Slytherin Common Room



  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Sorry, late as had a meeting last night at my theatre!

    CW: 271.3

    3.7 lbs lost.

    320 mins / 2039 cals

    Hope you're all having a good week!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Hi all! Sorry I haven't checked in the past couple weeks....crazy life! No weight gain but no loss either.
    My goal this week is to get to the gym every day(except Sunday)! Also I am going to keep positive in what I look like and what I am doing. I am also doing online classes and my goal is to stay on top of my school work this week!
    It's Tuesday and I am on track to achieve my goals!

    Anyone else have any goals for this week?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    My goal is to finish week 4 of C25K, start on week 5, and do a 3rd day of strength training (I always get in 2 but its hard to make myself do 3 because 2 are with a trainer and the 3rd has to be on my own).

    What are you going to do at the gym?
  • josieup
    josieup Posts: 31 Member
    I am loving this water challenge for NEWTs - I refilled my 32oz water bottle twice today, so that's 12 cups right there!

    Tameko: I do have a heart rate monitor, but I read that this particular brand overestimates calorie burn, so I actually take 2/3 of what it says and enter that (which, in the past month or so, has been matching up pretty close to the MFP estimates, strangely enough). I've never been a runner (ever!) so I haven't thought much about the C25K. Is is something that's smart to begin in the winter, though? I guess I could try it on a treadmill and see how it goes :)
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Josie, I started the c25k on the treadmill and have loved it ever since.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I've never been a runner either - not even a little bit - but its very very doable and you feel so good abotu every week you achieve. The first day is always hard, and then you finish the week and you're finally getting comfortable and you see that the next week has a HUGE super long run and you think "uh no WAY can I run for 3 minutes" --- and then you do it. Its not fast or pretty but you do it and you feel great.

    PS: I just did my first set of kick-plank thingies and they are actually pretty fun and a better workout than I would have thought, BUT they are HORRIBLY painful when you have serious DOMS from stepups and whatever the hell else I did last night that made the entire back of my legs and butt hurt.
  • Shishkeberry
    Shishkeberry Posts: 95 Member
    Hello, everyone! I just realized that MFP had groups...haha, where have I been? Anyway, the hat put me in Slytherin. My name is Mary, I'm 28, and I've lost almost 60lb since May. I've been stalling a lot lately and I just quit smoking five days ago (cold turkey) so I'm hoping that something like this can help me jump start my loss again.

    Speaking of C25K, that's actually why I have finally quit smoking. I tried to start it last week and I felt like I was going to die. I want to be a runner, but I can't be a smoker too. I'm going to try and work on my cardio, increase my walking speed/endurance, and give my lungs some time to heal before I attempt it again.
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    I just joined the group! Any room in this house?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I just joined the group! Any room in this house?

    Ohhhhh snap we have melissa, we will win every single quidditch match, seriously. I remember your killer challenge work against those zombies.
  • Chaosdrone
    MelissaRaeTerry- there is always room for poeple here
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    How is everyone doing on their OWLs and NEWTs so far??

    I am very happy to say that at the beginning of November we were down to only 9 members. As of today, we've doubled our numbers and are up to 18!! :happy:

    And we need to make sure we keep up the awesome numbers we've been having so we can beat Hufflepuff! Don't let them steal our Quidditch cup!!!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I am loving this water challenge for NEWTs - I refilled my 32oz water bottle twice today, so that's 12 cups right there!

    Tameko: I do have a heart rate monitor, but I read that this particular brand overestimates calorie burn, so I actually take 2/3 of what it says and enter that (which, in the past month or so, has been matching up pretty close to the MFP estimates, strangely enough). I've never been a runner (ever!) so I haven't thought much about the C25K. Is is something that's smart to begin in the winter, though? I guess I could try it on a treadmill and see how it goes :)

    Josie - I legit just started C25K today on the tredmill. It wasn't bad at all. I think it may work out better because I don't have to worry about what the weather is outside (I live in New England so it's always changing. haha). Plus, I have a 5K Obstacle Course I need to train for that's in May 2012 and I've never been a runner either. So I'm hoping this is what I need to MAKE me a runner!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm doing really good on water so far (been focusing on it) and I've got 2 days of kicks in. Gonna try and have full owls and newts this week.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I am so bad at drinking water!!! I just forget
  • josieup
    josieup Posts: 31 Member
    All right, you've all convinced me. I've downloaded a couple week 1 podcasts for C25K, and first thing Saturday morning I'm going to find out if I'm coordinated enough to run on a treadmill!

    As for OWLs and NEWTs, I'm doing pretty good on water but haven't even tried the exercise yet - I keep forgetting to clear a space to do it at home and there's no way I'm trying it for the first time at the gym in front of people... I am just that awkward. So maybe tomorrow before zumba I'll push some furniture out of the way and see what I can do.

    My baby brother just got engaged today! It's still top secret until their parents all know, but I figured I'm anonymous enough here to share the news. I swear I've burned extra calories from all the bouncing and giggling I've done with my current sister-in-law and the new SIL-to-be :D
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    yeah! it'll be fun (kind of !)

    I had strength + C25k today so I'm kinda high on the endorphins or whatever ("happy people just don't kill their husbands!")

    Adn I did my kick planks today which gives me 3 days so far (trying to do it while i'm thinking of it because I'll end up forgetting)

    AND I'm a champion of water today. Woo.
  • josieup
    josieup Posts: 31 Member
    Phew, day one of C25K. My face was bright red and I was sweating *a lot* but I finished it all! I'd been planning to finish out the hour doing something else, but I was way too worn out and just went home after, haha. But I figure my endurance will get better eventually!

    I found a Hogwarts character maker thing (like, where you dress up a paper doll with themed clothing) and tried to make myself a Slytherin avatar, but my browser crashed when I tried to printscreen. I might try again later, though - she ended up kind of adorable :)

    Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    We went to the grand opening of the Playground last night - it was AMAZING! half a wagyu burger (that's Japanese beef, not the american kobe beef they sell here) which JUST enough bun to hold onto the meat (which is how I like em) cooked rare, hangar steak with spinach puree, half a pork belly steamed piadina....

    And I had a manhattan, half a whiskey buck, and a small pint (15oz) of cream ale.

    So i tossed 1000 calories on my diary and called it a day.

    That was probably my fun for the weekend - just gotta knock out my last day of C25k week 4 and force myself to do a strength training session even though I really really really really really will not feel like it.

    *edit* Gotta weigh myself tonight and do a 4th set of kick planks too. */edit*
  • josieup
    josieup Posts: 31 Member
    Haha, just tried to do a set of the kick planks, hoping to get one OWL this week, and it did not go well! I'm not so good with the balance and coordination thing, so I could do the kick into the stretch and the plank, but could *not* get out of the plank to get back up! So I managed for or five (very slowly) and gave up. Something about unbending my legs just kept tipping me over!

    So, here's to next week's challenge!