Cain, Did he do it? Does it matter now? Does anyone care?



  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member

    The candidate's individual beliefs, whether they be hypocritical or not, are not a concern to me.

    The next POTUS will more than likely be able to appoint the next SC Justice. If someone can not keep their hands to themselves (especially when it is unwanted) yet they want to dictate what I can do with my body, they have no business being in any kind of power position over the electorate imo.

    I'll skip over the rest because I would go too far OT and I'll save it for another thread ;)

    True. But you don't know that these allegations are true. You don't know that this lady yesterday isn't just looking to cash in on 15 minutes of fame. You can't honestly tell me that you take everything you hear at face value.

    I think the women who slept with Tiger Woods were trying to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame. I still think he slept with them though. I think four women coming out (in one way or another) to say that this man was grossly out of line is more than a coincidence.
    Not that it matters. I think Herman Cain has about as much shot at getting to run in the General Election as I do.

    But only one of those women came out (that lady yesterday). The others were discovered after journalists poured through the NRA's records and discovered these settlements. Those women didn't come forward. They were brought forward by the media, and that chick yesterday, suddenly wanted to file a lawsuit for something that happened 15 years ago, but it didn't seem to bother her at the time.
    I don't know exactly how all of this was brought out in the media. But these women did complain at one point or another. But then again, Cain wouldn't know that would he? He didn't even know they were paid off. *rolleyes* This guy is way out of his league.

    And you think that it is not possible, in a position of power, that someone could make a false complaint against another individual just to get the pay off. As the previous poster stated, very often companies just simply pay the settlement to avoid the costs of defending a top official. I'm not even certain that the NRA investigated the initial claims.

    Of course it is possible. But I find it highly unlikely that all of these claims are false. Not to mention, all of these other men who are running have been in positions of power but they don't have women crawling out of the woodwork to falsely accuse them. I don't think its quite as easy as pointing a finger and getting a big payout, no questions asked.

    I don''t konw what this latest gal is asking for, but the other women received money in the 30-50K range. That is not a lot of money and it was probably the equvilant of their income at the time. It is highly likely that their claims were less of a predatory nature than the ones being made by the woman who as gone public. We have to remember that telling a dirty joke can be seen as sexual harrassment. I think that he had to have known a claim was made against him, but I don't doubt for a second that he may have been unaware of the resolution and he simply may have not known in order to be able to claim later that he never knew....It's called plausible deniability.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    The candidate's individual beliefs, whether they be hypocritical or not, are not a concern to me.

    The next POTUS will more than likely be able to appoint the next SC Justice. If someone can not keep their hands to themselves (especially when it is unwanted) yet they want to dictate what I can do with my body, they have no business being in any kind of power position over the electorate imo.

    I'll skip over the rest because I would go too far OT and I'll save it for another thread ;)

    True. But you don't know that these allegations are true. You don't know that this lady yesterday isn't just looking to cash in on 15 minutes of fame. You can't honestly tell me that you take everything you hear at face value.

    I think the women who slept with Tiger Woods were trying to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame. I still think he slept with them though. I think four women coming out (in one way or another) to say that this man was grossly out of line is more than a coincidence.
    Not that it matters. I think Herman Cain has about as much shot at getting to run in the General Election as I do.

    But only one of those women came out (that lady yesterday). The others were discovered after journalists poured through the NRA's records and discovered these settlements. Those women didn't come forward. They were brought forward by the media, and that chick yesterday, suddenly wanted to file a lawsuit for something that happened 15 years ago, but it didn't seem to bother her at the time.
    I don't know exactly how all of this was brought out in the media. But these women did complain at one point or another. But then again, Cain wouldn't know that would he? He didn't even know they were paid off. *rolleyes* This guy is way out of his league.

    And you think that it is not possible, in a position of power, that someone could make a false complaint against another individual just to get the pay off. As the previous poster stated, very often companies just simply pay the settlement to avoid the costs of defending a top official. I'm not even certain that the NRA investigated the initial claims.

    Of course it is possible. But I find it highly unlikely that all of these claims are false. Not to mention, all of these other men who are running have been in positions of power but they don't have women crawling out of the woodwork to falsely accuse them. I don't think its quite as easy as pointing a finger and getting a big payout, no questions asked.

    Well like I said, only one woman came forward with an accusation. The others were dug up by journalists. Let's keep in mind that these accusations are 15 years old. There have been no complaints against since then. No one that has worked on his radio show has ever complained of inappropriate behavior. Is it impossible to believe that who he was 15 years ago is not the man he is today? Can you honestly say that you are the same person that you were 15 years ago?
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member

    The candidate's individual beliefs, whether they be hypocritical or not, are not a concern to me.

    The next POTUS will more than likely be able to appoint the next SC Justice. If someone can not keep their hands to themselves (especially when it is unwanted) yet they want to dictate what I can do with my body, they have no business being in any kind of power position over the electorate imo.

    I'll skip over the rest because I would go too far OT and I'll save it for another thread ;)

    True. But you don't know that these allegations are true. You don't know that this lady yesterday isn't just looking to cash in on 15 minutes of fame. You can't honestly tell me that you take everything you hear at face value.

    I think the women who slept with Tiger Woods were trying to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame. I still think he slept with them though. I think four women coming out (in one way or another) to say that this man was grossly out of line is more than a coincidence.
    Not that it matters. I think Herman Cain has about as much shot at getting to run in the General Election as I do.

    But only one of those women came out (that lady yesterday). The others were discovered after journalists poured through the NRA's records and discovered these settlements. Those women didn't come forward. They were brought forward by the media, and that chick yesterday, suddenly wanted to file a lawsuit for something that happened 15 years ago, but it didn't seem to bother her at the time.
    I don't know exactly how all of this was brought out in the media. But these women did complain at one point or another. But then again, Cain wouldn't know that would he? He didn't even know they were paid off. *rolleyes* This guy is way out of his league.

    And you think that it is not possible, in a position of power, that someone could make a false complaint against another individual just to get the pay off. As the previous poster stated, very often companies just simply pay the settlement to avoid the costs of defending a top official. I'm not even certain that the NRA investigated the initial claims.

    Of course it is possible. But I find it highly unlikely that all of these claims are false. Not to mention, all of these other men who are running have been in positions of power but they don't have women crawling out of the woodwork to falsely accuse them. I don't think its quite as easy as pointing a finger and getting a big payout, no questions asked.

    Well like I said, only one woman came forward with an accusation. The others were dug up by journalists. Let's keep in mind that these accusations are 15 years old. There have been no complaints against since then. No one that has worked on his radio show has ever complained of inappropriate behavior. Is it impossible to believe that who he was 15 years ago is not the man he is today? Can you honestly say that you are the same person that you were 15 years ago?
    So you do think it is possible that he did all this. And yes, I do think that it matters that he did this, even if it was 15 years ago.

    All of these candidates are going to be vetted by the media (and the DNC, RNC, and anyone else who is running)

    "Kraushaar, 55, a career federal employee and registered Republican who characterizes herself as an independent, currently works as a communications director at the U.S. Treasury Department.

    The release of her name also came after the restaurant association, acting on a request by Kraushaar's lawyer, Joel Bennett, freed her last week from a confidentiality agreement signed when she settled her harassment case against Cain and left the association with a cash payment in June 1999. Bennett on Friday read a statement on behalf of Kraushaar, who alleged the incidents involving Cain were "a series of inappropriate behaviors and unwanted advances from the CEO."

    Bennett on Tuesday offered no further comment, but said he and Kraushaar "stand by the statement issued last Friday."

    It sounds like woman A wanted to make it known that this happened.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I absolutely think he did it, and he is pretty much done.......

    I for one don't care.....I would have voted for Donald Trump....
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I will vote for the first politician that comes out and says, I smoke pot, Sleep with random women like a rock star, I make way too much money, but I am still a ethical person when it comes to my job and I know what I am doing and do it well. That guy will get my vote

    Me, too! :drinker:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I honestly don't care about the candidates personal life (so long as they didn't do something totally horrible like murder, or anything involving a child.) I care more about what they stand for.
    Therefore, I will not vote for Cain, not because of anything in his personal life, but because I really disagree with Conservative values.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    OH! Actually just read the post, and yeah, sexual harassment would be a bad enough thing for me to say "I'm not going to vote for this person."
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    It's irrelevant from a political standpoint. He's not qualified to be President.

    As a citizen, he should be taken to court and then we'll find out.