
Tell us about yourself and your goals


  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I will start :)
    I am 39 years old, Married to a wonderful man and mamma to 8 pretty wonderful kiddos that drive me crazy almost daily lol. Major healh issues- adrenal gland fatigue and Celiac Disease have led me to the paleo/primal way of life. My goals are 1. to get healthy.2. loose about 60 lbs 3. to be fit and be to happy with how I look and feel.
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I am 50 and happy about that:wink:
    I am single Live is the south and am new to this. I have followed a lot of discussion about it and read a lot of other sites.
    My Goals are to keep moving Be healthy and lose some weight, Also to learn more about this way of life.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Welcome aboard Mary
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    I like this way better just made me happy :)
    well im crystal i have the story of being over weight my whole life i found this lovely lifestyle paleo and
    i want to pursue it for my whole life it taught me how to keep moderation and you dont need all these wheats oats and stuff
    im 5'7 199lb last time i checked trying to weight til the end of the month to weigh myself i want to weigh 120lb i think thats about it feels like i talked to much already XD
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Welcome Crystal. I agree .. splitting into two seperate groups was a good solution. That way we can all follow the challenge that best fits us personally.
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! Glad to have a group for us!

    I'm 28, married, mom of an almost 2 year old. Hopfully trying for baby #2 next month!

    My goals are to have a healthy life and to lose some weight. I'm 154 lbs and am comfortable being around 135. Could go to 120 but that's for me to decide later on. I have no health issues and I'd like to keep it that way :) I want to have another healthy, easy pregnancy when the time comes.

    I got my husband on board with eating Primal as well. We both started about 3 weeks ago. He's lost 15 lbs, I've lost 9. We probably stick to it more like 90/10. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hi everyone! Glad to have a group for us!

    I'm 28, married, mom of an almost 2 year old. Hopfully trying for baby #2 next month!

    My goals are to have a healthy life and to lose some weight. I'm 154 lbs and am comfortable being around 135. Could go to 120 but that's for me to decide later on. I have no health issues and I'd like to keep it that way :) I want to have another healthy, easy pregnancy when the time comes.

    I got my husband on board with eating Primal as well. We both started about 3 weeks ago. He's lost 15 lbs, I've lost 9. We probably stick to it more like 90/10. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
    glad you found us.. it is so nice when you have family support. my family eats about 60/40..I'm more 90/10 also.
  • Hi everyone, nice to see you all here :flowerforyou: My name is Jenny, i'm 31 from SoCal and I follow the 80/20 primal lifestyle of the Primal Blueprint. I have started on this journey in mid-September, tested the waters in October and I can say I have been following it 80% of the time. Since I am already at my ideal weight, I initially looked into going Primal to be healthier and to help with my migraines and constant headaches and so far I can say that my migraines have decreased from 2x a week to 1 every 2 weeks (yay!) but I still get the occasional headaches (work stress). I also noticed a lot more positive changes that I am very happy about:
    - no more sluggishness or feeling lethargy
    - i no longer drink coffee to wake me up in the morning (only on the weekends since i love the taste and smell)
    - no crazy feelings of hunger
    - no huge cravings (i have a piece or dark chocolate from time to time)
    - no more upset stomach and heartburn
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hi everyone, nice to see you all here :flowerforyou: My name is Jenny, i'm 31 from SoCal and I follow the 80/20 primal lifestyle of the Primal Blueprint. I have started on this journey in mid-September, tested the waters in October and I can say I have been following it 80% of the time. Since I am already at my ideal weight, I initially looked into going Primal to be healthier and to help with my migraines and constant headaches and so far I can say that my migraines have decreased from 2x a week to 1 every 2 weeks (yay!) but I still get the occasional headaches (work stress). I also noticed a lot more positive changes that I am very happy about:
    - no more sluggishness or feeling lethargy
    - i no longer drink coffee to wake me up in the morning (only on the weekends since i love the taste and smell)
    - no crazy feelings of hunger
    - no huge cravings (i have a piece or dark chocolate from time to time)
    - no more upset stomach and heartburn
    Welcome.. ..congrats on all the positive changes
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I'm 38, married with 3 kids- one birth, two bonus from the marriage. I came to this way of eating after female health issues that led me to a great doctor who helped with what she could and then referred me to one of their staff nutritionists- the rest of my health problems were diet related. That was 5 years ago and I'm not looking back. I discovered the Primal Blueprint more than a year ago but I realized that everything in the plan was what I discovered through trial and error that my body was already telling me was working! No grains, minimal sugar and dairy, eat as wholesomely as possible. Yes to walking and heavy weights, no to long cardio sessions- this is how I have preferred to work out for years. It was a relief and a joy.

    I joined the challenge originally to support some of my friends and newcomers. My diet, while not strictly 100% paleo, is pretty dialed in to where I need it and I don't really fall off the wagon in that regard. My personal challenge goals were to get more sleep, stay off the scale and not rely on its number to judge my self-worth, and to find the joy in every day.

    Since the recent split, I have joined both groups but I'm not really sure where I fit in, I'm glad we found this solution but I'm sad that it came to this.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Hi everyone, nice to see you all here :flowerforyou: My name is Jenny, i'm 31 from SoCal and I follow the 80/20 primal lifestyle of the Primal Blueprint. I have started on this journey in mid-September, tested the waters in October and I can say I have been following it 80% of the time. Since I am already at my ideal weight, I initially looked into going Primal to be healthier and to help with my migraines and constant headaches and so far I can say that my migraines have decreased from 2x a week to 1 every 2 weeks (yay!) but I still get the occasional headaches (work stress). I also noticed a lot more positive changes that I am very happy about:
    - no more sluggishness or feeling lethargy
    - i no longer drink coffee to wake me up in the morning (only on the weekends since i love the taste and smell)
    - no crazy feelings of hunger
    - no huge cravings (i have a piece or dark chocolate from time to time)
    - no more upset stomach and heartburn

  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I'm 38, married with 3 kids- one birth, two bonus from the marriage. I came to this way of eating after female health issues that led me to a great doctor who helped with what she could and then referred me to one of their staff nutritionists- the rest of my health problems were diet related. That was 5 years ago and I'm not looking back. I discovered the Primal Blueprint more than a year ago but I realized that everything in the plan was what I discovered through trial and error that my body was already telling me was working! No grains, minimal sugar and dairy, eat as wholesomely as possible. Yes to walking and heavy weights, no to long cardio sessions- this is how I have preferred to work out for years. It was a relief and a joy.

    I joined the challenge originally to support some of my friends and newcomers. My diet, while not strictly 100% paleo, is pretty dialed in to where I need it and I don't really fall off the wagon in that regard. My personal challenge goals were to get more sleep, stay off the scale and not rely on its number to judge my self-worth, and to find the joy in every day.

    Since the recent split, I have joined both groups but I'm not really sure where I fit in, I'm glad we found this solution but I'm sad that it came to this.
    Welcome.. I am glad to have you here. it is unfortunate that we had to split but needed I think. I orginally joined both groups but then realized this is a better fit for me
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    WELCOME GIRLS!!! i have a question you know they have vegans and vegetarians but what do we call ourselves
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    That is a good question LOL maybe whole food eaters. :)

    I am glad this group is here. It is probably right for me. And I doubt if I will upset anyone here by my beginner questions.
    I am a little closer to 90/10 on the split. Have been doing really well with it and have noticed a few positive changes so far.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    WELCOME GIRLS!!! i have a question you know they have vegans and vegetarians but what do we call ourselves

    This way of eating is called paleo/ Primal/ so I guess whatever title you like best
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    That is a good question LOL maybe whole food eaters. :)

    I am glad this group is here. It is probably right for me. And I doubt if I will upset anyone here by my beginner questions.
    I am a little closer to 90/10 on the split. Have been doing really well with it and have noticed a few positive changes so far.
    Definitely will not upset anyone .. feel free to ask whatever is on your mind.. we are here to support and encouage each other. There is a whole thread dedicated in this group for that very purpose called the steam room.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Hey everyone. Man, that 1st trial run was harsh! lol. I'm 29 and a single mom of a little 5 yr old girl. I just lost my father to cancer last month. I've been primal 80/20 since July. I've lost 39 lbs and have pretty much reversed my diabetes that I was diagnosed with in June. :bigsmile: I love this lifestyle. My hair grows like crazy, my nails grow faster than they ever have, and I've been told I "glow". lol.
    I'm really strict with no breads/pastas/grains/desserts. However were my 20 comes in, is that I don't have grass fed and all organic things available to me and aren't always in the budget. I also will still indulge in light beer. so that is my "20". lol. The rest is Grok On Baby! :drinker:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hey everyone. Man, that 1st trial run was harsh! lol. I'm 29 and a single mom of a little 5 yr old girl. I just lost my father to cancer last month. I've been primal 80/20 since July. I've lost 39 lbs and have pretty much reversed my diabetes that I was diagnosed with in June. :bigsmile: I love this lifestyle. My hair grows like crazy, my nails grow faster than they ever have, and I've been told I "glow". lol.
    I'm really strict with no breads/pastas/grains/desserts. However were my 20 comes in, is that I don't have grass fed and all organic things available to me and aren't always in the budget. I also will still indulge in light beer. so that is my "20". lol. The rest is Grok On Baby! :drinker:
    Welcome aboard, very glad to have you with us. I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I both lost our mothers 4 years ago to terminal illness- his mom to cancer and mine to Wagner's Syndrom. It always hard to loose a loved one but even harder when they've suffered from a horrible disease like cancer. Congratulations on your amazing loss and healing your body.
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    Hey everyone. Man, that 1st trial run was harsh! lol. I'm 29 and a single mom of a little 5 yr old girl. I just lost my father to cancer last month. I've been primal 80/20 since July. I've lost 39 lbs and have pretty much reversed my diabetes that I was diagnosed with in June. :bigsmile: I love this lifestyle. My hair grows like crazy, my nails grow faster than they ever have, and I've been told I "glow". lol.
    I'm really strict with no breads/pastas/grains/desserts. However were my 20 comes in, is that I don't have grass fed and all organic things available to me and aren't always in the budget. I also will still indulge in light beer. so that is my "20". lol. The rest is Grok On Baby! :drinker:
    Hey welcome good seeing you here :)
    Awesome that you have reversed your diabetes. My son was diagnosed this past year and is having awesome results with primal diet. He is not completely reversed as he just started a few weeks ago but way improved. I am so happy to see it.
    I am sorry about your loss. I lost my mom in 2009 and I know how hard that can be.
    I have been doing great on the breads and pasta too. I guess my 10 percent is the dark chocolate. I really don't drink often but at times a cold lite beer sounds awesome :)
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    Hey! My name is Kristen. I'm turning 24 on Saturday (woo hoo!) and I have been trying to implement the Primal Blueprint since the beginning of October. I've had a few slip-ups along the way, but I love the way eating like this makes me feel and I completely agree with the reasoning for it.

    My goals are to slim down and just feel overall happy and healthy :)

    My weaknesses are wine and chocolate. If I can keep these more in moderation, I think I'll find more success on this plan.

    I love to cook so I'll try to share recipes as often as I can, and definitely welcome any suggestions!