Weight Loss

mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
So I am pretty new to this whole Paleo eating style. My nutritionist recommended it because even though I have lost 35 pounds...I only lost 3% BF.

So my question is..how much weight will I expect to lose the first month? The reason I am asking is when I started..I was 143.2, just finished TOM..and now...6 days later I am 138.6..so wondering how much of that is TOM..and how much do you think is actually the new diet.

As far as carbs..I am staying between 50-100 a day..My diary is open if you need to take a peek.

I am doing this for 1 month to see if the BF goes down..I am now in the healthy range as far as weight..(want to be atleast 135)..but also wondering if I continue..will I lose too much weight.

Thanks for reading


  • tjnahm
    tjnahm Posts: 73 Member
    I started eating a Primal diet and exercising 20 weeks ago and have lost over 90lbs, 12% body fat, 30pts off my blood pressure, 20 bpm off my resting heart rate, and cholesterol numbers are dead perfect.

  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I started eating a Primal diet and exercising 20 weeks ago and have lost over 90lbs, 12% body fat, 30pts off my blood pressure, 20 bpm off my resting heart rate, and cholesterol numbers are dead perfect.


    WHOA!! 90 lbs in 20 weeks.. you are super-weight loss dude!! Congratulations .
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    So I guess I am doing alright then...I will keep going.. Havent exercised the last 2 days..but did on Saturday/Sunday..Its awesome that my weight is dropping off..

    Thanks for the info
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    when I went strict Paleo for a month last November, I dropped 6 pounds in the month, all the while maintaining muscle mass (as I crossfit and we did do a Crossfit total and PR'd some lifts.)
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    I've been averaging about 1.5-2 lbs a week loss since July. I haven't done much in the way of exercise, VERY light walking and strength training. I have two friends who haven't lost much in the way of lbs but have definitely changed their body composition, both exercise much more than I do and are havinig great results. I would think if you're exercising I wouldn't worry about "how much", more about "how fit". I'm only a little over half way on my weightloss goals but am definitely feeling as though it's time to up the fitness efforts.
  • scarrier715
    scarrier715 Posts: 16 Member
    I've been averaging about 1.5-2 lbs a week loss since July. I haven't done much in the way of exercise, VERY light walking and strength training. I have two friends who haven't lost much in the way of lbs but have definitely changed their body composition, both exercise much more than I do and are havinig great results. I would think if you're exercising I wouldn't worry about "how much", more about "how fit". I'm only a little over half way on my weightloss goals but am definitely feeling as though it's time to up the fitness efforts.

    I started converting to Paleo/Primal on November 5, 2010 and lost 15 pounds the first month, and that period of time included a totally Paleo/Vegan Thanksgiving (my daughter-in-law is vegan). By January 1, 2011 I had lost another 5 pounds. Having said that, I had and still do have a long way to go, way more than 5-10 pounds. So not sure how the numbers will play out for you.

    I rested on my laurels from June until one week ago, eating primarily but not strictly Paleo/Primal and maintained the almost 35 pounds I ultimately lost before my plateau. When I weighed myself one week ago the day I started MFP, I had regained 7 pounds of the 35 I had lost. As of this morning, after one strict week of being paleo/primal, the 7 pounds are gone - so that's a pretty quick turn around. Mind you, I have 123 pounds to go...so I'm by no means holding myself up here as equivalent of your situation. I just know if I am consistent and actually follow the concepts, the weight just goes. If I would actually exercise, who knows what would happen.

    Sounds like you are doing well. At this point, I can't even give much thought to nuances of percentage of body fat - it feels like it's all body fat...LOL. But that will change in time.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Did you say a nutritionist recommended this to you?

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Did you say a nutritionist recommended this to you?


    Mine did too 5 years ago. But she didn't call it paleo/ primal whatever. She had just learned through her own experience and by working with others that the majority of her clients were better off eating this way. I lost a little under 40 pounds in 4 months back in 2006 and have kept it off all this time eating this way. I reversed a number of female-related issues, prediabetes, fatigue, leptin resistance, high CRP, lower GI issues, and incessant hunger no matter how much or how often I ate. I don't struggle with falling off the wagon because I felt so crappy eating SAD and feel so good now.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Yup she suggested it..and even called it paleo. The doc said once my body is done losing... It will stop and I can start incorporating back some dairy..but I can say this yesterday was 1 week on this and I have so much energy.....it's fantastic!