Welcome RN's! Introduce yourselves!



  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Catherine. I'm a NEW new nurse! I graduated this May and found that job market in TN awful! :frown: I just got a job offer a few days ago working nights at a rehabilitation center and I have a phone interview tomorrow for a part-time cardiac position. My ultimate goal is to end up in the ER (I loved it when I was precepting during school) and to travel nurse in the UK for a few years!

    Healthwise: I want to get down to 200 lbs. It still seems like a lot but I haven't seen that number since middle school so we'll see if my goals get adjusted closer to then! I'm also pretty tall (5'9") so I'm hoping I proportion out well!
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    Hello Everyone

    I just graduated in May. Not yet working as I have not passed my boards. Currently studying and hoping to retest in Dec. Any tips for passing the NCLEX would be greatly appreciated. I precepted on IMCU and loved it hoping I can work there also one of the nearest hospitals just opened a new neuro step down unit so they are trying to staff that. I started MFP at 195 and am now 169 still want to lose about 30lbs. Ive also been diagnosed with PCOS so that makes it a little difficult to lose the weight.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    Hello Everyone

    I just graduated in May. Not yet working as I have not passed my boards. Currently studying and hoping to retest in Dec. Any tips for passing the NCLEX would be greatly appreciated. I precepted on IMCU and loved it hoping I can work there also one of the nearest hospitals just opened a new neuro step down unit so they are trying to staff that. I started MFP at 195 and am now 169 still want to lose about 30lbs. Ive also been diagnosed with PCOS so that makes it a little difficult to lose the weight.

    Sign up for the Hurst Review. It's expensive but worth every penny!
  • LynneGG
    LynneGG Posts: 95 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Lynne and I've been a RN for 18 years now (second career choice for me). I've done a lot of different things in nursing....med/surg, home health, more med/surg on an acute GI floor (pre liver transplants and the like), agency work. It seemed after a couple of years in each position I would start getting bored and wanting to try something new. So 11 years ago I moved to the OR and have not looked back since...its never the same and I'm always learning...I've been able to scrub/circulate just about everything( I was fortunate to be in a Unviersity setting)...tried travel nursing for about1 1/2 years (which I really reallly loved) but my boyfriend(now fiance) was missing me too much...lol. I currently working at a local hospital and we do inpatient and out patient procedure. Its a slower pace than what I expereinced in the University setting. But I'm at the point in my life where I am ready to take a step back and focus more on me(something I've never done before). No matter how bad my days are at work I still LOVE what I do! Now I can handle stress better because I am eating better and actuallly enjoying exercise. This is a journey not a destination..something that has taken me 54 years to figure out!

    Good luck to everyone!

    PS...I forgot to mention I was doing floor nursing at my all time high of 260 lbs....85 lbs ago. I have no idea how I did it! When I started in the OR I slowly(did I say slowly?...lol) lost down to 215. I started in July and have lost 38 lbs so far...I have not lost any weight in almost a month but I am not discouraged...I see and feel the difference in how I move and how my clothes fit.
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 298 Member
    Hi I'm Sam! I've been an RN for going on 3 years now and I've mostly been working in a rehab on evening shift. I am currently working on transitioning to be the director of my floor and I am not used to monday through friday days at all!! Any one out there working those hours?

    I've struggled with my weight all my life. My highest weight was two years ago at 199lbs. I am currently down to 152lbs with a goal of 125 (I'm only 5'2) Its nice to have this group to relate to!!!
  • SweetnessChi
    SweetnessChi Posts: 2 Member

    I'm a cardiac medicine nurse in Canada; have been one for almost 3 years. I'm very happy with my career but have become worried for myself. Every work day I see what's in store for my future if I don't make a change. Despite my heavy weight, I do not have any chronic or acute illnesses, diseases or conditions, yay! However, it's only a matter of time.

    I heard about this myfitnesspal app which helped an acquaintance of mine lose 10 lbs, simply because it was a quick visual way for her to keep track of what she ate, and helped her make adjustments to help her reach her goal. I've downloaded the app to my phone, and I will be using the website; hopefully it will assist me losing some weight.

    At this time, I won't be following a particular diet. I'll just be using common sense i.e. eating healthy and incorporating exercise. I am open to any suggestions you may have!

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Hi, my name is Pam. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the ER for the past 10.5 years and love my job. I have been on this journey since March 2010 and love MFP!

  • navynurse1611
    navynurse1611 Posts: 25 Member
    My name is Melissa and I am an RN in ICU. I have been a nurse for 10 years. I have been on night shift for most of my career and my husband will graduate with his RN in may. I am new to MFP. Looking forward to a fresh start!
  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    Hello! My name is Katharine and I have been an RN for 2.5 years (it's my second career)!
    I work currently in a really cool cardiac stepdown unit. We do heart/lung transplants, LVADs, and the total artificial heart. I love my patients and it's a great floor.
    But... the pay SUCKS down here in virginia beach. So starting January, I am going to our "resource pool." I will float to various units every day, and make twice as much money but no benefits.
    Which is fine, because my husband has benefits.. he's a nurse too! Being married to a nurse is awesome. We met in nursing school and fell in love. I was in an unhappy marriage with 3 kids.. divorced.. and here we are. We have been married for six months and together for 3.5. 5 kids between us (his 2 and my 3).

    I work 12 hour shifts and its hard to work out. And do kid stuff. And relax. And clean. And eat healthy. All on my days off. I am trying to find a balance.

    I am training for my first half marathon, using RunKeeper. I am a member of ww but have fallen off the wagon. I am starting JIllians 30 day shred this week, I am really excited.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi, all! I'm Vanessa, from Utah. I've been an RN for twelve years, the past five on a medical/tele hospital floor. Can't beat the flexibility of nursing though the crazy hours can be hard to take! I worked 50/50 for the past five years with two years of straight nights prior to that to accommodate my family of four kids and hubby! Straight days now, thank goodness!!

    It's nice to see so many nurses on MFP!
  • marnasworld
    marnasworld Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, all ! I have been an RN for 22 years and love the career. It has allowed me to be home with my two boys as a widowed mom. Just getting commited to losing the 30 pounds I gained this year and MFP seems to be just the support team to do it ! Logging the food is a real eye opener to keep me on track. When I get discouraged the success stories boost me~!
    Let's do this:)
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Hi, I'm Mary! I live in Alabama and I've been a RN for 15 years. I've worked med/surg, ICU, critical float, cardiac progressive care, and recently, school nursing. I've been on the site since Feb. '11, and I love it here! I started running, after a 14 year hiatus, in Jan. '11 and I plan to run my first half marathon in April. Look forward to meeting y'all!
  • knurse1987
    knurse1987 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone!! I've been a nurse for about a year and a half now and I love it. I work on a Neuro/Stroke Floor at this time. I wrok three days a week, and I try to get to the gym on the days I work and it is not easy! I do go on my days off too though. I've been a yo-yo dieter for a while now but this time I am ready for a change. I have lost 13 pounds so far and have 20 to go for my short term goal!
  • jap247
    Hi there!
    I have been working in a Neonatal ICU for over 20 years. I work both 12 day and night shifts.....I love the work, but I hate the hours!!!
    BTW...you never get used to it! Like many of my coworkers, I have been plagued with poor health for years...migraines, mood swings, sleep disturbances, exhaustion, weight gain..and more recently crohns, and gluten intolerance.
    I turned 50 this year! A real wake up call...I need to take action now...and fight harder to regain my health! I have always eaten well, and followed good nutrition! I have always been fairly active...but remained overweight. I walk, go to the gym, kayak, cross country ski...and work with horses! I must admit that I felt cheated, betrayed by my body....I didn't get what was going on! And I hated the looks and comments that I got from others offering me diet advice, like just cut out bacon and fries and chips and candy...OMG....I eat healthy...I was eating on average 1400 cal a day...Seriously!!! I don't eat junk, or fast food, or fried foods, or pop, or alcohol, or cookies, or pies....or chips...or pounds of butter or sugar!! I eat good healthy food - fruit, grains, vegetables, lean meats, dairy, eggs, nuts and legumes...I drink water, and tea! I have been gluten free for 6 months now....and no I don't eat Gluten-free products, as they are loaded with calories...
    Anyways, I am done feeling like a victim...I am now doing everything in my power to get fit! I am working with a trainer and nutritionist! I had to increase my caloric intake to 1700 cal/day and increase the hours that I sleep from 5 to 8 hours/night...and guess what...I lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks!! A true break through!!!
    I am looking for serious, like minded people to go on this journey with! So if you are serious, and committed 100% to regaining your health, let me know, maybe we can support each other along this journey!!!
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Sania and I've been a Registered Nurse for nearly 6 years and recently became a Clinical Nurse for General Surgery in the OR. I absolutely love my job! The amazing nurses and surgeons I work with really make it easy for me to jump out of bed and go to work everyday. I work eight 10hour shifts a fortnight, varying from morning and evening shifts. Luckily I haven't had to do night shifts for a while, but I do have to be on call over night every so often which is a pain in the *kitten*!

    So when I'm not at work I try to run on the treadmill as often as I can (that is if I'm not exhasted from being on my feet all day). I also do Jillian Michaels' 30DS and I've started her Killer Buns and Thighs dvd (which hurt my buns and thighs and made me want to kill her... haha). I'm setting small weightloss goals. I initially wanted to see if I could lose 5kg, now that I've done that I'm trying for another 5! I don't really want to give myself a final figure because I'm actually in the healthy range and I don't want to go crazy! I just want to find a weight that I'm happy with and I can manage without having to be really strict with my diet and exercise (this could only exist in some fantasy world, but I'm willing to give it a crack). Anyway, nice to meet you all :)
  • annjj
    annjj Posts: 7 Member
    Hi All, My name is Ann and I have been a nurse for over 30 yrs now. Doing all sorts of things midwifery, home nursing, medical and now Rehab night duty for the last 10 yrs. I love my job but at times it is hard. We deal with others emotions all the time and most times forget about us. Its time for us especially as we have weight to lose and need to live healthier lives. Good luck to you all. Its so good to find this group as I believe no one else quite understands what we do.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Hi! I've been an RN for two years. I work 3 12's day shift, but I'm switching to a new position that is going to be night shift.

    I follow a low calorie diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, poultry, beans, and lots of water.

    I swim and go on the elliptical on my off days!
  • walkinmamma
    walkinmamma Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy from San Diego, CA. I've been a RN for 12 years, having made a career change in my late 30's. All of my clinical work has been in Labor and Delivery and I just love having the honor of sharing people's most special moments.
    I'm currently not working on the floor, but am helping out in the Information Technology Department to configure the computer system we using for documentation. Boy, has that change ever been bad for my body. Granted, no more 12 hours shifts on my feet the entire time, but instead 8 hours on my butt in front of a computer:).
    So, here I am, on MFP, trying to take off what all that deskwork, lack of exercise, and too much snacking has put on.So happy to have found this site! Good luck to you all in 2012.
  • QueenRee
    QueenRee Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I'm a 29 yr old nurse I've been a nurse for 10 yrs lvn in 2001 and rn 2004. I'm currently a wellness director at an assisted living facility. Ive always taken care of others and finally am at a place to commit to taking care of me!
  • tleaf2727
    tleaf2727 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey all! I'm Tiffany. Been a RN for 3 years now on a BUSY cardiac step down unit. Night shift is brutal but I couldn't leave my fellow night girls if they paid me. So I'm here, trying to get back in my college skinny jeans....about 43 lbs from there, but I can do it!