3 x a week in mud, rain, wind and cold. Besides that, I do resistence training, weight training and interval training - or 'just fannying around' as I like to call it!
  • dragonssoftballmom
    I will turn 40 next Wednesday! I'm excited to start a new era in my life and it begins with getting fit! :smile:
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi everyone. Happy to be a part of this group. Weight loss is definitely harder for me in my 40's than in my 20's. While in my 30's I didn't even bother with my weight. I actually enjoy working out and have made it a part of my regular routine. I'm just 12lbs away from what I weighed almost 8 years ago and 16lbs away from my lowest ever.