OK I started it now you run with it....

H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
I am gonna need help with administrators willing to keep things in line. Anyone wanna help? Anyone have a good picture?


  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    I'll help admin. I've been a forum administrator and a chat admin before. Plus I need to lose about 120-140 lbs. :D
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I don't have a good picture, but I created a FB group for weight loss that I'm administrator of, and I'm on here all the time. I can help if you want! :)
  • whitet3
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Hi, my name is Anna, and when I started out last December I had 190 pounds to lose!! YIKES!!!! I am proud to say, that even though I have had a rough year and I have fallen off the wagon twice, since June of 2011 I have lost 45 pounds. I have had good days and bad days. Days when I sat in my chair and cried and said, this isn't worth it. It is easier and takes less effort to stay fat. Then I look at my 4 children and I realize that I am blessed and that It is worth it. I wanna grow old with my husband of 7 years. I wanna go out in public and not be ashamed of myself. I want to see food as a fuel not as a friend. I am an emotional eater and when I get stressed the first thing I turn to is food. It used to make me feel good when I was sad, but for the past 2 years, whenever I would binge, I would literally hate myself. I hope this group keeps going strong and that we can support each other on this journey to a healthier, happier life. Hope to get to know you all real well.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    You're right, Anna....even though I don't have kids, we DO have similar goals. Good luck to you. :)
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Thanks Shanna and Ali! I think I added you, let me know if it didn't work!

    Welcome Whitet, Glad you found us!

    Anna, you are beautiful and you should be proud of yourself! 45 pounds is no small accomplishment! We aren't here to judge. It took a life of bad food choices to get to this point, so we can't expect it to happen overnight. This should be looked at as a diet, but a lifestyle change.

    I was going strong since June of this year, but have slowed substantially in the last few weeks. My hope is that this group can keep me motivated to stay on here and stay focused.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Hi all...thanks for starting this group. Having a large amount of weight to lose can be overwhelming. I have about 150 I need to lose. I too am an emotional eater and a bored eater. I'm trying really hard to find other things to occupy my time....but sometimes want so bad to fall back to the comfort that I knew. I've lost 20 lbs so far and and exercising now...slow starting but building up endurance. Anyway, my name is Carol and I look forward to getting to know you and beating this life long habit!
  • Molly_Pitcher
    Molly_Pitcher Posts: 84 Member
    HI! I'm Molly, Ihave tried to lose weight and failed MISERABLY all my life. But I seem to be suceeding this time. I started in August and have lost 34 of 112 lbs I need to loose to get to a point where I am not considered overweight. I'm not sure what changed this time... MFP, the doctor scaring me that I might end up with Diabetes soon, or if something just cliked in my head. I can say I have been really comitted for the last 3 months and I know that this time around I am not doing it for some guy, or the potential of some guy, I am not doing it to impress others or look better. I am doing it for me, for my own sense of self worth and the fact that I am adressing my life as a whole and turning things around, and that seems to keep my butt exercising more than anything else... It's also been a commitment to reavaulating my relationship with food and why I eat.... No more emotional or entertainment eating! SO much easier said than done....
    So howdy ladies! Glad to be here :)
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Sorry, I had to edit the group name slightly because, as my best friend since 3rd grade pointed out, I don't actually have 100 pounds to lose anymore. It seems silly to be the admin of a group with a title that precludes me from the group. :)
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hi everyone,
    i would like to join you all in your group. A little about me. I was on the fluffy side most of my life. But last year I was the highest I ever been. I was asked to be a bridesmaid for my brother-in-law wedding in June 2012. All the girls are a size 2-4 and here I was a 28. I didn't want to be that girl. So I found a lifestyle (diet) that I liked and this wed site. And as you can see happy to say I released (because I don't want to find it again) 131 lbs out of my 188 lbs.
    With all that happy news. Its been kinda tough lately. I don't know if TOM (Time Of Month) was talking or what. But I felt I needed a break and that is what I did. Still watched-ish what I ate but I didn't go to the gym. And I guess the main this is that I'm ok with all of that. And I am reconsidering when I wanna reach my goal. I was pushing myself pretty hard to lose all of 188 lbs by Feb. 2012. But as long as I am at 160 or so by May or June. I'm ok with that.
    So there it is.
  • beccafertig
    beccafertig Posts: 61 Member
    Oh how I'm thrilled to find you all! I'm working to drop 150 pounds in the next year, and thought I was the only one out here! This is such an encouragement!!!!!!
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Welcome everyone! I'm so glad you've joined us!
    Feel free to add tips that you have found work for you, recipes, snacks, and of course, your successes whether they be scale-based or not.

    To that I have to add my victory. Last night I reached the 50 pounds removed mark!!!! My deal is I found the wonderful world of protein shakes. Not the yucky Slim Fast crap, but pure soy protein shakes that actually taste good. I drink one for breakfast and lunch and can then eat whatever I want for supper. The only restriction is that I eat little less and I have to have something from each food group. I'm not an exerciser, so what time I used to spend running to the local fast food joint for lunch, I now take a quick stroll around the block at work. It isn't a lot, but i am moving.

    What are you doing to change your life?
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    I think today is going to be a bad food day. I have my period and I feel like I need to eat everything in sight. This upsets me because I am working so hard. I feel like it is a struggle for me every month. Some things I have changed are that I am no longer a diet soda addict. I used to drink 6 or 7 bottles a day, but now it has been over a week since I have purchased soda. That makes me proud. This time last year, at my high weight, I was drinking a 24 pack of mountain do a day and wondering why i was so fat. I used to always say, " How am I so fat, I don't eat." Which was true, I barely ate, but I was drinking 3000 calories a day in my soda. Logging made me realize that I was consuming upwards of 4700 calories a day. Now I try to keep it under 1660, although today is probably not gonna be that day, and thats ok. It doesn't mean that I will fail. Just gotta exercise and do better tommorrow.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Thanks Shanna and Ali! I think I added you, let me know if it didn't work!

    It worked! I HAVE THE POWER TO DELETE! So stay in line, lol. :)
    I was going strong since June of this year, but have slowed substantially in the last few weeks. My hope is that this group can keep me motivated to stay on here and stay focused.

    We'll help you... what was the reason you started in the first place?
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Anna, go for foods that satisfy ur cravings without ruining your momentum. If u want chocolate, emeralds has awesome dark chocolate flavored almonds that are only like 150 calories for an ounce (about a capful). If u want salt, grab a piece of string cheese. If u want sweet, eat a small apple with about a pingpong sized scoop of peanut butter. These all have protein in that will satisfy you longer than any carb filled junk food....you can do this and you are not alone!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Sorry, I had to edit the group name slightly because, as my best friend since 3rd grade pointed out, I don't actually have 100 pounds to lose anymore. It seems silly to be the admin of a group with a title that precludes me from the group. :)

    Yeah, I think that was a good idea....bc for people like me... I started out at 353, with the goal to be 153, to lose 200 lbs. But the further I get into it, I think I'll be looking at 170-190. :) And since I'm 318 now, that's only 138-158 to go, so I would have been excluded too, lol.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    I was going strong since June of this year, but have slowed substantially in the last few weeks. My hope is that this group can keep me motivated to stay on here and stay focused.

    We'll help you... what was the reason you started in the first place?
    I started because I saw the success my best friend was having with her lifestyle change and figured if she can do it, what couldn't I? I slowed because my nine month old had a siezure a few weeks ago and I want to spend as much time as possible with her so I stopped tracking.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I think today is going to be a bad food day. I have my period and I feel like I need to eat everything in sight. This upsets me because I am working so hard. I feel like it is a struggle for me every month. Some things I have changed are that I am no longer a diet soda addict. I used to drink 6 or 7 bottles a day, but now it has been over a week since I have purchased soda. That makes me proud. This time last year, at my high weight, I was drinking a 24 pack of mountain do a day and wondering why i was so fat. I used to always say, " How am I so fat, I don't eat." Which was true, I barely ate, but I was drinking 3000 calories a day in my soda. Logging made me realize that I was consuming upwards of 4700 calories a day. Now I try to keep it under 1660, although today is probably not gonna be that day, and thats ok. It doesn't mean that I will fail. Just gotta exercise and do better tommorrow.

    Anna, I think it's AMAZING that you haven't had soda in a week. I too, gave up diet sodas about 3 months ago. I have one every couple of weeks or so, and that's it.

    And you're right, exercising is KEY. My mom used to tell me all the time, "You have to exercise to lose weight." I just thought "Whatever. I can eat what I need to and lose." Which was true, but since adding tennis, I'm losing so much more, and QUICKER too...

    Just get through today, Anna, and if you feel like snacking all day, try to make healthy choices where you can! :)
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Anna, go for foods that satisfy ur cravings without ruining your momentum. If u want chocolate, emeralds has awesome dark chocolate flavored almonds that are only like 150 calories for an ounce (about a capful). If u want salt, grab a piece of string cheese. If u want sweet, eat a small apple with about a pingpong sized scoop of peanut butter. These all have protein in that will satisfy you longer than any carb filled junk food....you can do this and you are not alone!

    I eat all those on a DAILY basis, lol, and they're WONDERFUL for snacks....they satisfy just like you said!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I started because I saw the success my best friend was having with her lifestyle change and figured if she can do it, what couldn't I? I slowed because my nine month old had a siezure a few weeks ago and I want to spend as much time as possible with her so I stopped tracking.

    Oh honey, I'm so sorry...:cry: Just think though, even if you're not logging, you still want to eat healthy to spend as much time with her for as LONG as possible. :wink: