Week 4- I know its more than 1/2 gone but....

Hi Guys,

I am SOOO sorry I have slacked this week.

I have done very good on my water and calories.

My goal for this week is actually for the weekend.... NO cheating. LOG everything. and eat as CLEAN as possiable.

Weekends are my downfall... What are your downfalls? How do you overcome them??

NSV for me this week.. I can tell my tummy is shrinking... I don't eat the portion size I used to


  • DisneySkaGirl
    No worries Michelle!

    My week 4 has gone well, I started the 30 day shred and did zumba twice, and I've done pretty well on calories. Water has been getting progressively better too.
  • DisneySkaGirl
    No worries Michelle!

    My week 4 has gone well, I started the 30 day shred and did zumba twice, and I've done pretty well on calories. Water has been getting progressively better too.
  • teresastemen
    teresastemen Posts: 13 Member
    My downfalls are the end of the night when I am home. I drink tons of water while at work and stick to what I take for the day. I get home and then i turn into an addict and want to eat everything. So my husband and i got rid of all junk in the house and I hope that helps to stick to clean eating, because all we have in the house are fruits, veggies and real food i have to cook. Fingers crossed.

    NSV for the week, just like you Michelle i am noticing I am getting satified quicker so my portion sizes are smarter and i stop eating before I feel full or stuffed. So i guess my tummy is shrinking with yours:)

    Keep up the good work everybody!

  • pearlsgonewild
    pearlsgonewild Posts: 54 Member
    My downfall is 3:00 when I'm at work and want chocolate. never fails. I try to only have it on the days that I know I'm going to the gym later so I can fit it into my food diary and won't have to feel guilty about it.
  • ejllshaw
    ejllshaw Posts: 38 Member
    My downfall is not cooking for myself.
  • kelly81082
    kelly81082 Posts: 59 Member
    I really struggle on the weekends, and often at night too. I'm at a standstill with my weight right now, which is what happens every time. I lose 4 or 5 and it stops and I throw in the towel. Right now my big downfall is my husband. Unfortunately he has a tumor (benign thankfully) in his pituitary gland and he has intense cravings and is constantly hungry. I think he's gained at least 20 pounds since the symptoms started. Luckily his surgery is in a couple weeks. Hopefully then I can have more control on the food in my house, and in the meantime, I just need to try to work harder.
  • ddboone
    My downfall is poor planning. If I don't have a menu planned the day before - and have it ready and properly portioned - I find myself at vending machines and fast food windows.