OK I started it now you run with it....



  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ummmm, I'd just like to be able to buy jeans at Lane Bryant again to start off (They sell up to 28, and I jumped to a 30 about a year ago...)

    But ULTIMATELY, I want to buy a pair of jeans at Target. YES! TARGET! lol
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Hi I'm Cheryl and want to join your group as I have 100 pounds to lose to get to a normal weight. I find being in a group of people who have the same goals and problems seems to help. I started one month ago and already lost 14 pounds. I know it will take me between one and two years to reach my goal and a lifetime of continued work to stay there. Some of my goals include being less weight than my husband who weighs in the 190's, to be able to wear the size that is appropriate for my height of 5'3"/size 6 or 8, to be in a normal weight range for me which is between 119 and 143 pounds and to look good to my husband. I'm antisocial because I don't want to be seen, I want to be able to go and do things again without fear that someone will see me and judge me.
  • Hi everyone just thought I would say hello:) April of 2010 I was 256 pounds and couldn't fit into any clothes and just had a baby and couldn't even get up and down stairs correctly. I kept giving myself excuses for how I gained so much weight in the first place. I was in total food denial. I also have an autoimmune disease and constantly get infections, I have fibromyalgia, and inflammatory arthritis. The calorie counting has totally helped me lose all of the weight I have so far. I'm only about 20 pounds away from my goal weight but these last 20 are killer:/

    Saw that cantogirl was speaking about breaking up chunks into mini goals. That is how I did it as well. I made sure to add fitness goals in there too. I also gave myself really reasonable time frames to complete each goal.

    and i really freakin want a tummy tuck when i reach my goal weight haha
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Katherarine great job on you weight loss. I heard the last few pounds are the worst to come off, good luck.

    Had a good day today. Went to breakfast with the hubby and Eve. I couldn't finish my omelet, left a 1/4 there. Felt good to stop eating when I was full. Went to a friends house for lunch, good times with good friends. Thats pretty much about it.
    Hope everyone had a good Saturday and see you all tomorrow. :smile:
  • boxnchic
    boxnchic Posts: 44 Member
    Hey everyone, I was very happy to find a group of people that have the same goal as me (100+). Sometimes it feels incredibly overwhelming, and it's great to see on here that people are doing it and it reminds me that my 2 pound loss is "a step in the right direction" rather than an insignificant number in the vast number that is 127 pounds. I have recently turned 30 and gotten engaged, which I's super excited about! Not only am I getting married in less then eleven months but both my fiance's sister and my own brother are also getting married in 2012 - I have a lot of events to look sassy and fabulous for :)

    No but really, as I look towards wanting to start a family shortly after my wedding, this is not the body I want to do it in. I have struggled with my weight since the time I was 12 and like my profile says "enough is enough" I really just want to be done with this and move on to a healthier lifestyle. I'm hoping this site, and this group, with give me the motivation to stick with a program that will help me lose weight and give me the inspiration to address my emotional eating habits for the last time.

    Plan for today:
    1. Make a healthy breakfast
    2. Meal plan for the week
    3. Plan my workouts for the week (making sure to get one in on Turkey Day)
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hey everyone, I was very happy to find a group of people that have the same goal as me (100+). Sometimes it feels incredibly overwhelming, and it's great to see on here that people are doing it and it reminds me that my 2 pound loss is "a step in the right direction" rather than an insignificant number in the vast number that is 127 pounds. I have recently turned 30 and gotten engaged, which I's super excited about! Not only am I getting married in less then eleven months but both my fiance's sister and my own brother are also getting married in 2012 - I have a lot of events to look sassy and fabulous for :)

    No but really, as I look towards wanting to start a family shortly after my wedding, this is not the body I want to do it in. I have struggled with my weight since the time I was 12 and like my profile says "enough is enough" I really just want to be done with this and move on to a healthier lifestyle. I'm hoping this site, and this group, with give me the motivation to stick with a program that will help me lose weight and give me the inspiration to address my emotional eating habits for the last time.

    Plan for today:
    1. Make a healthy breakfast
    2. Meal plan for the week
    3. Plan my workouts for the week (making sure to get one in on Turkey Day)

    Congrats on the engagement! How exciting! :flowerforyou:

    I love your quote "enough is enough"! How true! I think that's what we ALL thought before finally doing something about it! Glad you joined our group! Look forward to seeing LESS of you!
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!

    So CanToGirl mentioned that she broke her weight loss into mini goals. We used to be able to put these mini goals in our signatures, but they removed them in the last few weeks, so I propose you that we post them here to keep us accountable.

    Highest weight (HW) 307 (9 months pregnant)
    MFP Starting weight (ST) 278-June 17, 2011
    1st goal: 250 by 9/10/11 (Cousin's wedding) ***ACHIEVED 8/11/11***
    2nd goal: 225 by 12/21/11 (my Bday) ***ACHIEVED 11/22/11***
    3rd goal: 200 by 2/3/12 (baby Bday)
    4th goal: 175 by 6/12/12 (hubby Bday)
    Ultimate goal: 150 by 12/21/12 (the apocalypse and my Bday, I wanna look good going out!)

    What about you???
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!

    So CanToGirl mentioned that she broke her weight loss into mini goals. We used to be able to put these mini goals in our signatures, but they removed them in the last few weeks, so I propose you that we post them here to keep us accountable.

    Highest weight (HW) 307 (9 months pregnant)
    MFP Starting weight (ST) 278-June 17, 2011
    1st goal: 250 by 9/10/11 (Cousin's wedding) ***ACHIEVED 8/11/11***
    2nd goal: 225 by 12/21/11 (my Bday) ***ACHIEVED 11/22/11***
    3rd goal: 200 by 2/3/12 (baby Bday)
    4th goal: 175 by 6/12/12 (hubby Bday)
    Ultimate goal: 150 by 12/21/12 (the apocalypse and my Bday, I wanna look good going out!)

    What about you???

    new thread for it? I think it's a great idea!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hey everyone,
    How are we all doing??
    Great here. Nothing really exciting going on. Got more christmas light up and ready to shine after Thanksgiving. Between you and me, not really looking forward to dinner on Thanksgiving with the in-laws. Why you ask, because she makes EVERYTHING, yes everything weeks ahead of time and when she re-cooks it, its dry and blah. But I am excited about shopping at midnight. Saturday is my side Thanksgiving and that is a wonderful time and really good food.
    That is all I got.
  • boxnchic
    boxnchic Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks Ali! I like how you broke down your main goal into mini-goals with rewards to go along with them - I think I'm going to borrow that one :)
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Thanks Ali! I like how you broke down your main goal into mini-goals with rewards to go along with them - I think I'm going to borrow that one :)

    Borrow away!!! :wink:
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Today's topic...Where are you going and How far are you traveling for Thanksgiving?

    I'm leaving tonight, going to my hubby's Grandparents until Friday, then to my folks until Sunday, then back home. Doesn't sound too bad until you hear that the whole trip is OVER 400 miles!!!! Over 6 hours in a car with my 9-month old...should be fun!

    What about you?
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Today's topic...Where are you going and How far are you traveling for Thanksgiving?

    I'm leaving tonight, going to my hubby's Grandparents until Friday, then to my folks until Sunday, then back home. Doesn't sound too bad until you hear that the whole trip is OVER 400 miles!!!! Over 6 hours in a car with my 9-month old...should be fun!

    What about you?

    Well, I'm actually having a hard time dealing with not wanting to go to Thanksgiving without my husband tomorrow, but HAVING to go....

    He has to work (which totally sucks! :cry: ) and my mother in law criticized the healthy turkey sausage and mushroom dressing, and green bean casserole I'm bringing, and said she was going to make the "regular" versions also.... :explode:

    So between those two things, I kinda just don't want to go to my in-laws, and just make a turkey breast for the two of us and do Thanksgiving before he goes to work at 4:30, but he wants me to go, bc he wants me to bring him a plate of all the stuff he grew up with.... so I guess I'm going. :grumble:

    It's going to be uncomfortable without him there, and I feel insulted and hurt by my mom in law, but I'm going anyway. :ohwell: :indifferent: :sad: :indifferent: :ohwell:
  • boxnchic
    boxnchic Posts: 44 Member
    Today's topic...Where are you going and How far are you traveling for Thanksgiving?

    I'm leaving tonight, going to my hubby's Grandparents until Friday, then to my folks until Sunday, then back home. Doesn't sound too bad until you hear that the whole trip is OVER 400 miles!!!! Over 6 hours in a car with my 9-month old...should be fun!

    What about you?

    Well, I'm actually having a hard time dealing with not wanting to go to Thanksgiving without my husband tomorrow, but HAVING to go....

    He has to work (which totally sucks! :cry: ) and my mother in law criticized the healthy turkey sausage and mushroom dressing, and green bean casserole I'm bringing, and said she was going to make the "regular" versions also.... :explode:

    So between those two things, I kinda just don't want to go to my in-laws, and just make a turkey breast for the two of us and do Thanksgiving before he goes to work at 4:30, but he wants me to go, bc he wants me to bring him a plate of all the stuff he grew up with.... so I guess I'm going. :grumble:

    It's going to be uncomfortable without him there, and I feel insulted and hurt by my mom in law, but I'm going anyway. :ohwell: :indifferent: :sad: :indifferent: :ohwell:

    I know it's hard when other people don't seem as supportive as you would like them to be. Particularly because losing this weight is hard, and I don't know about you, but I need all the support I can get! MIL's are also hard. I know my MIL-to-be is a traditional german-irish cook - things are often made with high butter, high fat, high carbs, etc. She also happens to be extremely overweight. Sometimes I think she struggles with wanting her son and DIL-to-be to be healtier and maybe being a little jealous that we're doing it. So, how did it end up going?
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Well I survived the weekend. Not with a good ending though. Did the Turkey trot. A 2 mile run/walk and I did both. We finish in 30 mins. Was good with eating all day. Had pie but no crust. So very proud of myself. Me and my in-laws went shopping at 9:30 Thanksgiving night. Lots of walking and standing in line to check out. Stopped for a break and snack at 4 am and all there was, was a cheeseburger and fries. Continued on shopping. Got back home at 9 am. For the heck of it, I stepped on the scale and saw I was up 5 lbs. :sad: :noway: :sad: What the heck?? So with those miserable 5 lbs gain, kinda set the rest of the weekend off bad. So I ate things I was hoping to avoid. But thats life for you and back at it today. I just hope Christmas isn't the same....
    Got the inside and outside of the house all decorated. Very festive here. Hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    I am hoping the 5 pound gain over the weekend is water weight with the salt and not drinking enough fluids. I was not the most controlled eater. Gotta bust butt this week... Water water water water.....
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Well Thank Goodness for my "normal" food. Got back to where I was BEFORE Thanksgiving by just going back to my healthier eating.

    Topic for today...

    Who is your biggest supporter(s)?

    Julie (CanToGirl), we've been best friends since 3rd grade and she is such an inspiration.
    My Hubby-After seeing the success I was having, he started losing weight with me.
    My friend and Co-worker Merry. She got me into a weight-loss challenge where I WON! She "forces" me to walk during lunch.
    EVERYONE of my MPF Friends that brighten my day with their positive comments.
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Well Thank Goodness for my "normal" food. Got back to where I was BEFORE Thanksgiving by just going back to my healthier eating.

    Topic for today...

    Who is your biggest supporter(s)?

    Julie (CanToGirl), we've been best friends since 3rd grade and she is such an inspiration.
    My Hubby-After seeing the success I was having, he started losing weight with me.
    My friend and Co-worker Merry. She got me into a weight-loss challenge where I WON! She "forces" me to walk during lunch.
    EVERYONE of my MPF Friends that brighten my day with their positive comments.

    My biggest supporter(s) are:

    Gerri (horror_hamster). She is my best friend and my maid of honor. She has been verbally kicking my *kitten* and keeping me in line. She listens to me griping and sets me straight. She is the guiding light for my weight loss journey.
    My Fiance - He listens and supports me through everything.
    My Dad - His encouragement and advice have kept me grounded at home, even in the face of delicious Thanksgiving leftovers.
    My MFP friends - The comments and support are very much appreciative and keep me on track.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I know it's hard when other people don't seem as supportive as you would like them to be. Particularly because losing this weight is hard, and I don't know about you, but I need all the support I can get! MIL's are also hard. I know my MIL-to-be is a traditional german-irish cook - things are often made with high butter, high fat, high carbs, etc. She also happens to be extremely overweight. Sometimes I think she struggles with wanting her son and DIL-to-be to be healtier and maybe being a little jealous that we're doing it. So, how did it end up going?

    It went GREAT! My husband ended up getting the day off! NO ONE ate my dressing, but my husband piled it on his plate and didn't touch his mom's. :heart: True love! And the benefit is, we had tons of low-cal dressing left over, so I brought it here for the gals I work with. They loved it. :wink:
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Topic for today...

    Who is your biggest supporter(s)?

    My hubby - Keeps me motivated with our weekly weight loss bet, he's lost 81 so far, and I'm SO pround of him.

    My girls on my FB group that I started (Future Skinny *****:Accountability) - They keep me accountable and I have to lead and set a good example since I created the group, lol.