
I have been working midnight shift, desk job for a little over a year now and it is about to ruin my health. I have gained 25 pounds alone just from, lack of sleep and exercise and could not seem to get motivated. I guess I got motivated when we had a new grand child come along about 5 months ago. I get to baby sit Rayna 3 to 4 times a week since I don't work during the day and it has inspired me to get back in shape so I can see this little girl grow up and and be part of her life. I figured if I stayed on this path of destruction I was on my years were going to go down fast. So I have within the last month started going back to the gym and tracking my food on this fitness pal site and it seems to be working good, as I have lost 18lbs in the first 29 days. I know it will go slower after the first 3 to 4 wks, but am motivated to see it through and get back in shape to be able to teach that little girl how to do some fun things.
I think this idea of people talking about their challenges with night shift or midnight shift is a real issue, because it turns your life upside down. I have been a morning person for over 50 years and now trying to convince my body clock this is supposed to be the other way around.
Well anyway, I just want to say good luck to anyone that has to deal with these issues and if there is anything I can do to help. Let me know.


  • kmill81385
    Congratulations, both on your new granddaughter and your weight loss! And good luck as you continue on!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    congrats on your loss! all of my weight I have lost has been while working the graveyard shift 11pm-7:30am. It was hard for me at first. I found as I lost the more weight I had more energy and motivation. I have gotten the habit of going straight to the gym after I get off work. I pack my gym bag with my workout clothes and just go.
  • mtd442000
    congrats on all the weight you have lost, it is very inspiring. Its amazing what motivates people. Thanks for the encouragement as well. Have a good DAY!
  • androidgal
    androidgal Posts: 46 Member
    After night shift it is just about hard enough to drive home and get to bed! I don't think I could go to the gym first....Gratz on that one...were you able to do that when you first starting shifts?

    I usually take my dog out for his big walk once I am up after my sleep and after having a smoothie....
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    After night shift it is just about hard enough to drive home and get to bed! I don't think I could go to the gym first....Gratz on that one...were you able to do that when you first starting shifts?

    I usually take my dog out for his big walk once I am up after my sleep and after having a smoothie....

    It took me a few months before I found the energy to go to the gym right after I got off work. When I started in Dec. 2009 I had diabetes and was just starting the medication. I was sleepy all the time and was irritable. After 2-3 months the meds started working and I was eating alot better. The energy just naturally came and soon I was making a habit of going to the gym right after work.