Important stuff will go here one day.
Monday, Jan. 2. 1012
Happy New Year everyone!!! 10 burpees (these are HARD!! lol) 100 crunches 3 min jogging in place slowly.
Monday, December 9, 2012
combination of walking, jogging and running 3 miles in 45 min. sore, tired but happy!!!
Thursday, January 5th
Did 1 hour crossfit and 1 hour endurance
Wednesday January 4th 2012
Hello all, Did 1 hour crossfit class: 6 sets of: 2 pillar shuttles x5 10 box jumps (20") 15 Russian KB swings (24kg) 15 pushups 25 double unders 3 min rest between rounds then did endurance, it only took 30 mins tonight
Thursday Dec 29th
Hi anyone? I'm hoping it's just everyone is on vacation this week. Anyway, I have on tap: A. front squat: 5-5-5; rest 3 minutes B. ring dip: max x 3; rest 2 minutes C. pull-up: 15-20 unbroken x 3; rest 2 minutes + max rounds/reps in 8 minutes: 20 walking lunge 5 L pull-up Then an hour endurance class and going to add a…
Wed Dec 28th
Hi, um, anyone - what do you have on tap for your exercise today? I've got: max rounds/reps in 5 minutes; rest 5 minutes 10 russian kb swing, 24kg/16kg 15 double-under + max rounds/reps in 5 minutes; rest 5 minutes C2 row - 10 hard pulls 7 toe-to-bar + max rounds/reps in 5 minutes; rest 5 minutes 7 box jump, 20" 7 push-up…
Tuesday Dec 27th
Hello all, I am hitting the gym for my hour crossfit class. I also am doing stairs today for an extra couple of minutes every couple hours
Friday, December 23rd
Today is going to kick my *kitten*: Here's what I have on tap (and no, I am not doing bodyweight, I will modify that to a weight I can manage: 12 Days of Christmas: 1-Bodyweight Clean and Jerk 2-Bodyweight Deadlifts 3-Burpees 4-Pull Ups 5-Box Jumps, 24" 6-Wall Balls, 20lb (14lb) 7-Kettlebell Swings, 24kg (16kg) 8-Dips…
Thursday, December 22
Good morning! My workout goal today is to do the hour-long workout on my new Bob Harper weight training DVD. I am sure I will have to take a lot of breaks, but I want to try it!
Wednesday, December 21
I really, really wanted to do a morning workout today, but I wasn't feeling so hot, so it will have to wait until after work today. :tongue: What is everyone else's workout today?