Ravenclaw Common Room



  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    I always thought it didn't matter when you reach your goal, as long as you reach it and maintain it. I can't wait for a break from work. Two more days!
  • Hi, Ravenclaws! House newbie, here. *wave* I'm glad to have this challenge to keep me on track and give me a goal to shoot for.

    A little bit about me -- I started down the path of a new, healthier lifestyle in January, and have been on MFP since February. In that time I have lost 31 lbs. I go to the gym four times a week for cross training, but my favorite activity is cycling. I do 30 mins./day six days/week with my bike on a trainer, and try to swim a couple of times a week, too. My goal is a 2012 filled with some beautiful and challenging organized bike rides, including my first century (100 miles) in over 20 years. Some days it feels like I will never get there, but I keep on pushing!

    My starting weight is 192.6 as of this morning.

    It's great to meet everyone!
  • Happy Tuesday everyone!

    Busy week at work...so much to do to get ready for Christmas.

    I hope you all have a good day :o)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thanks for sending me the wonderful flower arrangement Penny! :laugh:

    Sami - we're both so close! I think we can BOTH make it to 150 for the final Nov weigh in!! Good luck!

    Craft - good luck on reaching your goal! 100 pounds in a year would be AMAZING!

    kimeister - Welcome to Ravenclaw! There's a link on my profile (just click on my picture) for the November challenge details. I'll update my profile each month with a new link so everyone can find it easily. Basically, for the inter-house challenge we track weight loss and minutes of exercise each week. Weigh-in is each weekend any time from Friday to Monday. Choose your weigh in day and post your stats on the same day each week so that you are consistently reporting for 7 days. The November challenge will end and the December challenge will begin next weekend.

    We also have in-house food, exercise and spirit challenges to earn OWLs. Whoever earns the most OWLs becomes a Prefect for the week, as does the person who loses the highest weight percentage. Prefects get to choose the food and exercise challenges. This week's challenges are:
    November Week 4 House Challenges
    Food: In the states, this is the week of the Thanksgiving holiday - typically filled with lots of good food and overeating. So, the food challenge this week is to make sure that for each meal or plate you have be sure to have a portion of healthy veggies with it. That way you'll fill up with healthier food rather than just stuffing yourself. (thank you Korkster for this challenge) **Note: the USDA recommends that you fill 1/2 of your plate with fruits and veggies and 1/2 with protein and grains.

    Exercise: Since this will be a busy week for many of us, the exercise challenge is the make sure you fit at least 1/2 hour of some kind of exercise into each day even if you don't have time for a full workout. For instance, if you'll be visiting with friends and family all day or spending Thanksgiving on the couch watching football, try doing 6 5-minute bursts throughout the day or taking 3 10-minute walks.

    OK everyone - going to rest my eye. Surgery went well, but the vision is blurry this morning and the eyeball aches. Will check back later today. Have a wonderful Tuesday!!
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday. :)

    Current weekly update:
    Exercise: 2
    Food: 2
    Spirit: 2
    House Points: 61!

    I have felt sick most of today with a head cold. I hope it goes away.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    sorry! can i count my weight today instead of yesterday? I'm 176.6 now :) and i don't have any house points, I've had to just stick to my eating really well because i don't have time to exercise right now i just got a new internship
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    sorry! can i count my weight today instead of yesterday? I'm 176.6 now :) and i don't have any house points, I've had to just stick to my eating really well because i don't have time to exercise right now i just got a new internship
    Sorry - weigh in cutoff is Mondays - but this will put you in the right direction for next week!! :D
    Thanks for the update on your house point status. I'll put you in the "excused" category.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Welcome, kimeister! Great to have you with us, and good luck on your 2012 goals!

    And good luck to craft, too! We'll all be cheering you along!

    And finally, YAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUE!!! Hope you get to do something wonderful this week to enjoy it! Oh, and of course we'll be thinking of you through the surgery. Get home quick to enjoy your movie time. :):flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes guys! That's what makes Ravenclaw the best house ever!!

    Here are the November week 3 results:
    psb13 is our top OWL earner - with 19 OWLs!! Great work Penny!
    And one of our newest Ravenclaws is our top weight loser: Addeyfit lost 2.98% (7 pounds!!)

    Congratulations to this weeks Prefects! :drinker: Penny, please send me a food challenge for next week by Thursday and Addey, please send me an exercise challenge.

    Well done everyone! Good luck to the Americans among us (and anyone else who celebrates a holiday this week) - enjoy your Thanksgiving meal in a healthy way this year!

  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    One more day of work until the holidays! YAY! Good thing too, I'm starting to get the boredom munchies at work.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi there Ravenclaws hope that everyone is having a good week so far, just curious as to what these challenges were for this week, I am working on building up my house points. :)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    for those of you who are on my friends list you know that it's been a rough couple of days. my husband was admitted to the hospital yesterday with fever of 104.5. no hp or owls yet this week, on the other hand, my eating hasn't been bad-mostly related to no time to eat. just called to check on him. sounds like he had a good night, no fever and got some rest. i'm heading back to work today to take care of other women's sick husbands :tongue: !! i also got some good rest last night so i'm ready to take on the day!!! hope the rest of you are also!!!
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    I worked on a term paper last night, so no exercise. I did get some veggies in though! I have a head cold or something. It sucks. :(
  • Just checking in today! First day of snow, so traffic was horrible, I was a little late getting into work.

    Have a safe day everyone!

    Penny - I'm glad things are looking up for your husband. I'll keep sending good thoughts :flowerforyou:

    PS - I'm so honored to be Prefect this week :smile: :blushing:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    :(- sorry Ravenclaws but it looks like I'm out. I broke my ankle (in 2 different places) on my run yesterday morning. Trying the whole caste thing but doctor said be prepared for surgery . . . so that's even longer . . . I'm really trying NOT to go to a bad place in my mind- but this REALLY sucks!!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi there Ravenclaws hope that everyone is having a good week so far, just curious as to what these challenges were for this week, I am working on building up my house points. :)
    To find out what the current challenges are at any time, go to my profile and look for the link to the challenges (at the top in "About Me"). Copy and paste the link into the address bar - that will take you to the current month's blog. The 3rd section down (separated by a row of ********) will be the current week's challenges.

    Penny, I'm glad your hubby (and you :smile: ) had a good night last night. Hang in there!

    And Tori - that really sucks. I hope your ankle heals quickly with no complications. Remember, all of us Ravenclaws are sending you good thoughts - and we'll miss you! :cry: Feel free to drop in and visit and when you're all healed and ready to jump back in, you'll be more than welcome. Take care of you. :flowerforyou:

    Oh yeah - almost forgot - RAVENCLAW WON THE QUIDDITCH MATCH LAST WEEK!! Great job everyone!!

    Ravenclaw won this weeks Quidditch Match! Way to go, Eagles!!! (Gryffindor was a close second, tho! Yay, Lions!

    But Slytherin is ahead overall for the Quidditch Cup! Congrats, Serpents!

    And Hufflepuff is still in the lead for the House Cup. Super work, Badgers!

    Let's show Thanksgiving who's boss and finish out November on a high note, Hogwarts! Have a great week!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I started a thread for all of us to all share our favorite HP clips and just wanted to post a link to the thread in case any of you have a clip you'd like to share with the rest of Hogwarts.

  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Ravenclaws!

    Mom and I went shopping last night for the salads we're bringing to the feast. Mom's making a pea salad and I'm bringing a spinach and cranberry salad- something light to balance the day.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving! And I just want to say that I am so very thankful to be part of this wonderful group. You all inspire me every day!! :flowerforyou:
  • OMGosh it's soo busy I almost forgot my daily check-in!

    This time of year is insane at work... I wonder how much weight I would loose if I pulled out all my hair...LOL:laugh: