


  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    Hi and thanks for inviting me. I'm afraid I don't have awesome stories and photos to share, though. Actually, I did some canoeing and backpacking back when I was a teenager and loved it. As I'm getting more fit, I'm also starting to re-explore the pastimes that I used to love.

    Right now, I live in upstate New York (not NYC - much further north in the state of New York) in a small city called Oswego. It's right on the southern shore of Lake Ontario and is beautiful in the summer. I live within driving distance of the beautiful gorges in the Finger Lakes and I'm not unreasonably far from the Adirondacks. Winter is always horrible here, but I'm already looking forward to spring. :-)
  • I just joined your fine group. I'm an avid hiker for many years. I'm mostly just a day hiker. Backpacking days are done. I let my self go and am about 60 pounds over weight. I hope to drop it and work my way back to 12-15 mile day hikes.

    I'm my ute... eh? What's a ute?... In my youth, I climbed Mt Whitney 3 times. That would be the ultimate goal but its not on my radar right now.

    I did a 7 miler about two weeks ago in Joshua Tree NP. Saw the first desert bighorn sheep I'd ever seen in the wild. Scratch that one off the bucket list. In SoCal we have desert hikes in the winter and mountain hikes in the summer and beach hikes anytime you like. :happy:
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    Welcome, John! Never been hiking in Cal yet, but would love to get out there sometime within the next couple years.

    Well all, just got back from the Gorge (red river gorge in ky) late last night after a weekend of backpacking and it was incredible...SO hard to come back to the office this morning! Got a bit wind chapped on the peaks, but the weather was dry, the sky blue, and the trail perfect. Fall is my favorite season for hiking there and I always come away inspired and mentally rested. Anyone else get in some good hiking this weekend?
  • Hi all.
    GreenLifeGirl, great idea and thanks for the invite.
    I live in Northern England, and have camped and hiked since I was a nipper, when my Dad used to take me on long walks around our local river.
    Frustratingly injured at the mo, want to get back to fell-running and scaling our bigger and more remote hills in Scotland, especially using my Carawagon Land Rover as a base.
    It has beds, a sink, cooker and even a shower, so I have no excuses.
    But I do prefer to cook outside with a real fire!
    Have recently taken up wood carving to ease the pain of not being able to run, so up to now have made a spoon and a kuska (Finnish for little cup).
    PS How do you post 4 toes?
  • Boo-hoo, can't put pics up, tried image code etc.
    (Pretty please)
    PS Sorry for hijacking the thread /:o(
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Boo-hoo, can't put pics up, tried image code etc.
    (Pretty please)
    PS Sorry for hijacking the thread /:o(

    Hiya FrayedKnot! Try this link for a tutorial on posting images to MFP threads:


    Happy trails always!
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    frayedknot, north england what a beautiful area!

    for posting photos....

    you will need to host your photo on a website so each photo has its own html link. photobucket is a popular site and its free. i just use my google account photo album to host photos. once you have your photo link usually called "image code", place it between these html tags...

    *your photo link.jpg*

    remove astericks and just enter your http://photolink.jpg between ] and [

    ps: here is a link with a bit more help if you need it! = )


    edited to add link
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'm not really a hiker at all. My profile pic is from the top of Haneakela in Maui. The observatory is accessable from car. haha but I'm interested in reading the group threads.
  • NEcamper47
    NEcamper47 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all! I grew up in the Black Hills and romped around there quite a bit as a kid but that was many years and pounds ago. I live in Western Nebraska and I love to camp and am getting back to hiking. I am starting on the local trails and really look forward to hiking in Colorado and Wyoming and of course my beloved Black Hills. Looking forward to hearing all your stories.
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    Welcome, Pat! Would love to see any photos from your hikes! I have a few recent photos on the Trip Reports thread started by Joni. = )
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    I am having hiking withdrawals at the moment. All of the pictures of the mountains are killing me. :( I have recently moved to Kansas but I lived in Colorado for 13 years and Washington state for 10 years and they are both beautiful states with great hiking trails. Rocky Moutain National Park and Longs Peak were my favorite hiking places. My goal is to hike in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Hiking is the best form of exercise and relaxation I can imagine. Kansas is not known for its wonderful hiking so keep me in your thoughts. :)
  • Hi from the Adirondacks! So glad i found you all here! Since i am a total sucker for looking back at my hiking photos (reliving the moment??!!), here are a few snaps of some of my treks over the past year and a half. You'll notice that i am much heavier in my Mount Marcy photo (July 2010) than i am in my Mount Washington photo (July 2011)... I've since gained back around 15 pounds (out of 71 lost) and REALLY need to get back with things. Fortunately, Santa brought me some new snowshoes, so hopefully i have a few winter hikes around the corner... just as soon as we actually get some snow!?!?!! Anyhoo, here are my pics... looking forward to "meeting" you all & hearing about hiking in other parts of the world!


    a pre-hike photo, taken this July (2011)

    my summit photo from Mount Washington!
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    Hello from the Pacific Northwest!. I am addicted to hiking / walking. I quit smoking 1 yr & 7 months ago, and now it has become an addiction to push myself up the steepest hills. I lost 14.6 lbs on my own this year ( gained when I quit smoking) hoping this site will give me the push & motivation I need to be as healthy as I can be. I just set my goal up to hike 500 miles for the year.

    Mount Townsed Fall of 2010 Elevation was just under 7000 ft. Elevation gain was about 4000 ft. in 4 miles
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    I hail from sunny south Florida (trying to figure out pics also) Most of our hiking is relatively flat and "squishy". Squishy is wet areas that can range from muddy to mid-thigh.

    I love the mountains and we try to go up to the Blue Ridge and Appalachians about every other year. My profile pic is actually on Grandfather Mtn in Boone, NC.

    Basically, I just love the outdoors, and will try to find any excuse to get out.
  • StoneColdFoxx
    StoneColdFoxx Posts: 12 Member
    hikers & backpackers is something I look forwards to doing once I have the fitness leaves to fully enjoy it :)
  • Huskychemist
    Huskychemist Posts: 75 Member
    Awesome group! And I love the pictures.

    I'm originally from the Pacific Northwest and grew up hiking/backpacking around Chinook Pass and Mount Rainier. I've also lived in California and done some rock climbing at Joshua Tree and some backpacking in the Sierra Nevada range, along with climbing my first 14'er, Mount Langley.

    I now currently live in Romania and have done some beautiful hikes in the Cuicas, Bucegi and Piatra Craiului areas.

    Below are two pictures. The first is with my son at Cascada Urlatorea. The second is the cabana where we stayed (one night in the cabana, one night in the tent) on a backpack to the Piatra Craiului. (Edit: Pictures re-sized.)


  • Hi,
    I'm new this this website, but have been an outdoor/nature lover since I was a kid. My greatest love is hiking and camping and backpacking, and trail running is a close second. My husband also loves the outdoors and we have a young son, so getting outdoors isn't quite as easy as it once was. But we still manage to make the time - it's either that or go insane with a toddler in his terrible 2s!

    I'm in central Texas, where we don't have tons of public land, but we do have a few nice state parks that I frequent all the time, mostly by myself and often with our son for very short hikes. And I try to get out for a short backpacking trip each spring and fall.

    Glad to have this group!
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    OOhhh, that means your in the hill country. I'm originally from Houston and my sister went to Baylor.

    That is definitely God's country. I really miss the bluebonnets.
  • Hi! Yep I am in the hill country! It's a beautiful place for sure, especially if you don't mind heat (which I don't). After the worst drought in recorded history last summer (pretty much half the state was ready to move to Colorado!), we are having the most beautiful winter you can imagine, thankfully!

    I actually went to grad school in Houston (UH) and we lived in Conroe! I ended up liking it quite a bit. LOVED living so near to the Big Thicket and so many national forests.
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    The thing I dislike the most about South Florida is that the only change in terrain is going below the water level. It's just way too flat. Although (if you look at the pics on my trail food thread) it can be very beautiful as well.