Non-Clean Eaters.

I respect that not everyone wants to eat like this, but I have a couple of people I've friended that like to not only brag about the fact that they eat junk (junk they admit to knowing is bad for them), but they bash clean eaters for not wanting to eat that junk. I've told them before that I respect how they eat and I wouldn't ever try to force them to do differently, in the hope that they'll stop bashing how I eat, but I just get ignored. Should I just ignore them in turn, or am I better off removing that negativity from my feed completely? Has anyone else had the same problem?


  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I don't really have any friends who are like that but I do see it on the message boards. IF they are not helping you meet your goals and annoy you, I think you should remove them.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I don't really have any friends who are like that but I do see it on the message boards. IF they are not helping you meet your goals and annoy you, I think you should remove them.

    Yeah, it's all over the boards, which is why I'm glad we have groups, now.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I think you should remove anyone that isn't beneficial to your MFP experience (even if that means me!). In my opinion, this site is for support, motivation, and getting healthy. It's not like Facebook or MySpace (is that even around anymore?) where you're obligated to certain social courtesies.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I think you should remove anyone that isn't beneficial to your MFP experience (even if that means me!). In my opinion, this site is for support, motivation, and getting healthy. It's not like Facebook or MySpace (is that even around anymore?) where you're obligated to certain social courtesies.

    Good point. It's definitly not you :)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Wow, I have learned a couple things from this site...people canbe so wonderful and also so cruel.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I have removed "friends" that are not supporting me in my journey as I want to give support to others. It's unfortunate that some people feel better about themselves when they are unkind to others.
    I am slowly adding more clean foods to my diet... this is a lifestyle not a diet.
    I am not too active on the boards so much any more as I find it frustrating with too much drama. I add my two cents in when I feel I can add, not take away from the conversation.
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    I've recently had a similar dilemma...
    A few of my very supportive friends eat such processed "health foods". They are great MFP support but their entire diaries are protein bars and powders. Never a veggie in sight! In their pics they look amazing but I wonder whats going on inside. I have tried to leave nice comments about calorie count or protein...but I sometimes want to scream.

    Fortunately I don't have many friends anymore than live off of Cheetos and Diet Coke. Over time they have been weeded out. And I also stay away from the forums. I end up stressed just by watching the drama.
  • darjeelingexpress
    darjeelingexpress Posts: 22 Member
    My mom is this person for me. She does something called Total Body Makeover, and my hat's off to her - it works for her and she's happy and feels satisfied. She gives me all kinds of product recommendations: margarines and artificial sweeteners and coupons for Subway and cheats/tricks for eating fast food and staying on target.

    I've tried to explain to her that I don't really eat that stuff as a matter of course, and she just thinks I'm being contrary for the fun of disagreeing with her. :)

    Edit: and I just joined the group today. So, hi!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    My mom is this person for me. She does something called Total Body Makeover, and my hat's off to her - it works for her and she's happy and feels satisfied. She gives me all kinds of product recommendations: margarines and artificial sweeteners and coupons for Subway and cheats/tricks for eating fast food and staying on target.

    I've tried to explain to her that I don't really eat that stuff as a matter of course, and she just thinks I'm being contrary for the fun of disagreeing with her. :)

    Edit: and I just joined the group today. So, hi!

    My response when people suggest anything artificially sweetened is that I'm allergic or they make me ill. The best part (or worst, I'm not really sure) is that it's true for every sweetener, artificial or natural, except raw sugar and honey, so I'm not actually lying.

    Also, welcome!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Yeah, I was recently in a forum argument with some folks. Apparently, it is a widespread belief that Burger King meals are not disgusting, chemical-laden poison.

    I don't claim to be a 100% clean eater. I'm one of those that strives for homemade, veggie-heavy, and organic if I can, but I'll occasionally get pizza or barbecue or something. I'll even buy or make, very rarely, a gourmet burger with fresh ingredients. But those fast food burgers dripping with ammonia and who knows what else just don't attract me anymore. What really through me is that people on the forums were talking about buying their children fast food meals once or twice a week as a treat. I don't have kids, but I'm disgusted both by the frequency of fast food outings they were talking about and by viewing that poison as a "treat".