Maintenance Thread Part 3

Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
Good morning! This is the extension of the Maintenance Thread from the forum. Please post all updates, questions, concerns about maintaining here!!


  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    Hiya! Joined the group, been maintaining since August ('11). Still logging everything (somewhat obsessively). Monitoring my weekly net calories and weighing every day... MFP is great!
  • Hello!!! Just getting in on the new thread!
  • epoint
    epoint Posts: 88
    Okay, I'm here -- moved over from the other thread!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Hello all! :)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    This thread is my "reward" after I lose these last 2 pounds. Aren't you all honored? :happy: I like to look ahead at the triumphs and pitfalls of maintenance and am slowly upping my calories . I am above the MFP maintenance level but still losing a bit so pretty pumped about that,. Letting for my body to lead the way!

    It's so great to read all of your success stories! You all look great and are doing so well! :flowerforyou:
  • JoMFrasca
    JoMFrasca Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks Robin for moving the thread to this new group. I am relatively new to maintenance and look forward to getting to know others who are in this stage -- what is working for you, how you are approaching it etc. Since I have continued to lose weight even while in technically in "maintenance" until last week, this all feels new to me and a bit scary. I now have MFP set to lose a half pound a week because the maintenance calorie level seems awfully high right now. I lost most of the weight on a medically supervised Very Low Calorie Diet -- 600-800 calories a week.

    I do intend to gradually make my way up to maintenance level calories, just taking it slowly, one week at a time. I am eating about 1200-1300 calories a day right now and not eating back my exercise cals. I want to see how this week goes and may up my eating modestly next week. The thing is, I am happy at my present calorie level -- feel great, never hungry and lots of energy. So there is a bit of internal resistance to changing it.

    SW 198 (April 2011)
    Original GW 154 (August 2011)
    Second GW 145 (Sept 2011)
    CW 134
    Ht: 5'6
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Yes, Thanks Robin for starting new thread in the groups!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I just finished watching Dr. Oz, and he was talking about how important it is to have a "buddy" when losing weight. Even if you don't know them and they live many many miles away from you. He then buddied up women from around the country. It got me thinking how lucky we all are that we found this website because you all truly are the reason why I've lost all this weight AND am keeping it off. I wanted to stand up and yell at the screen, "Join Myfitnesspal, it's great!" Dr. Oz is partnering up with Weight Watchers which is another great program. (I did this as well, and had major success, got my life time membership). But, I didn't keep going to the meetings and life happened and the weight came back on. The great thing about MFP is I can get the support I need at the stroke of a key. And it's free!!! I don't have to pay an absorbent weekly fee.

    I'm so glad we are here, talking about our maintenance highs and lows. Love it! :smooched:
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Hi I'm new to this thread / board as just started maintenance on Friday.

    I am past what was my original goal weight (126) and am
    122 now.

    Would love to be 120lb before Xmas but am in no huge hurry so I wanted to give myself a break and "practice" maintaining for a bit before shifting the last 2.

    I have to say I am absolutely loving it so far. Yesterday I ate 2200 calories including exercise cals and was still under my daily goal :) I weigh in on Friday so will let you all know how it goes.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning everyone! So glad we now have a home where hopefully lots of maintainers will find us! Welcome new folks--please let us know all about your and your challenges as they come up!

    Annie, you are so right--this site really makes all the difference, at least it did for me too. I lost the weight on MFP w/out even using the boards or social part of this website. But once I started maintaining I had no idea what to do---and then found this thread and can't believe how wonderful it is to have the participants help us through the confusing parts.

    Jo--that's interesting that you are satisfied w/your calorie level and not adding exercise calories. I'm so envious. Mine is about 1550-1600 and I am always looking for more calories. That's initially what motivated me to exercise in the first place. Anyway, I think your plan to possibly start adding some of those calories back in is a good one.

    Keiraev--congrats!! I did the same thing--just waited to see what my body would do and eventually stopped at a certain weight--our bodies seem to know where they want to be....

    Things here are good. Exercise has been very on track this week--thanks to the season. After my circuit training or whatever, I have been throwing in a little raking (and the lawn still has plenty of leaves to go....), so I have one more day in the week, today, but I made my exercise goals yesterday. I have still been alternating No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat Boost Met. and Elliptical, and Walks. I think I have been doing the videos around 4 days/week. They really help. I'm finally feeling really strong! Actually seeing arm muscles. No, I don't think I have a 6-pack but even the abs are solid. I love it! As for my eating--well, not as good lately, because of social stuff and my son's b-day party yesterday, but that's what maintenance is all about. I'm still holding in the right place - around 120, mid range. I do want to get back on track w/eating before next week though--we leave for a week for Thanksgiving holiday where I'm sure I'll take a step back on everything.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday!
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member

    I just switched my goals to .5 lb weight loss and I'm going to slowly work my calorie goal up to Maintenance.

    I work out 6/days a week.2-3 strength training sessions and cardio 6 days a week.

    It's such a scary thought to eat Maintenance calories.....Yikes!

    Maybe it's what my body needs,I'm 128 lb and would love to get to 125 lbs!
  • iluminadaonix
    iluminadaonix Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for creating this thread. We need each other support to maintain. I've been maintaining 3 months now. It's been trial and error but now I know that I need to exercise at least 5 x a week to maintain high metabolism and that 1600 calories is my number plus most of my exercise. I'm doing insanity 2nd round now.
  • wooo - maintained at weigh in today! possibly 0.something under as well so i'm hoping to increase my calories in the next week or two...sounds like everyone's going well at the moment - hope it stays that way! :)
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    hey everyone~ just thinking about the upcoming holiday. How are you all going to handle maintaining over Thanksgiving? We are traveling and will be away for a week with family and there is ALWAYS tons of food and wine. I'm a little nervous about not being able to exercise as much. But am crossing my fingers I can at least walk daily to combat the overeating I'm sure to do. I'm so mindful of not "obsessing" about what I eat in front of other people, I tend to go the other direction--eat everything possible so I project this laid back approach to food (even though I'm really not.....weird, I know!)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Funny you should ask, Robin! :flowerforyou:

    This gives me an opportunity to plan strategy for myself! I will be cooking for a houseful and I seem to think I need to "model" how great the food is. Not to mention the snacking during the cooking process! :noway: I will need to be mindful and it helps me so much to have a nice bowl-ful of fresh chopped veggies in front of me while I am preparing the food. Perhaps you can be sure to always have a good healthy choice to make your main snack or dish and eat lightly of the others. The wine? I have been trying to alternate a huge glass of water with the wine. Really helps!

    One thing that helps me, is to know that I can get back on track once the festivities are behind us. We know how to do this! Most of all enjoy the people!! I am a talker and love to play games. Two activities that will not add to my girth! :laugh:
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Great planning ahead Robin! I am doing the hosting/cooking. I am a vegetarian except fish, gave up poultry last Thanksgiving (what a day to give up turkey!). this was a big change for me, because I used to eat chicken or turkey almost daily. Anyway, I will make a turkey and fish to accomodate everyone. Baking is a huge downfall for me, so I am getting premade deserts and ice creams. Not traveling does make it a lot easier. With out of town relatives, I am sure we will eat out a lot. I will log and try and keep the exercise up, but try not to stress out.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I just started maintenance. My daily calories would be 1420 without exercise so I need to exercise so I can eat. :) This maintenance thing is scary so am glad we have this support.
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Wanted to let newcomers to the thread know that we have Parts 1 and 2 which have been going on for quite a long while. Although we just now started this thread under the groups, if any of you want to read some past history about what your fellow maintainers have gone thru, do a search for the older threads. Lots of good info and discussion over time. Welcome to the new folks that are joining.

    Hoosiermama, what part of the state are you from? I'm from Indianapolis so I feel a connection to you already!

    Robin, good question on the holidays. Since all of us on this thread are success stories as we've either made it to maintenance or are very close to it, we have to acknowledge that we've worked hard for a long time but don't want to blow it. I'd advise we not try to be too compulsive over Thanksgiving and let ourselves enjoy some of the treats but ensure we hope back on the program pretty quickly. In our heads we know that 1-2 days isn't going to cause us to gain all the weight back but we just have to not let it be the start us giving up.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I think this is the first time I've actually participated in any maintenance thread, although I met my goal weight about 3 months ago.

    Here is what my stats look like:

    Female / Age 27 / 5'10" / large bone structure
    High Weight: 294
    MFP Starting Weight: 280 (September 16, 2010)
    Starting Body Fat: 56%
    Goal Weight: 180 (met in early August 2011)
    Current Weight: 168.8
    Current Body Fat: 23%

    I've managed to maintain this weight (almost exactly) for a few weeks, which I am happy about because I really don't want to lose any more. I wouldn't mind if my weight goes back up a couple of pounds, although I don't really want to overeat to make it happen, which is the only way I can imagine gaining again.
    At this point I am happy with my weight, my size, my body fat, and my overall health. I would like to continue to get stronger and more fit but that is just a general goal, nothing specific that I'm working towards.
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    This is my favourite time of year! I am always in great spirits at this time of year. But, I do let my guard down when it comes to eating holiday treats. Twice I've broken down at this time of year and started gaining back the weight that I worked so hard to lose. When I've over indulged too often, I start feeling bad about myself, and then by January I feel depressed and feel like just giving up. But this year I am going to break the cycle. It's nice to hear you all voicing your concerns and how you plan to conquer them.