


  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member

    I'm Caroline, I'm 30 in January! Not long now. I have a daughter who is 2 in Jan and thinking about trying for the next one next year. I live in Bristol. I have only just lost all my baby weight using MFP, I put on 4 stone (not a great plan) I am now trying to loose another stone aswell. This I am finding much more difficult, I have a lot less motivation since getting the baby weight off.
  • Hi I'm Jennie :)
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hi all
    I'm Charlotte, and I live in Birmingham. Originally from South Wales, I moved up here to study some years ago and never managed to get away again. I'm very recently married, and even more recently back from honeymoon, and not loving the weather in contrast to where I've been. I was initially losing weight to get ready for the wedding, now I want to shift some more pounds and get fit for me. I'm planning on starting C25K this week.
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    Hiya everyone :) Firstly nice to meet you all.

    I'm Danielle, 24 from Sunderland. At the moment I'm on disability but I just graduated this year from uni with a degree in psychology. I'm looking to lose around 3 stone I joined MFP a few weeks ago and then got ill so I'm just starting to get back into the gym as of tomorrow. If anyone wants to add me as a friend feel free :)
  • nadipadi
    nadipadi Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Nadine, 20, studying hair and media makeup.
    my goal is too loose weight and tone up by my 21 (march 20th)
  • Hi there... I'm David.

    Not only am I proud Brit but also a very proud Tyke! Apart from that I'm the wrong side 40 BUT the right side of 50 (for now)!

    The goal I'm currently working towards is to get down to 200 lbs and 17% body fat through a combination of cardio, crossfit and strength training. As an ex-project manager I can be quite obsessed with planning and tracking data so I've got my spreadsheets, graphs and what not to help on the journey.

    Other than that there's my better half, Suzanne, our Jack Russell called Tiny and no kids! Yay!

    Feel free to add if you likey!
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    Hello, Im Sam, im 27, studying divinity in Edinburgh.
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    I'm Ali and in the past 11 months I've lost about 4.5 stone! I'm from Bath/just outside and am going off to uni next year. Lovely to see a group of us brits about!
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Hi I'm Emma ... I have been on MFP since January and I am a complete addict !!! I have lost about a stone and a half so far ... Sort of maintaining but would like to lose a few more pounds before Christmas. Im from Bournemouth . It's fab having a Brit group !! Good luck on your various journeys everyone !! X
  • Hi, i'm Toni. i'm 24 and a mother of 2, i'm hoping to lose about 3 stone, starting today!
  • hey im bryanie,18, mum of 1 trying to go to a size 12 in cloths from a size 16 xx
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I am Rich, 28 from Coventry in the West Midlands. I have lost 7.5 stone so far with around 2.5 more to lose.

    Feel free to add me as a friend

  • hi i'm jules i am back on the diet bandwagon finally after having my daughter 15 months ago. I have 3 -3.5 stone to lose, i think 3 stone would be fine and then see how i go from there, maybe a couple of extra pounds!

    oh i am 32 next month. eep.
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Peeps
    Just joined and looking for friends to share motivation etc etc..
    I am 48 and have a back injury from the Army..
    Looking forward to losing some more weight..

    I am also a member of The Biggest Loser Club UK..
  • Hi all!

    I'm from Cheshire, 26, and aiming to loose a couple of stone and tone up.

    Noticed a lot of people from the North West here... is that saying something? Lol!

    Add me for support :)
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member

    I'm a Kiwi by birth, a Scot by ancestry, and am just about to apply for UK Permanent Residency, having lived here for 10 years. Mostly in Scotland, but now in London, via Wales!

    29, and doing this for my career and for me - I'd like to feel body-confident for the first time since I started prep school.
  • Lollops
    Lollops Posts: 85 Member
    Hello everyone! I recently joined, so anyone who needs more support - add me, we can support each other! :drinker:

    I'm hoping to lose at least like 12-15lbs, but my ultimate goal is to lose about 45lbs! It's going to be difficult! <3
  • Hi, I'm James...

    30 yr old yo yo and extreme dieter.. put on a couple of stone in the last year and everytime I get near losing it, something happens to make me lose my motivation and put it back on...

    Anyway, so this is my second day on here.. doing ok so far. I'm Bristol and would like to make some friends to help with motivation...
  • Hello,

    My goal is to get to 10st (140lbs). I have lost a lot of weight successfully before - I had the same goal and I reached it...but unfortunately now I'm starting from higher than ever before. I have only been on here a few weeks, but finding it be fantastic - it makes it really positive and easy to choose to live healthily! Would love some more friends, to motivate and be motivated by, especially UK ones, so please do add me!! :)
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    HI Everyone.

    I'm Hannah, I'm 20 and I'm currently studying Accounting at Leeds.
    I've been on this website for 2 years maybe 3. and i always find my weight bobs up and down.
    But now I have a true reason to lose weight.
    In May 2013 (I know it's along time away but better to lose and maintain) my beautiful sister is getting married and I'm going to be a bridesmaid.
    I want to look good in that dress and not be the chubby one in the wedding photos.
    I already have a gym membership I Just don't use it enough, but i'm hoping that my friends on mfp will keep me accountable! xx