Gryffindor Common Room



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi, Gryffindors! I'm working on getting back into the groove of things. I'm your MFP Hogwarts Headmistress and Head of Gryffindor, for those of you that are new.

    Expect friend requests from me in the next few days so you can stay updated a little easier. You don't have to accept, it won't hurt my feelings, I'm just giving you fair warning :)

    Here is how it works here in Gryffindor:

    And here is the thread for questions and a link to the official rules for the Inter-House Challenges:

    This is a new thread JUST for questions about the whole challenge, but any Gryffindor only questions are totally fine to post here or send me a PM about.

    I hope you're enjoying our newly remodeled Castle and Common Room :)
  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    hi! i'm interested in being a gryffindor, if you'll have me! (:
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    CW: 152.6
    GW: 150
    OWLS/NEWTS: 20
    HP: 100

    Lost the bit I gained last week...yay! :)
  • checking in:

    current weight: change because im a woman ;) ugh. lol.
    now owls or newts yet because i just started and im trying to figure all this out.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi, Gryffs! Here's another quick Prefect announcement. I'm going to do my best to be back on schedule (or ahead) next week. Thank you so much for being patient with me during this rough patch in my life. It means so much to know you guys have my back :)

    Prefects this week are:

    Tbelivea (for weight loss) and Jls1661 (for Owls & Newts)!

    Great job, ladies! I'm so proud!

    **I'm also in the process of revamping how we earn OWLs and NEWTs to even the playing field for those of us that don't have lots of time to work out. I don't want to belittle the work you all do, I just want to possibly add some more options of things we can keep track of to motivate us. If you have suggestions, feel free to share!
  • CW: 230
    GW (by end of month): 225
    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 0
    HP: 273
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Man, sorry for the HUGE delay this week, but here's the OWLs & NEWTs for November Week 4:

    (Starting after check-in between 11/18-11/21
    and ending with check-in between 11/25-11/28)

    OWL (exercise): Push ups! If you need a modified version (don't feel bad, that's me!), here's a link:

    You earn 1 OWL for every push up you complete. No limit, so rack 'em up, Gryffs, as usual!

    NEWT (food): Since Thanksgiving in the US this week, let's do something with that! I'm not one to avoid indulging at special occasions, but sometimes it's best. And when indulging can't be avoided, working it off with exercise is a good option.

    The challenge this week is to either pick one aspect of Thanksgiving dinner that you normally overindulge in and challenge yourself to pick an alternative for it OR overindulge, but purposefully exercise before or after your dinner to make up for your biggest indulgence.

    So, if your holiday weakness is dessert, delicious sides or too much turkey: go easy on it, pick a healthy alternative, or figure out what the calories for that one aspect would be and do some exercise to make it up.

    If you don't already plan to work off your whole dinner, just stick to the one thing about Thanksgiving that gives you the most trouble and try to build a new habit out of it. But still enjoy yourself! I never think it's necessary to go without, but moderation and pre-planning are a big help in our lifestyle changes!

    If you do any part of this challenge, you earn 5 NEWTs for the week. If you're not in the US, you can take this approach with any of your meals this week, or purposely work out/make a healthier version of a favorite indulgence to add to your diet this week.

    This is also posted in the November blog here:

    ***Remember to double check the dates for this challenge! Don't start early and lessen your progress for the current week!
  • belleforte
    belleforte Posts: 20 Member
    Newbie Checking in!

    CW: 158.2
    1 month goal: 154

    Haven't accumulated any HP, OWLS or NEWTS yet, being new.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Weight lost, 1.2 lbs, CW - 183.0

    I think I have 1 spirit point, for 1 OWL

    90 minutes of exercise.

    Time for my nap
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Oh, and I just read bronwenhilary's post about the new counting system.

    No more spirit points...OWLS and it.
  • j_hark1022
    j_hark1022 Posts: 43 Member
    Checking in! I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not taking advantage of all the extra time I have to exercise, I hope to finally get back on track, three weeks of no loss is a bit of a wake up call.

    CW: 206
    OWLS: 100
    NEWTS: 10
    HP: 60
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Check in!

    HP: 800

    I really gotta get going on those OWLS, not sure why I have been slacking.
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning Gryffindors! Checking in!
    cw- 165.2
    OWLS- 0
    I didn't do so well with thepoints this week, I will do better this coming week! Bring on the pushups! I suck at them, but I hope this week will make me better at them!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    cw: 286.4 (no change! :mad: )
    OWLS: 100
    NEWTS: 25
    HP: 635
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    This week was a pretty rough one for me on the fitness front. I'm slowly starting to snap out of it and get back into things. It's bad timing being Thanksgiving this week, but it's also good in a way. Thanks for being so patient with me, guys. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

    Despite being a crappy first part of the week, I'm still down .6 lbs!

    CW: 254.2
    HP: 0
    OWLs: 0
    NEWTs: 0

    I'm planning to keep myself balanced and as active as possible over the holidays, so wish me luck to stick to my plan! :)
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Weight lost, 1.2 lbs, CW - 183.0

    I think I have 1 spirit point, for 1 OWL

    90 minutes of exercise.

    Time for my nap

    Uhh...definitely time for my nap, I post on the wrong thread! :laugh:
  • bobs_god
    bobs_god Posts: 85 Member
    First check in for me

    CW: 199 :)

    No Owls or Newts yet but next weeks checkin with have loads (I hope) bring on the challenge!
  • First check in -

    CW = 153 (lost 1 lb since last week = was 154)
    NEWTS = 10 (planned ahead 2 days)
    HP = 200
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    Good Morning, Gryffindor :D

    Last Monday: 155.2 lbs
    Today: 153.4 lbs
    Newts: 0 points
    Owls: 0 Points
    House Points: Monday, Nov 14th to Sunday, Nov 20th totalled 331 Minutes = 331 Points
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    Also, WOOHOO at being prefect again :D *does happy dance*