Nov 11, 2011

Morning Gang. You are all rocking this challenge!

I've heard from one group member who is having difficulty meeting the challenge. I thought it might be nice if everyone weighed in with suggestions!

For me it's all about routine, routine, routine. They say it takes 21 days to make anything a routine and I believe it. I have to have a set time of day and/or set days and stick with it at much as possible. I find anytime I go on a work trip, I have to come home and totally re-establish my routine.

Good luck today. I hope you all have some good calorie burns planned for today and for the weekend! :heart:


  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I won't exercise at all if I don't schedule it into my day. Today I knew I had a lot going on after work, so I got up at 5:30 AM and worked out before I got ready for work. That way, if I end up with no time this evening, I already exercised today.

    I look over my schedule for the week and make a workout schedule based on that. Most days I work out after work, but if I have to move that around, I plan for it as best as I can ahead of time.

    My workout this morning: 45 minutes on the elliptical. I will add to that later today if I can!
  • DaniU617
    DaniU617 Posts: 87 Member
    I am a mother of 6 and I found that if I did not get my exercise done first thing in the morning I was NOT getting it done at all. I get up at 6:30 and start my work out while my 3 oldest children get ready for school. Plus I find when I get my exercise in first thing in the morning than I have more energy throughout the day that I used to.
  • DaniU617
    DaniU617 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh and I got 38 min of The Biggest Loser Challenge on the Wii this morning!

    If any of you need some support feel free to add me. I am here everyday and have been for almost 120 days now! And I am NOT going anywhere!! Best of luck to everyone today!
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    Just a couple things I do that are not part of a full-fledged workout:
    Squats - anytime, anywhere...taking laundry out of the dryer, while brushing my teeth, while washing my hands (and with the amount of water I drink, and how often I'm in the restroom, this is a frequent occurance!).
    Leg lifts - while doing dishes, cooking or any of the above listed times.
    Off the counter push ups - again, if I'm stuck in a kitchen waiting for something to cook.
    Side steps - I seem to spend alot of time stuck in a line for one thing or another. Side steps keep me moving.
    Lunges - vacuuming, dusting ...make it a workout! reach! stretch!
    There are a lot of little things that can be incorporated in just going about your everyday life! I'd love to hear any more ideas :flowerforyou:
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Oh and I got 38 min of The Biggest Loser Challenge on the Wii this morning!

    If any of you need some support feel free to add me. I am here everyday and have been for almost 120 days now! And I am NOT going anywhere!! Best of luck to everyone today!

    How do you like The Biggest Loser for the wii?

    I did my Elliptical 20 minutes
    Burned 354
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224

    How do you like The Biggest Loser for the wii?


    I would love to know about this, too? Do you have to have a Wii Fit board? For those of you are are interested, the Zumba for Wii is fun!--not as good as a class, but I enjoy it.

    Heading out at lunch for a brisk walk. Will post it when I get back!
  • Forensikchic
    Forensikchic Posts: 20 Member
    I did my circuit workout today (30 minutes). Yay! I have just started exercising last week and it has really helped to schedule it in. I do the circuit every other day and walk for as long as I can the alternating days. It has worked so far. I do the circuit in the morning at my gym and I walk in the mornings too unless I run late. I have had this happen once so far and I walked during lunch instead. I knew if I put it off anymore, I wouldnt do it. HTH
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    Got my 20 in... took a walk in the brisk winter air. 168 calories burned. Hoping to get another walk in tonight!
  • 07lucky07
    I am working long hours so it is almost impossible for me to workout in the evening. Yesterday I came home from work at 11 PM, washed my hair and went to bed :( And as I am not morning person, I cannot get up in 5 AM to workout and then go out and walk my dog for an hour. Any advice is more than welcome!

    20 min dancing today!
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    Logged my time at lunch today! Nice day for walking outside and doing steps on the curb :drinker:
  • ali139
    ali139 Posts: 17
    I find that something is ALWAYS better than nothing. For example yesterday I couldn't get a proper workout in as my mum was taken into hospital and I needed to go home and had a full day so missed my planned trip to the gym. So I did a short bodyweight circuit in. Basically just did a few rounds of a number of different exercises. Did'nt get my full 20mins but at least I got some in. I've listed below the exercises I did:

    Leg lifts
    Press ups
    Squat thrusts
    Tricep dips
    2 mins skipping/jacks

    Today, I got my 50mins exercise in today. Went to the gym with my brother early this morning!
  • vibegirl
    vibegirl Posts: 69 Member
    I don't know what my problem Still motivation is an issue...grrr....I get up early enough so that is not the problem...I do live in an upper flat so I am conscious of being quiet in the early I'm riding my new recumbant I had half day at work and lots of errands but just finished 20 min of high/low impact to my ipod music...that helps immensely. Lord knows I feel better when I do like others have said's just a matter of routine and making it as enjoyable as possible. Getting cold here now where I am (Western NY) inside is most likely where I will be for my exercise...although brisk walks can be invigorating.

    Anyway..just checking in - will try to be better!!

  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    I am working long hours so it is almost impossible for me to workout in the evening. Yesterday I came home from work at 11 PM, washed my hair and went to bed :( And as I am not morning person, I cannot get up in 5 AM to workout and then go out and walk my dog for an hour. Any advice is more than welcome!

    20 min dancing today!

    Walking the dog counts as exercise... so you're getting your 20 in. But, if you cannot do that, can you take a quick walk around at work? That's what I've been trying to do at lunch--weather permitting.

    Yeah for the dancing! :glasses:
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    I don't know what my problem Still motivation is an issue...grrr...

    ...Getting cold here now where I am (Western NY) inside is most likely where I will be for my exercise...although brisk walks can be invigorating.

    Hang in there! We all go through those periods. I am just coming down from a week-long one! It'll get better and we're here to drag you along --kicking and screaming if necessary! LOL

    It's getting cold here, too. I am in the middle of Illinois where the high was only 42 today. I took a nice, brisk walk at lunch. BRRR
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I've found that I'm beginning to enjoy my runs on the treadmill, but on my days off I struggle. (I've been getting my workout in on my breaks at work...I tell myself that technically I'm getting paid to exercise so it makes it more desirable to do.) I'm hoping to make exercizing a permanent part of my routine. Today I got my run in at work and I also did 20 minutes at home on my Gazelle. Haven't missed a day yet so I'm feeling hopeful that I actually stick to something for once. Haven't been logging my calories but I figured it's small steps and I'm starting with exercise. So grateful for this group... makes me more accountable for my workouts. Thanks!